mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 22:52:39 +00:00
Fix TwigCS issues
This commit is contained in:
60 changed files with 290 additions and 298 deletions
@ -48,4 +48,4 @@ jobs:
run: "php bin/phpstan analyse --no-progress --error-format=checkstyle | cs2pr"
- name: "Run TwigCS"
run: "php bin/twigcs --severity=error --display=blocking --reporter checkstyle src/ | cs2pr"
run: "php bin/twigcs --severity=error --display=blocking --reporter checkstyle app/ src/ | cs2pr"
@ -12,17 +12,17 @@
<div class="row">
<div class="div_tabs col s12">
<ul class="tabs">
{% for section in sections | craue_sortSections %}
<li class="tab col s12 m6 l3"><a href="#set-{{ section }}">{{ section | trans({}, 'CraueConfigBundle') }}</a></li>
{% for section in sections|craue_sortSections %}
<li class="tab col s12 m6 l3"><a href="#set-{{ section }}">{{ section|trans({}, 'CraueConfigBundle') }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% for section in sections | craue_sortSections %}
{% for section in sections|craue_sortSections %}
<div id="set-{{ section }}" class="col s12">
{% for setting in form.settings if setting.vars.value.section == section %}
{{ form_row(setting.value, {
'label': setting.vars.value.name | trans({}, 'CraueConfigBundle'),
'label': setting.vars.value.name|trans({}, 'CraueConfigBundle'),
}) }}
{% endfor %}
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
<button class="btn waves-effect waves-light" type="submit" name="action">
{{ 'modify_settings' | trans({}, 'CraueConfigBundle') }}
{{ 'modify_settings'|trans({}, 'CraueConfigBundle') }}
{{ form_widget(form._token) }}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{% trans_default_domain 'FOSUserBundle' %}
{{ form_start(form, { 'action': path('fos_user_change_password'), 'attr': { 'class': 'fos_user_change_password' } }) }}
{{ form_start(form, {'action': path('fos_user_change_password'), 'attr': {'class': 'fos_user_change_password'}}) }}
<div class="card-content">
<div class="row">
{{ form_widget(form) }}
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
{% endif %}
<div class="card-action center">
<a href="{{ path('homepage') }}" class="waves-effect waves-light btn">{{ 'security.register.go_to_account'|trans({},'messages') }}</a>
<a href="{{ path('homepage') }}" class="waves-effect waves-light btn">{{ 'security.register.go_to_account'|trans({}, 'messages') }}</a>
{% endblock fos_user_content %}
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
<div class="row">
{{ form_widget(form._token) }}
{% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get('notice') %}
<span class="black-text"><p>{{ flashMessage }}</p></span>
{% for flash_message in app.session.flashbag.get('notice') %}
<span class="black-text"><p>{{ flash_message }}</p></span>
{% endfor %}
<div class="input-field col s12">
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
<div class="row">
<p>{{ 'security.resetting.description'|trans({}, "messages") }}</p>
{% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get('notice') %}
<span class="black-text"><p>{{ flashMessage }}</p></span>
{% for flash_message in app.session.flashbag.get('notice') %}
<span class="black-text"><p>{{ flash_message }}</p></span>
{% endfor %}
{% if invalid_username is defined %}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{% trans_default_domain 'FOSUserBundle' %}
{{ form_start(form, { 'action': path('fos_user_resetting_reset', {'token': token}), 'attr': { 'class': 'fos_user_resetting_reset' } }) }}
{{ form_start(form, {'action': path('fos_user_resetting_reset', {'token': token}), 'attr': {'class': 'fos_user_resetting_reset'}}) }}
<div class="card-content">
<div class="row">
{{ form_widget(form) }}
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
<script>Materialize.toast('{{ error.messageKey|trans(error.messageData, 'security') }}', 4000)</script>
{% endif %}
{% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get('notice') %}
<script>Materialize.toast('{{ flashMessage }}')</script>
{% for flash_message in app.session.flashbag.get('notice') %}
<script>Materialize.toast('{{ flash_message }}')</script>
{% endfor %}
<div class="row">
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% block scripts %}
<script src="{{ asset('bundles/fosjsrouting/js/router.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ path('fos_js_routing_js', { callback: 'fos.Router.setData' }) }}"></script>
<script src="{{ path('fos_js_routing_js', {callback: 'fos.Router.setData'}) }}"></script>
{% endblock %}
<title>{% block title %}{% endblock %} – wallabag</title>
@ -82,9 +82,9 @@
<fieldset class="w500p inline">
<div class="row">
<h3>{{ 'config.form_settings.android_configuration'|trans }}</h3>
<a href="wallabag://{{ app.user.username }}@{{ wallabag_url }}">{{ 'config.form_settings.android_instruction' | trans }}</a>
<a href="wallabag://{{ app.user.username }}@{{ wallabag_url }}">{{ 'config.form_settings.android_instruction'|trans }}</a>
<img id="androidQrcode" alt="{{ 'config.otp.app.qrcode_label' | trans }}" />
<img id="androidQrcode" alt="{{ 'config.otp.app.qrcode_label'|trans }}" />
document.getElementById('androidQrcode').src = jrQrcode.getQrBase64('wallabag://{{ app.user.username }}@{{ wallabag_url }}');
@ -479,22 +479,22 @@
<p>{{ 'config.reset.description'|trans }}</p>
<a href="{{ path('config_reset', { type: 'annotations'}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'config.reset.confirm'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="waves-effect waves-light btn red">
<a href="{{ path('config_reset', {type: 'annotations'}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'config.reset.confirm'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="waves-effect waves-light btn red">
{{ 'config.reset.annotations'|trans }}
<a href="{{ path('config_reset', { type: 'tags'}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'config.reset.confirm'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="waves-effect waves-light btn red">
<a href="{{ path('config_reset', {type: 'tags'}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'config.reset.confirm'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="waves-effect waves-light btn red">
{{ 'config.reset.tags'|trans }}
<a href="{{ path('config_reset', { type: 'archived'}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'config.reset.confirm'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="waves-effect waves-light btn red">
<a href="{{ path('config_reset', {type: 'archived'}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'config.reset.confirm'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="waves-effect waves-light btn red">
{{ 'config.reset.archived'|trans }}
<a href="{{ path('config_reset', { type: 'entries'}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'config.reset.confirm'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="waves-effect waves-light btn red">
<a href="{{ path('config_reset', {type: 'entries'}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'config.reset.confirm'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="waves-effect waves-light btn red">
{{ 'config.reset.entries'|trans }}
@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
<p>{{ 'config.otp.app.two_factor_code_description_4'|trans }}</p>
{% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get("two_factor") %}
{% for flash_message in app.session.flashbag.get("two_factor") %}
<div class="card-panel red darken-1 black-text">
{{ flashMessage|trans }}
{{ flash_message|trans }}
{% endfor %}
@ -19,20 +19,20 @@
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% set currentRoute = app.request.attributes.get('_route') %}
{% if currentRoute == 'homepage' %}
{% set currentRoute = 'unread' %}
{% set current_route = app.request.attributes.get('_route') %}
{% if current_route == 'homepage' %}
{% set current_route = 'unread' %}
{% endif %}
{% set listMode = app.user.config.listMode %}
{% set list_mode = app.user.config.listMode %}
<div class="results">
<div class="nb-results">{{ 'entry.list.number_on_the_page'|transchoice(entries.count) }}</div>
<div class="pagination">
<a href="{{ path('switch_view_mode') }}"><i class="listMode-btn material-icons md-24">{% if listMode == 0 %}list{% else %}view_module{% endif %}</i></a>
<a href="{{ path('switch_view_mode') }}"><i class="listMode-btn material-icons md-24">{% if list_mode == 0 %}list{% else %}view_module{% endif %}</i></a>
{% if app.user.config.feedToken %}
{% include "@WallabagCore/themes/common/Entry/_feed_link.html.twig" %}
{% endif %}
{% if currentRoute in ['unread', 'starred', 'archive', 'untagged', 'all'] %}
<a href="{{ path('random_entry', { 'type': currentRoute }) }}"><i class="btn-clickable material-icons md-24 js-random-action">casino</i></a>
{% if current_route in ['unread', 'starred', 'archive', 'untagged', 'all'] %}
<a href="{{ path('random_entry', {'type': current_route}) }}"><i class="btn-clickable material-icons md-24 js-random-action">casino</i></a>
{% endif %}
<i class="btn-clickable download-btn material-icons md-24 js-export-action">file_download</i>
<i class="btn-clickable filter-btn material-icons md-24 js-filters-action">filter_list</i>
@ -43,14 +43,14 @@
{% for entry in entries %}
<div id="entry-{{ entry.id|e }}" class="{% if listMode == 0 %}entry{% else %}listmode entry{% endif %}">
<h2><a href="{{ path('view', { 'id': entry.id }) }}" title="{{ entry.title|e|raw }}">{{ entry.title | striptags | truncate(80, true, '…') | default('entry.default_title'|trans) | raw }}</a></h2>
<div id="entry-{{ entry.id|e }}" class="{% if list_mode == 0 %}entry{% else %}listmode entry{% endif %}">
<h2><a href="{{ path('view', {'id': entry.id}) }}" title="{{ entry.title|e|raw }}">{{ entry.title|striptags|truncate(80, true, '…')|default('entry.default_title'|trans)|raw }}</a></h2>
{% set readingTime = entry.readingTime / app.user.config.readingSpeed * 200 %}
{% set reading_time = entry.readingTime / app.user.config.readingSpeed * 200 %}
<div class="estimatedTime">
<span class="tool reading-time">
{% if readingTime > 0 %}
{{ 'entry.list.reading_time_minutes'|trans({'%readingTime%': readingTime|round}) }}
{% if reading_time > 0 %}
{{ 'entry.list.reading_time_minutes'|trans({'%readingTime%': reading_time|round}) }}
{% else %}
{{ 'entry.list.reading_time_less_one_minute'|trans|raw }}
{% endif %}
@ -64,20 +64,20 @@
<ul class="tools links">
<li><a href="{{ entry.url|e }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="{{ 'entry.list.original_article'|trans }} : {{ entry.title|e }}"><span>{{ entry.domainName|removeWww }}</span></a></li>
<li><a title="{{ 'entry.list.toogle_as_read'|trans }}" class="tool icon {% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}archive-off{% else %}archive{% endif %}" href="{{ path('archive_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><i class="material-icons md-24 vertical-align-middle">check</i><span>{{ 'entry.list.toogle_as_read'|trans }}</span></a></li>
<li><a title="{{ 'entry.list.toogle_as_star'|trans }}" class="tool icon {% if entry.isStarred == 0 %}fav-off{% else %}fav{% endif %}" href="{{ path('star_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><i class="material-icons md-24 vertical-align-middle">star_rate</i><span>{{ 'entry.list.toogle_as_star'|trans }}</span></a></li>
<li><a title="{{ 'entry.list.delete'|trans }}" class="tool icon" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'entry.confirm.delete'|trans|escape('js') }}')" href="{{ path('delete_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><i class="material-icons md-24 vertical-align-middle">delete</i><span>{{ 'entry.list.delete'|trans }}</span></a></li>
