mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 09:30:30 +00:00
Fix indentations & remove comments
Mostly because weblate doesn't handle them.
This commit is contained in:
20 changed files with 562 additions and 1765 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# settings_changed: Configuration updated
download_pictures: Download billeder på din server
carrot: Aktiver deling til Carrot
diaspora_url: Diaspora URL, hvis tjenesten er aktiv
@ -9,8 +8,6 @@ export_csv: Aktiver eksport til CSV
export_json: Aktiver eksport til JSON
export_txt: Aktiver eksport til TXT
export_xml: Aktiver eksport til XML
# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously
# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously
shaarli_url: Shaarli-URL, hvis tjenesten er aktiv
scuttle_url: Scuttle-URL, hvis tjenesten er aktiv
unmark_url: Unmark-URL, hvis tjenesten er aktiv
@ -32,9 +29,3 @@ matomo_site_id: ID for din side hos Matomo
matomo_enabled: Aktiver Matomo
demo_mode_enabled: "Aktiver demo-indstilling? (anvendes kun til wallabags offentlige demo)"
demo_mode_username: "Demobruger"
# share_public: Allow public url for entries
# download_images_enabled: Download images locally
# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall
# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API
# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
# shaarli_share_origin_url: Enable sharing origin url to Shaarli, if the service is enabled
@ -35,9 +35,6 @@ demo_mode_username: "Nombre de usuario demo"
share_public: Permitir URLs públicas para los artículos
download_images_enabled: Descargar imágenes localmente
restricted_access: Activar autenticación para websites con paywall
# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API
# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
# shaarli_share_origin_url: Enable sharing origin url to Shaarli, if the service is enabled
api_user_registration: Permitir el registro de usuarios utilizando el API
shaarli_share_origin_url: Activar compartir en Shaarli, si el servicio está habilitado
store_article_headers: Activar si wallabag almacena encabezados HTTP para cada artículo
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# settings_changed: Configuration updated
download_pictures: تصاویر را در کارگزار خودتان باربگیرید
carrot: فعالسازی همرسانی به Carrot
diaspora_url: نشانی Diaspora، اگر فعال بود
@ -9,8 +8,6 @@ export_csv: فعالسازی برونسپاری به CSV
export_json: فعالسازی برونسپاری به JSON
export_txt: فعالسازی برونسپاری به TXT
export_xml: فعالسازی برونسپاری به XML
# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously
# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously
shaarli_url: نشانی Shaarli، اگر فعال بود
scuttle_url: نشانی Scuttle، اگر فعال بود
unmark_url: نشانی Unmark، اگر فعال بود
@ -27,14 +24,3 @@ export: "برونسپاری"
import: "درونریزی"
misc: "غیره"
modify_settings: "اعمال"
# matomo_host: Host of your website in Matomo (without http:// or https://)
# matomo_site_id: ID of your website in Matomo
# matomo_enabled: Enable Matomo
# demo_mode_enabled: "Enable demo mode ? (only used for the wallabag public demo)"
# demo_mode_username: "Demo user"
# share_public: Allow public url for entries
# download_images_enabled: Download images locally
# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall
# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API
# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
# shaarli_share_origin_url: Enable sharing origin url to Shaarli, if the service is enabled
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# settings_changed: Configuration updated
download_pictures: Scarica le immagini sul tuo server
carrot: Abilita la condivisione con Carrot
diaspora_url: URL di diaspora*, se il servizio è abilitato
@ -9,8 +8,6 @@ export_csv: Abilita esportazione CSV
export_json: Abilita esportazione JSON
export_txt: Abilita esportazione TXT
export_xml: Abilita esportazione XML
# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously
# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously
shaarli_url: Shaarli URL, se il servizio è abilitato
scuttle_url: Scuttle URL, se il servizio è abilitato
unmark_url: Unmark URL, se il servizio è abilitato
@ -32,10 +29,5 @@ matomo_site_id: ID del tuo sito in Matomo
matomo_enabled: Abilita Matomo
demo_mode_enabled: "Abilita modalità demo ? (usato solo per la demo pubblica di wallabag)"
demo_mode_username: "Utente Demo"
# share_public: Allow public url for entries
# download_images_enabled: Download images locally
# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall
api_user_registration: Abilita la registrazione dell'utente attraverso l'API
# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
# shaarli_share_origin_url: Enable sharing origin url to Shaarli, if the service is enabled
settings_changed: Configurazione aggiornata
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# settings_changed: Configuration updated
download_pictures: Download imagens no seu servidor
carrot: Habilitar compartilhamento para o Carrot
diaspora_url: URL Diaspora caso o serviço esteja habilitado
@ -9,8 +8,6 @@ export_csv: Habilita exportação para CSV
export_json: Habilita exportação para JSON
export_txt: Habilita exportação para TXT
export_xml: Habilita exportação para XML
# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously
# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously
shaarli_url: URL Shaarli caso o serviço esteja habilitado
scuttle_url: URL Scuttle caso o serviço esteja habilitado
unmark_url: URL Unmark caso o serviço esteja habilitado
@ -33,9 +30,3 @@ matomo_site_id: ID de seu website Matomo
matomo_enabled: Habilitar Matomo
demo_mode_enabled: "Habilitar modo demo? (somente usado para o demo público do wallabag)"
demo_mode_username: "Usuário demo"
# share_public: Allow public url for entries
# download_images_enabled: Download images locally
# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall
# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API
# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
# shaarli_share_origin_url: Enable sharing origin url to Shaarli, if the service is enabled
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# settings_changed: Configuration updated
download_pictures: Descarcă poze pe server
carrot: Permite share către Carrot
diaspora_url: Diaspora URL, dacă serviciul este permis
@ -9,8 +8,6 @@ export_csv: Permite exportare CSV
export_json: Permite exportare JSON
export_txt: Permite exportare TXT
export_xml: Permite exportare XML
# import_with_rabbitmq: Enable RabbitMQ to import data asynchronously
# import_with_redis: Enable Redis to import data asynchronously
shaarli_url: Shaarli URL, dacă serviciul este permis
scuttle_url: Scuttle URL, dacă serviciul este permis
unmark_url: Unmark URL, dacă serviciul este permis
@ -27,14 +24,3 @@ export: "exportă"
import: "importă"
misc: "diverse"
modify_settings: "aplică"
# matomo_host: Host of your website in Matomo (without http:// or https://)
# matomo_site_id: ID of your website in Matomo
# matomo_enabled: Enable Matomo
# demo_mode_enabled: "Enable demo mode ? (only used for the wallabag public demo)"
# demo_mode_username: "Demo user"
# share_public: Allow public url for entries
# download_images_enabled: Download images locally
# restricted_access: Enable authentication for websites with paywall
# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API
# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
# shaarli_share_origin_url: Enable sharing origin url to Shaarli, if the service is enabled
@ -35,6 +35,3 @@ demo_mode_username: "Демо пользователь"
share_public: "Разрешить публичные ссылки на записи"
download_images_enabled: "Скачивать изображения локально"
restricted_access: "Включить авторизацию на сайте с помощью paywall"
# api_user_registration: Enable user to be registered using the API
# store_article_headers: Enable if wallabag stores HTTP headers for each article
# shaarli_share_origin_url: Enable sharing origin url to Shaarli, if the service is enabled
@ -34,4 +34,3 @@ share_public: ยอมรับ URL สาธารณะจากการเ
download_images_enabled: ดาวน์โหลดรูปภาพเฉพาะ
restricted_access: เปิดใช้งานการรองรับบนเว็บไซต์กับ paywall
api_user_registration: เปิดใช้งานให้ผู้ใช้ลงทะเบียนการใช้ API
# shaarli_share_origin_url: Enable sharing origin url to Shaarli, if the service is enabled
@ -1,19 +1,12 @@
# page_title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
keep_logged_in: 'Forbliv logget ind'
forgot_password: 'Glemt adgangskoden?'
submit: 'Log ind'
# register: 'Register'
username: 'Brugernavn'
password: 'Adgangskode'
# cancel: 'Cancel'
description: "Indtast din emailadresse nedenfor, så vil du modtage instrukser om at nulstille adgangskoden."
# page_title: 'Create an account'
# go_to_account: 'Go to your account'
unread: 'Ulæst'
@ -22,36 +15,21 @@ menu:
all_articles: 'Alle artikler'
config: 'Opsætning'
tags: 'Tags'
# internal_settings: 'Internal Settings'
# import: 'Import'
howto: 'KUow-to'
# developer: 'API clients management'
logout: 'Log ud'
about: 'Om'
search: 'Søg'
# save_link: 'Save a link'
back_to_unread: 'Tilbage til de ulæste artikler'
# users_management: 'Users management'
# site_credentials: 'Site credentials'
# ignore_origin_instance_rules: 'Global ignore origin rules'
# quickstart: "Quickstart"
add_new_entry: 'Tilføj ny artikel'
search: 'Søg'
filter_entries: 'Filtrer artikler'
# random_entry: Jump to a random entry from that list
# export: 'Export'
# account: 'My account'
input_label: 'Indtast søgning'
# elsewhere: 'Take wallabag with you'
# social: 'Social'
# powered_by: 'powered by'
about: 'Om'
# stats: Since %user_creation% you read %nb_archives% articles. That is about %per_day% a day!
page_title: 'Opsætning'
@ -60,178 +38,43 @@ config:
feed: 'RSS'
user_info: 'Brugeroplysninger'
password: 'Adgangskode'
# rules: 'Tagging rules'
# ignore_origin: 'Ignore origin rules'
new_user: 'Tilføj bruger'
# reset: 'Reset area'
save: 'Gem'
theme_label: 'Tema'
items_per_page_label: 'Poster pr. side'
language_label: 'Sprog'
# label: 'Reading speed (words per minute)'
# help_message: 'You can use online tools to estimate your reading speed:'
# label: 'Where do you want to be redirected to after marking an article as read?'
# redirect_homepage: 'To the homepage'
# redirect_current_page: 'To the current page'
pocket_consumer_key_label: Brugers nøgle til Pocket for at importere materialer
# android_configuration: Configure your Android application
# android_instruction: "Touch here to prefill your Android application"
# help_theme: "wallabag is customizable. You can choose your prefered theme here."
# help_items_per_page: "You can change the number of articles displayed on each page."
# help_reading_speed: "wallabag calculates a reading time for each article. You can define here, thanks to this list, if you are a fast or a slow reader. wallabag will recalculate the reading time for each article."
# help_language: "You can change the language of wallabag interface."
# help_pocket_consumer_key: "Required for Pocket import. You can create it in your Pocket account."
description: 'RSS-feeds fra wallabag gør det muligt at læse de artikler, der gemmes i wallabag, med din RSS-læser. Det kræver, at du genererer et token først.'
token_label: 'RSS-Token'
no_token: 'Intet token'
token_create: 'Opret token'
token_reset: 'Nulstil token'
# token_revoke: 'Revoke the token'
feed_links: 'RSS-Links'
unread: 'Ulæst'
starred: 'Favoritter'
archive: 'Arkiv'
# all: 'All'
# feed_limit: 'Number of items in the feed'
# two_factor_description: "Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code OR need to use an OTP app (like Google Authenticator, Authy or FreeOTP) to get a one time code on every new untrusted connection. You can't choose both option."
# login_label: 'Login (can not be changed)'
name_label: 'Navn'
email_label: 'Emailadresse'
# emailTwoFactor_label: 'Using email (receive a code by email)'
# googleTwoFactor_label: 'Using an OTP app (open the app, like Google Authenticator, Authy or FreeOTP, to get a one time code)'
# table_method: Method
# table_state: State
# table_action: Action
# state_enabled: Enabled
# state_disabled: Disabled
# action_email: Use email
# action_app: Use OTP App
# title: Delete my account (a.k.a danger zone)
# description: If you remove your account, ALL your articles, ALL your tags, ALL your annotations and your account will be PERMANENTLY removed (it can't be UNDONE). You'll then be logged out.
# confirm: Are you really sure? (THIS CAN'T BE UNDONE)
# button: Delete my account
# title: Reset area (a.k.a danger zone)
# description: By hiting buttons below you'll have ability to remove some informations from your account. Be aware that these actions are IRREVERSIBLE.
# annotations: Remove ALL annotations
# tags: Remove ALL tags
# entries: Remove ALL entries
# archived: Remove ALL archived entries
# confirm: Are you really really sure? (THIS CAN'T BE UNDONE)
# description: "You can change your password here. Your new password should by at least 8 characters long."
old_password_label: 'Gammel adgangskode'
new_password_label: 'Ny adgangskode'
repeat_new_password_label: 'Gentag adgangskode'
# if_label: 'if'
# then_tag_as_label: 'then tag as'
# delete_rule_label: 'delete'
# edit_rule_label: 'edit'
# rule_label: 'Rule'
# tags_label: 'Tags'
# card:
# new_tagging_rule: Create a tagging rule
# import_tagging_rules: Import tagging rules
# import_tagging_rules_detail: You have to select the JSON file you previously exported.
# export_tagging_rules: Export tagging rules
# export_tagging_rules_detail: This will download a JSON file that you can use to import tagging rules elsewhere or to backup them.
# file_label: JSON file
# import_submit: Import
# export: Export
# faq:
# title: 'FAQ'
# tagging_rules_definition_title: 'What does « tagging rules » mean?'
# tagging_rules_definition_description: 'They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.'
# how_to_use_them_title: 'How do I use them?'
# how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime <= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime >= 5 AND domainName = "github.com"</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
# variables_available_title: 'Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?'
# variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:'
# meaning: 'Meaning'
# variable_description:
# label: 'Variable'
# title: 'Title of the entry'
# url: 'URL of the entry'
# isArchived: 'Whether the entry is archived or not'
# isStarred: 'Whether the entry is starred or not'
# content: "The entry's content"
# language: "The entry's language"
# mimetype: "The entry's mime-type"
# readingTime: "The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes"
# domainName: 'The domain name of the entry'
# operator_description:
# label: 'Operator'
# less_than: 'Less than...'
# strictly_less_than: 'Strictly less than...'
# greater_than: 'Greater than...'
# strictly_greater_than: 'Strictly greater than...'
# equal_to: 'Equal to...'
# not_equal_to: 'Not equal to...'
# or: 'One rule OR another'
# and: 'One rule AND another'
# matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title matches "football"</code>'
# notmatches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> doesn''t match match a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title notmatches "football"</code>'
# faq:
# title: 'FAQ'
# ignore_origin_rules_definition_title: 'What does « ignore origin rules » mean?'
# ignore_origin_rules_definition_description: 'They are used by wallabag to automatically ignore an origin address after a redirect.<br />If a redirect occurs while fetching a new entry, all the ignore origin rules (<i>user defined and instance defined</i>) will be used to ignore the origin address.'
# how_to_use_them_title: 'How do I use them?'
# how_to_use_them_description: 'Let us assume you want to ignore the origin of an entry coming from « <i>rss.example.com</i> » (<i>knowing that after a redirect, the actual address is example.com</i>).<br />In that case, you should put « host = "rss.example.com" » in the <i>Rule</i> field.'
