2013-04-03 13:14:01 +00:00
< ? php
2013-04-23 13:57:23 +00:00
2013-04-03 13:14:01 +00:00
* Arc90 ' s Readability ported to PHP for FiveFilters . org
* Based on readability . js version 1.7 . 1 ( without multi - page support )
2013-04-23 13:57:23 +00:00
* Updated to allow HTML5 parsing with html5lib
* Updated with lightClean mode to preserve more images and youtube / vimeo / viddler embeds
2013-04-03 13:14:01 +00:00
* ------------------------------------------------------
* Original URL : http :// lab . arc90 . com / experiments / readability / js / readability . js
* Arc90 ' s project URL : http :// lab . arc90 . com / experiments / readability /
* JS Source : http :// code . google . com / p / arc90labs - readability
* Ported by : Keyvan Minoukadeh , http :// www . keyvan . net
* More information : http :// fivefilters . org / content - only /
* License : Apache License , Version 2.0
* Requires : PHP5
2013-04-23 13:57:23 +00:00
* Date : 2012 - 09 - 19
2013-04-03 13:14:01 +00:00
* Differences between the PHP port and the original
* ------------------------------------------------------
2013-04-23 13:57:23 +00:00
* Arc90 ' s Readability is designed to run in the browser . It works on the DOM
* tree ( the parsed HTML ) after the page ' s CSS styles have been applied and
* Javascript code executed . This PHP port does not run inside a browser .
* We use PHP ' s ability to parse HTML to build our DOM tree , but we cannot
* rely on CSS or Javascript support . As such , the results will not always
* match Arc90 ' s Readability . ( For example , if a web page contains CSS style
* rules or Javascript code which hide certain HTML elements from display ,
* Arc90 ' s Readability will dismiss those from consideration but our PHP port ,
2013-04-03 13:14:01 +00:00
* unable to understand CSS or Javascript , will not know any better . )
2013-04-23 13:57:23 +00:00
* Another significant difference is that the aim of Arc90 ' s Readability is
* to re - present the main content block of a given web page so users can
* read it more easily in their browsers . Correct identification , clean up ,
* and separation of the content block is only a part of this process .
* This PHP port is only concerned with this part , it does not include code
* that relates to presentation in the browser - Arc90 already do
* that extremely well , and for PDF output there 's FiveFilters.org' s
2013-04-03 13:14:01 +00:00
* PDF Newspaper : http :// fivefilters . org / pdf - newspaper /.
2013-04-23 13:57:23 +00:00
* Finally , this class contains methods that might be useful for developers
* working on HTML document fragments . So without deviating too much from
* the original code ( which I don ' t want to do because it makes debugging
* and updating more difficult ), I ' ve tried to make it a little more
* developer friendly . You should be able to use the methods here on
* existing DOMElement objects without passing an entire HTML document to
2013-04-03 13:14:01 +00:00
* be parsed .
// This class allows us to do JavaScript like assignements to innerHTML
require_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/JSLikeHTMLElement.php' );
// Alternative usage (for testing only!)
2013-04-23 13:57:23 +00:00
// uncomment the lines below and call Readability.php in your browser
2013-04-03 13:14:01 +00:00
// passing it the URL of the page you'd like content from, e.g.:
// Readability.php?url=http://medialens.org/alerts/09/090615_the_guardian_climate.php
if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ 'url' ]) || $_GET [ 'url' ] == '' ) {
2013-04-23 13:57:23 +00:00
die ( 'Please pass a URL to the script. E.g. Readability.php?url=bla.com/story.html' );
2013-04-03 13:14:01 +00:00
$url = $_GET [ 'url' ];
if ( ! preg_match ( '!^https?://!i' , $url )) $url = 'http://' . $url ;
$html = file_get_contents ( $url );
$r = new Readability ( $html , $url );
$r -> init ();
echo $r -> articleContent -> innerHTML ;
class Readability
2013-04-23 13:57:23 +00:00
public $version = '1.7.1-without-multi-page' ;
public $convertLinksToFootnotes = false ;
public $revertForcedParagraphElements = true ;
public $articleTitle ;
public $articleContent ;
public $dom ;
public $url = null ; // optional - URL where HTML was retrieved
public $debug = false ;
public $lightClean = true ; // preserves more content (experimental) added 2012-09-19
protected $body = null ; //
protected $bodyCache = null ; // Cache the body HTML in case we need to re-use it later
protected $flags = 7 ; // 1 | 2 | 4; // Start with all flags set.
protected $success = false ; // indicates whether we were able to extract or not
* All of the regular expressions in use within readability .
* Defined up here so we don ' t instantiate them repeatedly in loops .