<li><a title="{{ 'entry.list.toogle_as_read'|trans }}" class="tool icon {% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}archive-off{% else %}archive{% endif %}" href="{{ path('archive_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}"><i class="material-icons md-24 vertical-align-middle">check</i><span>{{ 'entry.list.toogle_as_read'|trans }}</span></a></li>
<li><a title="{{ 'entry.list.toogle_as_star'|trans }}" class="tool icon {% if entry.isStarred == 0 %}fav-off{% else %}fav{% endif %}" href="{{ path('star_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}"><i class="material-icons md-24 vertical-align-middle">star_rate</i><span>{{ 'entry.list.toogle_as_star'|trans }}</span></a></li>
<li><a title="{{ 'entry.list.delete'|trans }}" class="tool icon" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'entry.confirm.delete'|trans|escape('js') }}')" href="{{ path('delete_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}"><i class="material-icons md-24 vertical-align-middle">delete</i><span>{{ 'entry.list.delete'|trans }}</span></a></li>
{% if (entry.previewPicture is null or listMode == 1) %}
{% if (entry.previewPicture is null or list_mode == 1) %}
<ul class="card-entry-tags">
{% for tag in entry.tags %}
<li><a href="{{ path('tag_entries', {'slug': tag.slug}) }}">{{ tag.label }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
<p {% if listMode == 1 %}class="hide"{% endif %}>{{ entry.content|striptags|slice(0, 300) }}…</p>
<p {% if list_mode == 1 %}class="hide"{% endif %}>{{ entry.content|striptags|slice(0, 300) }}…</p>
{% else %}
<ul class="card-entry-labels">
{% for tag in entry.tags | slice(0, 3) %}
{% for tag in entry.tags|slice(0, 3) %}
<li><a href="{{ path('tag_entries', {'slug': tag.slug}) }}">{{ tag.label }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
@ -92,25 +92,25 @@
<!-- Export -->
<aside id="download-form">
{% set currentTag = null %}
{% set current_tag = null %}
{% if tag is defined %}
{% set currentTag = tag %}
{% set current_tag = tag %}
{% endif %}
{% set exportSearchTerm = null %}
{% set export_search_term = null %}
{% if searchTerm is defined %}
{% set exportSearchTerm = searchTerm %}
{% set export_search_term = searchTerm %}
{% endif %}
{% set previousRoute = app.request.attributes.get('currentRoute') %}
{% set previous_route = app.request.attributes.get('currentRoute') %}
<h2>{{ 'entry.list.export_title'|trans }}</h2>
<a href="javascript: void(null);" id="download-form-close" class="close-button--popup close-button">×</a>
{% if craue_setting('export_epub') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'epub', 'tag' : currentTag, 'search_entry[term]' : exportSearchTerm, 'currentRoute' : previousRoute }) }}">EPUB</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_mobi') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'mobi', 'tag' : currentTag, 'search_entry[term]' : exportSearchTerm, 'currentRoute' : previousRoute }) }}">MOBI (deprecated)</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_pdf') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'pdf', 'tag' : currentTag, 'search_entry[term]' : exportSearchTerm, 'currentRoute' : previousRoute }) }}">PDF</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_json') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'json', 'tag' : currentTag, 'search_entry[term]' : exportSearchTerm, 'currentRoute' : previousRoute }) }}">JSON</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_csv') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'csv', 'tag' : currentTag, 'search_entry[term]' : exportSearchTerm, 'currentRoute' : previousRoute }) }}">CSV</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_txt') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'txt', 'tag' : currentTag, 'search_entry[term]' : exportSearchTerm, 'currentRoute' : previousRoute }) }}">TXT</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_xml') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'xml', 'tag' : currentTag, 'search_entry[term]' : exportSearchTerm, 'currentRoute' : previousRoute }) }}">XML</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_epub') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', {'category': current_route, 'format': 'epub', 'tag': current_tag, 'search_entry[term]': export_search_term, 'currentRoute': previous_route}) }}">EPUB</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_mobi') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', {'category': current_route, 'format': 'mobi', 'tag': current_tag, 'search_entry[term]': export_search_term, 'currentRoute': previous_route}) }}">MOBI (deprecated)</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_pdf') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', {'category': current_route, 'format': 'pdf', 'tag': current_tag, 'search_entry[term]': export_search_term, 'currentRoute': previous_route}) }}">PDF</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_json') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', {'category': current_route, 'format': 'json', 'tag': current_tag, 'search_entry[term]': export_search_term, 'currentRoute': previous_route}) }}">JSON</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_csv') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', {'category': current_route, 'format': 'csv', 'tag': current_tag, 'search_entry[term]': export_search_term, 'currentRoute': previous_route}) }}">CSV</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_txt') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', {'category': current_route, 'format': 'txt', 'tag': current_tag, 'search_entry[term]': export_search_term, 'currentRoute': previous_route}) }}">TXT</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_xml') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', {'category': current_route, 'format': 'xml', 'tag': current_tag, 'search_entry[term]': export_search_term, 'currentRoute': previous_route}) }}">XML</a></li>{% endif %}
@ -122,9 +122,9 @@
<a href="javascript: void(null);" id="filter-form-close" class="close-button--popup close-button">×</a>
<div id="filter-status" class="filter-group">
{% if currentRoute != 'untagged' and nbEntriesUntagged != 0 %}
{% if current_route != 'untagged' and nbEntriesUntagged != 0 %}
<div class="">
<a href="{{ path('untagged') }}">{{ 'tag.list.see_untagged_entries'|trans }} ({{nbEntriesUntagged}})</a>
<a href="{{ path('untagged') }}">{{ 'tag.list.see_untagged_entries'|trans }} ({{ nbEntriesUntagged }})</a>
{% endif %}
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
<div id="filter-domain-name" class="filter-group">
{{ form_label(form.domainName) }}
<div class="input-field ">
{{ form_widget(form.domainName, {'type': 'text', 'attr' : {'placeholder': 'website.com'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.domainName, {'type': 'text', 'attr': {'placeholder': 'website.com'}}) }}
@ -198,11 +198,11 @@
<div class="input-field ">
<label for="entry_filter_createdAt_left_date" class="active">{{ 'entry.filters.created_at.from'|trans }}</label>
{{ form_widget(form.createdAt.left_date, {'type': 'date', 'attr': {'class': 'datepicker', 'data-value': form.createdAt.left_date.vars.value} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.createdAt.left_date, {'type': 'date', 'attr': {'class': 'datepicker', 'data-value': form.createdAt.left_date.vars.value}}) }}
<div class="input-field ">
<label for="entry_filter_createdAt_right_date" class="active">{{ 'entry.filters.created_at.to'|trans }}</label>
{{ form_widget(form.createdAt.right_date, {'type': 'date', 'attr': {'class': 'datepicker', 'data-value': form.createdAt.right_date.vars.value} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.createdAt.right_date, {'type': 'date', 'attr': {'class': 'datepicker', 'data-value': form.createdAt.right_date.vars.value}}) }}
@ -5,39 +5,39 @@
{% block content %}
<div id="article">
<header class="mbm">
<h1><span{% if entry.language is defined and entry.language is not null %} lang="{{ entry.getHTMLLanguage() }}"{% endif %}>{{ entry.title|e|default('entry.default_title'|trans)|raw }}</span> <a href="{{ path('edit', { 'id': entry.id }) }}" class="nostyle" title="{{ 'entry.view.edit_title'|trans }}">✎</a></h1>
<h1><span{% if entry.language is defined and entry.language is not null %} lang="{{ entry.getHTMLLanguage() }}"{% endif %}>{{ entry.title|e|default('entry.default_title'|trans)|raw }}</span> <a href="{{ path('edit', {'id': entry.id}) }}" class="nostyle" title="{{ 'entry.view.edit_title'|trans }}">✎</a></h1>
<div id="article_toolbar" dir="auto">
<ul class="links">
<li class="topPosF"><a href="#top" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.back_to_top'|trans }}" class="tool top icon icon-arrow-up-thick"><span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_read'|trans }}</span></a></li>
<li><a href="{{ entry.url|e }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="{{ 'entry.view.original_article'|trans }} : {{ entry.title|e }}" class="tool link icon icon-link original"><span>{{ entry.domainName|removeWww }}</span></a></li>
<li><a title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.re_fetch_content'|trans }}" class="tool icon icon-reload" href="{{ path('reload_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.re_fetch_content'|trans }}</span></a></li>
<li><a title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.re_fetch_content'|trans }}" class="tool icon icon-reload" href="{{ path('reload_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}"><span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.re_fetch_content'|trans }}</span></a></li>
{% set markAsReadLabel = 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_unread' %}
{% set mark_as_read_label = 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_unread' %}
{% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}
{% set markAsReadLabel = 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_read' %}
{% set mark_as_read_label = 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_read' %}
{% endif %}
<li><a title="{{ markAsReadLabel|trans }}" class="tool icon icon-check {% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}archive-off{% else %}archive{% endif %} markasread" href="{{ path('archive_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><span>{{ markAsReadLabel|trans }}</span></a></li>
<li><a title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_starred'|trans }}" class="tool icon icon-star {% if entry.isStarred == 0 %}fav-off{% else %}fav{% endif %} favorite" href="{{ path('star_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_starred'|trans }}</span></a></li>
<li><a title="{{ mark_as_read_label|trans }}" class="tool icon icon-check {% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}archive-off{% else %}archive{% endif %} markasread" href="{{ path('archive_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}"><span>{{ mark_as_read_label|trans }}</span></a></li>
<li><a title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_starred'|trans }}" class="tool icon icon-star {% if entry.isStarred == 0 %}fav-off{% else %}fav{% endif %} favorite" href="{{ path('star_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}"><span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_starred'|trans }}</span></a></li>
<li><a id="nav-btn-add-tag" class="tool icon icon-price-tags" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.add_a_tag'|trans }}"><span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.add_a_tag'|trans }}</span></a></li>