# variables_available_title: 'Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?'
# variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create ignore origin rules:'
# meaning: 'Meaning'
# variable_description:
# label: 'Variable'
# host: 'Host of the address'
# _all: 'Full address, mainly for pattern matching'
# operator_description:
# label: 'Operator'
# equal_to: 'Equal to…'
# matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>_all ~ "https?://rss.example.com/foobar/.*"</code>'
# page_title: Two-factor authentication
# app:
# two_factor_code_description_1: You just enabled the OTP two factor authentication, open your OTP app and use that code to get a one time password. It'll disapear after a page reload.
# two_factor_code_description_2: 'You can scan that QR Code with your app:'
# two_factor_code_description_3: 'Also, save these backup codes in a safe place, you can use them in case you lose access to your OTP app:'
# two_factor_code_description_4: 'Test an OTP code from your configured app:'
# cancel: Cancel
# enable: Enable
# default_title: 'Title of the entry'
# unread: 'Unread entries'
# starred: 'Starred entries'
# archived: 'Archived entries'
# filtered: 'Filtered entries'
# filtered_tags: 'Filtered by tags:'
# filtered_search: 'Filtered by search:'
# untagged: 'Untagged entries'
# all: 'All entries'
# number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no entry.|{1} There is one entry.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% entries.'
reading_time: 'estimeret læsetid'
reading_time_minutes: 'estimeret læsetid: %readingTime% min'
reading_time_less_one_minute: 'estimeret læsetid: < 1 min'
# number_of_tags: '{1}and one other tag|]1,Inf[and %count% other tags'
reading_time_minutes_short: '%readingTime% min'
reading_time_less_one_minute_short: '< 1 min'
original_article: 'original'
toogle_as_read: 'Marker som læst'
toogle_as_star: 'Skift favoritstatus'
delete: 'Slet'
# export_title: 'Export'
title: 'Filtre'
status_label: 'Status'
@ -240,10 +83,7 @@ entry:
unread_label: 'Ulæst'
preview_picture_label: 'Har et vist billede'
preview_picture_help: 'Forhåndsvis billede'
# is_public_label: 'Has a public link'
# is_public_help: 'Public link'
language_label: 'Sprog'
# http_status_label: 'HTTP status'
label: 'Læsetid i minutter'
from: 'fra'
@ -258,57 +98,27 @@ entry:
filter: 'Filter'
# back_to_top: 'Back to top'
back_to_homepage: 'Tilbage'
set_as_read: 'Marker som læst'
# set_as_unread: 'Mark as unread'
set_as_starred: 'Marker som favorit'
view_original_article: 'Originalartikel'
# re_fetch_content: 'Re-fetch content'
delete: 'Slet'
add_a_tag: 'Tliføj et tag'
share_content: 'Deling'
# share_email_label: 'Email'
# public_link: 'public link'
# delete_public_link: 'delete public link'
# export: 'Export'
# print: 'Print'
label: 'Problemer?'
description: 'Vises artiklen forkert?'
edit_title: 'Rediger titel'
original_article: 'original'
# annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} No annotations|{1} One annotation|]1,Inf[ %count% annotations'
created_at: 'Oprettelsesdato'
# published_at: 'Publication date'
# published_by: 'Published by'
# provided_by: 'Provided by'
page_title: 'Gem ny artikel'
placeholder: 'https://website.dk'
url_label: Url
# placeholder: 'What are you looking for?'
# page_title: 'Edit an entry'
# title_label: 'Title'
url_label: 'Url'
# origin_url_label: 'Origin url (from where you found that entry)'
save_label: 'Gem'
# shared_by_wallabag: "This article has been shared by %username% with <a href='%wallabag_instance%'>wallabag</a>"
# delete: "Are you sure you want to remove that article?"
# delete_entries: "Are you sure you want to remove those articles?"
# delete_tag: "Are you sure you want to remove that tag from that article?"
# reading_time: "Estimated reading time"
# reading_time_minutes_short: "%readingTime% min"
# address: "Address"
# added_on: "Added on"
# published_on: "Published on"
page_title: 'Om'
@ -316,7 +126,6 @@ about:
getting_help: 'Find hjælp'
helping: 'Hjælp wallabag'
contributors: 'Bidragsydere'
# third_party: 'Third-party libraries'
developped_by: 'Udviklet af'
website: 'Hjemmeside'
@ -333,19 +142,10 @@ about:
by_contributing: 'ved at bidrage til projektet:'
by_contributing_2: 'et Github-issue fortæller om alt, hvad vi har brug for:'
by_paypal: 'via Paypal'
# description: 'Thank you to contributors on wallabag web application'
# description: 'Here are the list of third-party libraries used in wallabag (with their licenses):'
# package: 'Package'
license: 'Licens'
page_title: 'How-to'
# page_description: 'There are several ways to save an article:'
# add_link: "Add a link"
# shortcuts: "Use shortcuts"
browser_addons: 'Browserudvidelser'
mobile_apps: 'Apps'
@ -360,330 +160,28 @@ howto:
via_f_droid: 'via F-Droid'
via_google_play: 'via Google Play'
# ios: 'on the iTunes Store'
# windows: 'on the Microsoft Store'
description: 'Træk dette link til din bogmærkeliste:'
# page_description: Here are the shortcuts available in wallabag.
# shortcut: Shortcut
# action: Action
# all_pages_title: Shortcuts available in all pages
# go_unread: Go to unread
# go_starred: Go to starred
# go_archive: Go to archive
# go_all: Go to all entries
# go_tags: Go to tags
# go_config: Go to config
# go_import: Go to import
# go_developers: Go to developers
# go_howto: Go to howto (this page!)
# go_logout: Logout
# list_title: Shortcuts available in listing pages
# search: Display the search form
# article_title: Shortcuts available in entry view
# open_original: Open original URL of the entry
# toggle_favorite: Toggle star status for the entry
# toggle_archive: Toggle read status for the entry
# delete: Delete the entry
# material_title: Shortcuts available with Material theme only
# add_link: Add a new link
# hide_form: Hide the current form (search or new link)
# arrows_navigation: Navigate through articles
# open_article: Display the selected entry
# page_title: 'Quickstart'
# more: 'More…'
# intro:
# title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
# paragraph_1: "We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interest you."
# paragraph_2: 'Follow us!'
# configure:
# title: 'Configure the application'
# description: 'In order to have an application which suits you, have a look into the configuration of wallabag.'
# language: 'Change language and design'
# feed: 'Enable RSS feeds'
# tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles'
# admin:
# title: 'Administration'
# description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
# new_user: 'Create a new user'
# analytics: 'Configure analytics'
# sharing: 'Enable some parameters about article sharing'
# export: 'Configure export'
# import: 'Configure import'
# first_steps:
# title: 'First steps'
# description: "Now wallabag is well configured, it's time to archive the web. You can click on the top right sign + to add a link."
# new_article: 'Save your first article'
# unread_articles: 'And classify it!'
# migrate:
# title: 'Migrate from an existing service'
# description: "Are you using another service? We'll help you to retrieve your data on wallabag."
# pocket: 'Migrate from Pocket'
# wallabag_v1: 'Migrate from wallabag v1'
# wallabag_v2: 'Migrate from wallabag v2'
# readability: 'Migrate from Readability'
# instapaper: 'Migrate from Instapaper'
# developer:
# title: 'Developers'
# description: 'We also thought to the developers: Docker, API, translations, etc.'
# create_application: 'Create your third application'
# use_docker: 'Use Docker to install wallabag'
# docs:
# title: 'Full documentation'
# description: "There are so much features in wallabag. Don't hesitate to read the manual to know them and to learn how to use them."
# annotate: 'Annotate your article'
# export: 'Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF'
# search_filters: 'See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters'
# fetching_errors: 'What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?'
# all_docs: 'And so many other articles!'
# support:
# title: 'Support'
# description: 'If you need some help, we are here for you.'
# github: 'On GitHub'
# email: 'By email'
# gitter: 'On Gitter'
page_title: 'Tags'
# number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no tag.|{1} There is one tag.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% tags.'
# see_untagged_entries: 'See untagged entries'
# no_untagged_entries: 'There are no untagged entries.'
# untagged: 'Untagged entries'
# add: 'Add'
# placeholder: 'You can add several tags, separated by a comma.'
# placeholder: 'You can update tag name.'
# export:
# footer_template: '<div style="text-align:center;"><p>Produced by wallabag with %method%</p><p>Please open <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues">an issue</a> if you have trouble with the display of this E-Book on your device.</p></div>'
# unknown: 'Unknown'
# page_title: 'Import'
# page_description: 'Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.'
# action:
# import_contents: 'Import contents'
# form:
# mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
# mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
# file_label: 'File'
# save_label: 'Upload file'
# pocket:
# page_title: 'Import > Pocket'
# description: "This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag."
# config_missing:
# description: "Pocket import isn't configured."
# admin_message: 'You need to define %keyurls%a pocket_consumer_key%keyurle%.'
# user_message: 'Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.'
# authorize_message: 'You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to getpocket.com.'
# connect_to_pocket: 'Connect to Pocket and import data'
# wallabag_v1:
# page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v1'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on "JSON export" in the "Export your wallabag data" section. You will have a "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json" file.'
# how_to: 'Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
# wallabag_v2:
# page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v2'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on "JSON". You will have a "All articles.json" file.'
# elcurator:
# page_title: 'Import > elCurator'
# description: 'This importer will import all your elCurator articles. Go to your preferences in your elCurator account and then, export your content. You will have a JSON file.'
# readability:
# page_title: 'Import > Readability'
# description: 'This importer will import all your Readability articles. On the tools (https://www.readability.com/tools/) page, click on "Export your data" in the "Data Export" section. You will received an email to download a json (which does not end with .json in fact).'
# how_to: 'Please select your Readability export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
# enabled: "Import is made asynchronously. Once the import task is started, an external worker will handle jobs one at a time. The current service is:"
# download_images_warning: "You enabled downloading images for your articles. Combined with classic import it can take ages to proceed (or maybe failed). We <strong>strongly recommend</strong> to enable asynchronous import to avoid errors."
# firefox:
# page_title: 'Import > Firefox'
# description: "This importer will import all your Firefox bookmarks. Just go to your bookmarks (Ctrl+Maj+O), then into \"Import and backup\", choose \"Backup...\". You will obtain a .json file."
# how_to: "Please choose the bookmark backup file and click on the button below to import it. Note that the process may take a long time since all articles have to be fetched."
# page_title: 'Import > Chrome'
# description: "This importer will import all your Chrome bookmarks. The location of the file depends on your operating system : <ul><li>On Linux, go into the <code>~/.config/chromium/Default/</code> directory</li><li>On Windows, it should be at <code>%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default</code></li><li>On OS X, it should be at <code>~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Bookmarks</code></li></ul>Once you got there, copy the Bookmarks file someplace you'll find.<em><br>Note that if you have Chromium instead of Chrome, you'll have to correct paths accordingly.</em></p>"
# how_to: "Please choose the bookmark backup file and click on the button below to import it. Note that the process may take a long time since all articles have to be fetched."
# instapaper:
# page_title: 'Import > Instapaper'
# description: 'This importer will import all your Instapaper articles. On the settings (https://www.instapaper.com/user) page, click on "Download .CSV file" in the "Export" section. A CSV file will be downloaded (like "instapaper-export.csv").'
# how_to: 'Please select your Instapaper export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
# page_title: "Import > Pinboard"
# description: 'This importer will import all your Instapaper articles. On the backup (https://pinboard.in/settings/backup) page, click on "JSON" in the "Bookmarks" section. A JSON file will be downloaded (like "pinboard_export").'
# how_to: 'Please select your Pinboard export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
# page_title: 'API clients management'
# welcome_message: 'Welcome to the wallabag API'
# documentation: 'Documentation'
# how_to_first_app: 'How to create my first application'
# full_documentation: 'View full API documentation'
# list_methods: 'List API methods'
# clients:
# title: 'Clients'
# create_new: 'Create a new client'
# existing_clients:
# title: 'Existing clients'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# field_uris: 'Redirect URIs'
# field_grant_types: 'Grant type allowed'
# no_client: 'No client yet.'
# remove:
# warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
# warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
# action: 'Remove this client'
# client:
# page_title: 'API clients management > New client'
# page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
# form:
# name_label: 'Name of the client'
# redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
# save_label: 'Create a new client'
# action_back: 'Back'
# copy_to_clipboard: Copy
# client_parameter:
# page_title: 'API clients management > Client parameters'
# page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
# field_name: 'Client name'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# back: 'Back'
# read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
# howto:
# page_title: 'Developer > How to create my first application'
# description:
# paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="https://github.com/jkbrzt/httpie">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
# paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
# paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
# paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
# paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
# paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
# paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
# paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
# back: 'Back'
# page_title: Users management
# new_user: Create a new user
# edit_user: Edit an existing user
# description: "Here you can manage all users (create, edit and delete)"
# list:
# actions: Actions
# edit_action: Edit
# yes: Yes
# no: No
# create_new_one: Create a new user
username_label: 'Brugernavn'
# name_label: 'Name'
password_label: 'Adgangskode'
repeat_new_password_label: 'Gentag adgangskode'
plain_password_label: '????'
email_label: 'Emailadresse'
# enabled_label: 'Enabled'
# last_login_label: 'Last login'
# twofactor_email_label: Two factor authentication by email
# twofactor_google_label: Two factor authentication by OTP app
# save: Save
# delete: Delete
# delete_confirm: Are you sure?
# back_to_list: Back to list
# placeholder: Filter by username or email
# page_title: Site credentials management
# new_site_credential: Create a credential
# edit_site_credential: Edit an existing credential
# description: "Here you can manage all credentials for sites which required them (create, edit and delete), like a paywall, an authentication, etc."
# list:
# actions: Actions
# edit_action: Edit
# yes: Yes
# no: No
# create_new_one: Create a new credential
# form:
# username_label: 'Username'
# host_label: 'Host (subdomain.example.org, .example.org, etc.)'
# password_label: 'Password'
# save: Save
# delete: Delete
# delete_confirm: Are you sure?
# back_to_list: Back to list
# page_title: An error occurred
config_saved: 'Opsætning gemt.'
password_updated: 'Adgangskode opdateret'
# password_not_updated_demo: "In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user."
user_updated: 'Oplysninger opdateret'
feed_updated: 'RSS-oplysninger opdateret'
# tagging_rules_updated: 'Tagging rules updated'
# tagging_rules_deleted: 'Tagging rule deleted'
# feed_token_updated: 'RSS token updated'
# feed_token_revoked: 'RSS token revoked'
# annotations_reset: Annotations reset
# tags_reset: Tags reset
# entries_reset: Entries reset
# archived_reset: Archived entries deleted
# otp_enabled: Two-factor authentication enabled
# otp_disabled: Two-factor authentication disabled
# tagging_rules_imported: Tagging rules imported
# tagging_rules_not_imported: Error while importing tagging rules
# ignore_origin_rules_deleted: 'Ignore origin rule deleted'
# ignore_origin_rules_updated: 'Ignore origin rule updated'
# entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
# entry_saved: 'Entry saved'
# entry_saved_failed: 'Entry saved but fetching content failed'
# entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
# entry_reloaded: 'Entry reloaded'
# entry_reloaded_failed: 'Entry reloaded but fetching content failed'
entry_archived: 'Artikel arkiveret'
entry_unarchived: 'Artikel ikke længere arkiveret'
entry_starred: 'Artikel markeret som favorit'
entry_unstarred: 'Artikel ikke længere markeret som favorit'
entry_deleted: 'Artikel slettet'
# no_random_entry: 'No article with these criterias was found'
# tag_added: 'Tag added'
# tag_renamed: 'Tag renamed'
# failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
# failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'
# summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
# summary_with_queue: 'Import summary: %queued% queued.'
# redis_enabled_not_installed: Redis is enabled for handle asynchronous import but it looks like <u>we can't connect to it</u>. Please check Redis configuration.