public $regexps = array (
'unlikelyCandidates' => '/combx|comment|community|disqus|extra|foot|header|menu|remark|rss|shoutbox|sidebar|sponsor|ad-break|agegate|pagination|pager|popup/i' ,
'okMaybeItsACandidate' => '/and|article|body|column|main|shadow/i' ,
'positive' => '/article|body|content|entry|hentry|main|page|attachment|pagination|post|text|blog|story/i' ,
'negative' => '/combx|comment|com-|contact|foot|footer|_nav|footnote|masthead|media|meta|outbrain|promo|related|scroll|shoutbox|sidebar|sponsor|shopping|tags|tool|widget/i' ,
'divToPElements' => '/<(a|blockquote|dl|div|img|ol|p|pre|table|ul)/i' ,
'replaceBrs' => '/(<br[^>]*>[ \n\r\t]*){2,}/i' ,
'replaceFonts' => '/<(\/?)font[^>]*>/i' ,
// 'trimRe' => '/^\s+|\s+$/g', // PHP has trim()
'normalize' => '/\s{2,}/' ,
'killBreaks' => '/(<br\s*\/?>(\s| ?)*){1,}/' ,
'video' => '!//(player\.|www\.)?(youtube|vimeo|viddler)\.com!i' ,
'skipFootnoteLink' => '/^\s*(\[?[a-z0-9]{1,2}\]?|^|edit|citation needed)\s*$/i'
/* constants */
* Create instance of Readability
* @ param string UTF - 8 encoded string
* @ param string ( optional ) URL associated with HTML ( used for footnotes )
* @ param string which parser to use for turning raw HTML into a DOMDocument ( either 'libxml' or 'html5lib' )
function __construct ( $html , $url = null , $parser = 'libxml' )
$this -> url = $url ;
/* Turn all double br's into p's */
$html = preg_replace ( $this -> regexps [ 'replaceBrs' ], '</p><p>' , $html );
$html = preg_replace ( $this -> regexps [ 'replaceFonts' ], '<$1span>' , $html );
$html = mb_convert_encoding ( $html , 'HTML-ENTITIES' , " UTF-8 " );
if ( trim ( $html ) == '' ) $html = '<html></html>' ;
if ( $parser == 'html5lib' && ( $this -> dom = HTML5_Parser :: parse ( $html ))) {
// all good
} else {
$this -> dom = new DOMDocument ();
$this -> dom -> preserveWhiteSpace = false ;
@ $this -> dom -> loadHTML ( $html );
$this -> dom -> registerNodeClass ( 'DOMElement' , 'JSLikeHTMLElement' );
* Get article title element
* @ return DOMElement
public function getTitle () {
return $this -> articleTitle ;
* Get article content element
* @ return DOMElement
public function getContent () {
return $this -> articleContent ;
* Runs readability .
* Workflow :
* 1. Prep the document by removing script tags , css , etc .
* 2. Build readability ' s DOM tree .
* 3. Grab the article content from the current dom tree .
* 4. Replace the current DOM tree with the new one .
* 5. Read peacefully .
* @ return boolean true if we found content , false otherwise
public function init ()
if ( ! isset ( $this -> dom -> documentElement )) return false ;
$this -> removeScripts ( $this -> dom );
// Assume successful outcome
$this -> success = true ;
$bodyElems = $this -> dom -> getElementsByTagName ( 'body' );
if ( $bodyElems -> length > 0 ) {
if ( $this -> bodyCache == null ) {
$this -> bodyCache = $bodyElems -> item ( 0 ) -> innerHTML ;
if ( $this -> body == null ) {
$this -> body = $bodyElems -> item ( 0 );
$this -> prepDocument ();
//$this->setInnerHTML($this->dom->documentElement, $this->getInnerHTML($this->dom->documentElement));
/* Build readability's DOM tree */
$overlay = $this -> dom -> createElement ( 'div' );
$innerDiv = $this -> dom -> createElement ( 'div' );
$articleTitle = $this -> getArticleTitle ();
$articleContent = $this -> grabArticle ();
if ( ! $articleContent ) {
$this -> success = false ;
$articleContent = $this -> dom -> createElement ( 'div' );
$articleContent -> setAttribute ( 'id' , 'readability-content' );
$articleContent -> innerHTML = '<p>Sorry, Readability was unable to parse this page for content.</p>' ;
$overlay -> setAttribute ( 'id' , 'readOverlay' );
$innerDiv -> setAttribute ( 'id' , 'readInner' );
/* Glue the structure of our document together. */
$innerDiv -> appendChild ( $articleTitle );
$innerDiv -> appendChild ( $articleContent );
$overlay -> appendChild ( $innerDiv );
/* Clear the old HTML, insert the new content. */
$this -> body -> innerHTML = '' ;
$this -> body -> appendChild ( $overlay );
//document.body.insertBefore(overlay, document.body.firstChild);
$this -> body -> removeAttribute ( 'style' );
$this -> postProcessContent ( $articleContent );
// Set title and content instance variables
$this -> articleTitle = $articleTitle ;
$this -> articleContent = $articleContent ;
return $this -> success ;
* Debug
protected function dbg ( $msg ) {
if ( $this -> debug ) echo '* ' , $msg , " \n " ;
* Run any post - process modifications to article content as necessary .
* @ param DOMElement
* @ return void
public function postProcessContent ( $articleContent ) {
if ( $this -> convertLinksToFootnotes && ! preg_match ( '/wikipedia\.org/' , @ $this -> url )) {
$this -> addFootnotes ( $articleContent );
* Get the article title as an H1 .
* @ return DOMElement
protected function getArticleTitle () {
$curTitle = '' ;
$origTitle = '' ;
try {
$curTitle = $origTitle = $this -> getInnerText ( $this -> dom -> getElementsByTagName ( 'title' ) -> item ( 0 ));
} catch ( Exception $e ) {}
if ( preg_match ( '/ [\|\-] /' , $curTitle ))
$curTitle = preg_replace ( '/(.*)[\|\-] .*/i' , '$1' , $origTitle );
if ( count ( explode ( ' ' , $curTitle )) < 3 ) {
$curTitle = preg_replace ( '/[^\|\-]*[\|\-](.*)/i' , '$1' , $origTitle );
else if ( strpos ( $curTitle , ': ' ) !== false )
$curTitle = preg_replace ( '/.*:(.*)/i' , '$1' , $origTitle );
if ( count ( explode ( ' ' , $curTitle )) < 3 ) {
$curTitle = preg_replace ( '/[^:]*[:](.*)/i' , '$1' , $origTitle );
else if ( strlen ( $curTitle ) > 150 || strlen ( $curTitle ) < 15 )
$hOnes = $this -> dom -> getElementsByTagName ( 'h1' );
if ( $hOnes -> length == 1 )
$curTitle = $this -> getInnerText ( $hOnes -> item ( 0 ));
$curTitle = trim ( $curTitle );
if ( count ( explode ( ' ' , $curTitle )) <= 4 ) {
$curTitle = $origTitle ;
$articleTitle = $this -> dom -> createElement ( 'h1' );
$articleTitle -> innerHTML = $curTitle ;
return $articleTitle ;
* Prepare the HTML document for readability to scrape it .