<li><a title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.delete'|trans }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'entry.confirm.delete'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="tool delete icon icon-trash" href="{{ path('delete_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.delete'|trans }}</span></a></li>
<li><a title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.delete'|trans }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'entry.confirm.delete'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="tool delete icon icon-trash" href="{{ path('delete_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}"><span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.delete'|trans }}</span></a></li>
{% if craue_setting('share_public') %}
<li><a href="{{ path('share', {'id': entry.id }) }}" target="_blank" class="tool icon icon-eye" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.public_link'|trans }}"><span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.public_link'|trans }}</span></a></li>
<li><a href="{{ path('delete_share', {'id': entry.id }) }}" class="tool icon icon-no-eye" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.delete_public_link'|trans }}"><span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.delete_public_link'|trans }}</span></a></li>
<li><a href="{{ path('share', {'id': entry.id}) }}" target="_blank" class="tool icon icon-eye" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.public_link'|trans }}"><span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.public_link'|trans }}</span></a></li>
<li><a href="{{ path('delete_share', {'id': entry.id}) }}" class="tool icon icon-no-eye" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.delete_public_link'|trans }}"><span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.delete_public_link'|trans }}</span></a></li>
{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_twitter') %}<li><a href="https://twitter.com/share?text={{entry.title|url_encode}}%20{{ entry.url|url_encode }}%20via%20@wallabagapp" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="tool twitter icon icon-twitter" title="Tweet"><span>Tweet</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_twitter') %}<li><a href="https://twitter.com/share?text={{ entry.title|url_encode }}%20{{ entry.url|url_encode }}%20via%20@wallabagapp" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="tool twitter icon icon-twitter" title="Tweet"><span>Tweet</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_mail') %}<li><a href="mailto:?subject={{ entry.title|url_encode }}&body={{ entry.url|url_encode }}%20via%20@wallabagapp" class="tool email icon icon-mail" title="Email"><span>Email</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_shaarli') %}<li><a href="{{ craue_setting('shaarli_url') }}/index.php?post={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}&tags={{ entry.tags|join(',')|url_encode }}{% if craue_setting('shaarli_share_origin_url') %}&original_url={{ entry.originUrl|url_encode }}{% endif %}" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="tool icon-image icon-image--shaarli" title="shaarli"><span>shaarli</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_scuttle') %}<li><a href="{{ craue_setting('scuttle_url') }}/bookmarks.php?action=add&address={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}&tags={{ entry.tags|join(',')|url_encode }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="tool icon-image icon-image--scuttle" title="scuttle"><span>scuttle</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_diaspora') %}<li><a href="{{ craue_setting('diaspora_url') }}/bookmarklet?url={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}¬es=&v=1&noui=1&jump=doclose" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="tool diaspora icon-image icon-image--diaspora" title="diaspora"><span>diaspora</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_unmark') %}<li><a href="{{ craue_setting('unmark_url') }}/mark/add?url={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{entry.title|url_encode}}&v=6" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="tool unmark icon-image icon-image--unmark" title="unmark"><span>unmark.it</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_unmark') %}<li><a href="{{ craue_setting('unmark_url') }}/mark/add?url={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}&v=6" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="tool unmark icon-image icon-image--unmark" title="unmark"><span>unmark.it</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('carrot') %}<li><a href="https://secure.carrot.org/GiveAndGetBack.do?url={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}" class="tool carrot icon-image icon-image--carrot" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="carrot"><span>Carrot</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('show_printlink') %}<li><a title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.print'|trans }}" class="tool icon icon-print" href="javascript: window.print();"><span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.print'|trans }}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_epub') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id': entry.id, 'format': 'epub' }) }}" title="Generate ePub file">EPUB</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_mobi') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id': entry.id, 'format': 'mobi' }) }}" title="Generate Mobi file">MOBI (deprecated)</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_pdf') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id': entry.id, 'format': 'pdf' }) }}" title="Generate PDF file">PDF</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_epub') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', {'id': entry.id, 'format': 'epub'}) }}" title="Generate ePub file">EPUB</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_mobi') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', {'id': entry.id, 'format': 'mobi'}) }}" title="Generate Mobi file">MOBI (deprecated)</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_pdf') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', {'id': entry.id, 'format': 'pdf'}) }}" title="Generate PDF file">PDF</a></li>{% endif %}
<li><a href="mailto:siteconfig@wallabag.org?subject=Wrong%20display%20in%20wallabag&body={{ entry.url|url_encode }}" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.problem.label'|trans }}" class="tool bad-display icon icon-delete"><span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.problem.label'|trans }}</span></a></li>
@ -62,15 +62,15 @@
{% endif %}
<i class="tool icon icon-time">
{% set readingTime = entry.readingTime / app.user.config.readingSpeed * 200 %}
{% if readingTime > 0 %}
{{ 'entry.list.reading_time_minutes_short'|trans({'%readingTime%': readingTime|round}) }}
{% set reading_time = entry.readingTime / app.user.config.readingSpeed * 200 %}
{% if reading_time > 0 %}
{{ 'entry.list.reading_time_minutes_short'|trans({'%readingTime%': reading_time|round}) }}
{% else %}
{{ 'entry.list.reading_time_less_one_minute_short'|trans|raw }}
{% endif %}
<span class="tool link"><i class="material-icons">comment</i> {{ 'entry.view.annotations_on_the_entry'|transchoice(entry.annotations | length) }}</span>
<span class="tool link"><i class="material-icons">comment</i> {{ 'entry.view.annotations_on_the_entry'|transchoice(entry.annotations|length) }}</span>
{% if entry.originUrl is not empty %}
<i class="material-icons" title="{{ 'entry.view.provided_by'|trans }}">launch</i>
@ -85,19 +85,19 @@
<span class="label-outline">
<i class="material-icons">label_outline</i>
<a href="{{ path('tag_entries', {'slug': tag.slug}) }}">{{ tag.label }}</a>
<a href="{{ path('remove_tag', { 'entry': entry.id, 'tag': tag.id }) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'entry.confirm.delete_tag'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="nostyle">
<a href="{{ path('remove_tag', {'entry': entry.id, 'tag': tag.id}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'entry.confirm.delete_tag'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="nostyle">
{% endfor %}
<div class="input-field baggy-add-tag" style="display: none">
{{ render(controller( "WallabagCoreBundle:Tag:addTagForm", { 'id': entry.id } )) }}
{{ render(controller("WallabagCoreBundle:Tag:addTagForm", {'id': entry.id})) }}
<article{% if entry.language is defined and entry.language is not null %} lang="{{ entry.getHTMLLanguage() }}"{% endif %}>
{{ entry.content | raw }}
{{ entry.content|raw }}
@ -105,10 +105,10 @@
"prefix": "",
"urls": {
"create": "{{ path('annotations_post_annotation', { 'entry': entry.id }) }}",
"update": "{{ path('annotations_put_annotation', { 'annotation': 'idAnnotation' }) }}",
"destroy": "{{ path('annotations_delete_annotation', { 'annotation': 'idAnnotation' }) }}",
"search": "{{ path('annotations_get_annotations', { 'entry': entry.id }) }}"
"create": "{{ path('annotations_post_annotation', {'entry': entry.id}) }}",
"update": "{{ path('annotations_put_annotation', {'annotation': 'idAnnotation'}) }}",
"destroy": "{{ path('annotations_delete_annotation', {'annotation': 'idAnnotation'}) }}",
"search": "{{ path('annotations_get_annotations', {'entry': entry.id}) }}"
"entryId": "{{ entry.id }}"
@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
{% block title %}{{ 'entry.new.page_title'|trans }}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{{ render(controller( "WallabagCoreBundle:Entry:addEntryForm" )) }}
{{ render(controller("WallabagCoreBundle:Entry:addEntryForm")) }}
{% endblock %}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<form name="entry" method="post" action="{{ path('new_entry')}}">
<form name="entry" method="post" action="{{ path('new_entry') }}">
{% if form_errors(form) %}
<span class="black-text">{{ form_errors(form) }}</span>
{% endif %}
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
{% endif %}
{{ form_label(form.url) }}
{{ form_widget(form.url, { 'attr': {'autocomplete': 'off', 'placeholder': 'entry.new.placeholder'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.url, {'attr': {'autocomplete': 'off', 'placeholder': 'entry.new.placeholder'}}) }}
{{ form_rest(form) }}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<form name="search" method="GET" action="{{ path('search')}}">
<form name="search" method="GET" action="{{ path('search') }}">
<h2>{{ 'menu.left.search'|trans }}</h2>
<a href="javascript: void(null);" id="search-form-close" class="close-button--popup close-button">×</a>
{% if form_errors(form) %}
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<input type="hidden" name="currentRoute" value="{{ currentRoute }}" />
{{ form_widget(form.term, { 'attr': {'autocomplete': 'off', 'placeholder': 'entry.search.placeholder'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.term, {'attr': {'autocomplete': 'off', 'placeholder': 'entry.search.placeholder'}}) }}
{{ form_rest(form) }}
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<td>{{ rule.rule }}</td>
<a href="{{ path('ignore_origin_instance_rules_edit', { 'id': rule.id }) }}">{{ 'ignore_origin_instance_rule.list.edit_action'|trans }}</a>
<a href="{{ path('ignore_origin_instance_rules_edit', {'id': rule.id}) }}">{{ 'ignore_origin_instance_rule.list.edit_action'|trans }}</a>
{% endfor %}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Hello {{username}}!
Hello {{ username }}!
