2022-12-06 17:07:22 -07:00

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This page contains a collection of tips and settings that can be used to tune your server based upon its users and the other servers it federates with.


Environment Variable:

  • TAKAHE_REMOTE_TIMEOUT is the number of seconds Takahē will allow when making remote requests to other Fediverse instances. This may also be a tuple of four floats to set the timeouts for connect, read, write, and pool. Example TAKAHE_REMOTE_TIMEOUT='[0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5]'


By default Takakē has caching disabled. The caching needs of a server can varying drastically based upon the number of users and how interconnected they are with other servers.

Caching is configured by specifying a cache DSN in the environment variable TAKAHE_CACHES_DEFAULT. The DSN format can be any supported by django-cache-url, but some cache backends will require additional Python packages not installed by default with Takahē.


  • LocMem cache for a small server: locmem://default
  • Memcache cache for a service named memcache in a docker compose file: memcached://memcache:11211?key_prefix=takahe
  • Multiple memcache cache servers: memcached://server1:11211,server2:11211