mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 22:52:39 +00:00
Cleaned up documentation for installation process
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 77 additions and 80 deletions
@ -6,23 +6,23 @@
wallabag is a self hostable application allowing you to not miss any content anymore.
Click, save and read it when you can. It extracts content so that you can read it when you have time.
More informations on our website: [wallabag.org](https://wallabag.org)
More information on our website: [wallabag.org](https://wallabag.org).

# Install wallabag
Please read [the documentation to see the wallabag requirements](http://doc.wallabag.org/en/master/user/installation.html#requirements).
If you don't have it yet, please [install composer](https://getcomposer.org/download/) or be sure to use Composer 1.2 (`composer selfupdate` can help you about that). Read [our documentation](http://doc.wallabag.org) to have more information about installation.
Then you can install wallabag by executing the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag.git
cd wallabag
git checkout 2.1.1
SYMFONY_ENV=prod composer install --no-dev -o --prefer-dist
php bin/console wallabag:install --env=prod
php bin/console server:run --env=prod
## License
# License
Copyright © 2013-2016 Nicolas Lœuillet <nicolas@loeuillet.org>
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the MIT License. See the COPYING file for more details.
@ -1,48 +1,45 @@
## Definition
A release is mostly a git tag of http://github.com/wallabag/wallabag, following [semantic versioning](http://semver.org).
The last release at the time of writing is 2.0.0-alpha.2, from the v2 branch.
### Steps to release
During this documentation, we assume the release is `release-2.0.0-beta.1`.
During this documentation, we assume the release is `$LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE`.
#### Files to edit
- `app/config/config.yml` (`wallabag_core.version`)
- `README.md` (`composer create-project` command)
- `docs/en/user/installation.rst` and its translations (`composer create-project` command)
- `CHANGELOG.md` (by using this command `github_changelog_generator --no-compare-link --future-release "2.x.x"`. [github-changelog-generator is available here](https://github.com/skywinder/github-changelog-generator))
- `CHANGELOG.md` (by using this command `github_changelog_generator --no-compare-link`. [github-changelog-generator is available here](https://github.com/skywinder/github-changelog-generator))
#### Create release on GitHub
- Run these commands to create the tag:
git checkout v2
git pull origin v2
git checkout -b release-2.0.0-beta.1
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout -b release-$LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE
SYMFONY_ENV=prod composer up --no-dev
git add --force composer.lock
git add README.md
git commit -m "Release wallabag 2.0.0-beta.1"
git push origin release-2.0.0-beta.1
git commit -m "Release wallabag $LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE"
git push origin release-$LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE
- Create a new pull request with this title `DON'T MERGE Release wallabag 2.0.0-beta.1`. This pull request is used to launch builds on Travis-CI.
- Run these commands to create the package:
- Create a new pull request with this title `DON'T MERGE Release wallabag $LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE`. This pull request is used to launch builds on Travis-CI.
- Run these commands to create the package (you need to clone `https://github.com/wallabag/releaser`) :
git clone git@github.com:wallabag/wallabag.git -b release-2.0.0-beta.1 release-2.0.0-beta.1
SYMFONY_ENV=prod composer up -d=release-2.0.0-beta.1 --no-dev
tar czf wallabag-release-2.0.0-beta.1.tar.gz --exclude="var/*" --exclude=".git" release-2.0.0-beta.1
cd releaser/
- [Create the new release on GitHub](https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/releases/new). You have to upload on this page the package.
- Delete the `release-2.0.0-beta.1` branch and close the pull request (**DO NOT MERGE IT**).
- Delete the `release-$LAST_WALLABAG_RELEASE` branch and close the pull request (**DO NOT MERGE IT**).
- Update the URL shortener (used on `wllbg.org` to generate links like `http://wllbg.org/latest-v2-package` or `http://wllbg.org/latest-v2`)
- Update [the downloads page](https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag.org/blob/master/content/pages/download.md) on the website (MD5 sum, release date)
- Drink a beer!
- Update Dockerfile https://github.com/wallabag/docker (and create a new tag)
- Update wallabag.org website (downloads, releases and new blog post)
- Drink a :beer:!
### `composer.lock`
A release tag must contain a `composer.lock` file. It sets which dependencies were available at the time a release was done,
@ -6,6 +6,16 @@ Voraussetzungen
wallabag ist kompatibel mit PHP >= 5.5, inkl. PHP 7.
wallabag nutzt eine große Anzahl an Bibliotheken, um zu funktionieren. Diese Bibliotheken müssen mit einem Tool namens Composer installiert werden. Du musst es installieren sofern du es bisher noch nicht gemacht hast.
Composer installieren:
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
Du kannst eine spezifische Anleitung `hier <https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md>`__ finden.
Du benötigst die folgenden Extensions damit wallabag funktioniert. Einige von diesen sind vielleicht schon in deiner Version von PHP aktiviert, somit musst du eventuell
nicht alle folgenden Pakete installieren.
