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synced 2025-03-28 21:35:27 +00:00
Add parser utils to parserutils.nim
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 161 additions and 77 deletions
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Inspired by the [invidio.us](https://github.com/omarroth/invidious) project.
- Dark theme
## Installation
git clone https://github.com/zedeus/nitter
cd nitter
@ -23,6 +24,9 @@ like the title, this will change as the project matures a bit. For now the focus
is on implementing missing features.
## Todo (roughly in this order)
- Line connecting posts in threads
- "Show Thread" button
- Twitter "Cards" (link previews)
- Nitter link previews
- Search (+ hashtag search)
@ -39,6 +43,7 @@ is on implementing missing features.
- Nitter logo
## Why?
It's basically impossible to use Twitter without JavaScript enabled. If you try,
you're redirected to the legacy mobile version which is awful both functionally
and aesthetically. For privacy-minded folks, preventing JavaScript analytics and
@ -1,103 +1,71 @@
import xmltree, sequtils, strtabs, strutils, strformat, json, times
import nimquery, regex
import xmltree, sequtils, strtabs, strutils, strformat
import nimquery
import ./types, ./formatters
proc getAttr(node: XmlNode; attr: string; default=""): string =
if node.isNil or node.attrs.isNil: return default
return node.attrs.getOrDefault(attr)
proc selectAttr(node: XmlNode; selector: string; attr: string; default=""): string =
let res = node.querySelector(selector)
if res == nil: "" else: res.getAttr(attr, default)
proc selectText(node: XmlNode; selector: string): string =
let res = node.querySelector(selector)
result = if res == nil: "" else: res.innerText()
import ./types, ./parserutils
proc parsePopupProfile*(node: XmlNode): Profile =
let profile = node.querySelector(".profile-card")
if profile.isNil: return
result = Profile(
fullname: profile.selectText(".fullname").strip(),
username: profile.selectText(".username").strip(chars={'@', ' '}),
description: profile.selectText(".bio"),
verified: profile.selectText(".Icon.Icon--verified").len > 0,
protected: profile.selectText(".Icon.Icon--protected").len > 0,
userpic: profile.selectAttr(".ProfileCard-avatarImage", "src").getUserpic(),
banner: profile.selectAttr("svg > image", "xlink:href").replace("600x200", "1500x500")
fullname: profile.getName(".fullname"),
username: profile.getUsername(".username"),
description: profile.getBio(".bio"),
userpic: profile.getAvatar(".ProfileCard-avatarImage"),
verified: isVerified(profile),
protected: isProtected(profile),
banner: getBanner(profile)
if result.banner.len == 0:
result.banner = profile.selectAttr(".ProfileCard-bg", "style")
let stats = profile.querySelectorAll(".ProfileCardStats-statLink")
for s in stats:
let text = s.getAttr("title").split(" ")[0]
case s.getAttr("href").split("/")[^1]
of "followers": result.followers = text
of "following": result.following = text
else: result.tweets = text
proc parseIntentProfile*(profile: XmlNode): Profile =
result = Profile(
fullname: profile.selectText("a.fn.url.alternate-context").strip(),
username: profile.selectText(".nickname").strip(chars={'@', ' '}),
userpic: profile.querySelector(".profile.summary").selectAttr("img.photo", "src").getUserPic(),
description: profile.selectText("p.note").strip(),
verified: not profile.querySelector("li.verified").isNil,
protected: not profile.querySelector("li.protected").isNil,
banner: "background-color: #161616",
tweets: "?"
fullname: profile.getName("a.fn.url.alternate-context"),
username: profile.getUsername(".nickname"),
description: profile.getBio("p.note"),
userpic: profile.querySelector(".profile.summary").getAvatar("img.photo"),
verified: not profile.querySelector("li.verified").isNil,
protected: not profile.querySelector("li.protected").isNil,
banner: getBanner(profile)
for stat in profile.querySelectorAll("dd.count > a"):
case stat.getAttr("href").split("/")[^1]
of "followers": result.followers = stat.innerText()
of "following": result.following = stat.innerText()
proc parseTweetProfile*(profile: XmlNode): Profile =
result = Profile(
fullname: profile.getAttr("data-name"),
username: profile.getAttr("data-screen-name"),
userpic: profile.selectAttr(".avatar", "src").getUserpic(),
verified: profile.selectText(".Icon.Icon--verified").len > 0
userpic: profile.getAvatar(".avatar"),
verified: isVerified(profile)
proc parseQuote*(tweet: XmlNode): Tweet =
let tweet = tweet.querySelector(".QuoteTweet-innerContainer")
result = Tweet(
id: tweet.getAttr("data-item-id"),
link: tweet.getAttr("href"),
text: tweet.selectText(".QuoteTweet-text")
result.profile = Profile(
fullname: tweet.getAttr("data-screen-name"),
username: tweet.selectText(".QuteTweet-fullname"),
