Markus Heiser edfbf1e118 [refactor] typification of SearXNG (initial) / result items (part 1)
Typification of SearXNG

This patch introduces the typing of the results.  The why and how is described
in the documentation, please generate the documentation ..

    $ make docs.clean

and read the following articles in the "Developer documentation":

- result types -->

The result types are available from the `searx.result_types` module.  The
following have been implemented so far:

- base result type: `searx.result_type.Result`

- answer results

including the type for translations (inspired by #3925).  For all other
types (which still need to be set up in subsequent PRs), template documentation
has been created for the transition period.

Doc of the fields used in Templates

The template documentation is the basis for the typing and is the first complete
documentation of the results (needed for engine development).  It is the
"working paper" (the plan) with which further typifications can be implemented
in subsequent PRs.


Answer Templates

With the new (sub) types for `Answer`, the templates for the answers have also
been revised, `Translation` are now displayed with collapsible entries (inspired
by #3925).

    !en-de dog

Plugins & Answerer

The implementation for `Plugin` and `Answer` has been revised, see

- Plugin:
- Answerer:

With `AnswerStorage` and `AnswerStorage` to manage those items (in follow up
PRs, `ArticleStorage`, `InfoStorage` and .. will be implemented)


The autocompletion had a bug where the results from `Answer` had not been shown
in the past.  To test activate autocompletion and try search terms for which we
have answerers

- statistics: type `min 1 2 3` .. in the completion list you should find an
  entry like `[de] min(1, 2, 3) = 1`

- random: type `random uuid` .. in the completion list, the first item is a
  random UUID

Extended Types

SearXNG extends e.g. the request and response types of flask and httpx, a module
has been set up for type extensions:

- Extended Types


The unit tests have been completely revised.  In the previous implementation,
the runtime (the global variables such as `searx.settings`) was not initialized
before each test, so the runtime environment with which a test ran was always
determined by the tests that ran before it.  This was also the reason why we
sometimes had to observe non-deterministic errors in the tests in the past:

- is one example for the Runtime
  issues, with non-deterministic behavior ..


Why msgspec.Struct

We have already discussed typing based on e.g. `TypeDict` or `dataclass` in the past:


In my opinion, TypeDict is unsuitable because the objects are still dictionaries
and not instances of classes / the `dataclass` are classes but ...

The `msgspec.Struct` combine the advantages of typing, runtime behaviour and
also offer the option of (fast) serializing (incl. type check) the objects.

Currently not possible but conceivable with `msgspec`: Outsourcing the engines
into separate processes, what possibilities this opens up in the future is left
to the imagination!

Internally, we have already defined that it is desirable to decouple the
development of the engines from the development of the SearXNG core / The
serialization of the `Result` objects is a prerequisite for this.

HINT: The threads listed above were the template for this PR, even though the
implementation here is based on msgspec.  They should also be an inspiration for
the following PRs of typification, as the models and implementations can provide
a good direction.

Why just one commit?

I tried to create several (thematically separated) commits, but gave up at some
point ... there are too many things to tackle at once / The comprehensibility of
the commits would not be improved by a thematic separation. On the contrary, we
would have to make multiple changes at the same places and the goal of a change
would be vaguely recognizable in the fog of the commits.

Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
2025-01-28 07:07:08 +01:00

14 KiB

Simple Theme Templates

The simple template is complex, it consists of many different elements and also uses macros and include statements. The following is a rough overview that we would like to give the developerat hand, details must still be taken from the sources <searx/templates/simple/>.

A result item <result types> can be of different media types. The media type of a result is defined by the :pyresult_type.Result.template. To set another media-type as template default, the field template in the result item must be set to the desired type.


Result template macros


Execpt image.html and some others this macro is used in nearly all result types in the main result list.

Fields used in the template macro result_header <searx/templates/simple/macros.html>:

url : :pystr

Link URL of the result item.

title : :pystr

Link title of the result item.

img_src, thumbnail : :pystr

URL of a image or thumbnail that is displayed in the result item.


Execpt image.html and some others this macro is used in nearly all result types in the main result list.