@ -39,25 +49,13 @@ Installation
Auf einem dedizierten Webserver (empfohlener Weg)
wallabag nutzt eine große Anzahl an Bibliotheken, um zu funktionieren. Diese Bibliotheken müssen mit einem Tool namens Composer installiert werden. Du musst es installieren sofern du es bisher noch nicht gemacht hast.
Composer installieren:
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
Du kannst eine spezifische Anleitung `hier <https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md>`__ finden.
Um wallabag selbst zu installieren, musst du die folgenden Kommandos ausführen:
git clone https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag.git
cd wallabag
git checkout 2.1.1 --force
SYMFONY_ENV=prod composer install --no-dev -o --prefer-dist
php bin/console wallabag:install --env=prod
Um PHPs eingebauten Server zu starten und zu testen, ob alles korrekt installiert wurde, kannst du folgendes Kommando ausführen:
@ -87,18 +85,18 @@ Führe dieses Kommando aus, um das neueste Paket herunterzuladen und zu entpacke
wget http://wllbg.org/latest-v2-package && tar xvf latest-v2-package
(md5 hash: ``6c33520e29cc754b687f9cee0398dede``)
You will find the `md5 hash of the latest package on our website <https://www.wallabag.org/pages/download-wallabag.html>`_.
Jetzt lese die Dokumentation, um einen Virtualhost zu erstellen, dann greife auf dein wallabag zu.
Wenn du die Datenbankkonfiguration eingestellt hast, MySQL oder PostgreSQL zu nutzen, musst du einen Nutzer über das folgende Kommando erstellen ``php bin/console wallabag:install --env=prod``.
Installation mit Docker
Wir stellen ein Docker Image zu Verfügung, um wallabag einfach zu installieren. Schaue in unser Repository in unserem `Docker Hub <https://hub.docker.com/r/wallabag/wallabag/>`__, um mehr Informationen zu erhalten.
Kommando, um den Container zu starten
.. code-block:: bash
@ -108,7 +106,7 @@ Virtualhosts
Konfiguration von Apache
Angenommen du willst wallabag in das Verzeichnis ``/var/www/wallabag`` installieren und du willst PHP als Apache Modul nutzen, dann ist hier ein vhost für wallabag:
@ -198,7 +196,7 @@ Nach dem neuladen oder neustarten von nginx, solltest du nun wallabag unter http
Wenn du eine große Datei in wallabag importieren willst, solltest du diese Zeile zu deiner nginx Konfiguration hinzufügen ``client_max_body_size XM; # allows file uploads up to X megabytes``.
Konfiguration von lighttpd
Angenommen du willst wallabag in das Verzeichnis ``/var/www/wallabag`` installieren, dann ist hier ein Rezept für wallabag (bearbeite deine ``lighttpd.conf`` und füge die Konfiguration dort ein):
@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ Fill in your wallabag data. You need to enter your wallabag address. It is impor
:alt: Filled in settings
:align: center
After you have filled in your data, push the button Connection test and wait for the test to finish.
After you have filled in your data, push the button Connection test and wait for the test to finish.
.. image:: ../../img/user/android_configuration_connection_test.en.png
:alt: Connection test with your wallabag data
:align: center
The connection test shall finish with success. If not, you need to fix this first until you proceed.
The connection test shall finish with success. If not, you need to fix this first until you proceed.
.. image:: ../../img/user/android_configuration_connection_test_success.en.png
:alt: Connection test successful
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ After hitting the save button, you get the following screen. The app proposes to
:alt: Settings saved the first time
:align: center
Finally after the syncronisation finished successfully, you are presented the list of unread articles.
Finally after the syncronisation finished successfully, you are presented the list of unread articles.
.. image:: ../../img/user/android_unread_feed_synced.en.png
:alt: Filled article list cause feeds successfully syncronized
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Finally after the syncronisation finished successfully, you are presented the li
Known limitations
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Currently the does not support two-factor authentication. You should disable tha
Limited amount of articles with wallabag v2
In your wallabag web instance you can configure how many items are part of the RSS feed. This option did not exist in wallabag v1, where all articles were part of the feed. So if you set the amount of articles being displayed greater than the number of items being content of your RSS feed, you will only see the number of items in your RSS feed.
In your wallabag web instance you can configure how many items are part of the RSS feed. This option did not exist in wallabag v1, where all articles were part of the feed. So if you set the amount of articles being displayed greater than the number of items being content of your RSS feed, you will only see the number of items in your RSS feed.
SSL/TLS encryption
@ -6,7 +6,17 @@ Requirements
wallabag is compatible with PHP >= 5.5, including PHP 7.
You'll need the following extensions for wallabag to work. Some of these may already activated in your version of PHP, so you may not have to install all corresponding packages.
wallabag uses a large number of PHP libraries in order to function. These libraries must be installed with a tool called Composer. You need to install it if you have not already done so and be sure to use the 1.2 version (if you already have Composer, run a ``composer selfupdate``).