* This includes things like stripping javascript , CSS , and handling terrible markup .
* @ return void
protected function prepDocument () {
* In some cases a body element can ' t be found ( if the HTML is totally hosed for example )
* so we create a new body node and append it to the document .
if ( $this -> body == null )
$this -> body = $this -> dom -> createElement ( 'body' );
$this -> dom -> documentElement -> appendChild ( $this -> body );
$this -> body -> setAttribute ( 'id' , 'readabilityBody' );
/* Remove all style tags in head */
$styleTags = $this -> dom -> getElementsByTagName ( 'style' );
for ( $i = $styleTags -> length - 1 ; $i >= 0 ; $i -- )
$styleTags -> item ( $i ) -> parentNode -> removeChild ( $styleTags -> item ( $i ));
/* Turn all double br's into p's */
/* Note, this is pretty costly as far as processing goes. Maybe optimize later. */
//document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(readability.regexps.replaceBrs, '</p><p>').replace(readability.regexps.replaceFonts, '<$1span>');
// We do this in the constructor for PHP as that's when we have raw HTML - before parsing it into a DOM tree.
// Manipulating innerHTML as it's done in JS is not possible in PHP.
* For easier reading , convert this document to have footnotes at the bottom rather than inline links .
* @ see http :// www . roughtype . com / archives / 2010 / 05 / experiments_in . php
* @ return void
public function addFootnotes ( $articleContent ) {
$footnotesWrapper = $this -> dom -> createElement ( 'div' );
$footnotesWrapper -> setAttribute ( 'id' , 'readability-footnotes' );
$footnotesWrapper -> innerHTML = '<h3>References</h3>' ;
$articleFootnotes = $this -> dom -> createElement ( 'ol' );
$articleFootnotes -> setAttribute ( 'id' , 'readability-footnotes-list' );
$footnotesWrapper -> appendChild ( $articleFootnotes );
$articleLinks = $articleContent -> getElementsByTagName ( 'a' );
$linkCount = 0 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $articleLinks -> length ; $i ++ )
$articleLink = $articleLinks -> item ( $i );
$footnoteLink = $articleLink -> cloneNode ( true );
$refLink = $this -> dom -> createElement ( 'a' );
$footnote = $this -> dom -> createElement ( 'li' );
$linkDomain = @ parse_url ( $footnoteLink -> getAttribute ( 'href' ), PHP_URL_HOST );
if ( ! $linkDomain && isset ( $this -> url )) $linkDomain = @ parse_url ( $this -> url , PHP_URL_HOST );
//linkDomain = footnoteLink.host ? footnoteLink.host : document.location.host,
$linkText = $this -> getInnerText ( $articleLink );
if (( strpos ( $articleLink -> getAttribute ( 'class' ), 'readability-DoNotFootnote' ) !== false ) || preg_match ( $this -> regexps [ 'skipFootnoteLink' ], $linkText )) {
continue ;
$linkCount ++ ;
/** Add a superscript reference after the article link */
$refLink -> setAttribute ( 'href' , '#readabilityFootnoteLink-' . $linkCount );
$refLink -> innerHTML = '<small><sup>[' . $linkCount . ']</sup></small>' ;
$refLink -> setAttribute ( 'class' , 'readability-DoNotFootnote' );
$refLink -> setAttribute ( 'style' , 'color: inherit;' );
//TODO: does this work or should we use DOMNode.isSameNode()?
if ( $articleLink -> parentNode -> lastChild == $articleLink ) {
$articleLink -> parentNode -> appendChild ( $refLink );
} else {
$articleLink -> parentNode -> insertBefore ( $refLink , $articleLink -> nextSibling );
$articleLink -> setAttribute ( 'style' , 'color: inherit; text-decoration: none;' );
$articleLink -> setAttribute ( 'name' , 'readabilityLink-' . $linkCount );
$footnote -> innerHTML = '<small><sup><a href="#readabilityLink-' . $linkCount . '" title="Jump to Link in Article">^</a></sup></small> ' ;
$footnoteLink -> innerHTML = ( $footnoteLink -> getAttribute ( 'title' ) != '' ? $footnoteLink -> getAttribute ( 'title' ) : $linkText );
$footnoteLink -> setAttribute ( 'name' , 'readabilityFootnoteLink-' . $linkCount );
$footnote -> appendChild ( $footnoteLink );
if ( $linkDomain ) $footnote -> innerHTML = $footnote -> innerHTML . '<small> (' . $linkDomain . ')</small>' ;
$articleFootnotes -> appendChild ( $footnote );
if ( $linkCount > 0 ) {
$articleContent -> appendChild ( $footnotesWrapper );
* Reverts P elements with class ' readability - styled '
* to text nodes - which is what they were before .
* @ param DOMElement
* @ return void
function revertReadabilityStyledElements ( $articleContent ) {
$xpath = new DOMXPath ( $articleContent -> ownerDocument );
$elems = $xpath -> query ( './/p[@class="readability-styled"]' , $articleContent );
//$elems = $articleContent->getElementsByTagName('p');
for ( $i = $elems -> length - 1 ; $i >= 0 ; $i -- ) {
$e = $elems -> item ( $i );
$e -> parentNode -> replaceChild ( $articleContent -> ownerDocument -> createTextNode ( $e -> textContent ), $e );
//if ($e->hasAttribute('class') && $e->getAttribute('class') == 'readability-styled') {
// $e->parentNode->replaceChild($this->dom->createTextNode($e->textContent), $e);
* Prepare the article node for display . Clean out any inline styles ,
* iframes , forms , strip extraneous < p > tags , etc .