Fields used in the template macro result_sub_header <searx/templates/simple/macros.html>:

publishedDate : :pydatetime.datetime

The date on which the object was published.

length: :pytime.struct_time

Playing duration in seconds.

views: :pystr

View count in humanized number format.

author : :pystr

Author of the title.

metadata : :pystr

Miscellaneous metadata.


The engine_data_form macro is used in results,html <searx/templates/simple/results.html> in a HTML <form/> element. The intention of this macro is to pass data of a engine from one :pyresponse <searx.engines.demo_online.response> to the of the next :pyrequest <searx.engines.demo_online.request>.

To pass data, engine's response handler can append result items of typ engine_data. This is by example used to pass a token from the response to the next request:

def response(resp):
       'engine_data': token,
       'key': 'next_page_token',
    return results

def request(query, params):
    page_token = params['engine_data'].get('next_page_token')

Main Result List

The media types of the main result type are the template files in the result_templates <searx/templates/simple/result_templates>.


Displays result fields from:

  • macro result_header and
  • macro result_sub_header

Additional fields used in the default.html <searx/templates/simple/result_templates/default.html>:

content : :pystr

General text of the result item.

iframe_src : :pystr

URL of an embedded <iframe> / the frame is collapsible.

audio_src : uri,

URL of an embedded <audio controls>.


The images are displayed as small thumbnails in the main results list.

title : :pystr

Title of the image.

thumbnail_src : :pystr

URL of a preview of the image.

resolution :pystr

The resolution of the image (e.g. 1920 x 1080 pixel)

Image labels

Clicking on the preview opens a gallery view in which all further metadata for the image is displayed. Addition fields used in the images.html <searx/templates/simple/result_templates/images.html>:

img_src : :pystr

URL of the full size image.

content: :pystr

Description of the image.

author: :pystr

Name of the author of the image.

img_format : :pystr

The format of the image (e.g. png).

source : :pystr

Source of the image.

filesize: :pystr

Size of bytes in :pyhuman readable <searx.humanize_bytes> notation (e.g. MB for 1024 * 1024 Bytes filesize).

url : :pystr

URL of the page from where the images comes from (source).


Displays result fields from:

  • macro result_header and
  • macro result_sub_header

Additional fields used in the videos.html <searx/templates/simple/result_templates/videos.html>:

iframe_src : :pystr

URL of an embedded <iframe> / the frame is collapsible.

The videos are displayed as small thumbnails in the main results list, there is an additional button to collaps/open the embeded video.

content : :pystr

Description of the code fragment.


Displays result fields from:

  • macro result_header and
  • macro result_sub_header

Additional fields used in the torrent.html <searx/templates/simple/result_templates/torrent.html>:


URL of the magnet link.


URL of the torrent file.

seed : int

Number of seeders.

leech : int

Number of leecher

filesize : int

Size in Bytes (rendered to human readable unit of measurement).

files : int

Number of files.


Displays result fields from:

  • macro result_header and
  • macro result_sub_header

Additional fields used in the map.html <searx/templates/simple/result_templates/map.html>:

content : :pystr

Description of the item.

address_label : :pystr

Label of the address / default _('address').

geojson : GeoJSON

Geometries mapped to HTMLElement.dataset (data-map-geojson) and used by Leaflet.

boundingbox : [ min-lon, min-lat, max-lon, max-lat]

A bbox area defined by min longitude , min latitude , max longitude and max latitude. The bounding box is mapped to HTMLElement.dataset (data-map-boundingbox) and is used by Leaflet.

longitude, latitude : :pystr

Geographical coordinates, mapped to HTMLElement.dataset (data-map-lon, data-map-lat) and is used by Leaflet.

address : {...}

A dicticonary with the address data:

address = {
    'name'          : str,  # name of object
    'road'          : str,  # street name of object
    'house_number'  : str,  # house number of object
    'postcode'      : str,  # postcode of object
    'country'       : str,  # country of object
    'country_code'  : str,
    'locality'      : str,
country_code : :pystr

Country code of the object.

locality : :pystr

The name of the city, town, township, village, borough, etc. in which this object is located.

links : [link1, link2, ...]