To reset your password - please visit {{confirmationUrl}}
To reset your password - please visit {{ confirmationUrl }}
Wallabag bot
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<td>{{ credential.host }}</td>
<a href="{{ path('site_credentials_edit', { 'id': credential.id }) }}">{{ 'site_credential.list.edit_action'|trans }}</a>
<a href="{{ path('site_credentials_edit', {'id': credential.id}) }}">{{ 'site_credential.list.edit_action'|trans }}</a>
{% endfor %}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<form name="tag" method="post" action="{{ path('new_tag', { 'entry': entry.id })}}">
<form name="tag" method="post" action="{{ path('new_tag', {'entry': entry.id}) }}">
{% if form_errors(form) %}
<span class="black-text">{{ form_errors(form) }}</span>
{% endif %}
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<span class="black-text">{{ form_errors(form.label) }}</span>
{% endif %}
{{ form_widget(form.label, { 'attr': {'autocomplete': 'off'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.label, {'attr': {'autocomplete': 'off'}}) }}
{{ form_rest(form) }}
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<a href="{{ path('tag_entries', {'slug': tag.slug}) }}" data-handle="tag-link">{{ tag.label }} ({{ tag.nbEntries }})</a>
{% if renameForms is defined and renameForms[tag.id] is defined %}
<form class="card-tag-form hidden" data-handle="tag-rename-form" action="{{ path('tag_rename', {'slug': tag.slug})}}" method="POST">
<form class="card-tag-form hidden" data-handle="tag-rename-form" action="{{ path('tag_rename', {'slug': tag.slug}) }}" method="POST">
{{ form_widget(renameForms[tag.id].label, {'attr': {'value': tag.label}}) }}
{{ form_rest(renameForms[tag.id]) }}
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
{% if nbEntriesUntagged == 0 %}
{{ 'tag.list.no_untagged_entries'|trans }}
{% else %}
<a href="{{ path('untagged') }}">{{ 'tag.list.see_untagged_entries'|trans }} ({{nbEntriesUntagged}})</a>
<a href="{{ path('untagged') }}">{{ 'tag.list.see_untagged_entries'|trans }} ({{ nbEntriesUntagged }})</a>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
@ -62,10 +62,10 @@
<p>It will be removed in the next version. You can use the Material theme by <a href="{{ path('config') }}">updating the theme config</a>.</p>
{% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get('notice') %}
{% for flash_message in app.session.flashbag.get('notice') %}
<div class="messages success">
<a href="#" class="closeMessage">×</a>
<p>{{ flashMessage|trans }}</p>
<p>{{ flash_message|trans }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
@ -55,10 +55,10 @@
<p>{{ 'developer.remove.warn_message_1'|trans({'%name%': client.name }) }}</p>
<p>{{ 'developer.remove.warn_message_2'|trans({'%name%': client.name }) }}</p>
<p>{{ 'developer.remove.warn_message_1'|trans({'%name%': client.name}) }}</p>
<p>{{ 'developer.remove.warn_message_2'|trans({'%name%': client.name}) }}</p>
<a class="waves-effect waves-light red btn" href="{{ path('developer_delete_client', {'id': client.id}) }}">{{ 'developer.remove.action'|trans({'%name%': client.name }) }}</a>
<a class="waves-effect waves-light red btn" href="{{ path('developer_delete_client', {'id': client.id}) }}">{{ 'developer.remove.action'|trans({'%name%': client.name}) }}</a>
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
{% if tag is defined %}
<a rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="{{ path('tag_feed', {'username': app.user.username, 'token': app.user.config.feedToken, 'slug': tag.slug}) }}" class="right"><i class="material-icons md-24">rss_feed</i></a>
{% elseif currentRoute in ['homepage', 'unread', 'starred', 'archive', 'all'] %}
{% set feedRoute = currentRoute %}
{% if currentRoute == 'homepage' %}
{% set feedRoute = 'unread' %}
{% elseif current_route in ['homepage', 'unread', 'starred', 'archive', 'all'] %}
{% set feed_route = current_route %}
{% if current_route == 'homepage' %}
{% set feed_route = 'unread' %}
{% endif %}
{% set feedRoute = feedRoute ~ '_feed' %}
{% set feed_route = feed_route ~ '_feed' %}
<a rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="{{ path(feedRoute, {'username': app.user.username, 'token': app.user.config.feedToken}) }}" class="right"><i class="material-icons">rss_feed</i></a>
<a rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="{{ path(feed_route, {'username': app.user.username, 'token': app.user.config.feedToken}) }}" class="right"><i class="material-icons">rss_feed</i></a>
{% endif %}
@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
{% set currentRoute = app.request.attributes.get('_route') %}
{% set current_route = app.request.attributes.get('_route') %}
{% if currentRoute == 'starred' %}
{% if current_route == 'starred' %}
{{ 'entry.page_titles.starred'|trans }}
{% elseif currentRoute == 'archive' %}
{% elseif current_route == 'archive' %}
{{ 'entry.page_titles.archived'|trans }}
{% elseif currentRoute == 'all' %}
{% elseif current_route == 'all' %}
{{ isFiltered ? 'entry.page_titles.filtered'|trans : 'entry.page_titles.all'|trans }}
{% elseif currentRoute == 'search' %}
{% elseif current_route == 'search' %}
{{ 'entry.page_titles.filtered_search'|trans }} {{ filter }}
{% elseif currentRoute == 'tag_entries' %}
{% elseif current_route == 'tag_entries' %}
{{ 'entry.page_titles.filtered_tags'|trans }} {{ filter }}
{% elseif currentRoute == 'untagged' %}
{% elseif current_route == 'untagged' %}
{{ 'entry.page_titles.untagged'|trans }}
{% elseif currentRoute == 'same_domain' %}
{% elseif current_route == 'same_domain' %}
{{ 'entry.page_titles.same_domain'|trans }}
{% elseif currentRoute == 'annotated' %}
{% elseif current_route == 'annotated' %}
{{ 'entry.page_titles.with_annotations'|trans }}
{% else %}
{{ 'entry.page_titles.unread'|trans }}
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
{% if type != 'tag' %}
<title>wallabag — {{type}} feed</title>
<title>wallabag — {{ type }} feed</title>
<subtitle type="html">Atom feed for {{ type }} entries</subtitle>
<id>wallabag:{{ domainName | removeScheme | removeWww }}:{{ user }}:{{ type }}</id>
<id>wallabag:{{ domainName|removeScheme|removeWww }}:{{ user }}:{{ type }}</id>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="{{ url(type) }}"/>
{% else %}
<id>wallabag:{{ domainName | removeScheme | removeWww }}:{{ user }}:{{ type }}:{{ tag }}</id>
<id>wallabag:{{ domainName|removeScheme|removeWww }}:{{ user }}:{{ type }}:{{ tag }}</id>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="{{ url('tag_entries', {'slug': tag}) }}"/>
<title>wallabag — {{type}} {{ tag }} feed</title>
<title>wallabag — {{ type }} {{ tag }} feed</title>
<subtitle type="html">Atom feed for entries tagged with {{ tag }}</subtitle>
{% endif %}
{% if updated %}
<updated>{{ updated | date('c') }}</updated> {# Indicates the last time the feed was modified in a significant way. #}
<updated>{{ updated|date('c') }}</updated> {# Indicates the last time the feed was modified in a significant way. #}
{% endif %}
<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="{{ app.request.uri }}"/>
{% if entries.hasPreviousPage %}
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
href="{{ url('view', {'id': entry.id}) }}"/>
<link rel="via"
href="{{ entry.url }}"/>
<id>wallabag:{{ domainName | removeScheme | removeWww }}:{{ user }}:entry:{{ entry.id }}</id>
<id>wallabag:{{ domainName|removeScheme|removeWww }}:{{ user }}:entry:{{ entry.id }}</id>
<updated>{{ entry.updatedAt|date('c') }}</updated>
<published>{{ entry.createdAt|date('c') }}</published>
{% for tag in entry.tags %}
@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
<meta property="og:title" content="{{ entry.title|e|raw }}" />
<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="og:url" content="{{ app.request.uri }}" />
{% set picturePath = app.request.schemeAndHttpHost ~ asset('img/logo-wallabag.svg') %}
{% set picture_path = app.request.schemeAndHttpHost ~ asset('img/logo-wallabag.svg') %}
{% if entry.previewPicture is not null %}
{% set picturePath = entry.previewPicture %}
{% set picture_path = entry.previewPicture %}
{% endif %}
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ picturePath }}" />
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ picture_path }}" />
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" />
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ picturePath }}" />
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ picture_path }}" />
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@wallabagapp" />
<meta name="twitter:title" content="{{ entry.title|e|raw }}" />
<meta name="twitter:description" content="{{ entry.content|striptags|slice(0, 300)|raw }}…" />
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<p class="shared-by">{{ "entry.public.shared_by_wallabag"|trans({'%wallabag_instance%': url('homepage'), '%username%': entry.user.username})|raw }}.</p>
<article class="block">
{{ entry.content | raw }}
{{ entry.content|raw }}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Hello {{username}}!
Hello {{ username }}!
To reset your password - please visit {{confirmationUrl}}
To reset your password - please visit {{ confirmationUrl }}
Wallabag bot
@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
<div class="row">
<div class="input-field col s12">
<h5>{{ 'config.form_settings.android_configuration'|trans }}</h5>
<a href="wallabag://{{ app.user.username }}@{{ wallabag_url }}" class="waves-effect waves-light btn hide-on-large-only">{{ 'config.form_settings.android_instruction' | trans }}</a>
<img id="androidQrcode" class="hide-on-med-and-down" alt="{{ 'config.otp.app.qrcode_label' | trans }}" />
<a href="wallabag://{{ app.user.username }}@{{ wallabag_url }}" class="waves-effect waves-light btn hide-on-large-only">{{ 'config.form_settings.android_instruction'|trans }}</a>
<img id="androidQrcode" class="hide-on-med-and-down" alt="{{ 'config.otp.app.qrcode_label'|trans }}" />
document.getElementById('androidQrcode').src = jrQrcode.getQrBase64('wallabag://{{ app.user.username }}@{{ wallabag_url }}');
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@
{{ form_widget(form.import_tagging_rule.import, { 'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.import_tagging_rule.import, {'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light'}}) }}
{{ form_rest(form.import_tagging_rule) }}
@ -548,21 +548,21 @@
<div id="set7" class="col s12">
<div class="row">
<h5>{{ 'config.reset.title'|trans }}</h5>
<p>{{ 'config.reset.description'|trans }}</p>
<a href="{{ path('config_reset', { type: 'annotations'}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'config.reset.confirm'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="waves-effect waves-light btn red">
<a href="{{ path('config_reset', {type: 'annotations'}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'config.reset.confirm'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="waves-effect waves-light btn red">
{{ 'config.reset.annotations'|trans }}
<a href="{{ path('config_reset', { type: 'tags'}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'config.reset.confirm'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="waves-effect waves-light btn red">
<a href="{{ path('config_reset', {type: 'tags'}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'config.reset.confirm'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="waves-effect waves-light btn red">
{{ 'config.reset.tags'|trans }}
<a href="{{ path('config_reset', { type: 'archived'}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'config.reset.confirm'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="waves-effect waves-light btn red">
<a href="{{ path('config_reset', {type: 'archived'}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'config.reset.confirm'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="waves-effect waves-light btn red">
{{ 'config.reset.archived'|trans }}
<a href="{{ path('config_reset', { type: 'entries'}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'config.reset.confirm'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="waves-effect waves-light btn red">
<a href="{{ path('config_reset', {type: 'entries'}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'config.reset.confirm'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="waves-effect waves-light btn red">