* @ param DOMElement
* @ return void
function prepArticle ( $articleContent ) {
$this -> cleanStyles ( $articleContent );
$this -> killBreaks ( $articleContent );
if ( $this -> revertForcedParagraphElements ) {
$this -> revertReadabilityStyledElements ( $articleContent );
/* Clean out junk from the article content */
$this -> cleanConditionally ( $articleContent , 'form' );
$this -> clean ( $articleContent , 'object' );
$this -> clean ( $articleContent , 'h1' );
* If there is only one h2 , they are probably using it
* as a header and not a subheader , so remove it since we already have a header .
if ( ! $this -> lightClean && ( $articleContent -> getElementsByTagName ( 'h2' ) -> length == 1 )) {
$this -> clean ( $articleContent , 'h2' );
$this -> clean ( $articleContent , 'iframe' );
$this -> cleanHeaders ( $articleContent );
/* Do these last as the previous stuff may have removed junk that will affect these */
$this -> cleanConditionally ( $articleContent , 'table' );
$this -> cleanConditionally ( $articleContent , 'ul' );
$this -> cleanConditionally ( $articleContent , 'div' );
/* Remove extra paragraphs */
$articleParagraphs = $articleContent -> getElementsByTagName ( 'p' );
for ( $i = $articleParagraphs -> length - 1 ; $i >= 0 ; $i -- )
$imgCount = $articleParagraphs -> item ( $i ) -> getElementsByTagName ( 'img' ) -> length ;
$embedCount = $articleParagraphs -> item ( $i ) -> getElementsByTagName ( 'embed' ) -> length ;
$objectCount = $articleParagraphs -> item ( $i ) -> getElementsByTagName ( 'object' ) -> length ;
$iframeCount = $articleParagraphs -> item ( $i ) -> getElementsByTagName ( 'iframe' ) -> length ;
if ( $imgCount === 0 && $embedCount === 0 && $objectCount === 0 && $iframeCount === 0 && $this -> getInnerText ( $articleParagraphs -> item ( $i ), false ) == '' )
$articleParagraphs -> item ( $i ) -> parentNode -> removeChild ( $articleParagraphs -> item ( $i ));
try {
$articleContent -> innerHTML = preg_replace ( '/<br[^>]*>\s*<p/i' , '<p' , $articleContent -> innerHTML );
//articleContent.innerHTML = articleContent.innerHTML.replace(/<br[^>]*>\s*<p/gi, '<p');
catch ( Exception $e ) {
$this -> dbg ( " Cleaning innerHTML of breaks failed. This is an IE strict-block-elements bug. Ignoring.: " . $e );
* Initialize a node with the readability object . Also checks the
* className / id for special names to add to its score .
* @ param Element
* @ return void
protected function initializeNode ( $node ) {
$readability = $this -> dom -> createAttribute ( 'readability' );
$readability -> value = 0 ; // this is our contentScore
$node -> setAttributeNode ( $readability );
switch ( strtoupper ( $node -> tagName )) { // unsure if strtoupper is needed, but using it just in case
case 'DIV' :
$readability -> value += 5 ;
break ;
case 'PRE' :
case 'TD' :
$readability -> value += 3 ;
break ;
case 'ADDRESS' :
case 'OL' :
case 'UL' :
case 'DL' :
case 'DD' :
case 'DT' :
case 'LI' :
case 'FORM' :
$readability -> value -= 3 ;
break ;
case 'H1' :
case 'H2' :
case 'H3' :
case 'H4' :
case 'H5' :
case 'H6' :
case 'TH' :
$readability -> value -= 5 ;
break ;
$readability -> value += $this -> getClassWeight ( $node );
* grabArticle - Using a variety of metrics ( content score , classname , element types ), find the content that is
* most likely to be the stuff a user wants to read . Then return it wrapped up in a div .
* @ return DOMElement
protected function grabArticle ( $page = null ) {
$stripUnlikelyCandidates = $this -> flagIsActive ( self :: FLAG_STRIP_UNLIKELYS );
if ( ! $page ) $page = $this -> dom ;
$allElements = $page -> getElementsByTagName ( '*' );
* First , node prepping . Trash nodes that look cruddy ( like ones with the class name " comment " , etc ), and turn divs
* into P tags where they have been used inappropriately ( as in , where they contain no other block level elements . )
* Note : Assignment from index for performance . See http :// www . peachpit . com / articles / article . aspx ? p = 31567 & seqNum = 5
* TODO : Shouldn ' t this be a reverse traversal ?
$node = null ;
$nodesToScore = array ();
for ( $nodeIndex = 0 ; ( $node = $allElements -> item ( $nodeIndex )); $nodeIndex ++ ) {
//for ($nodeIndex=$targetList->length-1; $nodeIndex >= 0; $nodeIndex--) {
//$node = $targetList->item($nodeIndex);
$tagName = strtoupper ( $node -> tagName );
/* Remove unlikely candidates */
if ( $stripUnlikelyCandidates ) {
$unlikelyMatchString = $node -> getAttribute ( 'class' ) . $node -> getAttribute ( 'id' );
if (
preg_match ( $this -> regexps [ 'unlikelyCandidates' ], $unlikelyMatchString ) &&
! preg_match ( $this -> regexps [ 'okMaybeItsACandidate' ], $unlikelyMatchString ) &&
$tagName != 'BODY'
$this -> dbg ( 'Removing unlikely candidate - ' . $unlikelyMatchString );
//$nodesToRemove[] = $node;
$node -> parentNode -> removeChild ( $node );
$nodeIndex -- ;
continue ;
if ( $tagName == 'P' || $tagName == 'TD' || $tagName == 'PRE' ) {
$nodesToScore [] = $node ;
/* Turn all divs that don't have children block level elements into p's */
if ( $tagName == 'DIV' ) {
if ( ! preg_match ( $this -> regexps [ 'divToPElements' ], $node -> innerHTML )) {
//$this->dbg('Altering div to p');
$newNode = $this -> dom -> createElement ( 'p' );
try {
$newNode -> innerHTML = $node -> innerHTML ;
//$nodesToReplace[] = array('new'=>$newNode, 'old'=>$node);
$node -> parentNode -> replaceChild ( $newNode , $node );
$nodeIndex -- ;
$nodesToScore [] = $node ; // or $newNode?
