Zed de62eedea5 Refactor hostname to be a runtime option
Add a `hostname` field under Server in your conf file, see the
updated nitter.conf in the repo for an example. The compile-time
option (-d:hostname) is no longer used.
2019-10-21 05:19:00 +02:00

183 lines
3.5 KiB

import times, sequtils, options
import norm/sqlite
import prefs_impl
export sqlite, options
VideoType* = enum
vmap, m3u8, mp4
Profile* = object
username*: string
fullname*: string
location*: string
website*: string
bio*: string
userpic*: string
banner*: string
following*: string
followers*: string
tweets*: string
likes*: string
media*: string
verified*: bool
protected*: bool
joinDate* {.
dbType: "INTEGER"
parseIt: it.i.fromUnix()
formatIt: dbValue(it.toUnix())
.}: Time
updated* {.
dbType: "INTEGER"
parseIt: it.i.fromUnix()
formatIt: dbValue(getTime().toUnix())
.}: Time
Video* = object
videoId*: string
contentId*: string
durationMs*: int
url*: string
thumb*: string
views*: string
available*: bool
reason*: string
playbackType* {.
dbType: "STRING"
parseIt: parseEnum[VideoType](it.s)
formatIt: dbValue($it)
.}: VideoType
dbFromTypes("cache.db", "", "", "", [Profile, Video])
QueryKind* = enum
posts, replies, media, users, tweets, userList
Query* = object
kind*: QueryKind
text*: string
filters*: seq[string]
includes*: seq[string]
excludes*: seq[string]
fromUser*: seq[string]
since*: string
until*: string
near*: string
sep*: string
Result*[T] = ref object
content*: seq[T]
minId*: string
maxId*: string
hasMore*: bool
beginning*: bool
query*: Query
Gif* = object
url*: string
thumb*: string
GalleryPhoto* = object
url*: string
tweetId*: string
color*: string
Poll* = object
options*: seq[string]
values*: seq[int]
votes*: string
status*: string
leader*: int
CardKind* = enum
summary = "summary"
summaryLarge = "summary_large_image"
promoWebsite = "promo_website"
promoVideo = "promo_video_website"
player = "player"
liveEvent = "live_event"
Card* = object
kind*: CardKind
id*: string
query*: string
url*: string
title*: string
dest*: string
text*: string
image*: Option[string]
video*: Option[Video]
Quote* = object
id*: int
profile*: Profile
text*: string
reply*: seq[string]
hasThread*: bool
sensitive*: bool
available*: bool
tombstone*: string
thumb*: string
badge*: string
Retweet* = object
by*: string
id*: int
TweetStats* = object
replies*: string
retweets*: string
likes*: string
Tweet* = ref object
id*: int
threadId*: int
profile*: Profile
text*: string
time*: Time
shortTime*: string
reply*: seq[string]
pinned*: bool
hasThread*: bool
available*: bool
tombstone*: string
stats*: TweetStats
retweet*: Option[Retweet]
quote*: Option[Quote]
card*: Option[Card]
gif*: Option[Gif]
video*: Option[Video]
photos*: seq[string]
poll*: Option[Poll]
Chain* = ref object
content*: seq[Tweet]
more*: int
Conversation* = ref object
tweet*: Tweet
before*: Chain
after*: Chain
replies*: Result[Chain]
Timeline* = Result[Tweet]
Config* = ref object
address*: string
port*: int
useHttps*: bool
staticDir*: string
title*: string
hostname*: string
cacheDir*: string
profileCacheTime*: int
proc contains*(thread: Chain; tweet: Tweet): bool =
thread.content.anyIt( ==