{{ 'config.reset.entries'|trans }}
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
<p>{{ 'config.otp.app.two_factor_code_description_4'|trans }}</p>
{% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get("two_factor") %}
{% for flash_message in app.session.flashbag.get("two_factor") %}
<div class="card-panel red darken-1 black-text">
{{ flashMessage|trans }}
{{ flash_message|trans }}
{% endfor %}
@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
{% if withPreview is defined %}
<i class="grey-text text-darken-4 activator material-icons right">more_vert</i>
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ path('view', { 'id': entry.id }) }}" title="{{ entry.title| striptags | e('html_attr') }}" class="card-title dot-ellipsis dot-resize-update">
{{ entry.title | striptags | truncate(80, true, '…') | default('entry.default_title'|trans) | raw }}
<a href="{{ path('view', {'id': entry.id}) }}" title="{{ entry.title|striptags|e('html_attr') }}" class="card-title dot-ellipsis dot-resize-update">
{{ entry.title|striptags|truncate(80, true, '…')|default('entry.default_title'|trans)|raw }}
<div class="{{ subClass|default('original grey-text') }}">
<a href="{{ entry.url|e }}" target="_blank" title="{{ entry.domainName|removeWww }}" class="tool grey-text">{{ entry.domainName|removeWww }}</a>
{% if withMetadata is defined %}
{% include "@WallabagCore/themes/material/Entry/_tags.html.twig" with {'tags': entry.tags | slice(0, 3), 'entryId': entry.id, 'listClass': ' hide-on-med-and-down'} only %}
{% include "@WallabagCore/themes/material/Entry/_tags.html.twig" with {'tags': entry.tags|slice(0, 3), 'entryId': entry.id, 'listClass': ' hide-on-med-and-down'} only %}
<div class="reading-time grey-text">
<div class="card-reading-time">{% include "@WallabagCore/themes/material/Entry/_reading_time.html.twig" with {'entry': entry} only %}</div>
@ -9,16 +9,16 @@
<ul class="tools right">
<a title="{{ 'entry.list.show_same_domain'|trans }}" class="tool grey-text" href="{{ path('same_domain', { 'id': entry.id }) }}" data-action="same_domain" data-entry-id="{{ entry.id }}"><i class="material-icons">language</i></a>
<a title="{{ 'entry.list.show_same_domain'|trans }}" class="tool grey-text" href="{{ path('same_domain', {'id': entry.id}) }}" data-action="same_domain" data-entry-id="{{ entry.id }}"><i class="material-icons">language</i></a>
<a title="{{ 'entry.list.toogle_as_read'|trans }}" class="tool grey-text" href="{{ path('archive_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}" data-action="archived" data-entry-id="{{ entry.id }}"><i class="material-icons">{% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}done{% else %}unarchive{% endif %}</i></a>
<a title="{{ 'entry.list.toogle_as_read'|trans }}" class="tool grey-text" href="{{ path('archive_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}" data-action="archived" data-entry-id="{{ entry.id }}"><i class="material-icons">{% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}done{% else %}unarchive{% endif %}</i></a>
<a title="{{ 'entry.list.toogle_as_star'|trans }}" class="tool grey-text" href="{{ path('star_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}" data-action="star" data-entry-id="{{ entry.id }}"><i class="material-icons">{% if entry.isStarred == 0 %}star_border{% else %}star{% endif %}</i></a>
<a title="{{ 'entry.list.toogle_as_star'|trans }}" class="tool grey-text" href="{{ path('star_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}" data-action="star" data-entry-id="{{ entry.id }}"><i class="material-icons">{% if entry.isStarred == 0 %}star_border{% else %}star{% endif %}</i></a>
<a title="{{ 'entry.list.delete'|trans }}" data-action-confirm="{{ 'entry.confirm.delete'|trans }}" class="tool grey-text delete" href="{{ path('delete_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}" data-action="delete" data-entry-id="{{ entry.id }}"><i class="material-icons">delete</i></a>
<a title="{{ 'entry.list.delete'|trans }}" data-action-confirm="{{ 'entry.confirm.delete'|trans }}" class="tool grey-text delete" href="{{ path('delete_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}" data-action="delete" data-entry-id="{{ entry.id }}"><i class="material-icons">delete</i></a>
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
<div class="card-body">
<div class="card-fullimage">
<ul class="card-entry-labels">
{% for tag in entry.tags | slice(0, 3) %}
{% for tag in entry.tags|slice(0, 3) %}
<li title="{{ tag.label }}"><a href="{{ path('tag_entries', {'slug': tag.slug}) }}">{{ tag.label }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
<a href="{{ path('view', { 'id': entry.id }) }}">
<a href="{{ path('view', {'id': entry.id}) }}">
<span class="preview" style="background-image: url({{ entry.previewPicture }})"></span>
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
<div class="card-stacked{% if currentRoute in routes and entry.isArchived %} archived{% endif %}">
{% include "@WallabagCore/themes/material/Entry/Card/_mass_checkbox.html.twig" with {'entry': entry} only %}
<div class="card-preview">
<a href="{{ path('view', { 'id': entry.id }) }}">
{% set previewClassModifier = entry.previewPicture ? '' : ' preview--default' %}
<span class="preview{{ previewClassModifier }}" style="background-image: url({{ entry.previewPicture | default(asset('img/logo-square.svg')) }})"></span>
<a href="{{ path('view', {'id': entry.id}) }}">
{% set preview_class_modifier = entry.previewPicture ? '' : ' preview--default' %}
<span class="preview{{ preview_class_modifier }}" style="background-image: url({{ entry.previewPicture|default(asset('img/logo-square.svg')) }})"></span>
{% include "@WallabagCore/themes/material/Entry/Card/_content.html.twig" with {'entry': entry, 'withMetadata': true, 'subClass': 'metadata'} only %}
<ul class="tools-list hide-on-small-only">
<a title="{{ 'entry.list.show_same_domain'|trans }}" class="tool grey-text" href="{{ path('same_domain', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><i class="material-icons">language</i></a>
<a title="{{ 'entry.list.toogle_as_read'|trans }}" class="tool grey-text" href="{{ path('archive_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><i class="material-icons">{% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}done{% else %}unarchive{% endif %}</i></a>
<a title="{{ 'entry.list.toogle_as_star'|trans }}" class="tool grey-text" href="{{ path('star_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><i class="material-icons">{% if entry.isStarred == 0 %}star_border{% else %}star{% endif %}</i></a>
<a title="{{ 'entry.list.delete'|trans }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'entry.confirm.delete'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="tool grey-text delete" href="{{ path('delete_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><i class="material-icons">delete</i></a>
<a title="{{ 'entry.list.show_same_domain'|trans }}" class="tool grey-text" href="{{ path('same_domain', {'id': entry.id}) }}"><i class="material-icons">language</i></a>
<a title="{{ 'entry.list.toogle_as_read'|trans }}" class="tool grey-text" href="{{ path('archive_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}"><i class="material-icons">{% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}done{% else %}unarchive{% endif %}</i></a>
<a title="{{ 'entry.list.toogle_as_star'|trans }}" class="tool grey-text" href="{{ path('star_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}"><i class="material-icons">{% if entry.isStarred == 0 %}star_border{% else %}star{% endif %}</i></a>
<a title="{{ 'entry.list.delete'|trans }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'entry.confirm.delete'|trans|escape('js') }}')" class="tool grey-text delete" href="{{ path('delete_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}"><i class="material-icons">delete</i></a>
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
<div class="card-body">
<div class="card-image waves-effect waves-block waves-light">
<ul class="card-entry-labels">
{% for tag in entry.tags | slice(0, 3) %}
{% for tag in entry.tags|slice(0, 3) %}
<li title="{{ tag.label }}"><a href="{{ path('tag_entries', {'slug': tag.slug}) }}">{{ tag.label }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
<a href="{{ path('view', { 'id': entry.id }) }}">
{% set previewClassModifier = entry.previewPicture ? '' : ' preview--default' %}
<span class="preview{{ previewClassModifier }}" style="background-image: url({{ entry.previewPicture | default(asset('img/logo-square.svg')) }})"></span>
<a href="{{ path('view', {'id': entry.id}) }}">
{% set preview_class_modifier = entry.previewPicture ? '' : ' preview--default' %}
<span class="preview{{ preview_class_modifier }}" style="background-image: url({{ entry.previewPicture|default(asset('img/logo-square.svg')) }})"></span>
{% include "@WallabagCore/themes/material/Entry/Card/_content.html.twig" with {'entry': entry, 'withPreview': true} only %}
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
<div class="card-reveal">
<i class="card-title activator grey-text text-darken-4 material-icons right">clear</i>
<span class="card-title">
<a href="{{ path('view', { 'id': entry.id }) }}" title="{{ entry.title | striptags | e('html_attr') }}">
{{ entry.title | striptags | truncate(80, true, '…') | raw }}
<a href="{{ path('view', {'id': entry.id}) }}" title="{{ entry.title|striptags|e('html_attr') }}">
{{ entry.title|striptags|truncate(80, true, '…')|raw }}
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{% set readingTime = entry.readingTime / app.user.config.readingSpeed * 200 %}
{% set reading_time = entry.readingTime / app.user.config.readingSpeed * 200 %}
<i class="material-icons grey-text">timer</i>
{% if readingTime > 0 %}
<span>{{ 'entry.list.reading_time_minutes_short'|trans({'%readingTime%': readingTime|round}) }}</span>
{% if reading_time > 0 %}
<span>{{ 'entry.list.reading_time_minutes_short'|trans({'%readingTime%': reading_time|round}) }}</span>
{% else %}
<span>{{ 'entry.list.reading_time_less_one_minute_short'|trans|raw }}</span>
{% endif %}
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
{% if tags is iterable and tags is not empty %}
<ul class="tags{{ listClass|default("")}}">
<ul class="tags{{ listClass|default("") }}">
{% for tag in tags %}
<li class="chip" title="{{ tag.label }}">
<a href="{{ path('tag_entries', {'slug': tag.slug}) }}">{{ tag.label }}</a>
{% if withRemove is defined and withRemove == true %}
<a href="{{ path('remove_tag', { 'entry': entryId, 'tag': tag.id }) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'entry.confirm.delete_tag'|trans|escape('js') }}')">
<a href="{{ path('remove_tag', {'entry': entryId, 'tag': tag.id}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'entry.confirm.delete_tag'|trans|escape('js') }}')">
<i class="material-icons vertical-align-middle">delete</i>
{% endif %}
@ -19,30 +19,30 @@
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% set listMode = app.user.config.listMode %}
{% set entriesWithArchivedClassRoutes = ['tag_entries', 'search', 'all'] %}
{% set currentRoute = app.request.attributes.get('_route') %}
{% if currentRoute == 'homepage' %}
{% set currentRoute = 'unread' %}
{% set list_mode = app.user.config.listMode %}
{% set entries_with_archived_class_routes = ['tag_entries', 'search', 'all'] %}
{% set current_route = app.request.attributes.get('_route') %}
{% if current_route == 'homepage' %}
{% set current_route = 'unread' %}
{% endif %}
<form name="form_mass_action" action="{{ path('mass_action') }}" method="post">
<div class="results">
<div class="nb-results">
{{ 'entry.list.number_on_the_page'|transchoice(entries.count) }}
<a href="{{ path('switch_view_mode') }}"><i class="material-icons">{% if listMode == 0 %}view_list{% else %}view_module{% endif %}</i></a>
<a href="{{ path('switch_view_mode') }}"><i class="material-icons">{% if list_mode == 0 %}view_list{% else %}view_module{% endif %}</i></a>
{% if app.user.config.feedToken %}
{% include "@WallabagCore/themes/common/Entry/_feed_link.html.twig" %}
{% endif %}
{% if currentRoute == 'search' %}<div><a href="{{ path('tag_this_search', {'filter': searchTerm, 'currentRoute': app.request.get('currentRoute') }) }}" title="{{ 'entry.list.assign_search_tag'|trans }}">{{ 'entry.list.assign_search_tag'|trans }}</a></div>{% endif %}
