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synced 2025-03-04 10:01:24 +00:00
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217 lines
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import macros, tables, strutils, xmltree
PrefKind* = enum
checkbox, select, input
Pref* = object
name*: string
label*: string
kind*: PrefKind
# checkbox
defaultState*: bool
# select
defaultOption*: string
options*: seq[string]
# input
defaultInput*: string
placeholder*: string
PrefList* = OrderedTable[string, seq[Pref]]
macro genPrefs*(prefDsl: untyped) =
var table = nnkTableConstr.newTree()
for category in prefDsl:
table.add nnkExprColonExpr.newTree(newLit($category[0]))
table[^1].add nnkPrefix.newTree(newIdentNode("@"), nnkBracket.newTree())
for pref in category[1]:
name = newLit($pref[0])
kind = pref[1]
label = pref[3][0]
default = pref[2]
defaultField =
case parseEnum[PrefKind]($kind)
of checkbox: ident("defaultState")
of select: ident("defaultOption")
of input: ident("defaultInput")
var newPref = quote do:
Pref(kind: `kind`, name: `name`, label: `label`, `defaultField`: `default`)
for node in pref[3]:
if node.kind == nnkCall:
newPref.add nnkExprColonExpr.newTree(node[0], node[1][0])
table[^1][1][1].add newPref
let name = ident("prefList")
result = quote do:
const `name`*: PrefList = toOrderedTable(`table`)
theme(select, "Nitter"):
infiniteScroll(checkbox, false):
"Infinite scrolling (experimental, requires JavaScript)"
stickyProfile(checkbox, true):
"Make profile sidebar stick to top"
bidiSupport(checkbox, false):
"Support bidirectional text (makes clicking on tweets harder)"
hideTweetStats(checkbox, false):
"Hide tweet stats (replies, retweets, likes)"
hideBanner(checkbox, false):
"Hide profile banner"
hidePins(checkbox, false):
"Hide pinned tweets"
hideReplies(checkbox, false):
"Hide tweet replies"
squareAvatars(checkbox, false):
"Square profile pictures"
mp4Playback(checkbox, true):
"Enable mp4 video playback (only for gifs)"
hlsPlayback(checkbox, false):
"Enable HLS video streaming (requires JavaScript)"
proxyVideos(checkbox, true):
"Proxy video streaming through the server (might be slow)"
muteVideos(checkbox, false):
"Mute videos by default"
autoplayGifs(checkbox, true):
"Autoplay gifs"
"Link replacements (blank to disable)":
replaceTwitter(input, ""):
"Twitter -> Nitter"
placeholder: "Nitter hostname"
replaceYouTube(input, ""):
"YouTube -> Piped/Invidious"
placeholder: "Piped hostname"
replaceReddit(input, ""):
"Reddit -> Teddit/Libreddit"
placeholder: "Teddit hostname"
iterator allPrefs*(): Pref =
for k, v in prefList:
for pref in v:
yield pref
macro genDefaultPrefs*(): untyped =
result = nnkStmtList.newTree()
for pref in allPrefs():
ident = ident(pref.name)
name = newLit(pref.name)
default =
case pref.kind
of checkbox: newLit(pref.defaultState)
of select: newLit(pref.defaultOption)
of input: newLit(pref.defaultInput)
result.add quote do:
defaultPrefs.`ident` = cfg.get("Preferences", `name`, `default`)
macro genCookiePrefs*(cookies): untyped =
result = nnkStmtList.newTree()
for pref in allPrefs():
name = pref.name
ident = ident(pref.name)
kind = newLit(pref.kind)
options = pref.options
result.add quote do:
if `name` in `cookies`:
when `kind` == input or `name` == "theme":
result.`ident` = `cookies`[`name`]
elif `kind` == checkbox:
result.`ident` = `cookies`[`name`] == "on"
let value = `cookies`[`name`]
if value in `options`: result.`ident` = value
macro genCookiePref*(cookies, prefName, res): untyped =
result = nnkStmtList.newTree()
for pref in allPrefs():
let ident = ident(pref.name)
if ident != prefName:
name = pref.name
kind = newLit(pref.kind)
options = pref.options
result.add quote do:
if `name` in `cookies`:
when `kind` == input or `name` == "theme":
`res` = `cookies`[`name`]
elif `kind` == checkbox:
`res` = `cookies`[`name`] == "on"
let value = `cookies`[`name`]
if value in `options`: `res` = value
macro genUpdatePrefs*(): untyped =
result = nnkStmtList.newTree()
let req = ident("request")
for pref in allPrefs():
name = newLit(pref.name)
kind = newLit(pref.kind)
options = newLit(pref.options)
default = nnkDotExpr.newTree(ident("defaultPrefs"), ident(pref.name))
result.add quote do:
let val = @`name`
let isDefault =
when `kind` == input or `name` == "theme":
if `default`.len != val.len: false
else: val == `default`
elif `kind` == checkbox:
(val == "on") == `default`
val notin `options` or val == `default`
if isDefault:
savePref(`name`, "", `req`, expire=true)
savePref(`name`, val, `req`)
macro genResetPrefs*(): untyped =
result = nnkStmtList.newTree()
let req = ident("request")
for pref in allPrefs():
let name = newLit(pref.name)
result.add quote do:
savePref(`name`, "", `req`, expire=true)
macro genPrefsType*(): untyped =
let name = nnkPostfix.newTree(ident("*"), ident("Prefs"))
result = quote do:
type `name` = object
for pref in allPrefs():
result[0][2][2].add nnkIdentDefs.newTree(
nnkPostfix.newTree(ident("*"), ident(pref.name)),
(case pref.kind
of checkbox: ident("bool")
of input, select: ident("string")),