# rabbit_enabled_not_installed: RabbitMQ is enabled for handle asynchronous import but it looks like <u>we can't connect to it</u>. Please check RabbitMQ configuration.
# client_created: 'New client created.'
# client_deleted: 'Client deleted'
# added: 'User "%username%" added'
# updated: 'User "%username%" updated'
# deleted: 'User "%username%" deleted'
# added: 'Site credential for "%host%" added'
# updated: 'Site credential for "%host%" updated'
# deleted: 'Site credential for "%host%" deleted'
# added: 'Global ignore origin rule added'
# updated: 'Global ignore origin rule updated'
# deleted: 'Global ignore origin rule deleted'
@ -1,467 +1,467 @@
page_title: Üdvözöljük a wallabag-ban!
keep_logged_in: Maradjon bejelentkezve
forgot_password: Elfelejtette a jelszavát?
submit: Bejelentkezés
register: Regisztráció
username: Felhasználónév
password: Jelszó
cancel: Mégse
description: Adja meg e-mail címét, és elküldjük a jelszó helyreállítási utasításokat.
page_title: Fiók létrehozása
go_to_account: Ugrás a fiókjába
page_title: Üdvözöljük a wallabag-ban!
keep_logged_in: Maradjon bejelentkezve
forgot_password: Elfelejtette a jelszavát?
submit: Bejelentkezés
register: Regisztráció
username: Felhasználónév
password: Jelszó
cancel: Mégse
description: Adja meg e-mail címét, és elküldjük a jelszó helyreállítási utasításokat.
page_title: Fiók létrehozása
go_to_account: Ugrás a fiókjába
unread: Olvasatlan
starred: Csillagozott
archive: Archivál
all_articles: Minden bejegyzés
config: Beállítás
tags: Címkék
internal_settings: Belső beállítások
import: Importálás
howto: Hogyan…
developer: API-kliensek kezelése
logout: Kijelentkezés
about: Névjegy
search: Keresés
save_link: Hivatkozás mentése
back_to_unread: Vissza az olvasatlan cikkekhez
users_management: Felhasználók kezelése
site_credentials: A hely hitelesítő adatai
add_new_entry: Új bejegyzés hozzáadása
search: Keresés
filter_entries: Szűrő bejegyzések
export: Exportálás
input_label: Adja meg a keresési feltételt itt
unread: Olvasatlan
starred: Csillagozott
archive: Archivál
all_articles: Minden bejegyzés
config: Beállítás
tags: Címkék
internal_settings: Belső beállítások
import: Importálás
howto: Hogyan…
developer: API-kliensek kezelése
logout: Kijelentkezés
about: Névjegy
search: Keresés
save_link: Hivatkozás mentése
back_to_unread: Vissza az olvasatlan cikkekhez
users_management: Felhasználók kezelése
site_credentials: A hely hitelesítő adatai
add_new_entry: Új bejegyzés hozzáadása
search: Keresés
filter_entries: Szűrő bejegyzések
export: Exportálás
input_label: Adja meg a keresési feltételt itt
elsewhere: Vegye magával a wallabag-ot
social: Közösségi
powered_by: 'üzemelteti:'
about: Névjegy
stats: A fiókjának létrehozása óta (%user_creation%) %nb_archives% cikkeket olvasott.
Ez körülbelül %per_day% naponta!
elsewhere: Vegye magával a wallabag-ot
social: Közösségi
powered_by: 'üzemelteti:'
about: Névjegy
stats: A fiókjának létrehozása óta (%user_creation%) %nb_archives% cikkeket olvasott.
Ez körülbelül %per_day% naponta!
page_title: Beállítás
settings: Beállítások
rss: RSS
user_info: Felhasználói információk
password: Jelszó
rules: Címkézési szabályok
new_user: Felhasználó hozzáadása
save: Mentés
theme_label: Kinézet
items_per_page_label: Oldalankénti elemek száma
language_label: Nyelv
label: Olvasási sebesség
help_message: 'Online eszközök használatával megbecsülheti az olvasási sebességét:'
100_word: ~100 szó percenkénti sebességgel olvasok
200_word: ~200 szó percenkénti sebességgel olvasok
300_word: ~300 szó percenkénti sebességgel olvasok
400_word: ~400 szó percenkénti sebességgel olvasok
label: Mit tehetek miután eltávolítottam, megcsillagoztam vagy olvasottnak jelöltem
egy cikket?
redirect_homepage: Vissza a kezdőoldalra
redirect_current_page: Maradj a jelenlegi oldalon
pocket_consumer_key_label: A tartalom importálásához szükséges Pocket „Consumer
android_configuration: Az Android alkalmazásának beállítása
android_instruction: Érintsen ide az Android alkalmazásának előtöltéséhez
help_theme: A wallabag testre szabható. Itt kiválaszthatja a preferált kinézetét.
help_items_per_page: Megváltoztathatja az oldalanként megjelenített cikkek számát.
help_reading_speed: A wallabag kiszámítja az elolvasási időt minden egyes cikkre.
Itt meghatározhatja, ennek a listának köszönhetően, hogy mennyire gyors vagy
lassú olvasó. A wallabag újra ki fogja számítani az elolvasási időt minden egyes
help_language: Megváltoztathatja a wallabag felületének a nyelvét.
help_pocket_consumer_key: A Pocket importálásához szükséges. Ezt a Pocket fiókodban
hozhatod létre.
description: A wallabag által biztosított RSS-hírfolyam lehetővé teszi hogy az
elmentett cikkeit a kedvenc RSS hírolvasójában olvashassa el. Ehhez először
viszont létre kell hoznia egy hozzáférési kulcsot.
token_label: RSS hozzáférési kulcs
no_token: Nincs hozzáférési kulcs
token_create: Hozzáférési kulcsának létrehozása
token_reset: Új hozzáférési kulcs létrehozása
rss_links: RSS linkek
unread: Olvasatlan
starred: Csillagozott
archive: Archivált
all: Összes
rss_limit: Tételek száma a hírcsatornában
two_factor_description: A kétfaktoros hitelesítés engedélyezésével egy biztonsági
kódot tartalmazó e-mailt fog kapni minden új, nem azonosítható eszközről történő
bejelentkezés esetén.
name_label: Név
email_label: E-mail
twoFactorAuthentication_label: Két faktoros hitelesítés
help_twoFactorAuthentication: Ha engedélyezi a kéttényezős hitelesítést, miden
egyes alkalommal kapni fog egy belépési kódot tartalmazó e-mail-t amikor be
akar jelentkezni a wallabag-ba.
title: Fiók törlése (veszélyes terület!)
description: Ha eltávolítja a fiókját, az összes cikke, címkéje, jegyzete és
a fiókja VÉGLEGESEN el lesz távolítva (VISSZAVONHATATLANUL). Ezután ki lesz
confirm: Egészen biztos benne? (NEM VONHATÓ VISSZA)
button: Fiók törlése
title: Visszaállítási terület (veszélyes terület!)
description: Az alábbi gombok megnyomásával képes eltávolítani bizonyos adatokat
a fiókból. Vegye figyelembe, hogy ezek a műveletek VISSZAFORDÍTHATATLANOK.
annotations: Összes jegyzet eltávolítása
tags: Összes címke eltávolítása
entries: Összes bejegyzés eltávolítása
archived: Összes archivált bejegyzés eltávolítása
confirm: Egészen biztos benne? (NEM VONHATÓ VISSZA)
description: Itt megváltoztathatja a jelenlegi jelszavát. Az új jelszónak legalább
8 karakter hosszúságúnak kell lennie.
old_password_label: Jelenlegi jelszó
new_password_label: Új jelszó
repeat_new_password_label: Ismételten az új jelszó
if_label: ha
then_tag_as_label: akkor címkézd meg mint
delete_rule_label: törlés
edit_rule_label: szerkeszt
rule_label: Szabály
tags_label: Címkék
title: GYIK
tagging_rules_definition_title: A „címkézési szabályok” mit jelent?
tagging_rules_definition_description: Ezek olyan szabályok amiket a Wallabag
használ arra, hogy automatikusan felcímkézze az új bejegyzéseket.<br />Minden
egyes alkalommal, amikor egy újabb bejegyzés hozzáadásra kerül, minden címkézési
szabály fel lesz használva a beállított címkék hozzáadására, így mentve meg
attól a problémától, hogy kézzel osztályozza a bejegyzéseit.
how_to_use_them_title: Hogyan használhatom ezeket?
how_to_use_them_description: 'Tételezzük fel, hogy szeretné az új bejegyzéseket
úgy címkézni mint « <i>rövid olvasnivaló</i> », ha az elolvasási idejük 3
perc alatt van.<br />Ebben az esetben ezt írja be a <i>Szabály</i> mezőbe:
« readingTime <= 3 », a <i>Címkék</i> mezőbe pedig: « <i>rövid olvasnivaló</i>
».<br />Több címke is hozzáadható egyszerre, ha vesszővel elválasztja őket:
« <i>rövid olvasnivaló, el kell olvasni</i> »<br />Összetett szabályok írhatók
előre definiált operátorok használatával: ha « <i>readingTime >= 5 AND
domainName = "github.com"</i> » akkor címkézd meg mint « <i>hosszú olvasnivaló,
GitHub</i> »'
variables_available_title: Milyen változókat és operátorokat használhatok a
szabályok írásához?
variables_available_description: 'A következő változók és operátorok használhatók
címkézési szabályok létrehozásához:'
meaning: Jelentés
label: Változó
title: A bejegyzés címe
url: A bejegyzés URL-je
isArchived: A bejegyzés archivált-e vagy sem
isStarred: A bejegyzés csillagozott-e vagy sem
content: A bejegyzés tartalma
language: A bejegyzés nyelve
mimetype: A bejegyzés médiatípusa
readingTime: A bejegyzés becsült elolvasási ideje, percben
domainName: A bejegyzés doménneve
label: Operátor
less_than: Kevesebb, vagy egyenlő mint…
strictly_less_than: Kevesebb, mint…
greater_than: Nagyobb, vagy egyenlő mint…
strictly_greater_than: Nagyobb, mint…
equal_to: Egyenlő…
not_equal_to: Nem egyenlő…
or: Egyik szabály VAGY a másik
and: Egyik szabály ÉS a másik
matches: 'Megvizsgálja, hogy a <i>tárgy</i> megegyezik-e a <i>keresendő</i>-vel
(kis- és nagybetű érzéketlen).<br />Példa: <code>title matches "labdarúgás"</code>'
notmatches: 'Megvizsgálja, hogy a <i>tárgy</i> nem egyezik-e a <i>keresendő</i>-vel
(kis- és nagybetű érzéketlen).<br />Példa: <code>title notmatches "labdarúgás"</code>'
page_title: Beállítás
settings: Beállítások
rss: RSS
user_info: Felhasználói információk
password: Jelszó
rules: Címkézési szabályok
new_user: Felhasználó hozzáadása
save: Mentés
theme_label: Kinézet
items_per_page_label: Oldalankénti elemek száma
language_label: Nyelv
label: Olvasási sebesség
help_message: 'Online eszközök használatával megbecsülheti az olvasási sebességét:'
100_word: ~100 szó percenkénti sebességgel olvasok
200_word: ~200 szó percenkénti sebességgel olvasok
300_word: ~300 szó percenkénti sebességgel olvasok
400_word: ~400 szó percenkénti sebességgel olvasok
label: Mit tehetek miután eltávolítottam, megcsillagoztam vagy olvasottnak jelöltem
egy cikket?
redirect_homepage: Vissza a kezdőoldalra
redirect_current_page: Maradj a jelenlegi oldalon
pocket_consumer_key_label: A tartalom importálásához szükséges Pocket „Consumer
android_configuration: Az Android alkalmazásának beállítása
android_instruction: Érintsen ide az Android alkalmazásának előtöltéséhez
help_theme: A wallabag testre szabható. Itt kiválaszthatja a preferált kinézetét.
help_items_per_page: Megváltoztathatja az oldalanként megjelenített cikkek számát.
help_reading_speed: A wallabag kiszámítja az elolvasási időt minden egyes cikkre.
