First, the setParameter() were done on the same parameter which in fact
just duplicated the condition in the SQL query (like `where t.label =
'test' and t.label = 'test'`.
Changed the parameter doesn't help because the query was then wrong.
Changing the way to match associated tags for an entry and it worked.
This date is used to sort starred entries.
Can not use Entry::timestamps method otherwise starred_at will be updated each time entry is updated.
Add an updateStar method into Entry class
A migration script has been added in order to set starred_at field.
The PATCH method for the entry should only update what user sent to us and not the whole entry as it was before.
Also, sending tags when patching an entry will now remove all current tags & assocatied new ones.
It is not aimed to test if we can get the full article (since we aren't using real login/password)
but mostly to test the full work (with authentication, etc.)
Do not clean fixtured to avoid SQLite to re-use id for entry tag relation 😓
Listing entries can now be filtered by “public”.
Creating or patching an entry can now set is to public or remove the public.
Entry response now include “is_public” boolean field
Instead of saving the value of each field right into the content without any validation, it seems better to validate them.
This might sounds obvious now we say that.
While creating a new user using the API, we also create a new client for the current user.
So the app which just create the user can use its newly created client to configure the app.
That new client is only return after creating the user.
When calling the endpoint /api/user to get user information, the new client information won’t be return.
When parsing content to retrieve images to save locally, we only check for the content-type of the image response.
In some case, that value is empty.
Now we’re also checking for the first few bytes of the content as an alternative to detect if it’s an image wallabag can handle.
We might get higher image supports using that alternative method.