Install Composer:
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
You can find specific instructions `here <https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md>`__.
You'll also need the following extensions for wallabag to work. Some of these may already activated in your version of PHP, so you may not have to install all corresponding packages.
- php-session
- php-ctype
@ -38,25 +48,13 @@ Installation
On a dedicated web server (recommended way)
wallabag uses a large number of PHP libraries in order to function. These libraries must be installed with a tool called Composer. You need to install it if you have not already done so and be sure to use the 1.2 version (if you already have Composer, run a ``composer selfupdate``).
Install Composer:
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
You can find specific instructions `here <https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md>`__.
To install wallabag itself, you must run the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag.git
cd wallabag
git checkout 2.1.1 --force
SYMFONY_ENV=prod composer install --no-dev -o --prefer-dist
php bin/console wallabag:install --env=prod
To start PHP's build-in server and test if everything did install correctly, you can do:
@ -86,18 +84,18 @@ Execute this command to download and extract the latest package:
wget http://wllbg.org/latest-v2-package && tar xvf latest-v2-package
(md5 hash of the 2.1.1 package: ``9584a3b60a2b2a4de87f536548caac93``)
You will find the `md5 hash of the latest package on our website <https://www.wallabag.org/pages/download-wallabag.html>`_.
Now, read the following documentation to create your virtual host, then access your wallabag.
If you changed the database configuration to use MySQL or PostgreSQL, you need to create a user via this command ``php bin/console wallabag:install --env=prod``.
Installation with Docker
We provide you a Docker image to install wallabag easily. Have a look to our repository on `Docker Hub <https://hub.docker.com/r/wallabag/wallabag/>`__ to have more information.
Command to launch container
.. code-block:: bash
@ -6,6 +6,16 @@ Pré-requis
wallabag est compatible avec PHP >= 5.5, PHP 7 inclus.
wallabag utilise un grand nombre de bibliothèques PHP pour fonctionner. Ces bibliothèques doivent être installées à l'aide d'un outil nommé Composer. Vous devez l'installer si ce n'est déjà fait et vous assurer que vous utilisez bien la version 1.2 (si vous avez déjà Composer, faite un ``composer selfupdate``).
Installation de Composer :
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
Vous pouvez trouver des instructions spécifiques `ici (en anglais) <https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md>`__.
Vous aurez besoin des extensions suivantes pour que wallabag fonctionne. Il est possible que certaines de ces extensions soient déjà activées dans votre version de PHP, donc vous n'avez pas forcément besoin d'installer tous les paquets correspondants.
- php-session
@ -36,25 +46,13 @@ Installation
Sur un serveur dédié (méthode conseillée)
wallabag utilise un grand nombre de bibliothèques PHP pour fonctionner. Ces bibliothèques doivent être installées à l'aide d'un outil nommé Composer. Vous devez l'installer si ce n'est déjà fait et vous assurer que vous utilisez bien la version 1.2 (si vous avez déjà Composer, faite un ``composer selfupdate``).
Installation de Composer :
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
Vous pouvez trouver des instructions spécifiques `ici (en anglais) <https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md>`__.
Pour installer wallabag, vous devez exécuter ces commandes :
git clone https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag.git
cd wallabag
git checkout 2.1.1 --force
SYMFONY_ENV=prod composer install --no-dev -o --prefer-dist
php bin/console wallabag:install --env=prod
Pour démarrer le serveur interne à php et vérifier que tout s'est installé correctement, vous pouvez exécuter :
@ -83,18 +81,18 @@ Exécutez cette commande pour télécharger et décompresser l'archive :
wget http://wllbg.org/latest-v2-package && tar xvf latest-v2-package
(hash md5 de l'archive 2.1.1 : ``9584a3b60a2b2a4de87f536548caac93``)
Vous trouverez `le hash md5 du dernier package sur notre site <https://www.wallabag.org/pages/download-wallabag.html>`_.
Maintenant, lisez la documentation ci-dessous pour crééer un virtual host. Accédez ensuite à votre installation de wallabag.
Si vous avez changé la configuration pour modifier le type de stockage (MySQL ou PostgreSQL), vous devrez vous créer un utilisateur via la commande ``php bin/console wallabag:install --env=prod``.
Installation avec Docker
Nous vous proposons une image Docker pour installer wallabag facilement. Allez voir du côté de `Docker Hub <https://hub.docker.com/r/wallabag/wallabag/>`__ pour plus d'informations.
Commande pour démarrer le containeur
.. code-block:: bash
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#! /usr/bin/env bash
TAG=$(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
git checkout $TAG
SYMFONY_ENV=prod composer install --no-dev -o --prefer-dist
php bin/console wallabag:install --env=prod
Reference in a new issue