Itt meghatározhatja, ennek a listának köszönhetően, hogy mennyire gyors vagy
lassú olvasó. A wallabag újra ki fogja számítani az elolvasási időt minden egyes
help_language: Megváltoztathatja a wallabag felületének a nyelvét.
help_pocket_consumer_key: A Pocket importálásához szükséges. Ezt a Pocket fiókodban
hozhatod létre.
description: A wallabag által biztosított RSS-hírfolyam lehetővé teszi hogy az
elmentett cikkeit a kedvenc RSS hírolvasójában olvashassa el. Ehhez először
viszont létre kell hoznia egy hozzáférési kulcsot.
token_label: RSS hozzáférési kulcs
no_token: Nincs hozzáférési kulcs
token_create: Hozzáférési kulcsának létrehozása
token_reset: Új hozzáférési kulcs létrehozása
rss_links: RSS linkek
unread: Olvasatlan
starred: Csillagozott
archive: Archivált
all: Összes
rss_limit: Tételek száma a hírcsatornában
two_factor_description: A kétfaktoros hitelesítés engedélyezésével egy biztonsági
kódot tartalmazó e-mailt fog kapni minden új, nem azonosítható eszközről történő
bejelentkezés esetén.
name_label: Név
email_label: E-mail
twoFactorAuthentication_label: Két faktoros hitelesítés
help_twoFactorAuthentication: Ha engedélyezi a kéttényezős hitelesítést, miden
egyes alkalommal kapni fog egy belépési kódot tartalmazó e-mail-t amikor be
akar jelentkezni a wallabag-ba.
title: Fiók törlése (veszélyes terület!)
description: Ha eltávolítja a fiókját, az összes cikke, címkéje, jegyzete és
a fiókja VÉGLEGESEN el lesz távolítva (VISSZAVONHATATLANUL). Ezután ki lesz
confirm: Egészen biztos benne? (NEM VONHATÓ VISSZA)
button: Fiók törlése
title: Visszaállítási terület (veszélyes terület!)
description: Az alábbi gombok megnyomásával képes eltávolítani bizonyos adatokat
a fiókból. Vegye figyelembe, hogy ezek a műveletek VISSZAFORDÍTHATATLANOK.
annotations: Összes jegyzet eltávolítása
tags: Összes címke eltávolítása
entries: Összes bejegyzés eltávolítása
archived: Összes archivált bejegyzés eltávolítása
confirm: Egészen biztos benne? (NEM VONHATÓ VISSZA)
description: Itt megváltoztathatja a jelenlegi jelszavát. Az új jelszónak legalább
8 karakter hosszúságúnak kell lennie.
old_password_label: Jelenlegi jelszó
new_password_label: Új jelszó
repeat_new_password_label: Ismételten az új jelszó
if_label: ha
then_tag_as_label: akkor címkézd meg mint
delete_rule_label: törlés
edit_rule_label: szerkeszt
rule_label: Szabály
tags_label: Címkék
title: GYIK
tagging_rules_definition_title: A „címkézési szabályok” mit jelent?
tagging_rules_definition_description: Ezek olyan szabályok amiket a Wallabag
használ arra, hogy automatikusan felcímkézze az új bejegyzéseket.<br />Minden
egyes alkalommal, amikor egy újabb bejegyzés hozzáadásra kerül, minden címkézési
szabály fel lesz használva a beállított címkék hozzáadására, így mentve meg
attól a problémától, hogy kézzel osztályozza a bejegyzéseit.
how_to_use_them_title: Hogyan használhatom ezeket?
how_to_use_them_description: 'Tételezzük fel, hogy szeretné az új bejegyzéseket
úgy címkézni mint « <i>rövid olvasnivaló</i> », ha az elolvasási idejük 3
perc alatt van.<br />Ebben az esetben ezt írja be a <i>Szabály</i> mezőbe:
« readingTime <= 3 », a <i>Címkék</i> mezőbe pedig: « <i>rövid olvasnivaló</i>
».<br />Több címke is hozzáadható egyszerre, ha vesszővel elválasztja őket:
« <i>rövid olvasnivaló, el kell olvasni</i> »<br />Összetett szabályok írhatók
előre definiált operátorok használatával: ha « <i>readingTime >= 5 AND
domainName = "github.com"</i> » akkor címkézd meg mint « <i>hosszú olvasnivaló,
GitHub</i> »'
variables_available_title: Milyen változókat és operátorokat használhatok a
szabályok írásához?
variables_available_description: 'A következő változók és operátorok használhatók
címkézési szabályok létrehozásához:'
meaning: Jelentés
label: Változó
title: A bejegyzés címe
url: A bejegyzés URL-je
isArchived: A bejegyzés archivált-e vagy sem
isStarred: A bejegyzés csillagozott-e vagy sem
content: A bejegyzés tartalma
language: A bejegyzés nyelve
mimetype: A bejegyzés médiatípusa
readingTime: A bejegyzés becsült elolvasási ideje, percben
domainName: A bejegyzés doménneve
label: Operátor
less_than: Kevesebb, vagy egyenlő mint…
strictly_less_than: Kevesebb, mint…
greater_than: Nagyobb, vagy egyenlő mint…
strictly_greater_than: Nagyobb, mint…
equal_to: Egyenlő…
not_equal_to: Nem egyenlő…
or: Egyik szabály VAGY a másik
and: Egyik szabály ÉS a másik
matches: 'Megvizsgálja, hogy a <i>tárgy</i> megegyezik-e a <i>keresendő</i>-vel
(kis- és nagybetű érzéketlen).<br />Példa: <code>title matches "labdarúgás"</code>'
notmatches: 'Megvizsgálja, hogy a <i>tárgy</i> nem egyezik-e a <i>keresendő</i>-vel
(kis- és nagybetű érzéketlen).<br />Példa: <code>title notmatches "labdarúgás"</code>'
default_title: A bejegyzés címe
unread: Olvasatlan bejegyzések
starred: Csillagozott bejegyzések
archived: Archivált bejegyzések
filtered: Szűrt bejegyzések
filtered_tags: 'Címkékre szűrve:'
filtered_search: 'Keresésre szűrve:'
untagged: Címkézetlen bejegyzések
all: Minden bejegyzés
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reading_time_minutes: 'becsült elolvasási idő: %readingTime% perc'
reading_time_less_one_minute: 'becsült elolvasási idő: < 1 perc'
number_of_tags: '{1}és egy egyéb címke|]1,Inf[és további %count% egyéb címke'
reading_time_minutes_short: '%readingTime% perc'
reading_time_less_one_minute_short: '< 1 perc'
original_article: eredeti
toogle_as_read: Jelölje olvasottnak
toogle_as_star: Csillagozza meg
delete: Törlés
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title: Szűrők
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archived_label: Archivált
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is_public_help: Nyilvános hivatkozás
language_label: Nyelv
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from: tól
to: ig
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label: Létrehozás dátuma
from: tól
to: ig
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filter: Szűr
back_to_top: Vissza a tetejére
back_to_homepage: Vissza
set_as_read: Jelölje olvasottnak
set_as_unread: Jelölje olvasatlannak
set_as_starred: Csillagozza meg
view_original_article: Eredeti cikk
re_fetch_content: Tartalom letöltése újra
delete: Törlés
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share_content: Megosztás
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public_link: nyilvános hivatkozás
delete_public_link: nyilvános hivatkozás törlése
export: Exportálás
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label: Problémák?
description: Rosszul jelenik meg ez a cikk?
edit_title: Cím szerkesztése
original_article: eredeti
annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} Nincsenek jegyzetek|{1} Egy jegyzet|]1,Inf[ %count%
created_at: Létrehozás dátuma
published_at: Közzététel dátuma
published_by: Közzétette
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placeholder: http://weboldal.com
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placeholder: Mit keres?
page_title: Bejegyzés szerkesztése
title_label: Cím
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shared_by_wallabag: Ezt a cikket %username% osztotta meg <a href='%wallabag_instance%'>wallabag</a>
delete: Biztosan el szeretné távolítani ezt a cikket?
delete_tag: Biztosan el szeretné távolítani azt a címkét a cikkről?
reading_time: Becsült elolvasási idő
reading_time_minutes_short: '%readingTime% perc'
address: Cím
added_on: Hozzáadva
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archived: Archivált bejegyzések
filtered: Szűrt bejegyzések
filtered_tags: 'Címkékre szűrve:'
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all: Minden bejegyzés
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reading_time_less_one_minute: 'becsült elolvasási idő: < 1 perc'
number_of_tags: '{1}és egy egyéb címke|]1,Inf[és további %count% egyéb címke'
reading_time_minutes_short: '%readingTime% perc'
reading_time_less_one_minute_short: '< 1 perc'
original_article: eredeti
toogle_as_read: Jelölje olvasottnak
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label: Létrehozás dátuma
from: tól
to: ig
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filter: Szűr
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back_to_homepage: Vissza
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set_as_unread: Jelölje olvasatlannak
set_as_starred: Csillagozza meg
view_original_article: Eredeti cikk
re_fetch_content: Tartalom letöltése újra
delete: Törlés
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delete_public_link: nyilvános hivatkozás törlése
export: Exportálás
print: Nyomtatás
label: Problémák?
description: Rosszul jelenik meg ez a cikk?
edit_title: Cím szerkesztése
original_article: eredeti
annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} Nincsenek jegyzetek|{1} Egy jegyzet|]1,Inf[ %count%
created_at: Létrehozás dátuma
published_at: Közzététel dátuma
published_by: Közzétette
provided_by: Biztosította
page_title: Új bejegyzés mentése
placeholder: http://weboldal.com
url_label: Url
placeholder: Mit keres?
page_title: Bejegyzés szerkesztése
title_label: Cím
url_label: Url
origin_url_label: Eredeti url-je (ahol ezt a bejegyzést találta)
save_label: Mentés
shared_by_wallabag: Ezt a cikket %username% osztotta meg <a href='%wallabag_instance%'>wallabag</a>
delete: Biztosan el szeretné távolítani ezt a cikket?
delete_tag: Biztosan el szeretné távolítani azt a címkét a cikkről?
reading_time: Becsült elolvasási idő
reading_time_minutes_short: '%readingTime% perc'
address: Cím
added_on: Hozzáadva
page_title: Névjegy
who_behind_wallabag: Ki áll a wallabag mögött
getting_help: Segítség kérése
helping: wallabag segítése
contributors: Hozzájárulók
third_party: Harmadik féltől származó könyvtárak
developped_by: Fejlesztette
website: webhely
many_contributors: És rengeteg további közreműködők ♥ a <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/graphs/contributors">GitHub-on</a>
project_website: Projekt weboldala
license: Licenc
version: Verzió
documentation: Dokumentáció
bug_reports: Hibajelentések
support: <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues">a GitHub-on</a>
description: 'A wallabag szabad és nyílt forráskódú. Segíthetsz minket:'
by_contributing: 'hozzájárulással a projekthez:'
by_contributing_2: Ebben a Github jegyben vannak felsorolva az igényeink
by_paypal: Paypal-on keresztül
description: Köszönet a wallabag webes alkalmazás közreműködőinek
description: 'A wallabag-ban használt harmadik féltől származó könyvtárak listája
(azok licencével):'
package: Csomag
license: Licenc
page_title: Névjegy
who_behind_wallabag: Ki áll a wallabag mögött
getting_help: Segítség kérése
helping: wallabag segítése
contributors: Hozzájárulók
third_party: Harmadik féltől származó könyvtárak
developped_by: Fejlesztette
website: webhely
many_contributors: És rengeteg további közreműködők ♥ a <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/graphs/contributors">GitHub-on</a>
project_website: Projekt weboldala
license: Licenc
version: Verzió
documentation: Dokumentáció
bug_reports: Hibajelentések
support: <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues">a GitHub-on</a>
description: 'A wallabag szabad és nyílt forráskódú. Segíthetsz minket:'
by_contributing: 'hozzájárulással a projekthez:'
by_contributing_2: Ebben a Github jegyben vannak felsorolva az igényeink
by_paypal: Paypal-on keresztül
description: Köszönet a wallabag webes alkalmazás közreműködőinek
description: 'A wallabag-ban használt harmadik féltől származó könyvtárak listája
(azok licencével):'
package: Csomag
license: Licenc
page_title: Hogyan…
add_link: …adjon hozzá hivatkozást
shortcuts: …használja a gyorsbillentyűket
page_description: 'Többféle módon is elmenthet egy cikket:'
browser_addons: Böngésző beépülőkkel
mobile_apps: Mobil alkalmazásokkal
bookmarklet: Bookmarklet-tel
description: Ezen az űrlapon
firefox: Firefox beépülő
chrome: Chrome beépülő
opera: Opera beépülő
via_f_droid: F-Droid-on
via_google_play: Google Play-en
ios: iTunes Store-ban
windows: Microsoft Store-ban
description: 'Húzza ezt a hivatkozást a könyvjelzősávba:'
page_description: Itt találhatók a wallabag-ban elérhető gyorsbillentyűk.
shortcut: Gyorsbillentyű
action: Művelet
all_pages_title: A gyorsbillentyűk minden oldalon elérhetők
go_unread: Ugrás az olvasatlanok oldalára
go_starred: Ugrás a csillagozottak oldalára
go_archive: Ugrás az archiváltak oldalára
go_all: Ugrás az összes bejegyzés oldalára
go_tags: Ugrás a címkék oldalára
go_config: Ugrás a beállítás oldalra
go_import: Ugrás az importálás oldalra
go_developers: Ugrás az „API-kliensek kezelése” oldalra
go_howto: Ugrás a „Hogyan…” oldalra (ez az oldal!)
go_logout: Kijelentkezés
list_title: A lista oldalakon elérhető gyorsbillentyűk
search: A keresőmező megjelenítése
article_title: Bejegyzés nézetben elérhető gyorsbillentyűk
open_original: A bejegyzés eredeti URL-jének megnyitása
toggle_favorite: A bejegyzés csillagozott állapotának átváltása
toggle_archive: A bejegyzés olvasott állapotának átváltása
delete: A bejegyzés törlése
material_title: Kizárólag a „Material” kinézet esetén elérhető gyorsbillentyűk
add_link: Új hivatkozás hozzáadása
hide_form: A jelenlegi mező elrejtése (keresés vagy új hivatkozás)
arrows_navigation: Navigálás a cikkek között
open_article: A kiválasztott bejegyzés megjelenítése
page_title: Hogyan…
add_link: …adjon hozzá hivatkozást
shortcuts: …használja a gyorsbillentyűket
page_description: 'Többféle módon is elmenthet egy cikket:'
browser_addons: Böngésző beépülőkkel
mobile_apps: Mobil alkalmazásokkal
bookmarklet: Bookmarklet-tel
description: Ezen az űrlapon
firefox: Firefox beépülő
chrome: Chrome beépülő
opera: Opera beépülő
via_f_droid: F-Droid-on
via_google_play: Google Play-en
ios: iTunes Store-ban
windows: Microsoft Store-ban
description: 'Húzza ezt a hivatkozást a könyvjelzősávba:'
page_description: Itt találhatók a wallabag-ban elérhető gyorsbillentyűk.
shortcut: Gyorsbillentyű
action: Művelet
all_pages_title: A gyorsbillentyűk minden oldalon elérhetők
go_unread: Ugrás az olvasatlanok oldalára
go_starred: Ugrás a csillagozottak oldalára
go_archive: Ugrás az archiváltak oldalára
go_all: Ugrás az összes bejegyzés oldalára
go_tags: Ugrás a címkék oldalára
go_config: Ugrás a beállítás oldalra
go_import: Ugrás az importálás oldalra
go_developers: Ugrás az „API-kliensek kezelése” oldalra
go_howto: Ugrás a „Hogyan…” oldalra (ez az oldal!)
go_logout: Kijelentkezés
list_title: A lista oldalakon elérhető gyorsbillentyűk
search: A keresőmező megjelenítése
article_title: Bejegyzés nézetben elérhető gyorsbillentyűk
open_original: A bejegyzés eredeti URL-jének megnyitása
toggle_favorite: A bejegyzés csillagozott állapotának átváltása
toggle_archive: A bejegyzés olvasott állapotának átváltása
delete: A bejegyzés törlése
material_title: Kizárólag a „Material” kinézet esetén elérhető gyorsbillentyűk
add_link: Új hivatkozás hozzáadása
hide_form: A jelenlegi mező elrejtése (keresés vagy új hivatkozás)
arrows_navigation: Navigálás a cikkek között
open_article: A kiválasztott bejegyzés megjelenítése
page_title: Bevezetés a wallabag-ba
more: Továbbiak…
title: Üdvözöljük a wallabag-ban!
paragraph_1: Végigvezetjük a wallabag-ban tett látogatása során és bemutatunk
néhány olyan funkciót ami Önt is érdekelheti.
paragraph_2: Kövessen minket!
title: Az alkalmazás konfigurálása
description: Tekintse át a wallabag beállításait ahhoz, hogy egy Önnek megfelelő
alkalmazása lehessen.
language: A nyelv és a kinézet megváltoztatása
rss: RSS hírcsatornák engedélyezése
tagging_rules: Írjon szabályokat a cikkek automatikus címkézéséhez
title: Adminisztráció
description: 'Adminisztrátorként jogosultságokkal rendelkezik a wallabag-ban.