catch ( Exception $e ) {
$this -> dbg ( 'Could not alter div to p, reverting back to div.: ' . $e );
// TODO: change these p elements back to text nodes after processing
for ( $i = 0 , $il = $node -> childNodes -> length ; $i < $il ; $i ++ ) {
$childNode = $node -> childNodes -> item ( $i );
if ( $childNode -> nodeType == 3 ) { // XML_TEXT_NODE
//$this->dbg('replacing text node with a p tag with the same content.');
$p = $this -> dom -> createElement ( 'p' );
$p -> innerHTML = $childNode -> nodeValue ;
$p -> setAttribute ( 'style' , 'display: inline;' );
$p -> setAttribute ( 'class' , 'readability-styled' );
$childNode -> parentNode -> replaceChild ( $p , $childNode );
* Loop through all paragraphs , and assign a score to them based on how content - y they look .
* Then add their score to their parent node .
* A score is determined by things like number of commas , class names , etc . Maybe eventually link density .
$candidates = array ();
for ( $pt = 0 ; $pt < count ( $nodesToScore ); $pt ++ ) {
$parentNode = $nodesToScore [ $pt ] -> parentNode ;
// $grandParentNode = $parentNode ? $parentNode->parentNode : null;
$grandParentNode = ! $parentNode ? null : (( $parentNode -> parentNode instanceof DOMElement ) ? $parentNode -> parentNode : null );
$innerText = $this -> getInnerText ( $nodesToScore [ $pt ]);
if ( ! $parentNode || ! isset ( $parentNode -> tagName )) {
continue ;
/* If this paragraph is less than 25 characters, don't even count it. */
if ( strlen ( $innerText ) < 25 ) {
continue ;
/* Initialize readability data for the parent. */
if ( ! $parentNode -> hasAttribute ( 'readability' ))
$this -> initializeNode ( $parentNode );
$candidates [] = $parentNode ;
/* Initialize readability data for the grandparent. */
if ( $grandParentNode && ! $grandParentNode -> hasAttribute ( 'readability' ) && isset ( $grandParentNode -> tagName ))
$this -> initializeNode ( $grandParentNode );
$candidates [] = $grandParentNode ;
$contentScore = 0 ;
/* Add a point for the paragraph itself as a base. */
$contentScore ++ ;
/* Add points for any commas within this paragraph */
$contentScore += count ( explode ( ',' , $innerText ));
/* For every 100 characters in this paragraph, add another point. Up to 3 points. */
$contentScore += min ( floor ( strlen ( $innerText ) / 100 ), 3 );
/* Add the score to the parent. The grandparent gets half. */
$parentNode -> getAttributeNode ( 'readability' ) -> value += $contentScore ;
if ( $grandParentNode ) {
$grandParentNode -> getAttributeNode ( 'readability' ) -> value += $contentScore / 2 ;
* After we ' ve calculated scores , loop through all of the possible candidate nodes we found
* and find the one with the highest score .
$topCandidate = null ;
for ( $c = 0 , $cl = count ( $candidates ); $c < $cl ; $c ++ )
* Scale the final candidates score based on link density . Good content should have a
* relatively small link density ( 5 % or less ) and be mostly unaffected by this operation .
$readability = $candidates [ $c ] -> getAttributeNode ( 'readability' );
$readability -> value = $readability -> value * ( 1 - $this -> getLinkDensity ( $candidates [ $c ]));
$this -> dbg ( 'Candidate: ' . $candidates [ $c ] -> tagName . ' (' . $candidates [ $c ] -> getAttribute ( 'class' ) . ':' . $candidates [ $c ] -> getAttribute ( 'id' ) . ') with score ' . $readability -> value );
if ( ! $topCandidate || $readability -> value > ( int ) $topCandidate -> getAttribute ( 'readability' )) {
$topCandidate = $candidates [ $c ];
* If we still have no top candidate , just use the body as a last resort .
* We also have to copy the body node so it is something we can modify .
if ( $topCandidate === null || strtoupper ( $topCandidate -> tagName ) == 'BODY' )
$topCandidate = $this -> dom -> createElement ( 'div' );
if ( $page instanceof DOMDocument ) {
if ( ! isset ( $page -> documentElement )) {
// we don't have a body either? what a mess! :)
} else {
$topCandidate -> innerHTML = $page -> documentElement -> innerHTML ;
$page -> documentElement -> innerHTML = '' ;
$page -> documentElement -> appendChild ( $topCandidate );
} else {
$topCandidate -> innerHTML = $page -> innerHTML ;
$page -> innerHTML = '' ;
$page -> appendChild ( $topCandidate );
$this -> initializeNode ( $topCandidate );
* Now that we have the top candidate , look through its siblings for content that might also be related .
* Things like preambles , content split by ads that we removed , etc .
