2023-02-19 22:50:25 -07:00

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Released: 2023/02/19

This release is mostly a collection of small feature improvements and bugfixes, with one important security fix over 0.7 as well. This security fix has led us to release 0.8 ahead of some planned big features landing; those will land in future releases.

While we will disclose the nature of the security issue at a future date, all installations are recommended to upgrade to 0.8 as soon as possible.


  • Poll support
    • Full support is only available via client apps for now; the web interface only shows polls in a read-only mode.
  • Following CSV import and export (Mastodon-compatible format)
    • You can also export your followers as a CSV, but this cannot be imported
  • User assignment in domain create/edit screen

Other fixes and improvements include:

  • Posts can now be edited from client apps
  • Hashtag link handling fixes when viewed on Mastodon
  • Significant speed improvements to background jobs (Stator)
  • Boost federation fixes
  • Emoji federation improvements
  • Intitial Ivory API compatability fixes; we're working on a few more.
  • New API system (django-hatchway) allows more API compatability with media/post creation
  • The system DNS resolver is now used for proxying files

If you'd like to help with code, design, policy or other areas, see /contributing to see how to get in touch.

You can download images from Docker Hub, or use the image name jointakahe/takahe:0.8.

Upgrade Notes


There are new database migrations; they are backwards-compatible, so please apply them before restarting your webservers and stator processes.

Two of the migrations involve adding large indexes and may take some time to process (on the order of minutes) if you have a large database.

You may wish to bring your site down into a maintenance mode before applying these to reduce the chance of lock conflicts slowing things down, or causing request timeouts.