Ezeket teheti:'
new_user: Új felhasználó létrehozása
analytics: Analitika konfigurálása
sharing: A cikkmegosztással kapcsolatos paraméterek engedélyezése
export: Exportálás konfigurálása
import: Importálás konfigurálása
title: Kezdő lépések
description: A wallabag most már jól be lett állítva, itt az ideje a web archiválásának.
Hivatkozás hozzáadásához kattintson a jobb felső sarokban lévő + jelre.
new_article: Az első cikkének elmentése
unread_articles: És osztályozása!
title: Áttérés meglévő szolgáltatásról
description: Más szolgáltatást is használ? Segítünk, hogy megszerezze adatait
a wallabag-ra.
pocket: Áttérés Pocket-ről
wallabag_v1: Áttérés wallabag v1-ről
wallabag_v2: Áttérés wallabag v2-ről
readability: Áttérés Readability-ről
instapaper: Áttérés az Instapaper-ről
title: Fejlesztők
description: 'A fejlesztőkre is gondoltunk: Docker, API, fordítások, stb.'
create_application: Hozza létre a saját harmadik féltől származó alkalmazását
use_docker: Használjon Docker-t a wallabag telepítéséhez
title: Teljes dokumentáció
description: A wallabag rengeteg funkcióval rendelkezik. Ne habozzon, olvassa
el a kézikönyvet hogy megismerje és hogy megtanulja hogyan használhatja azokat.
annotate: Adjon jegyzetet a cikkéhez
export: Konvertálja a cikkeit ePUB vagy PDF formátumba
search_filters: Tekintse meg hogyan találhat meg egy cikket a keresőmotor és szűrők
fetching_errors: Mit tehetek ha egy cikk letöltése hibákba ütközik?
all_docs: És még sok más cikk!
title: Támogatás
description: Ha segítségre van szüksége, itt vagyunk az Ön számára.
github: A GitHub-on
email: E-mailben
gitter: A Gitter-en
page_title: Bevezetés a wallabag-ba
more: Továbbiak…
title: Üdvözöljük a wallabag-ban!
paragraph_1: Végigvezetjük a wallabag-ban tett látogatása során és bemutatunk
néhány olyan funkciót ami Önt is érdekelheti.
paragraph_2: Kövessen minket!
title: Az alkalmazás konfigurálása
description: Tekintse át a wallabag beállításait ahhoz, hogy egy Önnek megfelelő
alkalmazása lehessen.
language: A nyelv és a kinézet megváltoztatása
rss: RSS hírcsatornák engedélyezése
tagging_rules: Írjon szabályokat a cikkek automatikus címkézéséhez
title: Adminisztráció
description: 'Adminisztrátorként jogosultságokkal rendelkezik a wallabag-ban.
Ezeket teheti:'
new_user: Új felhasználó létrehozása
analytics: Analitika konfigurálása
sharing: A cikkmegosztással kapcsolatos paraméterek engedélyezése
export: Exportálás konfigurálása
import: Importálás konfigurálása
title: Kezdő lépések
description: A wallabag most már jól be lett állítva, itt az ideje a web archiválásának.
Hivatkozás hozzáadásához kattintson a jobb felső sarokban lévő + jelre.
new_article: Az első cikkének elmentése
unread_articles: És osztályozása!
title: Áttérés meglévő szolgáltatásról
description: Más szolgáltatást is használ? Segítünk, hogy megszerezze adatait
a wallabag-ra.
pocket: Áttérés Pocket-ről
wallabag_v1: Áttérés wallabag v1-ről
wallabag_v2: Áttérés wallabag v2-ről
readability: Áttérés Readability-ről
instapaper: Áttérés az Instapaper-ről
title: Fejlesztők
description: 'A fejlesztőkre is gondoltunk: Docker, API, fordítások, stb.'
create_application: Hozza létre a saját harmadik féltől származó alkalmazását
use_docker: Használjon Docker-t a wallabag telepítéséhez
title: Teljes dokumentáció
description: A wallabag rengeteg funkcióval rendelkezik. Ne habozzon, olvassa
el a kézikönyvet hogy megismerje és hogy megtanulja hogyan használhatja azokat.
annotate: Adjon jegyzetet a cikkéhez
export: Konvertálja a cikkeit ePUB vagy PDF formátumba
search_filters: Tekintse meg hogyan találhat meg egy cikket a keresőmotor és szűrők
fetching_errors: Mit tehetek ha egy cikk letöltése hibákba ütközik?
all_docs: És még sok más cikk!
title: Támogatás
description: Ha segítségre van szüksége, itt vagyunk az Ön számára.
github: A GitHub-on
email: E-mailben
gitter: A Gitter-en
page_title: Címkék
number_on_the_page: '{0} Nincsenek címkék.|{1} Egy címke.|]1,Inf[ %count% címke.'
see_untagged_entries: Címkézetlen bejegyzések megtekintése
add: Hozzáad
placeholder: Több címkét is hozzáadhat, vesszővel elválasztva.
page_title: Címkék
number_on_the_page: '{0} Nincsenek címkék.|{1} Egy címke.|]1,Inf[ %count% címke.'
see_untagged_entries: Címkézetlen bejegyzések megtekintése
add: Hozzáad
placeholder: Több címkét is hozzáadhat, vesszővel elválasztva.
footer_template: '<div style="text-align:center;"><p>A wallabag készítette ezzel:
%method%</p><p>Kérjük, jelentse a <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues">problémát</a>
ha ez az E-Book nem megfelelően jelenik meg az eszközén.</p></div>'
unknown: Ismeretlen
footer_template: '<div style="text-align:center;"><p>A wallabag készítette ezzel:
%method%</p><p>Kérjük, jelentse a <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues">problémát</a>
ha ez az E-Book nem megfelelően jelenik meg az eszközén.</p></div>'
unknown: Ismeretlen
page_title: Importálás
page_description: Üdvözöljük a wallabag importálóban. Válassza ki a korábbi szolgáltatást,
amelyből át kíván térni.
import_contents: Tartalom importálása
mark_as_read_title: Összes megjelölése olvasottként?
mark_as_read_label: Az összes importált bejegyzés megjelölése olvasottként
file_label: Fájl
save_label: Fájl feltöltése
page_title: Importálás > Pocket
description: Ez az importáló az összes Pocket adatát be fogja importálni. Mivel
a Pocket nem engedélyezi nekünk hogy tartalmakat szerezzünk a szolgáltatásukból,
így az egyes cikkek olvasható tartalmát a wallabag újra le fogja tölteni.
description: A Pocket import nincs konfigurálva.
page_title: Importálás > Wallabag v1
page_title: Importálás
page_description: Üdvözöljük a wallabag importálóban. Válassza ki a korábbi szolgáltatást,
amelyből át kíván térni.
import_contents: Tartalom importálása
mark_as_read_title: Összes megjelölése olvasottként?
mark_as_read_label: Az összes importált bejegyzés megjelölése olvasottként
file_label: Fájl
save_label: Fájl feltöltése
page_title: Importálás > Pocket
description: Ez az importáló az összes Pocket adatát be fogja importálni. Mivel
a Pocket nem engedélyezi nekünk hogy tartalmakat szerezzünk a szolgáltatásukból,
így az egyes cikkek olvasható tartalmát a wallabag újra le fogja tölteni.
description: A Pocket import nincs konfigurálva.
page_title: Importálás > Wallabag v1
@ -1,92 +1,92 @@
register: Registrer
username: Brukernavn
password: Passord
cancel: Avbryt
page_title: Opprett en konto
go_to_account: Gå til din konto
register: Registrer
username: Brukernavn
password: Passord
cancel: Avbryt
page_title: Opprett en konto
go_to_account: Gå til din konto
unread: Ulest
starred: Stjernemerket
archive: Arkiv
all_articles: Alle oppføringer
config: Oppsett
tags: Etiketter
internal_settings: Interne innstillinger
import: Importere
howto: Hvordan
logout: Logg ut
about: Om
search: Søk
save_link: Lagre en lenke
back_to_unread: Tilbake til uleste artikler
add_new_entry: Legg til en ny oppføring
search: Søk
filter_entries: Filtrer oppføringer
export: Eksporter
input_label: Skriv inn ditt søk her
unread: Ulest
starred: Stjernemerket
archive: Arkiv
all_articles: Alle oppføringer
config: Oppsett
tags: Etiketter
internal_settings: Interne innstillinger
import: Importere
howto: Hvordan
logout: Logg ut
about: Om
search: Søk
save_link: Lagre en lenke
back_to_unread: Tilbake til uleste artikler
add_new_entry: Legg til en ny oppføring
search: Søk
filter_entries: Filtrer oppføringer
export: Eksporter
input_label: Skriv inn ditt søk her
elsewhere: Ta wallabag med deg
social: Sosialt
powered_by: drevet av
about: Om
elsewhere: Ta wallabag med deg
social: Sosialt
powered_by: drevet av
about: Om
page_title: Oppsett
settings: Innstillinger
rss: RSS
user_info: Brukerinfo
password: Passord
rules: Etikettregler
new_user: Legg til en bruker
save: Lagre
theme_label: Drakt
items_per_page_label: Elementer per side
language_label: Språk
label: Lesehastighet
help_message: 'Du kan bruke nettbaserte verktøy til å anslå din lesehastighet:'
100_word: Jeg leser ~100 ord i minuttet
200_word: Jeg leser ~200 ord i minuttet
300_word: Jeg leser ~300 ord i minuttet
400_word: Jeg leser ~400 ord i minuttet
redirect_homepage: Til hjemmesiden
redirect_current_page: Til nåværende side
token_label: RSS-symbol
no_token: Inget symbol
token_create: Opprett ditt symbol
token_reset: Regenerer ditt symbol
rss_links: RSS-lenker
unread: ulest
starred: stjernemerket
archive: arkivert
name_label: Navn
email_label: E-post
confirm: Er du virkelig sikker? (DETTE KAN IKKE ANGRES)
button: Slett kontoen min
old_password_label: Nåværende passord
new_password_label: Nytt passord
repeat_new_password_label: Gjenta nytt passord
if_label: hvis
then_tag_as_label: merk som
delete_rule_label: slett
edit_rule_label: rediger
rule_label: Regel
tags_label: Etiketter
title: O-S-S
page_title: Oppsett
settings: Innstillinger
rss: RSS
user_info: Brukerinfo
password: Passord
rules: Etikettregler
new_user: Legg til en bruker
save: Lagre
theme_label: Drakt
items_per_page_label: Elementer per side
language_label: Språk
label: Lesehastighet
help_message: 'Du kan bruke nettbaserte verktøy til å anslå din lesehastighet:'
100_word: Jeg leser ~100 ord i minuttet
200_word: Jeg leser ~200 ord i minuttet
300_word: Jeg leser ~300 ord i minuttet
400_word: Jeg leser ~400 ord i minuttet
redirect_homepage: Til hjemmesiden
redirect_current_page: Til nåværende side
token_label: RSS-symbol
no_token: Inget symbol
token_create: Opprett ditt symbol
token_reset: Regenerer ditt symbol
rss_links: RSS-lenker
unread: ulest
starred: stjernemerket
archive: arkivert
name_label: Navn
email_label: E-post
confirm: Er du virkelig sikker? (DETTE KAN IKKE ANGRES)
button: Slett kontoen min
old_password_label: Nåværende passord
new_password_label: Nytt passord
repeat_new_password_label: Gjenta nytt passord
if_label: hvis
then_tag_as_label: merk som
delete_rule_label: slett
edit_rule_label: rediger
rule_label: Regel
tags_label: Etiketter
title: O-S-S
@ -1,19 +1,12 @@
# page_title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
keep_logged_in: 'Ține-mă logat'
forgot_password: 'Ți-ai uitat parola?'
submit: 'Logare'
# register: 'Register'
username: 'Nume de utilizator'
password: 'Parolă'
# cancel: 'Cancel'
description: "Introduceți adresa de e-mail, iar noi vă vom trimite instrucțiunile pentru resetarea parolei."
# page_title: 'Create an account'
# go_to_account: 'Go to your account'
unread: 'Necitite'
@ -22,37 +15,20 @@ menu:
all_articles: 'Toate'
config: 'Configurație'
tags: 'Tag-uri'
# internal_settings: 'Internal Settings'
# import: 'Import'
howto: 'Cum să'
# developer: 'API clients management'
logout: 'cum să'
about: 'Despre'
search: 'Căutare'
# save_link: 'Save a link'
back_to_unread: 'Înapoi la articolele necitite'
# users_management: 'Users management'
# site_credentials: 'Site credentials'
# ignore_origin_instance_rules: 'Global ignore origin rules'
# quickstart: "Quickstart"
add_new_entry: 'Introdu un nou articol'
search: 'Căutare'
filter_entries: 'Filtrează articolele'
# random_entry: Jump to a random entry from that list
# export: 'Export'
# account: 'My account'
input_label: 'Introdu căutarea ta'
# elsewhere: 'Take wallabag with you'
# social: 'Social'
# powered_by: 'powered by'
about: 'Despre'
# stats: Since %user_creation% you read %nb_archives% articles. That is about %per_day% a day!
page_title: 'Configurație'
@ -60,178 +36,44 @@ config:
feed: 'RSS'
user_info: 'Informații despre utilizator'
password: 'Parolă'
# rules: 'Tagging rules'
# ignore_origin: 'Ignore origin rules'
new_user: 'Crează un utilizator'
# reset: 'Reset area'
save: 'Salvează'
theme_label: 'Temă'
items_per_page_label: 'Articole pe pagină'
language_label: 'Limbă'
# label: 'Reading speed (words per minute)'
# help_message: 'You can use online tools to estimate your reading speed:'
# label: 'Where do you want to be redirected to after marking an article as read?'
# redirect_homepage: 'To the homepage'
# redirect_current_page: 'To the current page'
pocket_consumer_key_label: Cheie consumator pentru importarea contentului din Pocket
# android_configuration: Configure your Android application
# android_instruction: "Touch here to prefill your Android application"
# help_theme: "wallabag is customizable. You can choose your prefered theme here."
# help_items_per_page: "You can change the number of articles displayed on each page."
# help_reading_speed: "wallabag calculates a reading time for each article. You can define here, thanks to this list, if you are a fast or a slow reader. wallabag will recalculate the reading time for each article."
# help_language: "You can change the language of wallabag interface."
# help_pocket_consumer_key: "Required for Pocket import. You can create it in your Pocket account."
description: 'Feed-urile RSS oferite de wallabag îți permit să-ți citești articolele salvate în reader-ul tău preferat RSS.'
token_label: 'RSS-Token'
no_token: 'Fără token'
token_create: 'Crează-ți token'
token_reset: 'Resetează-ți token-ul'
# token_revoke: 'Revoke the token'
feed_links: 'Link-uri RSS'
unread: 'Unread'
starred: 'Starred'
archive: 'Archived'
# all: 'All'
feed_limit: 'Limită RSS'
# two_factor_description: "Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code OR need to use an OTP app (like Google Authenticator, Authy or FreeOTP) to get a one time code on every new untrusted connection. You can't choose both option."