$articleContent = $this -> dom -> createElement ( 'div' );
$articleContent -> setAttribute ( 'id' , 'readability-content' );
$siblingScoreThreshold = max ( 10 , (( int ) $topCandidate -> getAttribute ( 'readability' )) * 0.2 );
$siblingNodes = $topCandidate -> parentNode -> childNodes ;
if ( ! isset ( $siblingNodes )) {
$siblingNodes = new stdClass ;
$siblingNodes -> length = 0 ;
for ( $s = 0 , $sl = $siblingNodes -> length ; $s < $sl ; $s ++ )
$siblingNode = $siblingNodes -> item ( $s );
$append = false ;
$this -> dbg ( 'Looking at sibling node: ' . $siblingNode -> nodeName . (( $siblingNode -> nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $siblingNode -> hasAttribute ( 'readability' )) ? ( ' with score ' . $siblingNode -> getAttribute ( 'readability' )) : '' ));
//dbg('Sibling has score ' . ($siblingNode->readability ? siblingNode.readability.contentScore : 'Unknown'));
if ( $siblingNode === $topCandidate )
// or if ($siblingNode->isSameNode($topCandidate))
$append = true ;
$contentBonus = 0 ;
/* Give a bonus if sibling nodes and top candidates have the example same classname */
if ( $siblingNode -> nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $siblingNode -> getAttribute ( 'class' ) == $topCandidate -> getAttribute ( 'class' ) && $topCandidate -> getAttribute ( 'class' ) != '' ) {
$contentBonus += (( int ) $topCandidate -> getAttribute ( 'readability' )) * 0.2 ;
if ( $siblingNode -> nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $siblingNode -> hasAttribute ( 'readability' ) && ((( int ) $siblingNode -> getAttribute ( 'readability' )) + $contentBonus ) >= $siblingScoreThreshold )
$append = true ;
if ( strtoupper ( $siblingNode -> nodeName ) == 'P' ) {
$linkDensity = $this -> getLinkDensity ( $siblingNode );
$nodeContent = $this -> getInnerText ( $siblingNode );
$nodeLength = strlen ( $nodeContent );
if ( $nodeLength > 80 && $linkDensity < 0.25 )
$append = true ;
else if ( $nodeLength < 80 && $linkDensity === 0 && preg_match ( '/\.( |$)/' , $nodeContent ))
$append = true ;
if ( $append )
$this -> dbg ( 'Appending node: ' . $siblingNode -> nodeName );
$nodeToAppend = null ;
$sibNodeName = strtoupper ( $siblingNode -> nodeName );
if ( $sibNodeName != 'DIV' && $sibNodeName != 'P' ) {
/* We have a node that isn't a common block level element, like a form or td tag. Turn it into a div so it doesn't get filtered out later by accident. */
$this -> dbg ( 'Altering siblingNode of ' . $sibNodeName . ' to div.' );
$nodeToAppend = $this -> dom -> createElement ( 'div' );
try {
$nodeToAppend -> setAttribute ( 'id' , $siblingNode -> getAttribute ( 'id' ));
$nodeToAppend -> innerHTML = $siblingNode -> innerHTML ;
catch ( Exception $e )
$this -> dbg ( 'Could not alter siblingNode to div, reverting back to original.' );
$nodeToAppend = $siblingNode ;
$s -- ;
$sl -- ;
} else {
$nodeToAppend = $siblingNode ;
$s -- ;
$sl -- ;
/* To ensure a node does not interfere with readability styles, remove its classnames */
$nodeToAppend -> removeAttribute ( 'class' );
/* Append sibling and subtract from our list because it removes the node when you append to another node */
$articleContent -> appendChild ( $nodeToAppend );
* So we have all of the content that we need . Now we clean it up for presentation .
$this -> prepArticle ( $articleContent );
* Now that we ' ve gone through the full algorithm , check to see if we got any meaningful content .
* If we didn ' t , we may need to re - run grabArticle with different flags set . This gives us a higher
* likelihood of finding the content , and the sieve approach gives us a higher likelihood of
* finding the - right - content .
if ( strlen ( $this -> getInnerText ( $articleContent , false )) < 250 )
// TODO: find out why element disappears sometimes, e.g. for this URL http://www.businessinsider.com/6-hedge-fund-etfs-for-average-investors-2011-7
// in the meantime, we check and create an empty element if it's not there.
if ( ! isset ( $this -> body -> childNodes )) $this -> body = $this -> dom -> createElement ( 'body' );
$this -> body -> innerHTML = $this -> bodyCache ;
if ( $this -> flagIsActive ( self :: FLAG_STRIP_UNLIKELYS )) {
$this -> removeFlag ( self :: FLAG_STRIP_UNLIKELYS );
return $this -> grabArticle ( $this -> body );
else if ( $this -> flagIsActive ( self :: FLAG_WEIGHT_CLASSES )) {
$this -> removeFlag ( self :: FLAG_WEIGHT_CLASSES );
return $this -> grabArticle ( $this -> body );
else if ( $this -> flagIsActive ( self :: FLAG_CLEAN_CONDITIONALLY )) {
$this -> removeFlag ( self :: FLAG_CLEAN_CONDITIONALLY );
return $this -> grabArticle ( $this -> body );
else {
return false ;
return $articleContent ;
* Remove script tags from document
* @ param DOMElement
* @ return void
public function removeScripts ( $doc ) {
$scripts = $doc -> getElementsByTagName ( 'script' );
for ( $i = $scripts -> length - 1 ; $i >= 0 ; $i -- )
$scripts -> item ( $i ) -> parentNode -> removeChild ( $scripts -> item ( $i ));
* Get the inner text of a node .
* This also strips out any excess whitespace to be found .
* @ param DOMElement $
* @ param boolean $normalizeSpaces ( default : true )
* @ return string
public function getInnerText ( $e , $normalizeSpaces = true ) {
$textContent = '' ;
if ( ! isset ( $e -> textContent ) || $e -> textContent == '' ) {
return '' ;
$textContent = trim ( $e -> textContent );
if ( $normalizeSpaces ) {
return preg_replace ( $this -> regexps [ 'normalize' ], ' ' , $textContent );
} else {
return $textContent ;
* Get the number of times a string $s appears in the node $e .
