Before this migration, if you configured the Pocket import by adding your consumer key in Internal settings, please do a backup of it: you'll have to add it into the Config page after the upgrade.
Please check that your ``app/config/parameters.yml`` contains all the required parameters. You can find `here a documentation about parameters <>`_.
In order to upgrade your wallabag installation and get the last version, run the following command in you wallabag folder:
make update
Upgrade on a shared hosting
Backup your ``app/config/parameters.yml`` file.
Download the last release of wallabag:
..code-block:: bash
wget && tar xvf latest-v2-package
You will find the `md5 hash of the latest package on our website <>`_.
Extract the archive in your wallabag folder and replace ``app/config/parameters.yml`` with yours.
Please check that your ``app/config/parameters.yml`` contains all the required parameters. You can find `here a documentation about parameters <>`_.
If you use SQLite, you must also copy your ``data/`` folder inside the new installation.
Empty ``var/cache`` folder.
From wallabag 1.x
There is no automatic script to update from wallabag 1.x to wallabag 2.x. You need to:
- export your data
- install wallabag 2.x (`read the installation documentation <>`_ )
- import data in this fresh installation (`read the import documentation <>`_ )