2022-06-21 15:26:16 +05:30

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# Actually Portable Executables with Cosmopolitan Libc and Rust
This repository contains a simple `Hello world!` example in the [Rust][rust]
programming language, that builds with [Cosmopolitan Libc][cosmo].
I created a [custom compilation target][custom-target] for Rust, called
`x86_64-unknown-linux-cosmo`, to provide a build process that uses the
Cosmopolitan Libc amalgamation and `cargo`. I followed the documentation in the
[Rust Embedonomicon][custom-embed] to create the target.
An alternative method to build APEs with Rust would be to avoid `cargo`, just
use `rustc` or equivalent compiler to generate `.o` files, and then write a
shell script that does the linking with the expected flags. I have not tried
this method.
## Build steps
1. Download the Cosmopolitan Libc [amalgamation][amalg-download] into the `libcosmo` folder:
cd libcosmo
cd ../
2. Download the necessary *host* toolchain and source code for Rust:
# I was on Debian, so I did this
rustup toolchain install nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
# on Alpine Linux, you may need to do
rustup toolchain install nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
3. run `cargo build` to get the debug executable. This uses a bash script that
removes unnecessary linker arguments. A recent version of `gcc` and `ld.bfd`
is required.
cargo +nightly build -Zbuild-std=core,libc --target=./x86_64-unknown-linux-cosmo.json
4. run `objcopy` on the debug binary to obtain the APE:
objcopy -SO binary ./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-cosmo/debug/ ./
## What about the `std` crate?
The `std` crate compiles successfully, but fails at the linker stage. Here's how
that can be tested:
1. Change the source code in `src/` to use the commented out `main`
function and `#![restricted_std]`.
2. In the source code for Rust's `std` crate, change a `cfg_if` in
to use the `noop` trace instead of depending on `libunwind`.
--- 2022-06-21 12:52:21.724053459 +0530
+++ 2022-06-21 13:05:50.948777093 +0530
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
pub(crate) mod miri;
use self::miri::trace as trace_imp;
pub(crate) use self::miri::Frame as FrameImp;
- } else if #[cfg(
+ } /* else if #[cfg(
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
pub(crate) use self::dbghelp::Frame as FrameImp;
#[cfg(target_env = "msvc")] // only used in dbghelp symbolize
pub(crate) use self::dbghelp::StackFrame;
- } else {
+ } */ else {
mod noop;
use self::noop::trace as trace_imp;
pub(crate) use self::noop::Frame as FrameImp;
I haven't figured out what config I should give to `cargo` so I don't need to do
this. I find it surprising that `std` cannot be built without relying on
3. The build command now changes to
cargo +nightly build -Zbuild-std=core,alloc,panic_abort,libc,std -Zbuild-std-features= --target=./x86_64-unknown-linux-cosmo.json
4. At the linker stage you might find some of the following symbols are missing:
- If `Unwind_Backtrace` or similar is missing, you need to check if step 2 is
done properly.
- `open64`, `stat64`, `fstat64`, `__xpg_strerror_r`: these can be added to
Cosmopolitan Libc via aliases of the existing functions.
- `pthread_key_create`,`pthread_setspecific`,`pthread_key_delete`,`pthread_getspecific`
-- these functions should not be needed in a single-threaded program, but
somehow they are still linked. Support for threads is currently being added
to Cosmopolitan Libc, but possibly the related code in the `std` crate can
be changed to avoid this issue.