verified: isVerified(tweet)
proc parseTweet*(tweet: XmlNode): Tweet =
let time = tweet.querySelector(".js-short-timestamp")
result = Tweet(
id: tweet.getAttr("data-item-id"),
link: tweet.getAttr("data-permalink-path"),
text: tweet.selectText(".tweet-text").stripTwitterUrls(),
pinned: "pinned" in tweet.getAttr("class"),
profile: parseTweetProfile(tweet),
time: fromUnix(parseInt(time.getAttr("data-time", "0"))),
shortTime: time.innerText(),
replies: "0",
likes: "0",
retweets: "0"
id: tweet.getAttr("data-item-id"),
link: tweet.getAttr("data-permalink-path"),
profile: parseTweetProfile(tweet),
text: getTweetText(tweet),
time: getTimestamp(tweet),
shortTime: getShortTime(tweet),
pinned: "pinned" in tweet.getAttr("class")
for action in tweet.querySelectorAll(".ProfileTweet-actionCountForAria"):
let text = action.innerText.split()
case text[1]
of "replies": result.replies = text[0]
of "likes": result.likes = text[0]
of "retweets": result.retweets = text[0]
else: discard
for photo in tweet.querySelectorAll(".AdaptiveMedia-photoContainer"):
result.photos.add photo.attrs["data-image-url"]
let player = tweet.selectAttr(".PlayableMedia-player", "style")
if player.len > 0:
let thumb = player.replace(re".+:url\('([^']+)'\)", "$1")
if "tweet_video" in thumb:
result.gif = some(thumb.replace(re".+thumb/([^\.']+)\.jpg.*", "$1"))
result.videoThumb = some(thumb)
let by = tweet.selectText(".js-retweet-text > a > b")
if by.len > 0:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
import xmltree, strtabs, times
import nimquery, regex
import ./types, ./formatters
thumbRegex = re".+:url\('([^']+)'\)"
gifRegex = re".+thumb/([^\.']+)\.jpg.*"
proc getAttr*(node: XmlNode; attr: string; default=""): string =
if node.isNil or node.attrs.isNil: return default
return node.attrs.getOrDefault(attr)
proc selectAttr*(node: XmlNode; selector: string; attr: string; default=""): string =
let res = node.querySelector(selector)
if res == nil: "" else: res.getAttr(attr, default)
proc selectText*(node: XmlNode; selector: string): string =
let res = node.querySelector(selector)
result = if res == nil: "" else: res.innerText()
proc isVerified*(profile: XmlNode): bool =
profile.selectText(".Icon.Icon--verified").len > 0
proc isProtected*(profile: XmlNode): bool =
profile.selectText(".Icon.Icon--protected").len > 0
proc getName*(profile: XmlNode; selector: string): string =
proc getUsername*(profile: XmlNode; selector: string): string =
profile.selectText(selector).strip(chars={'@', ' '})
proc getTweetText*(tweet: XmlNode): string =
let selector = ".tweet-text > a.twitter-timeline-link.u-hidden"
let link = tweet.selectAttr(selector, "data-expanded-url")
var text =tweet.selectText(".tweet-text")
if link.len > 0 and link in text:
text = text.replace(link, " " & link)
proc getTime(tweet: XmlNode): XmlNode =
proc getTimestamp*(tweet: XmlNode): Time =
let time = getTime(tweet).getAttr("data-time", "0")
proc getShortTime*(tweet: XmlNode): string =
proc getBio*(profile: XmlNode; selector: string): string =
proc getAvatar*(profile: XmlNode; selector: string): string =
profile.selectAttr(selector, "src").getUserpic()
proc getBanner*(tweet: XmlNode): string =
let url = tweet.selectAttr("svg > image", "xlink:href")
if url.len > 0:
result = url.replace("600x200", "1500x500")
result = tweet.selectAttr(".ProfileCard-bg", "style")
if result.len == 0:
result = "background-color: #161616"
proc getPopupStats*(profile: var Profile; node: XmlNode) =
for s in node.querySelectorAll( ".ProfileCardStats-statLink"):
let text = s.getAttr("title").split(" ")[0]
case s.getAttr("href").split("/")[^1]
of "followers": profile.followers = text
of "following": profile.following = text
else: profile.tweets = text
proc getIntentStats*(profile: var Profile; node: XmlNode) =
profile.tweets = "?"
for s in node.querySelectorAll( "dd.count > a"):
let text = s.innerText()
case s.getAttr("href").split("/")[^1]
of "followers": profile.followers = text
of "following": profile.following = text
proc getTweetStats*(tweet: var Tweet; node: XmlNode) =
tweet.replies = "0"
tweet.retweets = "0"
tweet.likes = "0"
for action in node.querySelectorAll(".ProfileTweet-actionCountForAria"):
let text = action.innerText.split()
case text[1]
of "replies": tweet.replies = text[0]
of "likes": tweet.likes = text[0]
of "retweets": tweet.retweets = text[0]
proc getTweetMedia*(tweet: var Tweet; node: XmlNode) =
for photo in node.querySelectorAll(".AdaptiveMedia-photoContainer"):
tweet.photos.add photo.attrs["data-image-url"]
let player = node.selectAttr(".PlayableMedia-player", "style")
if player.len == 0:
let thumb = player.replace(thumbRegex, "$1")
if "tweet_video" in thumb:
tweet.gif = some(thumb.replace(gifRegex, "$1"))
tweet.videoThumb = some(thumb)
Reference in a new issue