2022-12-10 12:16:08 -07:00

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This page contains a collection of tips and settings that can be used to tune your server based upon its users and the other servers it federates with.


The only bottleneck, and single point of failure in a Takahē installation is its database; no permanent state is stored elsewhere.

Provided your database is happy (and PostgreSQL does a very good job of just using more resources if you give them to it), you can:

  • Run more webserver containers to handle a higher request load (requests come from both users and other ActivityPub servers trying to forward you messages). Consider setting up the DEFAULT cache under high request load, too.
  • Run more Stator worker containers to handle a higher processing load (Stator handles pulling profiles, fanning out messages to followers, and processing stats, among others). You'll generally see Stator load climb roughly in relation to the sum of the number of followers each user in your instance has; a "celebrity" or other popular account will give Stator a lot of work as it has to send a copy of each of their posts to every follower, separately.

As you scale up the number of containers, keep the PostgreSQL connection limit in mind; this is generally the first thing that will fail, as Stator workers in particular are quite connection-hungry (the parallel nature of their internal processing means they might be working on 50 different objects at once). It's generally a good idea to set it as high as your PostgreSQL server will take (consult PostgreSQL tuning guides for the effect changing that settting has on memory usage, specifically).

If you end up having a large server that is running into database performance problems, please get in touch with us and discuss it; Takahē is young enough that we need data and insight from those installations to help optimise it more.


Environment Variable:

  • TAKAHE_REMOTE_TIMEOUT is the number of seconds Takahē will allow when making remote requests to other Fediverse instances. This may also be a tuple of four floats to set the timeouts for connect, read, write, and pool. Example TAKAHE_REMOTE_TIMEOUT='[0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5]'


By default Takakē has caching disabled. The caching needs of a server can varying drastically based upon the number of users and how interconnected they are with other servers.

There are multiple ways Takahē uses caches:

  • For caching rendered pages and responses, like user profile information. These caches reduce database load on your server and improve performance.
  • For proxying and caching remote user images and post images. These must be proxied to protect your users' privacy; also caching these reduces your server's consumed bandwidth and improves users' loading times.

The exact caches you can configure are:

  • TAKAHE_CACHES_DEFAULT: Rendered page and response caching
  • TAKAHE_CACHES_MEDIA: Remote post images and user profile header pictures
  • TAKAHE_CACHES_AVATARS: Remote user avatars ("icons") only

We recommend you set up TAKAHE_CACHES_MEDIA and TAKAHE_CACHES_AVATARS at a bare minimum - proxying these all the time without caching will eat into your server's bandwidth.

All caches are configured the same way - with a custom cache URI/URL. We support anything that is available as part of django-cache-url, but some cache backends will require additional Python packages not installed by default with Takahē. More discussion on backend is below.

All items in the cache come with an expiry set - usually one week - but you can also configure a maximum cache size on dedicated cache datastores like Memcache. The key names used by the caches do not overlap, so there is no need to configure different key prefixes for each of Takahē's caches.




redis://redis:6379/0 redis://user:password@redis:6379/0 rediss://user:password@redis:6379/0

A Redis-protocol server. Use redis:// for unencrypted communication and rediss:// for TLS.

Redis has a large item size limit and is suitable for all caches. We recommend that you keep the DEFAULT cache separate from the MEDIA and AVATARS caches, and set the maxmemory on both to appropriate values (the proxying caches will need more memory than the DEFAULT cache).



memcached://memcache:11211?key_prefix=takahe memcached://server1:11211,server2:11211

A remote Memcache-protocol server (or set of servers).

Memcached has a 1MB limit per key by default, so this is only suitable for the DEFAULT cache and not the AVATARS or MEDIA cache.




A cache on the local disk.

This will work with any of the cache backends, but is probably more suitable for MEDIA and AVATARS.

Note that if you are running Takahē in a cluster, this cache will not be shared across different machines. This is not quite as bad as it first seems; it just means you will have more potential uncached requests until all machines have a cached copy.

Local Memory



A local memory cache, inside the Python process. This will consume additional memory for the process, and should not be used with the MEDIA or AVATARS caches.


You can use Takahē with a "read through" CDN that takes over your site's main domain serving and passes some requests through to Takahē as a backend.

Takahē sets the appropriate Vary headers to ensure that cache leakage does not happen, and Last-Modified and ETag headers to allow the CDN to correctly expire cache items.

Takahē does not yet support offloading local media URLs (such as profile images and post images) to a separate CDN URL; this will be coming in the future.