{% if current_route == 'search' %}<div><a href="{{ path('tag_this_search', {'filter': searchTerm, 'currentRoute': app.request.get('currentRoute')}) }}" title="{{ 'entry.list.assign_search_tag'|trans }}">{{ 'entry.list.assign_search_tag'|trans }}</a></div>{% endif %}
{% if entries.getNbPages > 1 %}
{{ pagerfanta(entries, 'twitter_bootstrap_translated', {'proximity': 1}) }}
{% endif %}
{% if listMode == 1 %}
{% if list_mode == 1 %}
<div class="mass-buttons">
{% if entries.count > 0 and listMode == 1 %}
{% if entries.count > 0 and list_mode == 1 %}
<input id="selectAll" type="checkbox" data-toggle="[data-js='entry-checkbox']" data-js="checkboxes-toggle" />
@ -61,16 +61,16 @@
{% endif %}
<ol class="entries {% if listMode == 1 %}collection{% else %}row entries-row data{% endif %}">
<ol class="entries {% if list_mode == 1 %}collection{% else %}row entries-row data{% endif %}">
{% for entry in entries %}
<li id="entry-{{ entry.id|e }}" class="{% if listMode != 0 %}col collection-item{% endif %} s12" data-entry-id="{{ entry.id|e }}" data-test="entry">
{% if listMode == 1 %}
{% include "@WallabagCore/themes/material/Entry/_card_list.html.twig" with {'entry': entry, 'currentRoute': currentRoute, 'routes': entriesWithArchivedClassRoutes} only %}
<li id="entry-{{ entry.id|e }}" class="{% if list_mode != 0 %}col collection-item{% endif %} s12" data-entry-id="{{ entry.id|e }}" data-test="entry">
{% if list_mode == 1 %}
{% include "@WallabagCore/themes/material/Entry/_card_list.html.twig" with {'entry': entry, 'currentRoute': current_route, 'routes': entries_with_archived_class_routes} only %}
{% elseif not entry.previewPicture is null and entry.mimetype starts with 'image/' %}
{% include "@WallabagCore/themes/material/Entry/_card_full_image.html.twig" with {'entry': entry, 'currentRoute': currentRoute, 'routes': entriesWithArchivedClassRoutes} only %}
{% include "@WallabagCore/themes/material/Entry/_card_full_image.html.twig" with {'entry': entry, 'currentRoute': current_route, 'routes': entries_with_archived_class_routes} only %}
{% else %}
{% include "@WallabagCore/themes/material/Entry/_card_preview.html.twig" with {'entry': entry, 'currentRoute': currentRoute, 'routes': entriesWithArchivedClassRoutes} only %}
{% include "@WallabagCore/themes/material/Entry/_card_preview.html.twig" with {'entry': entry, 'currentRoute': current_route, 'routes': entries_with_archived_class_routes} only %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
@ -85,24 +85,24 @@
<!-- Export -->
<div id="export" class="side-nav right-aligned">
{% set currentTag = null %}
{% set current_tag = null %}
{% if tag is defined %}
{% set currentTag = tag.slug %}
{% set current_tag = tag.slug %}
{% endif %}
{% set exportSearchTerm = null %}
{% set export_search_term = null %}
{% if searchTerm is defined %}
{% set exportSearchTerm = searchTerm %}
{% set export_search_term = searchTerm %}
{% endif %}
{% set previousRoute = app.request.attributes.get('currentRoute') %}
{% set previous_route = app.request.attributes.get('currentRoute') %}
<h4 class="center">{{ 'entry.list.export_title'|trans }}</h4>
{% if craue_setting('export_epub') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'epub', 'tag' : currentTag, 'search_entry[term]' : exportSearchTerm, 'currentRoute' : previousRoute }) }}">EPUB</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_mobi') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'mobi', 'tag' : currentTag, 'search_entry[term]' : exportSearchTerm, 'currentRoute' : previousRoute }) }}">MOBI (deprecated)</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_pdf') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'pdf', 'tag' : currentTag, 'search_entry[term]' : exportSearchTerm, 'currentRoute' : previousRoute }) }}">PDF</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_json') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'json', 'tag' : currentTag, 'search_entry[term]' : exportSearchTerm, 'currentRoute' : previousRoute }) }}">JSON</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_csv') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'csv', 'tag' : currentTag, 'search_entry[term]' : exportSearchTerm, 'currentRoute' : previousRoute }) }}">CSV</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_txt') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'txt', 'tag' : currentTag, 'search_entry[term]' : exportSearchTerm, 'currentRoute' : previousRoute }) }}">TXT</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_xml') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'xml', 'tag' : currentTag, 'search_entry[term]' : exportSearchTerm, 'currentRoute' : previousRoute }) }}">XML</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_epub') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', {'category': current_route, 'format': 'epub', 'tag': current_tag, 'search_entry[term]': export_search_term, 'currentRoute': previous_route}) }}">EPUB</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_mobi') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', {'category': current_route, 'format': 'mobi', 'tag': current_tag, 'search_entry[term]': export_search_term, 'currentRoute': previous_route}) }}">MOBI (deprecated)</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_pdf') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', {'category': current_route, 'format': 'pdf', 'tag': current_tag, 'search_entry[term]': export_search_term, 'currentRoute': previous_route}) }}">PDF</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_json') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', {'category': current_route, 'format': 'json', 'tag': current_tag, 'search_entry[term]': export_search_term, 'currentRoute': previous_route}) }}">JSON</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_csv') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', {'category': current_route, 'format': 'csv', 'tag': current_tag, 'search_entry[term]': export_search_term, 'currentRoute': previous_route}) }}">CSV</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_txt') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', {'category': current_route, 'format': 'txt', 'tag': current_tag, 'search_entry[term]': export_search_term, 'currentRoute': previous_route}) }}">TXT</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_xml') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', {'category': current_route, 'format': 'xml', 'tag': current_tag, 'search_entry[term]': export_search_term, 'currentRoute': previous_route}) }}">XML</a></li>{% endif %}
@ -114,9 +114,9 @@
<h4 class="center">{{ 'entry.filters.title'|trans }}</h4>
<div class="row">
{% if currentRoute != 'untagged' and nbEntriesUntagged != 0 %}
{% if current_route != 'untagged' and nbEntriesUntagged != 0 %}
<div class="col s12 center-align">
<a href="{{ path('untagged') }}">{{ 'tag.list.see_untagged_entries'|trans }} ({{nbEntriesUntagged}})</a>
<a href="{{ path('untagged') }}">{{ 'tag.list.see_untagged_entries'|trans }} ({{ nbEntriesUntagged }})</a>
{% endif %}
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
<div class="input-field col s12">
{{ form_widget(form.domainName, {'type': 'text', 'attr' : {'placeholder': 'website.com'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.domainName, {'type': 'text', 'attr': {'placeholder': 'website.com'}}) }}
{{ form_label(form.domainName) }}
@ -202,11 +202,11 @@
<div class="input-field col s6">
{{ form_widget(form.createdAt.left_date, {'type': 'date', 'attr': {'class': 'datepicker', 'data-value': form.createdAt.left_date.vars.value} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.createdAt.left_date, {'type': 'date', 'attr': {'class': 'datepicker', 'data-value': form.createdAt.left_date.vars.value}}) }}
<label for="entry_filter_createdAt_left_date" class="active">{{ 'entry.filters.created_at.from'|trans }}</label>
<div class="input-field col s6">
{{ form_widget(form.createdAt.right_date, {'type': 'date', 'attr': {'class': 'datepicker', 'data-value': form.createdAt.right_date.vars.value} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.createdAt.right_date, {'type': 'date', 'attr': {'class': 'datepicker', 'data-value': form.createdAt.right_date.vars.value}}) }}
<label for="entry_filter_createdAt_right_date" class="active">{{ 'entry.filters.created_at.to'|trans }}</label>
@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
<ul class="right">
<a class="waves-effect" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_read'|trans }}" href="{{ path('archive_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}" id="markAsRead">
<a class="waves-effect" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_read'|trans }}" href="{{ path('archive_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}" id="markAsRead">
<i class="material-icons small">{% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}done{% else %}unarchive{% endif %}</i>
<a class="waves-effect" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_starred'|trans }}" href="{{ path('star_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}" id="setFav">
<a class="waves-effect" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_starred'|trans }}" href="{{ path('star_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}" id="setFav">
<i class="material-icons small">{% if entry.isStarred == 0 %}star_outline{% else %}star{% endif %}</i>
@ -54,35 +54,35 @@
<li class="bold">
<a class="waves-effect collapsible-header" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.re_fetch_content'|trans }}" href="{{ path('reload_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}" id="reload">
<a class="waves-effect collapsible-header" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.re_fetch_content'|trans }}" href="{{ path('reload_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}" id="reload">
<i class="material-icons small">refresh</i>
<span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.re_fetch_content'|trans }}</span>
<div class="collapsible-body"></div>
{% set markAsReadLabel = 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_unread' %}
{% set mark_as_read_label = 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_unread' %}
{% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}
{% set markAsReadLabel = 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_read' %}
{% set mark_as_read_label = 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_read' %}
{% endif %}
<li class="bold hide-on-med-and-down">
<a class="waves-effect collapsible-header markasread" title="{{ markAsReadLabel|trans }}" href="{{ path('archive_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}" id="markAsRead">
<a class="waves-effect collapsible-header markasread" title="{{ mark_as_read_label|trans }}" href="{{ path('archive_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}" id="markAsRead">
<i class="material-icons small">{% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}done{% else %}unarchive{% endif %}</i>
<span>{{ markAsReadLabel|trans }}</span>
<span>{{ mark_as_read_label|trans }}</span>
<div class="collapsible-body"></div>
<li class="bold hide-on-med-and-down">
<a class="waves-effect collapsible-header favorite" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_starred'|trans }}" href="{{ path('star_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}" id="setFav">
<a class="waves-effect collapsible-header favorite" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_starred'|trans }}" href="{{ path('star_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}" id="setFav">
<i class="material-icons spall">{% if entry.isStarred == 0 %}star_outline{% else %}star{% endif %}</i>
<span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.set_as_starred'|trans }}</span>
<div class="collapsible-body"></div>
<li class="bold border-bottom">
<a class="waves-effect collapsible-header delete" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'entry.confirm.delete'|trans|escape('js') }}')" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.delete'|trans }}" href="{{ path('delete_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}">