# login_label: 'Login (can not be changed)'
name_label: 'Nume'
email_label: 'E-mail'
# emailTwoFactor_label: 'Using email (receive a code by email)'
# googleTwoFactor_label: 'Using an OTP app (open the app, like Google Authenticator, Authy or FreeOTP, to get a one time code)'
# table_method: Method
# table_state: State
# table_action: Action
# state_enabled: Enabled
# state_disabled: Disabled
# action_email: Use email
# action_app: Use OTP App
# title: Delete my account (a.k.a danger zone)
# description: If you remove your account, ALL your articles, ALL your tags, ALL your annotations and your account will be PERMANENTLY removed (it can't be UNDONE). You'll then be logged out.
# confirm: Are you really sure? (THIS CAN'T BE UNDONE)
# button: Delete my account
# title: Reset area (a.k.a danger zone)
# description: By hiting buttons below you'll have ability to remove some informations from your account. Be aware that these actions are IRREVERSIBLE.
# annotations: Remove ALL annotations
# tags: Remove ALL tags
# entries: Remove ALL entries
# archived: Remove ALL archived entries
# confirm: Are you really really sure? (THIS CAN'T BE UNDONE)
# description: "You can change your password here. Your new password should by at least 8 characters long."
old_password_label: 'Parola veche'
new_password_label: 'Parola nouă'
repeat_new_password_label: 'Repeat new password'
# if_label: 'if'
# then_tag_as_label: 'then tag as'
# delete_rule_label: 'delete'
# edit_rule_label: 'edit'
# rule_label: 'Rule'
# tags_label: 'Tags'
# card:
# new_tagging_rule: Create a tagging rule
# import_tagging_rules: Import tagging rules
# import_tagging_rules_detail: You have to select the JSON file you previously exported.
# export_tagging_rules: Export tagging rules
# export_tagging_rules_detail: This will download a JSON file that you can use to import tagging rules elsewhere or to backup them.
# file_label: JSON file
# import_submit: Import
# export: Export
# faq:
# title: 'FAQ'
# tagging_rules_definition_title: 'What does « tagging rules » mean?'
# tagging_rules_definition_description: 'They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.'
# how_to_use_them_title: 'How do I use them?'
# how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime <= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime >= 5 AND domainName = "github.com"</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
# variables_available_title: 'Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?'
# variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:'
# meaning: 'Meaning'
# variable_description:
# label: 'Variable'
# title: 'Title of the entry'
# url: 'URL of the entry'
# isArchived: 'Whether the entry is archived or not'
# isStarred: 'Whether the entry is starred or not'
# content: "The entry's content"
# language: "The entry's language"
# mimetype: "The entry's mime-type"
# readingTime: "The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes"
# domainName: 'The domain name of the entry'
# operator_description:
# label: 'Operator'
# less_than: 'Less than...'
# strictly_less_than: 'Strictly less than...'
# greater_than: 'Greater than...'
# strictly_greater_than: 'Strictly greater than...'
# equal_to: 'Equal to...'
# not_equal_to: 'Not equal to...'
# or: 'One rule OR another'
# and: 'One rule AND another'
# matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title matches "football"</code>'
# notmatches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> doesn''t match match a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>title notmatches "football"</code>'
# faq:
# title: 'FAQ'
# ignore_origin_rules_definition_title: 'What does « ignore origin rules » mean?'
# ignore_origin_rules_definition_description: 'They are used by wallabag to automatically ignore an origin address after a redirect.<br />If a redirect occurs while fetching a new entry, all the ignore origin rules (<i>user defined and instance defined</i>) will be used to ignore the origin address.'
# how_to_use_them_title: 'How do I use them?'
# how_to_use_them_description: 'Let us assume you want to ignore the origin of an entry coming from « <i>rss.example.com</i> » (<i>knowing that after a redirect, the actual address is example.com</i>).<br />In that case, you should put « host = "rss.example.com" » in the <i>Rule</i> field.'
# variables_available_title: 'Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?'
# variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create ignore origin rules:'
# meaning: 'Meaning'
# variable_description:
# label: 'Variable'
# host: 'Host of the address'
# _all: 'Full address, mainly for pattern matching'
# operator_description:
# label: 'Operator'
# equal_to: 'Equal to…'
# matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>_all ~ "https?://rss.example.com/foobar/.*"</code>'
# page_title: Two-factor authentication
# app:
# two_factor_code_description_1: You just enabled the OTP two factor authentication, open your OTP app and use that code to get a one time password. It'll disapear after a page reload.
# two_factor_code_description_2: 'You can scan that QR Code with your app:'
# two_factor_code_description_3: 'Also, save these backup codes in a safe place, you can use them in case you lose access to your OTP app:'
# two_factor_code_description_4: 'Test an OTP code from your configured app:'
# cancel: Cancel
# enable: Enable
# default_title: 'Title of the entry'
# unread: 'Unread entries'
# starred: 'Starred entries'
# archived: 'Archived entries'
# filtered: 'Filtered entries'
# filtered_tags: 'Filtered by tags:'
# filtered_search: 'Filtered by search:'
# untagged: 'Untagged entries'
# all: 'All entries'
# number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no entry.|{1} There is one entry.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% entries.'
reading_time: 'timp estimat de citire'
reading_time_minutes: 'timp estimat de citire: %readingTime% min'
reading_time_less_one_minute: 'timp estimat de citire: < 1 min'
# number_of_tags: '{1}and one other tag|]1,Inf[and %count% other tags'
reading_time_minutes_short: '%readingTime% min'
reading_time_less_one_minute_short: '< 1 min'
original_article: 'original'
toogle_as_read: 'Comută marcat ca citit'
toogle_as_star: 'Comută marcat ca favorit'
delete: 'Șterge'
# export_title: 'Export'
title: 'Filtre'
status_label: 'Status'
@ -240,10 +82,7 @@ entry:
unread_label: 'Necitite'
preview_picture_label: 'Are o imagine de previzualizare'
preview_picture_help: 'Previzualizare imagine'
# is_public_label: 'Has a public link'
# is_public_help: 'Public link'
language_label: 'Limbă'
# http_status_label: 'HTTP status'
label: 'Timp de citire în minute'
from: 'de la'
@ -258,65 +97,35 @@ entry:
filter: 'Filtru'
# back_to_top: 'Back to top'
back_to_homepage: 'Înapoi'
set_as_read: 'Marchează ca citit'
# set_as_unread: 'Mark as unread'
set_as_starred: 'Favorit'
view_original_article: 'Articol original'
# re_fetch_content: 'Re-fetch content'
delete: 'Șterge'
add_a_tag: 'Adaugă un tag'
share_content: 'Dă mai departe'
share_email_label: 'E-mail'
# public_link: 'public link'
# delete_public_link: 'delete public link'
export: 'Descarcă'
# print: 'Print'
label: 'Probleme?'
description: 'Îți pare ciudat articolul?'
edit_title: 'Editează titlul'
original_article: 'original'
# annotations_on_the_entry: '{0} No annotations|{1} One annotation|]1,Inf[ %count% annotations'
created_at: 'Data creării'
# published_at: 'Publication date'
# published_by: 'Published by'
# provided_by: 'Provided by'
page_title: 'Salvează un nou articol'
placeholder: 'https://website.ro'
url_label: Url
# placeholder: 'What are you looking for?'
# page_title: 'Edit an entry'
# title_label: 'Title'
url_label: 'Url'
# origin_url_label: 'Origin url (from where you found that entry)'
save_label: 'Salvează'
# shared_by_wallabag: "This article has been shared by %username% with <a href='%wallabag_instance%'>wallabag</a>"
# delete: "Are you sure you want to remove that article?"
# delete_entries: "Are you sure you want to remove those articles?"
# delete_tag: "Are you sure you want to remove that tag from that article?"
# reading_time: "Estimated reading time"
# reading_time_minutes_short: "%readingTime% min"
# address: "Address"
# added_on: "Added on"
# published_on: "Published on"
page_title: 'Despre'
who_behind_wallabag: 'Cine e în spatele wallabag'
getting_help: 'Ajutor'
helping: 'Cum să ajuți wallabag'
# contributors: 'Contributors'
# third_party: 'Third-party libraries'
developped_by: 'Dezvoltat de'
website: 'website'
@ -333,19 +142,11 @@ about:
by_contributing: 'contribuind la proiect:'
by_contributing_2: 'o problemă ne listează toate nevoile:'
by_paypal: 'prin Paypal'
# description: 'Thank you to contributors on wallabag web application'
# description: 'Here are the list of third-party libraries used in wallabag (with their licenses):'
# package: 'Package'
license: 'Licență'
page_title: 'Cum să'
# page_description: 'There are several ways to save an article:'
# add_link: "Add a link"
# shortcuts: "Use shortcuts"
browser_addons: 'Add-On-uri de Browser'
mobile_apps: 'Aplicații mobile'
@ -364,260 +165,15 @@ howto:
windows: 'prin Microsoft Store'
description: 'Drag & drop acest link în bara de bookmark-uri:'
# page_description: Here are the shortcuts available in wallabag.
# shortcut: Shortcut
# action: Action
# all_pages_title: Shortcuts available in all pages
# go_unread: Go to unread
# go_starred: Go to starred
# go_archive: Go to archive
# go_all: Go to all entries
# go_tags: Go to tags
# go_config: Go to config
# go_import: Go to import
# go_developers: Go to developers
# go_howto: Go to howto (this page!)
# go_logout: Logout
# list_title: Shortcuts available in listing pages
# search: Display the search form
# article_title: Shortcuts available in entry view
# open_original: Open original URL of the entry
# toggle_favorite: Toggle star status for the entry
# toggle_archive: Toggle read status for the entry
# delete: Delete the entry
# material_title: Shortcuts available with Material theme only
# add_link: Add a new link
# hide_form: Hide the current form (search or new link)
# arrows_navigation: Navigate through articles
# open_article: Display the selected entry
# page_title: 'Quickstart'
# more: 'More…'
# intro:
# title: 'Welcome to wallabag!'
# paragraph_1: "We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interest you."
# paragraph_2: 'Follow us!'
# configure:
# title: 'Configure the application'
# description: 'In order to have an application which suits you, have a look into the configuration of wallabag.'
# language: 'Change language and design'
# feed: 'Enable RSS feeds'
# tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles'
# admin:
# title: 'Administration'
# description: 'As an administrator, you have privileges on wallabag. You can:'
# new_user: 'Create a new user'
# analytics: 'Configure analytics'
# sharing: 'Enable some parameters about article sharing'
# export: 'Configure export'
# import: 'Configure import'
# first_steps:
# title: 'First steps'
# description: "Now wallabag is well configured, it's time to archive the web. You can click on the top right sign + to add a link."
# new_article: 'Save your first article'
# unread_articles: 'And classify it!'
# migrate:
# title: 'Migrate from an existing service'
# description: "Are you using another service? We'll help you to retrieve your data on wallabag."
# pocket: 'Migrate from Pocket'
# wallabag_v1: 'Migrate from wallabag v1'
# wallabag_v2: 'Migrate from wallabag v2'
# readability: 'Migrate from Readability'
# instapaper: 'Migrate from Instapaper'
# developer:
# title: 'Developers'
# description: 'We also thought to the developers: Docker, API, translations, etc.'
# create_application: 'Create your third application'
# use_docker: 'Use Docker to install wallabag'
# docs:
# title: 'Full documentation'
# description: "There are so much features in wallabag. Don't hesitate to read the manual to know them and to learn how to use them."
# annotate: 'Annotate your article'
# export: 'Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF'
# search_filters: 'See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters'
# fetching_errors: 'What can I do if an article encounters errors during fetching?'
# all_docs: 'And so many other articles!'
# support:
# title: 'Support'
# description: 'If you need some help, we are here for you.'
# github: 'On GitHub'
# email: 'By email'
# gitter: 'On Gitter'
page_title: 'Tag-uri'
# number_on_the_page: '{0} There is no tag.|{1} There is one tag.|]1,Inf[ There are %count% tags.'
# see_untagged_entries: 'See untagged entries'
# no_untagged_entries: 'There are no untagged entries.'
# add: 'Add'
# placeholder: 'You can add several tags, separated by a comma.'
# placeholder: 'You can update tag name.'
# footer_template: '<div style="text-align:center;"><p>Produced by wallabag with %method%</p><p>Please open <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues">an issue</a> if you have trouble with the display of this E-Book on your device.</p></div>'
# unknown: 'Unknown'
# page_title: 'Import'
# page_description: 'Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.'
# action:
# import_contents: 'Import contents'
# form:
# mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
# mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
# file_label: 'File'
# save_label: 'Upload file'
# pocket:
# page_title: 'Import > Pocket'
# description: "This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag."
# config_missing:
# description: "Pocket import isn't configured."
# admin_message: 'You need to define %keyurls%a pocket_consumer_key%keyurle%.'
# user_message: 'Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.'
# authorize_message: 'You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to getpocket.com.'
# connect_to_pocket: 'Connect to Pocket and import data'
# wallabag_v1:
# page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v1'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on "JSON export" in the "Export your wallabag data" section. You will have a "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json" file.'
# how_to: 'Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
# wallabag_v2:
# page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v2'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on "JSON". You will have a "All articles.json" file.'
# elcurator:
# page_title: 'Import > elCurator'
# description: 'This importer will import all your elCurator articles. Go to your preferences in your elCurator account and then, export your content. You will have a JSON file.'
# readability:
# page_title: 'Import > Readability'
# description: 'This importer will import all your Readability articles. On the tools (https://www.readability.com/tools/) page, click on "Export your data" in the "Data Export" section. You will received an email to download a json (which does not end with .json in fact).'
# how_to: 'Please select your Readability export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
# enabled: "Import is made asynchronously. Once the import task is started, an external worker will handle jobs one at a time. The current service is:"
# download_images_warning: "You enabled downloading images for your articles. Combined with classic import it can take ages to proceed (or maybe failed). We <strong>strongly recommend</strong> to enable asynchronous import to avoid errors."
# firefox:
# page_title: 'Import > Firefox'
# description: "This importer will import all your Firefox bookmarks. Just go to your bookmarks (Ctrl+Maj+O), then into \"Import and backup\", choose \"Backup...\". You will obtain a .json file."
# how_to: "Please choose the bookmark backup file and click on the button below to import it. Note that the process may take a long time since all articles have to be fetched."
# chrome:
# page_title: 'Import > Chrome'
# description: "This importer will import all your Chrome bookmarks. The location of the file depends on your operating system : <ul><li>On Linux, go into the <code>~/.config/chromium/Default/</code> directory</li><li>On Windows, it should be at <code>%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default</code></li><li>On OS X, it should be at <code>~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Bookmarks</code></li></ul>Once you got there, copy the Bookmarks file someplace you'll find.<em><br>Note that if you have Chromium instead of Chrome, you'll have to correct paths accordingly.</em></p>"
# how_to: "Please choose the bookmark backup file and click on the button below to import it. Note that the process may take a long time since all articles have to be fetched."