A list of links with labels:

    'label'       : str,
    'url'         : str,
    'url_label'   : str,  # set by some engines but unused (oscar)
data : [data1, data2, ...]

A list of additional data, shown in two columns and containing a label and value.

   'label'   : str,
   'value'   : str,
   'key'     : str,  # set by some engines but unused
type : :pystr # set by some engines but unused (oscar)

Tag label from OSM_KEYS_TAGS['tags'] <>.

type_icon : :pystr # set by some engines but unused (oscar)

Type's icon.

osm : {...}

OSM-type and OSM-ID, can be used to Lookup OSM data (Nominatim). There is also a discussion about "place_id is not a persistent id" and the perma_id.

osm = {
    'type': str,
    'id':   str,
type : :pystr

Type of osm-object (if OSM-Result).

id :

ID of osm-object (if OSM-Result).


The osm property is set by engine, but it is not used in the map.html template yet.


Displays result fields from:

  • macro result_header

Additional fields used in the paper.html <searx/templates/simple/result_templates/paper.html>:

content : :pystr

An abstract or excerpt from the document.

comments : :pystr

Free text display in italic below the content.

tags : :pyList <list>[:pystr]

Free tag list.

type : :pystr

Short description of medium type, e.g. book, pdf or html ...

authors : :pyList <list>[:pystr]

List of authors of the work (authors with a "s" suffix, the "author" is in the macro result_sub_header).

editor : :pystr

Editor of the book/paper.

publisher : :pystr

Name of the publisher.

journal : :pystr

Name of the journal or magazine the article was published in.

volume : :pystr

Volume number.

pages : :pystr

Page range where the article is.

number : :pystr

Number of the report or the issue number for a journal article.

doi : :pystr

DOI number (like 10.1038/d41586-018-07848-2).

issn : :pyList <list>[:pystr]

ISSN number like 1476-4687

isbn : :pyList <list>[:pystr]

ISBN number like 9780201896831

pdf_url : :pystr

URL to the full article, the PDF version

html_url : :pystr

URL to full article, HTML version


Displays result fields from:

  • macro result_header

Additional fields used in the packages.html <searx/templates/simple/result_templates/packages.html>:

package_name : :pystr

The name of the package.

version : :pystr

The current version of the package.

maintainer : :pystr

The maintainer or author of the project.

publishedDate : :pydatetime <datetime.datetime>

Date of latest update or release.

tags : :pyList <list>[:pystr]

Free tag list.

popularity : :pystr

The popularity of the package, e.g. rating or download count.

license_name : :pystr

The name of the license.

license_url : :pystr

The web location of a license copy.

homepage : :pystr

The url of the project's homepage.

source_code_url: :pystr

The location of the project's source code.

links : :pydict

Additional links in the form of {'link_name': ''}


Displays result fields from:

  • macro result_header and
  • macro result_sub_header

Additional fields used in the code.html <searx/templates/simple/result_templates/code.html>:

content : :pystr

Description of the code fragment.

codelines : [line1, line2, ...]

Lines of the code fragment.

code_language : :pystr

Name of the code language, the value is passed to :pypygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name.

repository : :pystr

URL of the repository of the code fragment.


Displays result fields from:

  • macro result_header and
  • macro result_sub_header

Additional fields used in the code.html <searx/templates/simple/result_templates/files.html>:

filename, size, time: :pystr

Filename, Filesize and Date of the file.

mtype : audio | video | :pystr

Mimetype type of the file.

subtype : :pystr

Mimetype / subtype of the file.

abstract : :pystr

Abstract of the file.

author : :pystr

Name of the author of the file

embedded : :pystr

URL of an embedded media type (audio or video) / is collapsible.


Displays result fields from:

  • macro result_header and
  • macro result_sub_header

Additional fields used in the products.html <searx/templates/simple/result_templates/products.html>:

content : :pystr

Description of the product.

price : :pystr

The price must include the currency.

shipping : :pystr

Shipping details.

source_country : :pystr

Place from which the shipment is made.

Answer results

See result_types.answer

Suggestion results

See result_types.suggestion

Correction results

See result_types.corrections

Infobox results

See result_types.infobox