<a class="waves-effect collapsible-header delete" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'entry.confirm.delete'|trans|escape('js') }}')" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.delete'|trans }}" href="{{ path('delete_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}">
<i class="material-icons small">delete</i>
<span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.delete'|trans }}</span>
@ -123,15 +123,7 @@
{% if craue_setting('share_public')
or craue_setting('share_twitter')
or craue_setting('share_shaarli')
or craue_setting('share_scuttle')
or craue_setting('share_diaspora')
or craue_setting('share_unmark')
or craue_setting('carrot')
or craue_setting('share_mail')
{% if craue_setting('share_public') or craue_setting('share_twitter') or craue_setting('share_shaarli') or craue_setting('share_scuttle') or craue_setting('share_diaspora') or craue_setting('share_unmark') or craue_setting('carrot') or craue_setting('share_mail') %}
<li class="bold">
<a class="waves-effect collapsible-header">
<i class="material-icons small">share</i>
@ -141,19 +133,19 @@
{% if craue_setting('share_public') %}
<a href="{{ path('share', {'id': entry.id }) }}" target="_blank" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.public_link'|trans }}" class="tool icon-eye">
<a href="{{ path('share', {'id': entry.id}) }}" target="_blank" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.public_link'|trans }}" class="tool icon-eye">
<span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.public_link'|trans }}</span>
<a href="{{ path('delete_share', {'id': entry.id }) }}" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.delete_public_link'|trans }}" class="tool icon-no-eye">
<a href="{{ path('delete_share', {'id': entry.id}) }}" title="{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.delete_public_link'|trans }}" class="tool icon-no-eye">
<span>{{ 'entry.view.left_menu.delete_public_link'|trans }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_twitter') %}
<a href="https://twitter.com/share?text={{entry.title|striptags|url_encode}}%20{{ entry.url|url_encode }}%20via%20@wallabagapp" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="tool icon-twitter" title="twitter">
<a href="https://twitter.com/share?text={{ entry.title|striptags|url_encode }}%20{{ entry.url|url_encode }}%20via%20@wallabagapp" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="tool icon-twitter" title="twitter">
@ -181,7 +173,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_unmark') %}
<a href="{{ craue_setting('unmark_url') }}/mark/add?url={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{entry.title|striptags|url_encode}}&v=6" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="tool icon-image unmark" title="unmark">
<a href="{{ craue_setting('unmark_url') }}/mark/add?url={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|striptags|url_encode }}&v=6" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="tool icon-image unmark" title="unmark">
@ -217,7 +209,7 @@
{% endif %}
<li class="bold border-top border-bottom">
<a class="waves-effect collapsible-header" title="{{ 'menu.top.random_entry'|trans }}" href="{{ path('random_entry', { 'type': 'all' }) }}">
<a class="waves-effect collapsible-header" title="{{ 'menu.top.random_entry'|trans }}" href="{{ path('random_entry', {'type': 'all'}) }}">
<i class="material-icons small">casino</i>
<span>{{ 'menu.top.random_entry'|trans }}</span>
@ -230,13 +222,13 @@
<div class="collapsible-body">
{% if craue_setting('export_epub') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id': entry.id, 'format': 'epub' }) }}" title="Generate ePub file">EPUB</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_mobi') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id': entry.id, 'format': 'mobi' }) }}" title="Generate Mobi file">MOBI (deprecated)</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_pdf') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id': entry.id, 'format': 'pdf' }) }}" title="Generate PDF file">PDF</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_csv') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id': entry.id, 'format': 'csv' }) }}" title="Generate CSV file">CSV</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_json') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id': entry.id, 'format': 'json' }) }}" title="Generate JSON file">JSON</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_txt') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id': entry.id, 'format': 'txt' }) }}" title="Generate TXT file">TXT</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_xml') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id': entry.id, 'format': 'xml' }) }}" title="Generate XML file">XML</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_epub') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', {'id': entry.id, 'format': 'epub'}) }}" title="Generate ePub file">EPUB</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_mobi') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', {'id': entry.id, 'format': 'mobi'}) }}" title="Generate Mobi file">MOBI (deprecated)</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_pdf') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', {'id': entry.id, 'format': 'pdf'}) }}" title="Generate PDF file">PDF</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_csv') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', {'id': entry.id, 'format': 'csv'}) }}" title="Generate CSV file">CSV</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_json') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', {'id': entry.id, 'format': 'json'}) }}" title="Generate JSON file">JSON</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_txt') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', {'id': entry.id, 'format': 'txt'}) }}" title="Generate TXT file">TXT</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_xml') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', {'id': entry.id, 'format': 'xml'}) }}" title="Generate XML file">XML</a></li>{% endif %}
@ -256,7 +248,7 @@
{% block content %}
<div id="article">
<header class="mbm">
<h1><span{% if entry.language is defined and entry.language is not null %} lang="{{ entry.getHTMLLanguage() }}"{% endif %}>{{ entry.title|striptags|default('entry.default_title'|trans)|raw }}</span> <a href="{{ path('edit', { 'id': entry.id }) }}" title="{{ 'entry.view.edit_title'|trans }}"><i class="material-icons grey-text">create</i></a></h1>
<h1><span{% if entry.language is defined and entry.language is not null %} lang="{{ entry.getHTMLLanguage() }}"{% endif %}>{{ entry.title|striptags|default('entry.default_title'|trans)|raw }}</span> <a href="{{ path('edit', {'id': entry.id}) }}" title="{{ 'entry.view.edit_title'|trans }}"><i class="material-icons grey-text">create</i></a></h1>
<div class="tools grey-text" dir="auto">
@ -290,7 +282,7 @@
<i class="material-icons grey-text">comment</i>
{{ 'entry.view.annotations_on_the_entry'|transchoice(entry.annotations | length) }}
{{ 'entry.view.annotations_on_the_entry'|transchoice(entry.annotations|length) }}
{% if entry.originUrl is not empty %}
@ -305,12 +297,12 @@
<div class="input-field nav-panel-add-tag" style="display: none">
{{ render(controller( "WallabagCoreBundle:Tag:addTagForm", { 'id': entry.id } )) }}
{{ render(controller("WallabagCoreBundle:Tag:addTagForm", {'id': entry.id})) }}
<article{% if entry.language is defined and entry.language is not null %} lang="{{ entry.getHTMLLanguage() }}"{% endif %}>
{{ entry.content | raw }}
{{ entry.content|raw }}
<div class="fixed-action-btn js-fixed-action-btn horizontal click-to-toggle hide-on-large-only">
@ -318,9 +310,9 @@
<i class="material-icons">menu</i>
<li><a class="btn-floating" href="{{ path('archive_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><i class="material-icons">{% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}done{% else %}unarchive{% endif %}</i></a></li>
<li><a class="btn-floating" href="{{ path('star_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}"><i class="material-icons">{% if entry.isStarred == 0 %}star_outline{% else %}star{% endif %}</i></a></li>
<li><a class="btn-floating" href="{{ path('delete_entry', { 'id': entry.id }) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'entry.confirm.delete'|trans|escape('js') }}')"><i class="material-icons">delete</i></a></li>
<li><a class="btn-floating" href="{{ path('archive_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}"><i class="material-icons">{% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}done{% else %}unarchive{% endif %}</i></a></li>
<li><a class="btn-floating" href="{{ path('star_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}"><i class="material-icons">{% if entry.isStarred == 0 %}star_outline{% else %}star{% endif %}</i></a></li>
<li><a class="btn-floating" href="{{ path('delete_entry', {'id': entry.id}) }}" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'entry.confirm.delete'|trans|escape('js') }}')"><i class="material-icons">delete</i></a></li>
@ -329,10 +321,10 @@
"prefix": "",
"urls": {
"create": "{{ path('annotations_post_annotation', { 'entry': entry.id }) }}",
"update": "{{ path('annotations_put_annotation', { 'annotation': 'idAnnotation' }) }}",
"destroy": "{{ path('annotations_delete_annotation', { 'annotation': 'idAnnotation' }) }}",
"search": "{{ path('annotations_get_annotations', { 'entry': entry.id }) }}"
"create": "{{ path('annotations_post_annotation', {'entry': entry.id}) }}",
"update": "{{ path('annotations_put_annotation', {'annotation': 'idAnnotation'}) }}",
"destroy": "{{ path('annotations_delete_annotation', {'annotation': 'idAnnotation'}) }}",
"search": "{{ path('annotations_get_annotations', {'entry': entry.id}) }}"
"entryId": "{{ entry.id }}"
@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
{% block title %}{{ 'entry.new.page_title'|trans }}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{{ render(controller( "WallabagCoreBundle:Entry:addEntryForm" )) }}
{{ render(controller("WallabagCoreBundle:Entry:addEntryForm")) }}
{% endblock %}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<form class="input-field nav-panel-item nav-panel-add" style="display: none" name="entry" method="post" action="{{ path('new_entry')}}">
<form class="input-field nav-panel-item nav-panel-add" style="display: none" name="entry" method="post" action="{{ path('new_entry') }}">
{% if form_errors(form) %}
<span class="black-text">{{ form_errors(form) }}</span>
{% endif %}
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<span class="black-text">{{ form_errors(form.url) }}</span>
{% endif %}
{{ form_widget(form.url, { 'attr': {'autocomplete': 'off', 'placeholder': 'entry.new.placeholder'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.url, {'attr': {'autocomplete': 'off', 'placeholder': 'entry.new.placeholder'}}) }}
<i class="material-icons close" aria-label="clear" role="button"></i>
{{ form_rest(form) }}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<form class="input-field nav-panel-item nav-panel-search" style="display: none" name="search" method="GET" action="{{ path('search')}}">
<form class="input-field nav-panel-item nav-panel-search" style="display: none" name="search" method="GET" action="{{ path('search') }}">
{% if form_errors(form) %}
<span class="black-text">{{ form_errors(form) }}</span>
{% endif %}
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<input type="hidden" name="currentRoute" value="{{ currentRoute }}" />
{{ form_widget(form.term, { 'attr': {'autocomplete': 'off', 'placeholder': 'entry.search.placeholder'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.term, {'attr': {'autocomplete': 'off', 'placeholder': 'entry.search.placeholder'}}) }}
<i class="material-icons close" aria-label="clear" role="button"></i>
{{ form_rest(form) }}
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<td>{{ rule.rule }}</td>
<a href="{{ path('ignore_origin_instance_rules_edit', { 'id': rule.id }) }}">{{ 'ignore_origin_instance_rule.list.edit_action'|trans }}</a>
<a href="{{ path('ignore_origin_instance_rules_edit', {'id': rule.id}) }}">{{ 'ignore_origin_instance_rule.list.edit_action'|trans }}</a>
{% endfor %}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Hello {{username}}!
Hello {{ username }}!
