mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 06:12:49 +00:00
9 changed files with 102 additions and 44 deletions
@ -6,8 +6,16 @@ function getLoadMore(doc) {
return doc.querySelector('.show-more:not(.timeline-item)');
function isDuplicate(item, itemClass) {
const tweet = item.querySelector(".tweet-link");
if (tweet == null) return false;
const href = tweet.getAttribute("href");
return document.querySelector(itemClass + " .tweet-link[href='" + href + "']") != null;
window.onload = function() {
const isTweet = window.location.pathname.indexOf("/status/") !== -1;
const url = window.location.pathname;
const isTweet = url.indexOf("/status/") !== -1;
const containerClass = isTweet ? ".replies" : ".timeline";
const itemClass = isTweet ? ".thread-line" : ".timeline-item";
@ -36,13 +44,16 @@ window.onload = function() {
for (var item of doc.querySelectorAll(itemClass)) {
if (item.className == "timeline-item show-more") continue;
if (isDuplicate(item, itemClass)) continue;
if (isTweet) container.appendChild(item);
else insertBeforeLast(container, item);
if (isTweet) container.appendChild(getLoadMore(doc));
else insertBeforeLast(container, getLoadMore(doc));
loading = false;
const newLoadMore = getLoadMore(doc);
if (newLoadMore == null) return;
if (isTweet) container.appendChild(newLoadMore);
else insertBeforeLast(container, newLoadMore);
}).catch(function (err) {
console.warn('Something went wrong.', err);
loading = true;
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ const
profileIntentUrl* = "intent/user"
searchUrl* = "i/search/timeline"
tweetUrl* = "status"
repliesUrl* = "i/$1/conversation/$2"
videoUrl* = "videos/tweet/config/$1.json"
tokenUrl* = "guest/activate.json"
cardUrl* = "i/cards/tfw/v1/$1"
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ macro genMediaGet(media: untyped; token=false) =
mediaName = capitalizeAscii($media)
multi = ident("get" & mediaName & "s")
convo = ident("getConversation" & mediaName & "s")
replies = ident("getReplies" & mediaName & "s")
single = ident("get" & mediaName)
quote do:
@ -29,6 +30,14 @@ macro genMediaGet(media: untyped; token=false) =
await all(`media`.mapIt(`single`(it, agent)))
proc `replies`*(replies: Result[Chain]; agent: string; token="") {.async.} =
when `token`:
var gToken = token
if gToken.len == 0: gToken = await getGuestToken(agent)
await all(replies.content.mapIt(`multi`(it, agent, token=gToken)))
await all(replies.content.mapIt(`multi`(it, agent)))
proc `convo`*(convo: Conversation; agent: string) {.async.} =
var futs: seq[Future[void]]
when `token`:
@ -37,13 +46,13 @@ macro genMediaGet(media: untyped; token=false) =
futs.add `multi`(convo.before, agent, token=token)
futs.add `multi`(convo.after, agent, token=token)
if convo.replies != nil:
futs.add convo.replies.content.mapIt(`multi`(it, agent, token=token))
futs.add `replies`(convo.replies, agent, token=token)
futs.add `single`(convo.tweet, agent)
futs.add `multi`(convo.before, agent)
futs.add `multi`(convo.after, agent)
if convo.replies != nil:
futs.add convo.replies.content.mapIt(`multi`(it, agent))
futs.add `replies`(convo.replies, agent)
await all(futs)
proc getGuestToken(agent: string; force=false): Future[string] {.async.} =
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ proc getResult*[T](json: JsonNode; query: Query; after: string): Result[T] =
if json == nil: return Result[T](beginning: true, query: query)
hasMore: json{"has_more_items"}.getBool(false),
maxId: json{"max_position"}.getStr(""),
minId: json{"min_position"}.getStr(""),
maxId: json{"max_position"}.getStr,
minId: json{"min_position"}.getStr,
query: query,
beginning: after.len == 0
@ -30,3 +30,32 @@ proc getTweet*(username, id, after, agent: string): Future[Conversation] {.async
await all(getConversationVideos(result, agent),
getConversationCards(result, agent),
getConversationPolls(result, agent))
proc getReplies*(username, id, after, agent: string): Future[Result[Chain]] {.async.} =
headers = genHeaders({
"pragma": "no-cache",
"x-previous-page-name": "permalink",
"accept": htmlAccept
}, agent, base, xml=true)
params = {
"include_available_features": "1",
"include_entities": "1",
"max_position": after,
url = base / (repliesUrl % [username, id]) ? params
let json = await fetchJson(url, headers)
if json == nil or not json.hasKey("items_html"): return
let html = parseHtml(json{"items_html"}.getStr)
result = parseReplies(html)
result.minId = json{"min_position"}.getStr(result.minId)
if result.minId.len > 0:
result.hasMore = true
await all(getRepliesVideos(result, agent),
getRepliesCards(result, agent),
getRepliesPolls(result, agent))
