This is just a simple proxy because we can't lazy load RabbitMQ service just to count number of messages in the queue.
As they are automatically injected in the controller now, we can't lazy load them.
Also forgot to use `AbstractController` in previous PR about _controller as a service_.
Mostly using autowiring to inject deps.
The only tricky part was for import because all producer use the same class and have a different alias. So we must write them down in the service definition, autowiring doesn't work in that case.
- if a controller has a constructor, it means injected services are at least re-used once in actions
- otherwise, service are injected per action
Looks like parameter for the `->dispatch(` have been flipped (event first then event name).
Define events should now extends `Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event`
- disable autowiring for Event (because the Entry entity was injected)
- rename `getClient()` for test to `getTestClient()` to avoid error while overriding (from `BrowserKitAssertionsTrait`)
As baggy theme was removed and material is the only remaining theme, we don't need a theme switched anymore.
- move all `*.twig` files from the material theme folder to the root
- remove useless translations
Thanks to the BC compatibility, almost nothing have to be changed.
All changes are related to new bundle version of:
- SensioFrameworkExtraBundle
- DoctrineFixturesBundle
Add a new helper to set a default title when it's empty:
1/ use basename part of entry's path, if any
2/ or use domain name
Signed-off-by: Kevin Decherf <>
This date is used to sort starred entries.
Can not use Entry::timestamps method otherwise starred_at will be updated each time entry is updated.
Add an updateStar method into Entry class
A migration script has been added in order to set starred_at field.
Objects are always passed by reference, so it doesn't make sense to
return an object which is passed by reference as it will always be the
same object. This change makes the code a bit more readable.
It could have been used if we set the current page inside PreparePagerForEntries.
But we did that in each controller because we can have an OutOfRangeCurrentPageException