* @ param DOMElement $e
* @ param string - what to count . Default is " , "
* @ return number ( integer )
public function getCharCount ( $e , $s = ',' ) {
return substr_count ( $this -> getInnerText ( $e ), $s );
* Remove the style attribute on every $e and under .
* @ param DOMElement $e
* @ return void
public function cleanStyles ( $e ) {
if ( ! is_object ( $e )) return ;
$elems = $e -> getElementsByTagName ( '*' );
foreach ( $elems as $elem ) {
$elem -> removeAttribute ( 'style' );
* Get the density of links as a percentage of the content
* This is the amount of text that is inside a link divided by the total text in the node .
* @ param DOMElement $e
* @ return number ( float )
public function getLinkDensity ( $e ) {
$links = $e -> getElementsByTagName ( 'a' );
$textLength = strlen ( $this -> getInnerText ( $e ));
$linkLength = 0 ;
for ( $i = 0 , $il = $links -> length ; $i < $il ; $i ++ )
$linkLength += strlen ( $this -> getInnerText ( $links -> item ( $i )));
if ( $textLength > 0 ) {
return $linkLength / $textLength ;
} else {
return 0 ;
* Get an elements class / id weight . Uses regular expressions to tell if this
* element looks good or bad .
* @ param DOMElement $e
* @ return number ( Integer )
public function getClassWeight ( $e ) {
if ( ! $this -> flagIsActive ( self :: FLAG_WEIGHT_CLASSES )) {
return 0 ;
$weight = 0 ;
/* Look for a special classname */
if ( $e -> hasAttribute ( 'class' ) && $e -> getAttribute ( 'class' ) != '' )
if ( preg_match ( $this -> regexps [ 'negative' ], $e -> getAttribute ( 'class' ))) {
$weight -= 25 ;
if ( preg_match ( $this -> regexps [ 'positive' ], $e -> getAttribute ( 'class' ))) {
$weight += 25 ;
/* Look for a special ID */
if ( $e -> hasAttribute ( 'id' ) && $e -> getAttribute ( 'id' ) != '' )
if ( preg_match ( $this -> regexps [ 'negative' ], $e -> getAttribute ( 'id' ))) {
$weight -= 25 ;
if ( preg_match ( $this -> regexps [ 'positive' ], $e -> getAttribute ( 'id' ))) {
$weight += 25 ;
return $weight ;
* Remove extraneous break tags from a node .
* @ param DOMElement $node
* @ return void
public function killBreaks ( $node ) {
$html = $node -> innerHTML ;
$html = preg_replace ( $this -> regexps [ 'killBreaks' ], '<br />' , $html );
$node -> innerHTML = $html ;
* Clean a node of all elements of type " tag " .
* ( Unless it ' s a youtube / vimeo video . People love movies . )
* Updated 2012 - 09 - 18 to preserve youtube / vimeo iframes
* @ param DOMElement $e
* @ param string $tag
* @ return void
public function clean ( $e , $tag ) {
$targetList = $e -> getElementsByTagName ( $tag );
$isEmbed = ( $tag == 'iframe' || $tag == 'object' || $tag == 'embed' );
for ( $y = $targetList -> length - 1 ; $y >= 0 ; $y -- ) {
/* Allow youtube and vimeo videos through as people usually want to see those. */
if ( $isEmbed ) {
$attributeValues = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 , $il = $targetList -> item ( $y ) -> attributes -> length ; $i < $il ; $i ++ ) {
$attributeValues .= $targetList -> item ( $y ) -> attributes -> item ( $i ) -> value . '|' ; // DOMAttr? (TODO: test)
/* First, check the elements attributes to see if any of them contain youtube or vimeo */
if ( preg_match ( $this -> regexps [ 'video' ], $attributeValues )) {
continue ;
/* Then check the elements inside this element for the same. */
if ( preg_match ( $this -> regexps [ 'video' ], $targetList -> item ( $y ) -> innerHTML )) {
continue ;
$targetList -> item ( $y ) -> parentNode -> removeChild ( $targetList -> item ( $y ));
* Clean an element of all tags of type " tag " if they look fishy .
* " Fishy " is an algorithm based on content length , classnames ,
* link density , number of images & embeds , etc .
* @ param DOMElement $e
* @ param string $tag
* @ return void
public function cleanConditionally ( $e , $tag ) {
if ( ! $this -> flagIsActive ( self :: FLAG_CLEAN_CONDITIONALLY )) {
return ;
$tagsList = $e -> getElementsByTagName ( $tag );
$curTagsLength = $tagsList -> length ;
* Gather counts for other typical elements embedded within .
* Traverse backwards so we can remove nodes at the same time without effecting the traversal .
* TODO : Consider taking into account original contentScore here .
for ( $i = $curTagsLength - 1 ; $i >= 0 ; $i -- ) {
$weight = $this -> getClassWeight ( $tagsList -> item ( $i ));
$contentScore = ( $tagsList -> item ( $i ) -> hasAttribute ( 'readability' )) ? ( int ) $tagsList -> item ( $i ) -> getAttribute ( 'readability' ) : 0 ;
$this -> dbg ( 'Cleaning Conditionally ' . $tagsList -> item ( $i ) -> tagName . ' (' . $tagsList -> item ( $i ) -> getAttribute ( 'class' ) . ':' . $tagsList -> item ( $i ) -> getAttribute ( 'id' ) . ')' . (( $tagsList -> item ( $i ) -> hasAttribute ( 'readability' )) ? ( ' with score ' . $tagsList -> item ( $i ) -> getAttribute ( 'readability' )) : '' ));
if ( $weight + $contentScore < 0 ) {
$tagsList -> item ( $i ) -> parentNode -> removeChild ( $tagsList -> item ( $i ));
else if ( $this -> getCharCount ( $tagsList -> item ( $i ), ',' ) < 10 ) {
* If there are not very many commas , and the number of
* non - paragraph elements is more than paragraphs or other ominous signs , remove the element .