# instapaper:
# page_title: 'Import > Instapaper'
# description: 'This importer will import all your Instapaper articles. On the settings (https://www.instapaper.com/user) page, click on "Download .CSV file" in the "Export" section. A CSV file will be downloaded (like "instapaper-export.csv").'
# how_to: 'Please select your Instapaper export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
# page_title: "Import > Pinboard"
# description: 'This importer will import all your Instapaper articles. On the backup (https://pinboard.in/settings/backup) page, click on "JSON" in the "Bookmarks" section. A JSON file will be downloaded (like "pinboard_export").'
# how_to: 'Please select your Pinboard export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
# page_title: 'API clients management'
# welcome_message: 'Welcome to the wallabag API'
# documentation: 'Documentation'
# how_to_first_app: 'How to create my first application'
# full_documentation: 'View full API documentation'
# list_methods: 'List API methods'
# clients:
# title: 'Clients'
# create_new: 'Create a new client'
# existing_clients:
# title: 'Existing clients'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# field_uris: 'Redirect URIs'
# field_grant_types: 'Grant type allowed'
# no_client: 'No client yet.'
# remove:
# warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
# warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
# action: 'Remove this client'
# client:
# page_title: 'API clients management > New client'
# page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
# form:
# name_label: 'Name of the client'
# redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
# save_label: 'Create a new client'
# action_back: 'Back'
# copy_to_clipboard: Copy
# client_parameter:
# page_title: 'API clients management > Client parameters'
# page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
# field_name: 'Client name'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# back: 'Back'
# read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
# howto:
# page_title: 'API clients management > How to create my first application'
# description:
# paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="https://github.com/jkbrzt/httpie">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
# paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
# paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
# paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
# paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
# paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
# paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
# paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
# back: 'Back'
# page_title: Users management
# new_user: Create a new user
# edit_user: Edit an existing user
# description: "Here you can manage all users (create, edit and delete)"
# list:
# actions: Actions
# edit_action: Edit
# yes: Yes
# no: No
# create_new_one: Create a new user
username_label: 'Nume de utilizator'
# name_label: 'Name'
password_label: 'Parolă'
repeat_new_password_label: 'Repeat new password'
plain_password_label: '????'
email_label: 'E-mail'
# enabled_label: 'Enabled'
# last_login_label: 'Last login'
# twofactor_email_label: Two factor authentication by email
# twofactor_google_label: Two factor authentication by OTP app
# save: Save
# delete: Delete
# delete_confirm: Are you sure?
# back_to_list: Back to list
# placeholder: Filter by username or email
# page_title: Site credentials management
# new_site_credential: Create a credential
# edit_site_credential: Edit an existing credential
# description: "Here you can manage all credentials for sites which required them (create, edit and delete), like a paywall, an authentication, etc."
# list:
# actions: Actions
# edit_action: Edit
# yes: Yes
# no: No
# create_new_one: Create a new credential
# form:
# username_label: 'Username'
# host_label: 'Host (subdomain.example.org, .example.org, etc.)'
# password_label: 'Password'
# save: Save
# delete: Delete
# delete_confirm: Are you sure?
# back_to_list: Back to list
# page_title: An error occurred
@ -626,63 +182,10 @@ flashes:
password_not_updated_demo: "In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user."
user_updated: 'Informație actualizată'
feed_updated: 'Informație RSS actualizată'
# tagging_rules_updated: 'Tagging rules updated'
# tagging_rules_deleted: 'Tagging rule deleted'
# feed_token_updated: 'RSS token updated'
# feed_token_revoked: 'RSS token revoked'
# annotations_reset: Annotations reset
# tags_reset: Tags reset
# entries_reset: Entries reset
# archived_reset: Archived entries deleted
# otp_enabled: Two-factor authentication enabled
# otp_disabled: Two-factor authentication disabled
# tagging_rules_imported: Tagging rules imported
# tagging_rules_not_imported: Error while importing tagging rules
# ignore_origin_rules_deleted: 'Ignore origin rule deleted'
# ignore_origin_rules_updated: 'Ignore origin rule updated'
# entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
# entry_saved: 'Entry saved'
# entry_saved_failed: 'Entry saved but fetching content failed'
# entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
# entry_reloaded: 'Entry reloaded'
# entry_reloaded_failed: 'Entry reloaded but fetching content failed'
entry_archived: 'Articol arhivat'
entry_unarchived: 'Articol dezarhivat'
entry_starred: 'Articol adăugat la favorite'
entry_unstarred: 'Articol șters de la favorite'
entry_deleted: 'Articol șters'
# no_random_entry: 'No article with these criterias was found'
# tag_added: 'Tag added'
# tag_renamed: 'Tag renamed'
# failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
# failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'
# summary: 'Import summary: %imported% imported, %skipped% already saved.'
# summary_with_queue: 'Import summary: %queued% queued.'
# redis_enabled_not_installed: Redis is enabled for handle asynchronous import but it looks like <u>we can't connect to it</u>. Please check Redis configuration.
# rabbit_enabled_not_installed: RabbitMQ is enabled for handle asynchronous import but it looks like <u>we can't connect to it</u>. Please check RabbitMQ configuration.
# client_created: 'New client created.'
# client_deleted: 'Client deleted'
# added: 'User "%username%" added'
# updated: 'User "%username%" updated'
# deleted: 'User "%username%" deleted'
# added: 'Site credential for "%host%" added'
# updated: 'Site credential for "%host%" updated'
# deleted: 'Site credential for "%host%" deleted'
# added: 'Global ignore origin rule added'
# updated: 'Global ignore origin rule updated'
# deleted: 'Global ignore origin rule deleted'
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ security:
page_title: 'Создать новый аккаунт'
go_to_account: 'Перейти в аккаунт'
unread: 'Непрочитанные'
@ -39,7 +38,6 @@ menu:
export: 'Экспорт'
input_label: 'Введите текст для поиска'
elsewhere: 'Возьмите wallabag с собой'
@ -48,7 +46,6 @@ footer:
about: 'О wallabag'
stats: "Поскольку %user_creation% вы читаете %nb_archives% записей, это около %per_day%\
\ в день!"
page_title: 'Настройки'
@ -181,7 +178,6 @@ config:
and: 'Одно правило И другое'
matches: 'Тесты, в которых <i> тема </i> соответствует <i> поиску </i> (без
учета регистра). <br />Пример: <code> title matches "футбол" </code>'
default_title: 'Название записи'
@ -268,7 +264,6 @@ entry:
save_label: 'Сохранить'
shared_by_wallabag: "Запись была опубликована <a href='%wallabag_instance%'>wallabag</a>"
page_title: 'О'
@ -302,7 +297,6 @@ about:
(с их лицензиями):'
package: 'Пакет'
license: 'Лицензия'
page_title: 'How to'
@ -354,7 +348,6 @@ howto:
hide_form: "Скрыть текущую форму (поисковую или новой ссылки)"
arrows_navigation: "Навигация по статьям"
open_article: "Отобразить выбранную запись"
page_title: 'Быстрый старт'
more: 'Еще…'
@ -414,7 +407,6 @@ quickstart:
github: 'На GitHub'
email: 'По email'
gitter: 'На Gitter'
page_title: 'Теги'
@ -424,7 +416,6 @@ tag:
add: 'Добавить'
placeholder: 'Вы можете добавить несколько тегов, разделенных запятой.'
page_title: 'Импорт'
page_description: 'Добро пожаловать в импортер wallabag. Выберите сервис, из которого
@ -509,7 +500,6 @@ import:
резервирования (https://pinboard.in/settings/backup), нажмите на "JSON" в разделе
"Закладки". JSON файл будет загружен (наподобии "pinboard_export").'
how_to: 'Выберите файл Pinboard и нажмите кнопку ниже, чтобы импортировать его.'
page_title: 'Управление клиентским API'
welcome_message: 'Добро пожаловать в API wallabag'
@ -568,7 +558,6 @@ developer:
paragraph_8: 'Если Вы хотите увидеть все конечные точки API, то смотрите <a
href="%link%">в нашу документацию по API</a>.'
back: 'Назад'
page_title: "Управление пользователями"
new_user: "Создать нового пользователя"
@ -595,10 +584,8 @@ user:
delete: "Удалить"
delete_confirm: "Вы уверены?"
back_to_list: "Назад к списку"
page_title: "Произошла ошибка"
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ security:
page_title: 'สร้างบัญชึของคุณ'
go_to_account: 'ไปยังบัญชีของคุณ'
unread: 'ยังไม่ได้อ่าน'
@ -33,18 +32,14 @@ menu:
back_to_unread: 'กลับไปยังรายการที่ไม่ได้อ่าน'
users_management: 'การจัดการผู้ใช้'
site_credentials: 'การรับรองไซต์'
# ignore_origin_instance_rules: 'Global ignore origin rules'
quickstart: "เริ่มแบบด่วน"
add_new_entry: 'เพิ่มรายการใหม่'
search: 'ค้นหา'
filter_entries: 'ตัวกรองรายการ'
# random_entry: Jump to a random entry from that list
export: 'นำข้อมูลออก'
# account: 'My account'
input_label: 'ค้นหาที่นี้'
elsewhere: 'การใช้ wallabag กับคุณ'
@ -52,7 +47,6 @@ footer:
powered_by: 'สนับสนุนโดย'
about: 'เกี่ยวกับ'
stats: ตั้งแต่ %user_creation% ที่คุณอ่านรายการ %nb_archives% นี้จะเกี่ยวกับ %per_day% ของวันนั้น!
page_title: 'กำหนดค่า'
@ -61,7 +55,6 @@ config:
user_info: 'ข้อมูลผู้ใช้'
password: 'รหัสผ่าน'
rules: 'การแท็กข้อบังคับ'
# ignore_origin: 'Ignore origin rules'
new_user: 'เพิ่มผู้ใช้'
reset: 'รีเซ็ตพื้นที่ '
@ -91,7 +84,6 @@ config:
no_token: 'ไม่มีเครื่องหมาย'
token_create: 'สร้างเครื่องหมาย'
token_reset: 'ทำเครื่องหมาย'
# token_revoke: 'Revoke the token'
feed_links: 'ลิงค์ RSS'
unread: 'ยังไมได้่อ่าน'
@ -100,20 +92,8 @@ config:
all: 'ทั้งหมด'
feed_limit: 'จำนวนไอเทมที่เก็บ'
# two_factor_description: "Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code OR need to use an OTP app (like Google Authenticator, Authy or FreeOTP) to get a one time code on every new untrusted connection. You can't choose both option."
# login_label: 'Login (can not be changed)'
name_label: 'ชื่อ'
email_label: 'อีเมล'
# emailTwoFactor_label: 'Using email (receive a code by email)'
# googleTwoFactor_label: 'Using an OTP app (open the app, like Google Authenticator, Authy or FreeOTP, to get a one time code)'
# table_method: Method
# table_state: State
# table_action: Action
# state_enabled: Enabled
# state_disabled: Disabled
# action_email: Use email
# action_app: Use OTP App
title: ลบบัญชีของฉัน (โซนที่เป็นภัย!)
description: ถ้าคุณลบบัญชีของคุณIf , รายการทั้งหมดของคุณ, แท็กทั้งหมดของคุณ, หมายเหตุทั้งหมดของคุณและบัญชีของคุณจะถูกลบอย่างถาวร (มันไม่สามารถยกเลิกได้) คุณจะต้องลงชื่อออก
@ -139,15 +119,6 @@ config:
edit_rule_label: 'ปรับแก้'
rule_label: 'ข้อบังคับ'
tags_label: 'แท็ก'
# card:
# new_tagging_rule: Create a tagging rule
# import_tagging_rules: Import tagging rules
# import_tagging_rules_detail: You have to select the JSON file you previously exported.
# export_tagging_rules: Export tagging rules
# export_tagging_rules_detail: This will download a JSON file that you can use to import tagging rules elsewhere or to backup them.
# file_label: JSON file
# import_submit: Import
# export: Export
title: 'FAQ'
tagging_rules_definition_title: 'ข้อบังคับการแท็กคืออะไร?'
@ -180,34 +151,6 @@ config:
and: 'หนึ่งข้อบังคับและอื่นๆ'
matches: 'ทดสอบว่า <i>เรื่อง</i> นี้ตรงกับ <i>การต้นหา</i> (กรณีไม่ทราบ).<br />ตัวอย่าง: <code>หัวข้อที่ตรงกับ "football"</code>'
notmatches: 'ทดสอบว่า <i>เรื่อง</i> นี้ไม่ตรงกับ <i>การต้นหา</i> (กรณีไม่ทราบ).<br />ตัวอย่าง: <code>หัวข้อทีไม่ตรงกับ "football"</code>'
# faq:
# title: 'FAQ'
# ignore_origin_rules_definition_title: 'What does « ignore origin rules » mean?'
# ignore_origin_rules_definition_description: 'They are used by wallabag to automatically ignore an origin address after a redirect.<br />If a redirect occurs while fetching a new entry, all the ignore origin rules (<i>user defined and instance defined</i>) will be used to ignore the origin address.'
# how_to_use_them_title: 'How do I use them?'
# how_to_use_them_description: 'Let us assume you want to ignore the origin of an entry coming from « <i>rss.example.com</i> » (<i>knowing that after a redirect, the actual address is example.com</i>).<br />In that case, you should put « host = "rss.example.com" » in the <i>Rule</i> field.'
# variables_available_title: 'Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?'
# variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create ignore origin rules:'
# meaning: 'Meaning'
# variable_description:
# label: 'Variable'
# host: 'Host of the address'
# _all: 'Full address, mainly for pattern matching'
# operator_description:
# label: 'Operator'
# equal_to: 'Equal to…'
# matches: 'Tests that a <i>subject</i> matches a <i>search</i> (case-insensitive).<br />Example: <code>_all ~ "https?://rss.example.com/foobar/.*"</code>'
# page_title: Two-factor authentication
# app:
# two_factor_code_description_1: You just enabled the OTP two factor authentication, open your OTP app and use that code to get a one time password. It'll disapear after a page reload.
# two_factor_code_description_2: 'You can scan that QR Code with your app:'
# two_factor_code_description_3: 'Also, save these backup codes in a safe place, you can use them in case you lose access to your OTP app:'
# two_factor_code_description_4: 'Test an OTP code from your configured app:'
# cancel: Cancel
# enable: Enable
default_title: 'หัวข้อรายการ'
@ -282,7 +225,6 @@ entry:
created_at: 'วันที่สร้าง'
published_at: 'วันที่ประกาศ'
published_by: 'ประกาศโดย'
# provided_by: 'Provided by'
page_title: 'บันทึกรายการใหม่'
placeholder: 'https://website.th'
@ -294,21 +236,12 @@ entry:
page_title: 'แก้ไขรายการ'
title_label: 'หัวข้อ'
url_label: 'Url'
# origin_url_label: 'Origin url (from where you found that entry)'
save_label: 'บันทึก'
shared_by_wallabag: "บทความนี้จะมีการแชร์โดย %username% กับ <a href='%wallabag_instance%'>wallabag</a>"
delete: "คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าคุณต้องการลบบทความนี้?"