To reset your password - please visit {{confirmationUrl}}
To reset your password - please visit {{ confirmationUrl }}
Wallabag bot
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<td>{{ credential.host }}</td>
<a href="{{ path('site_credentials_edit', { 'id': credential.id }) }}">{{ 'site_credential.list.edit_action'|trans }}</a>
<a href="{{ path('site_credentials_edit', {'id': credential.id}) }}">{{ 'site_credential.list.edit_action'|trans }}</a>
{% endfor %}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<form name="tag" method="post" action="{{ path('new_tag', { 'entry': entry.id })}}">
<form name="tag" method="post" action="{{ path('new_tag', {'entry': entry.id}) }}">
{% if form_errors(form) %}
<span class="black-text">{{ form_errors(form) }}</span>
{% endif %}
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<span class="black-text">{{ form_errors(form.label) }}</span>
{% endif %}
{{ form_widget(form.label, { 'attr': {'autocomplete': 'off'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.label, {'attr': {'autocomplete': 'off'}}) }}
{{ form_widget(form.add, {'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light hide-on-large-only'}}) }}
{{ form_widget(form._token) }}
@ -10,15 +10,15 @@
<div class="row">
<ul class="card-tag-labels">
<li class="chip">
<a href="{{ path('untagged') }}">{{ 'tag.list.untagged'|trans }} ({{nbEntriesUntagged}})</a>
<a href="{{ path('untagged') }}">{{ 'tag.list.untagged'|trans }} ({{ nbEntriesUntagged }})</a>
{% for tag in tags %}
<li title="{{tag.label}} ({{ tag.nbEntries }})" id="tag-{{ tag.id }}" class="chip">
<li title="{{ tag.label }} ({{ tag.nbEntries }})" id="tag-{{ tag.id }}" class="chip">
<a href="{{ path('tag_entries', {'slug': tag.slug}) }}" class="card-tag-link" data-handle="tag-link">
{{ tag.label }} ({{ tag.nbEntries }})
{% if renameForms is defined and renameForms[tag.id] is defined %}
<form class="card-tag-form hidden" data-handle="tag-rename-form" action="{{ path('tag_rename', {'slug': tag.slug})}}" method="POST">
<form class="card-tag-form hidden" data-handle="tag-rename-form" action="{{ path('tag_rename', {'slug': tag.slug}) }}" method="POST">
{{ form_widget(renameForms[tag.id].label, {'attr': {'value': tag.label}}) }}
{{ form_rest(renameForms[tag.id]) }}
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<i class="material-icons">mode_edit</i>
{% endif %}
<a id="delete-{{ tag.slug }}" href="{{ path('tag_delete', {'slug': tag.slug})}}" class="card-tag-icon card-tag-delete" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'tag.confirm.delete'|trans({'%name%': tag.label})|escape('js') }}')">
<a id="delete-{{ tag.slug }}" href="{{ path('tag_delete', {'slug': tag.slug}) }}" class="card-tag-icon card-tag-delete" onclick="return confirm('{{ 'tag.confirm.delete'|trans({'%name%': tag.label})|escape('js') }}')">
<i class="material-icons">delete</i>
{% if app.user.config.feedToken %}
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
{% endblock %}
{% block messages %}
{% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get('notice') %}
{% for flash_message in app.session.flashbag.get('notice') %}
Materialize.toast('{{ flashMessage|trans }}', 4000);
Materialize.toast('{{ flash_message|trans }}', 4000);
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
@ -34,40 +34,40 @@
{% endblock %}
{% set currentRoute = app.request.attributes.get('_route') %}
{% set currentRouteFromQueryParams = app.request.query.get('currentRoute') %}
{% set current_route = app.request.attributes.get('_route') %}
{% set current_route_from_query_params = app.request.query.get('currentRoute') %}
{% set activeRoute = null %}
{% if currentRoute == 'all' or currentRouteFromQueryParams == 'all' %}
{% set activeRoute = 'all' %}
{% elseif currentRoute == 'annotated' or currentRouteFromQueryParams == 'annotated' %}
{% set activeRoute = 'annotated' %}
{% elseif currentRoute == 'archive' or currentRouteFromQueryParams == 'archive' %}
{% set activeRoute = 'archive' %}
{% elseif currentRoute == 'starred' or currentRouteFromQueryParams == 'starred' %}
{% set activeRoute = 'starred' %}
{% elseif currentRoute == 'unread' or currentRoute == 'homepage' or currentRouteFromQueryParams == 'unread' %}
{% set activeRoute = 'unread' %}
{% elseif currentRoute == 'untagged' %}
{% set activeRoute = 'untagged' %}
{% set active_route = null %}
{% if current_route == 'all' or current_route_from_query_params == 'all' %}
{% set active_route = 'all' %}
{% elseif current_route == 'annotated' or current_route_from_query_params == 'annotated' %}
{% set active_route = 'annotated' %}
{% elseif current_route == 'archive' or current_route_from_query_params == 'archive' %}
{% set active_route = 'archive' %}
{% elseif current_route == 'starred' or current_route_from_query_params == 'starred' %}
{% set active_route = 'starred' %}
{% elseif current_route == 'unread' or current_route == 'homepage' or current_route_from_query_params == 'unread' %}
{% set active_route = 'unread' %}
{% elseif current_route == 'untagged' %}
{% set active_route = 'untagged' %}
{% endif %}
<li class="bold {% if activeRoute == 'unread' %}active{% endif %}">
<li class="bold {% if active_route == 'unread' %}active{% endif %}">
<a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('unread') }}">{{ 'menu.left.unread'|trans }} <span class="numberItems grey-text">{{ count_entries('unread') }}</span></a>
<li class="bold {% if activeRoute == 'starred' %}active{% endif %}">
<li class="bold {% if active_route == 'starred' %}active{% endif %}">
<a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('starred') }}">{{ 'menu.left.starred'|trans }} <span class="numberItems grey-text">{{ count_entries('starred') }}</span></a>
<li class="bold {% if activeRoute == 'archive' %}active{% endif %}">
<li class="bold {% if active_route == 'archive' %}active{% endif %}">
<a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('archive') }}">{{ 'menu.left.archive'|trans }} <span class="numberItems grey-text">{{ count_entries('archive') }}</span></a>
<li class="bold {% if activeRoute == 'annotated' %}active{% endif %}">
<li class="bold {% if active_route == 'annotated' %}active{% endif %}">
<a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('annotated') }}">{{ 'menu.left.with_annotations'|trans }} <span class="numberItems grey-text">{{ count_entries('annotated') }}</span></a>
<li class="bold {% if activeRoute == 'all' %}active{% endif %}">
<li class="bold {% if active_route == 'all' %}active{% endif %}">
<a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('all') }}">{{ 'menu.left.all_articles'|trans }} <span class="numberItems grey-text">{{ count_entries('all') }}</span></a>
<li class="bold {% if currentRoute == 'tags' %}active{% endif %}">
<li class="bold {% if current_route == 'tags' %}active{% endif %}">
<a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('tag') }}">{{ 'menu.left.tags'|trans }} <span class="numberItems grey-text">{{ count_tags() }}</span></a>
@ -91,9 +91,9 @@
<i class="material-icons">search</i>
{% if activeRoute %}
{% if active_route %}
<li id="button_random">
<a class="waves-effect tooltipped js-random-action" data-position="bottom" data-delay="50" data-tooltip="{{ 'menu.top.random_entry'|trans }}" href="{{ path('random_entry', { 'type': activeRoute }) }}">
<a class="waves-effect tooltipped js-random-action" data-position="bottom" data-delay="50" data-tooltip="{{ 'menu.top.random_entry'|trans }}" href="{{ path('random_entry', {'type': active_route}) }}">
<i class="material-icons">casino</i>
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
{{ render(controller("WallabagCoreBundle:Entry:searchForm", {'currentRoute': currentRoute})) }}
{{ render(controller("WallabagCoreBundle:Entry:searchForm", {'currentRoute': current_route})) }}
{{ render(controller("WallabagCoreBundle:Entry:addEntryForm")) }}
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col m12 l8">
<p class="footer-text" title="{{ display_stats() | raw | striptags }}">
<p class="footer-text" title="{{ display_stats()|raw|striptags }}">
{{ display_stats() }}
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
{{ form_widget(form.save, { 'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.save, {'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light'}}) }}
{{ form_rest(form) }}
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
{{ form_widget(form.save, { 'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.save, {'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light'}}) }}
{{ form_rest(form) }}
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
{{ form_widget(form.save, { 'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.save, {'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light'}}) }}
{{ form_rest(form) }}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{% set redis = craue_setting('import_with_redis') %}
{% set rabbit = craue_setting('import_with_rabbitmq') %}
{% set downloadImages = craue_setting('download_images_enabled') %}
{% set download_images = craue_setting('download_images_enabled') %}
{% if redis or rabbit %}
<div class="card-panel yellow darken-1 black-text">
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% if not redis and not rabbit and downloadImages %}
{% if not redis and not rabbit and download_images %}
<div class="card-panel orange darken-1 black-text">
{{ 'import.worker.download_images_warning'|trans|raw }}
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
{{ form_widget(form.save, { 'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.save, {'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light'}}) }}
{{ form_rest(form) }}
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
{{ form_widget(form.save, { 'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.save, {'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light'}}) }}
{{ form_rest(form) }}
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<div class="card-panel red white-text">
{{ 'import.pocket.config_missing.description'|trans }}
{{ 'import.pocket.config_missing.admin_message'|trans({'%keyurls%': '<a href="' ~ path('config') ~ '" class="white-text"><strong>', '%keyurle%':'</strong></a>'})|raw }}
{{ 'import.pocket.config_missing.admin_message'|trans({'%keyurls%': '<a href="' ~ path('config') ~ '" class="white-text"><strong>', '%keyurle%': '</strong></a>'})|raw }}
{% endif %}
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
{{ form_widget(form.save, { 'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.save, {'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light'}}) }}
{{ form_rest(form) }}
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
{{ form_widget(form.save, { 'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.save, {'attr': {'class': 'btn waves-effect waves-light'}}) }}
{{ form_rest(form) }}
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
<div class="card-content">
<div class="row">
{% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get("two_factor") %}
<p class="error">{{ flashMessage|trans }}</p>
{% for flash_message in app.session.flashbag.get("two_factor") %}
<p class="error">{{ flash_message|trans }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{# Authentication errors #}
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
<div class="col s6">
<div class="input-field">
<form name="search_users" method="GET" action="{{ path('user_index')}}">
<form name="search_users" method="GET" action="{{ path('user_index') }}">
{% if form_errors(searchForm) %}
<span class="black-text">{{ form_errors(searchForm) }}</span>
{% endif %}
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<span class="black-text">{{ form_errors(searchForm.term) }}</span>
{% endif %}
{{ form_widget(searchForm.term, { 'attr': {'autocomplete': 'off', 'placeholder': 'user.search.placeholder'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(searchForm.term, {'attr': {'autocomplete': 'off', 'placeholder': 'user.search.placeholder'}}) }}
{{ form_rest(searchForm) }}
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
<td>{{ user.email }}</td>
<td>{% if user.lastLogin %}{{ user.lastLogin|date('Y-m-d H:i:s') }}{% endif %}</td>
<a href="{{ path('user_edit', { 'id': user.id }) }}">{{ 'user.list.edit_action'|trans }}</a>
<a href="{{ path('user_edit', {'id': user.id}) }}">{{ 'user.list.edit_action'|trans }}</a>
{% endfor %}
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
color: purple !important;
table td {border-collapse: collapse;}
table { border-collapse:collapse; mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; }
table {border-collapse:collapse; mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; }
a {color: #373737;}
#card {
Reference in a new issue