@ -160,6 +160,19 @@ proc parseChain*(nodes: XmlNode): Chain =
result.content.add parseTweet(n)
proc parseReplies*(replies: XmlNode; skipFirst=false): Result[Chain] =
for i, reply in replies.filterIt(it.kind != xnText):
if skipFirst and i == 0: continue
let class = reply.attr("class").toLower()
if "lone" in class:
result.content.add parseChain(reply)
elif "showmore" in class:
result.minId = reply.selectAttr("button", "data-cursor")
result.hasMore = true
result.content.add parseChain(reply.select(".stream-items"))
proc parseConversation*(node: XmlNode; after: string): Conversation =
let tweet = node.select(".permalink-tweet-container")
@ -169,11 +182,6 @@ proc parseConversation*(node: XmlNode; after: string): Conversation =
result = Conversation(
tweet: parseTweet(tweet),
before: parseChain(node.select(".in-reply-to .stream-items")),
replies: Result[Chain](
minId: node.selectAttr(".replies-to .stream-container", "data-min-position"),
hasMore: node.select(".stream-footer .has-more-items") != nil,
beginning: after.len == 0
if result.before != nil:
@ -181,26 +189,19 @@ proc parseConversation*(node: XmlNode; after: string): Conversation =
if maxId.len > 0:
result.before.more = -1
let showMore = node.selectAttr(".ThreadedConversation-showMoreThreads button",
if showMore.len > 0:
result.replies.minId = showMore
result.replies.hasMore = true
let replies = node.select(".replies-to .stream-items")
if replies == nil: return
for i, reply in replies.filterIt(it.kind != xnText):
let class = reply.attr("class").toLower()
let thread = reply.select(".stream-items")
let nodes = replies.filterIt(it.kind != xnText and "self" in it.attr("class"))
if nodes.len > 0 and "self" in nodes[0].attr("class"):
result.after = parseChain(nodes[0].select(".stream-items"))
if i == 0 and "self" in class:
result.after = parseChain(thread)
elif "lone" in class:
result.replies.content.add parseChain(reply)
result.replies.content.add parseChain(thread)
result.replies = parseReplies(replies, result.after != nil)
result.replies.beginning = after.len == 0
if result.replies.minId.len == 0:
result.replies.minId = node.selectAttr(".replies-to .stream-container", "data-min-position")
result.replies.hasMore = node.select(".stream-footer .has-more-items") != nil
proc parseTimeline*(node: XmlNode; after: string): Timeline =
if node == nil: return Timeline()
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import asyncdispatch, strutils, sequtils, uri, options
import jester
import jester, karax/vdom
import router_utils
import ".."/[api, types, formatters, agents]
@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ proc createStatusRouter*(cfg: Config) =
cond '.' notin @"name"
let prefs = cookiePrefs()
if @"scroll".len > 0:
let replies = await getReplies(@"name", @"id", @"max_position", getAgent())
resp $renderReplies(replies, prefs, getPath())
let conversation = await getTweet(@"name", @"id", @"max_position", getAgent())
if conversation == nil or conversation.tweet.id == 0:
var error = "Tweet not found"
@ -77,14 +77,6 @@ type
near*: string
sep*: string
Result*[T] = ref object
content*: seq[T]
minId*: string
maxId*: string
hasMore*: bool
beginning*: bool
query*: Query
Gif* = object
url*: string
thumb*: string
@ -166,6 +158,14 @@ type
photos*: seq[string]
poll*: Option[Poll]
Result*[T] = ref object
content*: seq[T]
minId*: string
maxId*: string
hasMore*: bool
beginning*: bool
query*: Query
Chain* = ref object
content*: seq[Tweet]
more*: int64
@ -29,6 +29,15 @@ proc renderReplyThread(thread: Chain; prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
if thread.more != 0:
proc renderReplies*(replies: Result[Chain]; prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
buildHtml(tdiv(class="replies", id="r")):
for thread in replies.content:
if thread == nil: continue
renderReplyThread(thread, prefs, path)
if replies.hasMore:
renderMore(Query(), replies.minId, focus="#r")
proc renderConversation*(conversation: Conversation; prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
let hasAfter = conversation.after != nil
let showReplies = not prefs.hideReplies
@ -60,10 +69,4 @@ proc renderConversation*(conversation: Conversation; prefs: Prefs; path: string)
renderNewer(Query(), getLink(conversation.tweet))
if conversation.replies.content.len > 0 and showReplies:
tdiv(class="replies", id="r"):
for thread in conversation.replies.content:
if thread == nil: continue
renderReplyThread(thread, prefs, path)
if conversation.replies.hasMore and showReplies:
renderMore(Query(), conversation.replies.minId, focus="#r")
renderReplies(conversation.replies, prefs, path)
Reference in a new issue