- Update SchebTwoFactorBundle to version 3
- Enable Google 2fa on the bundle
- Disallow ability to use both email and google as 2fa
- Update Ocramius Proxy Manager to handle typed function & attributes (from PHP 7)
- use `$this->addFlash` shortcut instead of `$this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add`
- update admin to be able to create/reset the 2fa
Useful for api client which required some information.
We might add more inside them in the future.
The endpoint /api/version should be avoided now as it contains not so much information rather the version.
Thanks to the BC compatibility, almost nothing have to be changed.
All changes are related to new bundle version of:
- SensioFrameworkExtraBundle
- DoctrineFixturesBundle
I've added a toggle feature (in internal settings) so that user api creation can be disabled while form registration still can be enabled.
Also, the /api/user endpoint shouldn't require authentication. Even if we check the authentication when sending a GET request, to retrieve current user information.
I've moved all the internal settings definition to config to avoid duplicated place to define them.
I don't know why we didn't did that earlier.