# delete_entries: "Are you sure you want to remove those articles?"
delete_tag: "คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าคุณต้องการลบแท็กจากบทความนี้?"
# reading_time: "Estimated reading time"
# reading_time_minutes_short: "%readingTime% min"
# address: "Address"
# added_on: "Added on"
# published_on: "Published on"
page_title: 'เกี่ยวกับ'
@ -339,7 +272,6 @@ about:
description: 'ที่นี้เป็นรายการของไลบรารี่ของบุคคลนอกจะใช้ใน wallabag (กับการอนุญาตของพวกเขา):'
package: 'แพ็กเกจ'
license: 'การอนุญาต'
page_title: 'อย่างไร'
@ -391,7 +323,6 @@ howto:
hide_form: ซ่อนในปัจุบันจาก (ค้นหา หรือ ลิงค์ใหม่)
arrows_navigation: นำไปที่บทความ
open_article: แสดงตัวเลือกรายการ
page_title: 'เริ่มแบบด่วน'
more: 'มากกว่านี้…'
@ -445,23 +376,16 @@ quickstart:
github: 'บน GitHub'
email: 'โดยอีเมล'
gitter: 'บน Gitter'
page_title: 'แท็ก'
number_on_the_page: '{0} ไม่มีการแท็ก|{1} มีหนึ่งแท็ก|]1,Inf[ มี %count% แท็ก'
see_untagged_entries: 'พบรายการที่ไม่ได้แท็ก'
# no_untagged_entries: 'There are no untagged entries.'
add: 'เพิ่ม'
placeholder: 'คุณสามารถเพิ่มได้หลายแท็ก, จากการแบ่งโดย comma'
# placeholder: 'You can update tag name.'
footer_template: '<div style="text-align:center;"><p>ผลิตโดย wallabag กับ %method%</p><p>ให้ทำการเปิด <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues">ฉบับนี้</a> ถ้าคุณมีข้อบกพร่องif you have trouble with the display of this E-Book on your device.</p></div>'
# unknown: 'Unknown'
page_title: 'นำข้อมูลเช้า'
page_description: 'ยินดีตต้อนรับสู wallabag สำหรับผู้นำเข้าข้อมูล ทำการเลือกการบริการครั้งก่อนของคุณจากสิ่งที่ตุณต้องการโอนย้าย'
@ -488,9 +412,6 @@ import:
page_title: 'นำเข้าข้อมูล > Wallabag v2'
description: 'สำหรับผู้นำเข้าข้อมูลจะ import บทความ wallabag v2 ทั้งหมดของคุณ ไปยังบทความทั้งหมด, ดังนั้น, บน export sidebar, click ที่ "JSON" คุณจะมีไฟล์ "All articles.json"'
# elcurator:
# page_title: 'Import > elCurator'
# description: 'This importer will import all your elCurator articles. Go to your preferences in your elCurator account and then, export your content. You will have a JSON file.'
page_title: 'นำเข้าข้อมูล > Readability'
description: 'สำหรับผู้นำเข้าข้อมูลจะ import บทความ Readability ทั้งหมดของคุณ ไปที่เครื่องมือ (https://www.readability.com/tools/) ของหน้านั้น, click ที่ "Export your data" ในส่วน "Data Export" คุณจะได้รับ email ไป download json (which does not end with .json in fact).'
@ -514,7 +435,6 @@ import:
page_title: "นำเข้าข้อมูล > Pinboard"
description: 'สำหรับผู้นำเข้าข้อมูลจะ import Pinboard articles ทั้งหมดของคุณ ที่หน้า backup (https://pinboard.in/settings/backup), click ที่ "JSON" ในส่วน "Bookmarks" ซึ่งไฟล์ JSON file จะ download (เหมือน "pinboard_export").'
how_to: 'ทำการเลือก Pinboard export ของคุณและ click ข้างใต้ button ที่ upload และทำการ import'
page_title: 'การจัดการลูกข่ายของ API'
welcome_message: 'ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ wallabag API'
@ -544,7 +464,6 @@ developer:
redirect_uris_label: 'เส้นทางใหม่ของ URIs (ให้เลือกได้)'
save_label: 'สร่้างลูกข่ายใหม'
action_back: 'กลับ'
# copy_to_clipboard: Copy
page_title: 'การจัดการลูกข่ายของ API > พารามิเตอร์ของลูกข่าย'
page_description: 'ที่นี้เป็นพารามิเตอร์ของลูกข่ายของคุณ'
@ -565,7 +484,6 @@ developer:
paragraph_7: 'การเรียกนี้จะกลับไปที่รายการทั้งหมดสำหรับผู้ใช้'
paragraph_8: 'ถ้าคุณต้องการเห็น API endpoint ทั้งหมด, คุณสามารถดูได้ที่ <a href="%link%">ไปที่เอกสาร API ของพวกเรา</a>.'
back: 'กลับ'
page_title: การจัดการผู้ใช้
new_user: สร้างผู้ใช้ใหม่
@ -586,15 +504,12 @@ user:
email_label: 'อีเมล'
enabled_label: 'เปิดใช้งาน'
last_login_label: 'ลงชื้อเข้าใช้ครั้งสุดท้าย'
# twofactor_email_label: Two factor authentication by email
# twofactor_google_label: Two factor authentication by OTP app
save: บันทึก
delete: ลบ
delete_confirm: ตุณแน่ใจหรือไม่?
back_to_list: กลับไปยังรายการ
placeholder: กลั่นกรองโดย ชื่อผู้ใช้ หรือ อีเมล
page_title: ไซต์การจัดการข้อมูลส่วนตัว
new_site_credential: สร้างข้อมูลส่วนตัว
@ -614,10 +529,8 @@ site_credential:
delete: ลบ
delete_confirm: คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่?
back_to_list: กลับไปยังรายการ
page_title: ข้อผิดพลาดที่เกิดขึ้น
@ -629,17 +542,10 @@ flashes:
tagging_rules_updated: 'อัปเดตการแท็กข้อบังคับ'
tagging_rules_deleted: 'การลบข้อบังคับของแท็ก'
feed_token_updated: 'อัปเดตเครื่องหมาย RSS '
# feed_token_revoked: 'RSS token revoked'
annotations_reset: รีเซ็ตหมายเหตุ
tags_reset: รีเซ็ตแท็ก
entries_reset: รีเซ็ตรายการ
archived_reset: การลบเอกสารของรายการ
# otp_enabled: Two-factor authentication enabled
# otp_disabled: Two-factor authentication disabled
# tagging_rules_imported: Tagging rules imported
# tagging_rules_not_imported: Error while importing tagging rules
# ignore_origin_rules_deleted: 'Ignore origin rule deleted'
# ignore_origin_rules_updated: 'Ignore origin rule updated'
entry_already_saved: 'รายการพร้อมบันทึกที่ %date%'
@ -653,11 +559,9 @@ flashes:
entry_starred: 'รายการที่แสดง'
entry_unstarred: 'รายการที่ไม่ได้แสดง'
entry_deleted: 'รายการที่ถูกลบ'
# no_random_entry: 'No article with these criterias was found'
tag_added: 'แท็กที่เพิ่ม'
# tag_renamed: 'Tag renamed'
failed: 'นำข้อมูลเข้าล้มเหลว, ลองใหม่อีกครั้ง'
@ -681,8 +585,3 @@ flashes:
added: 'ไซต์ข้อมูลประจำตัวสำหรับ "%host%" ที่ทำการเพิ่ม'
updated: 'ไซต์ข้อมูลประจำตัวสำหรับ "%host%" ที่ทำการอัปเดต'
deleted: 'ไซต์ข้อมูลประจำตัวสำหรับ "%host%" ที่ทำการลบ'
# added: 'Global ignore origin rule added'
# updated: 'Global ignore origin rule updated'
# deleted: 'Global ignore origin rule deleted'
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ security:
page_title: '创建一个新账户'
go_to_account: '前往你的账户'
unread: '未读'
@ -40,10 +39,8 @@ menu:
filter_entries: '筛选项目'
random_entry: '随机跳到该列表中的一个项目'
export: '导出'
# account: 'My account'
input_label: '输入搜索关键词'
elsewhere: '将 wallabag 随身携带'
@ -51,7 +48,6 @@ footer:
powered_by: '运行'
about: '关于'
stats: '自从 %user_creation% 以来你已经读了 %nb_archives% 篇文章。 这相当于每天 %per_day% 篇!'
page_title: '配置'
@ -187,7 +183,6 @@ config:
two_factor_code_description_4: '从你配置好的应用中测试 OTP 码'
cancel: "取消"
enable: "启用"
default_title: '项目标题'
@ -280,15 +275,12 @@ entry:
shared_by_wallabag: "这篇文章由 %username% 于 <a href='%wallabag_instance%'>wallabag</a> 分享"
delete: "你确定要删除这篇文章吗?"
# delete_entries: "Are you sure you want to remove those articles?"
delete_tag: "你确定要从这篇文章删除该标签吗?"
reading_time: "预计阅读时间"
reading_time_minutes_short: "%readingTime% 分钟"
address: "地址"
added_on: "添加于"
# published_on: "Published on"
page_title: '关于'
@ -319,7 +311,6 @@ about:
description: '这里是 wallabag 使用的第三方库列表(以及它们的许可证):'
package: '包'
license: '许可证'
page_title: '教程'
@ -371,7 +362,6 @@ howto:
hide_form: 隐藏当前表单(搜索或添加新链接时)
arrows_navigation: 在项目间导航
open_article: 打开选中项目
page_title: '快速开始'
more: '更多…'
@ -425,7 +415,6 @@ quickstart:
github: 'GitHub 上'
email: '通过 email'
gitter: 'Gitter 上'
page_title: '标签'
@ -437,11 +426,9 @@ tag:
placeholder: '你可以添加数个标签,彼此之间用逗号分隔。'
placeholder: '你可以更新标签名称。'
footer_template: '<div style="text-align:center;"><p> 由 wallabag 通过 %method% 生成</p><p>如果该电子书在你的设备上显示有问题,请在 Github 上 <a href="https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues">汇报</a>。</p></div>'
unknown: '未知'
page_title: '导入'
page_description: '欢迎来到 wallabag 导入器,请选择你想要从哪个服务导入已有内容。'
@ -494,7 +481,6 @@ import:
page_title: "Import > Pinboard"
description: '这个导入器会导入你 Pinboard 账户中的所有内容。 在 backup 页面(https://pinboard.in/settings/backup),点击 "Bookmarks" 一栏下的 "JSON"。你将会下载得到一个 JSON 文件(比如"pinboard_export")。'
how_to: '请选择你的 Pinboard 导出文件并点击下方按钮来上传和导入它。'
page_title: 'API 客户端管理'
welcome_message: '欢迎来到 wallabag API'
@ -545,7 +531,6 @@ developer:
paragraph_7: '这个请求可以返回你的用户的所有项目。'
paragraph_8: '如果你想要查看所有 API 端点,你可以看看<a href="%link%">我们的 API 文档</a>。'
back: '返回'
page_title: 用户管理
new_user: 创建一个新用户
@ -574,7 +559,6 @@ user:
back_to_list: 返回列表
placeholder: 通过用户名或者邮箱筛选
page_title: 网站登录凭证管理
new_site_credential: 创建一个凭证
@ -594,10 +578,8 @@ site_credential:
delete: 删除
delete_confirm: 确定这么做吗?
back_to_list: 返回列表
page_title: 发生了一个错误
@ -615,7 +597,6 @@ flashes:
entries_reset: 项目列表已重置
archived_reset: 所有存档项目已删除
otp_enabled: 两步验证已启用
# otp_disabled: Two-factor authentication disabled
tagging_rules_imported: 标签规则已导入
tagging_rules_not_imported: 导入标签规则时发生了错误
@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
password_must_match: 'De indtastede adgangskoder skal være ens'
password_too_short: 'Adgangskoden skal være mindst 8 tegn'
# password_wrong_value: 'Wrong value for your current password'
# item_per_page_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
# feed_limit_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
# quote_length_too_high: 'The quote is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.'
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
password_must_match: A megadott jelszavaknak egyezniük kell.
password_too_short: A jelszónak legalább 8 karakter hosszúságúnak kell lennie.
password_wrong_value: A megadott jelenlegi jelszó nem megfelelő.
item_per_page_too_high: Ettől minden bizonnyal nagyon lassú lesz az alkalmazás
rss_limit_too_high: Ettől minden bizonnyal nagyon lassú lesz az alkalmazás
quote_length_too_high: Az idézet az túl hosszú. {{ limit }} karakterek vagy annál
kevesebbnek kell lennie.
password_must_match: A megadott jelszavaknak egyezniük kell.
password_too_short: A jelszónak legalább 8 karakter hosszúságúnak kell lennie.
password_wrong_value: A megadott jelenlegi jelszó nem megfelelő.
item_per_page_too_high: Ettől minden bizonnyal nagyon lassú lesz az alkalmazás
rss_limit_too_high: Ettől minden bizonnyal nagyon lassú lesz az alkalmazás
quote_length_too_high: Az idézet az túl hosszú. {{ limit }} karakterek vagy annál kevesebbnek kell lennie.
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
password_must_match: Passordfeltene må samsvare.
password_too_short: Passordet ditt må være minst åtte tegn.
password_wrong_value: Feil nåværende passord angitt.
item_per_page_too_high: Dette vil drepe programmet
rss_limit_too_high: Dette vil drepe programmet
quote_length_too_high: Sitatet er for langt. De bør minst være {{ limit }} tegn
eller mindre.
password_must_match: Passordfeltene må samsvare.
password_too_short: Passordet ditt må være minst åtte tegn.
password_wrong_value: Feil nåværende passord angitt.
item_per_page_too_high: Dette vil drepe programmet
rss_limit_too_high: Dette vil drepe programmet
quote_length_too_high: Sitatet er for langt. De bør minst være {{ limit }} tegn eller mindre.
@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
password_must_match: 'Câmpurile destinate parolelor trebuie să se potrivească'
password_too_short: 'Parola ar trebui să conțină cel puțin 8 caractere'
# password_wrong_value: 'Wrong value for your current password'
# item_per_page_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
# feed_limit_too_high: 'This will certainly kill the app'
# quote_length_too_high: 'The quote is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.'
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
password_must_match: 密碼必須相符。
password_too_short: 您的密碼必須至少8個字。
password_wrong_value: 提供了錯誤的密碼。
item_per_page_too_high: 這肯定會毀了應用程式
rss_limit_too_high: 這肯定會毀了應用程式
quote_length_too_high: 密碼太長了。 它應該要有{{limit}}個字或更少。
password_must_match: 密碼必須相符。
password_too_short: 您的密碼必須至少8個字。
password_wrong_value: 提供了錯誤的密碼。
item_per_page_too_high: 這肯定會毀了應用程式
rss_limit_too_high: 這肯定會毀了應用程式
quote_length_too_high: 密碼太長了。 它應該要有{{limit}}個字或更少。
Reference in a new issue