2024-02-19 10:32:55 +01:00

15 lines
883 B

{% if tags is iterable and tags is not empty %}
<ul class="tags{{ listClass|default("") }}">
{% for tag in tags %}
<li class="chip">
<a class="chip-label" href="{{ path('tag_entries', {'slug': tag.slug}) }}">{{ tag.label }}</a>
{% if withRemove is defined and withRemove == true %}
{% set current_path = path(app.request.attributes.get('_route'), app.request.attributes.get('_route_params')) %}
<a class="chip-action" href="{{ path('remove_tag', {'entry': entryId, 'tag': tag.id, redirect: current_path}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'entry.confirm.delete_tag'|trans|escape('js') }}')">
<i class="material-icons vertical-align-middle">delete</i>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}