$p = $tagsList -> item ( $i ) -> getElementsByTagName ( 'p' ) -> length ;
$img = $tagsList -> item ( $i ) -> getElementsByTagName ( 'img' ) -> length ;
$li = $tagsList -> item ( $i ) -> getElementsByTagName ( 'li' ) -> length - 100 ;
$input = $tagsList -> item ( $i ) -> getElementsByTagName ( 'input' ) -> length ;
$a = $tagsList -> item ( $i ) -> getElementsByTagName ( 'a' ) -> length ;
$embedCount = 0 ;
$embeds = $tagsList -> item ( $i ) -> getElementsByTagName ( 'embed' );
for ( $ei = 0 , $il = $embeds -> length ; $ei < $il ; $ei ++ ) {
if ( preg_match ( $this -> regexps [ 'video' ], $embeds -> item ( $ei ) -> getAttribute ( 'src' ))) {
$embedCount ++ ;
$embeds = $tagsList -> item ( $i ) -> getElementsByTagName ( 'iframe' );
for ( $ei = 0 , $il = $embeds -> length ; $ei < $il ; $ei ++ ) {
if ( preg_match ( $this -> regexps [ 'video' ], $embeds -> item ( $ei ) -> getAttribute ( 'src' ))) {
$embedCount ++ ;
$linkDensity = $this -> getLinkDensity ( $tagsList -> item ( $i ));
$contentLength = strlen ( $this -> getInnerText ( $tagsList -> item ( $i )));
$toRemove = false ;
if ( $this -> lightClean ) {
$this -> dbg ( 'Light clean...' );
if ( ( $img > $p ) && ( $img > 4 ) ) {
$this -> dbg ( ' more than 4 images and more image elements than paragraph elements' );
$toRemove = true ;
} else if ( $li > $p && $tag != 'ul' && $tag != 'ol' ) {
$this -> dbg ( ' too many <li> elements, and parent is not <ul> or <ol>' );
$toRemove = true ;
} else if ( $input > floor ( $p / 3 ) ) {
$this -> dbg ( ' too many <input> elements' );
$toRemove = true ;
} else if ( $contentLength < 25 && ( $embedCount === 0 && ( $img === 0 || $img > 2 ))) {
$this -> dbg ( ' content length less than 25 chars, 0 embeds and either 0 images or more than 2 images' );
$toRemove = true ;
} else if ( $weight < 25 && $linkDensity > 0.2 ) {
$this -> dbg ( ' weight smaller than 25 and link density above 0.2' );
$toRemove = true ;
} else if ( $a > 2 && ( $weight >= 25 && $linkDensity > 0.5 )) {
$this -> dbg ( ' more than 2 links and weight above 25 but link density greater than 0.5' );
$toRemove = true ;
} else if ( $embedCount > 3 ) {
$this -> dbg ( ' more than 3 embeds' );
$toRemove = true ;
} else {
$this -> dbg ( 'Standard clean...' );
if ( $img > $p ) {
$this -> dbg ( ' more image elements than paragraph elements' );
$toRemove = true ;
} else if ( $li > $p && $tag != 'ul' && $tag != 'ol' ) {
$this -> dbg ( ' too many <li> elements, and parent is not <ul> or <ol>' );
$toRemove = true ;
} else if ( $input > floor ( $p / 3 ) ) {
$this -> dbg ( ' too many <input> elements' );
$toRemove = true ;
} else if ( $contentLength < 25 && ( $img === 0 || $img > 2 ) ) {
$this -> dbg ( ' content length less than 25 chars and 0 images, or more than 2 images' );
$toRemove = true ;
} else if ( $weight < 25 && $linkDensity > 0.2 ) {
$this -> dbg ( ' weight smaller than 25 and link density above 0.2' );
$toRemove = true ;
} else if ( $weight >= 25 && $linkDensity > 0.5 ) {
$this -> dbg ( ' weight above 25 but link density greater than 0.5' );
$toRemove = true ;
} else if (( $embedCount == 1 && $contentLength < 75 ) || $embedCount > 1 ) {
$this -> dbg ( ' 1 embed and content length smaller than 75 chars, or more than one embed' );
$toRemove = true ;
if ( $toRemove ) {
//$this->dbg('Removing: '.$tagsList->item($i)->innerHTML);
$tagsList -> item ( $i ) -> parentNode -> removeChild ( $tagsList -> item ( $i ));
* Clean out spurious headers from an Element . Checks things like classnames and link density .
* @ param DOMElement $e
* @ return void
public function cleanHeaders ( $e ) {
for ( $headerIndex = 1 ; $headerIndex < 3 ; $headerIndex ++ ) {
$headers = $e -> getElementsByTagName ( 'h' . $headerIndex );
for ( $i = $headers -> length - 1 ; $i >= 0 ; $i -- ) {
if ( $this -> getClassWeight ( $headers -> item ( $i )) < 0 || $this -> getLinkDensity ( $headers -> item ( $i )) > 0.33 ) {
$headers -> item ( $i ) -> parentNode -> removeChild ( $headers -> item ( $i ));
public function flagIsActive ( $flag ) {
return ( $this -> flags & $flag ) > 0 ;
public function addFlag ( $flag ) {
$this -> flags = $this -> flags | $flag ;
public function removeFlag ( $flag ) {
$this -> flags = $this -> flags & ~ $flag ;