mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 14:22:40 +00:00
30 changed files with 786 additions and 204 deletions
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@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ bin = @["nitter"]
# Dependencies
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requires "norm >= 1.0.13"
requires "jester >= 0.4.3"
requires "regex >= 0.11.2"
requires "q >= 0.0.7"
requires "nimcrypto >= 0.3.9"
Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
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Font license info
## Entypo
Copyright (C) 2012 by Daniel Bruce
Author: Daniel Bruce
License: SIL (http://scripts.sil.org/OFL)
Homepage: http://www.entypo.com
## MFG Labs
Copyright (C) 2012 by Daniel Bruce
Author: MFG Labs
License: SIL (http://scripts.sil.org/OFL)
Homepage: http://www.mfglabs.com/
## Font Awesome
Copyright (C) 2016 by Dave Gandy
Author: Dave Gandy
License: SIL ()
Homepage: http://fortawesome.github.com/Font-Awesome/
## Elusive
Copyright (C) 2013 by Aristeides Stathopoulos
Author: Aristeides Stathopoulos
License: SIL (http://scripts.sil.org/OFL)
Homepage: http://aristeides.com/
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.7 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ macro genMediaGet(media: untyped; token=false) =
var futs: seq[Future[void]]
when `token`:
var token = await getGuestToken(agent)
futs.add `single`(convo.tweet, token, agent)
futs.add `multi`(convo.before, token, agent)
futs.add `multi`(convo.after, token, agent)
futs.add convo.replies.mapIt(`multi`(it, token, agent))
futs.add `single`(convo.tweet, agent, token)
futs.add `multi`(convo.before, agent, token=token)
futs.add `multi`(convo.after, agent, token=token)
futs.add convo.replies.mapIt(`multi`(it, agent, token=token))
futs.add `single`(convo.tweet, agent)
futs.add `multi`(convo.before, agent)
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ proc getGuestToken(agent: string; force=false): Future[string] {.async.} =
result = json["guest_token"].to(string)
guestToken = result
proc getVideoFetch*(tweet: Tweet; token, agent: string) {.async.} =
proc getVideoFetch*(tweet: Tweet; agent, token: string) {.async.} =
if tweet.video.isNone(): return
let headers = newHttpHeaders({
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ proc getVideoFetch*(tweet: Tweet; token, agent: string) {.async.} =
if getTime() - tokenUpdated > initDuration(seconds=1):
tokenUpdated = getTime()
discard await getGuestToken(agent, force=true)
await getVideoFetch(tweet, guestToken, agent)
await getVideoFetch(tweet, agent, guestToken)
if tweet.card.isNone:
@ -151,12 +151,12 @@ proc getVideoVar*(tweet: Tweet): var Option[Video] =
return tweet.video
proc getVideo*(tweet: Tweet; token, agent: string; force=false) {.async.} =
proc getVideo*(tweet: Tweet; agent, token: string; force=false) {.async.} =
getVideoVar(tweet) = some(Video.getOne("videoId = ?", tweet.id))
except KeyError:
await getVideoFetch(tweet, token, agent)
await getVideoFetch(tweet, agent, token)
var video = getVideoVar(tweet)
if video.isSome():
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import asyncdispatch, times
import types, api
withCustomDb("cache.db", "", "", ""):
except DbError:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ proc isOutdated*(profile: Profile): bool =
getTime() - profile.updated > profileCacheTime
proc cache*(profile: var Profile) =
withCustomDb("cache.db", "", "", ""):
let p = Profile.getOne("lower(username) = ?", toLower(profile.username))
profile.id = p.id
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ proc cache*(profile: var Profile) =
proc hasCachedProfile*(username: string): Option[Profile] =
withCustomDb("cache.db", "", "", ""):
let p = Profile.getOne("lower(username) = ?", toLower(username))
doAssert not p.isOutdated
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ proc hasCachedProfile*(username: string): Option[Profile] =
result = none(Profile)
proc getCachedProfile*(username, agent: string; force=false): Future[Profile] {.async.} =
withCustomDb("cache.db", "", "", ""):
result.getOne("lower(username) = ?", toLower(username))
doAssert not result.isOutdated
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import parsecfg except Config
import os, net, types, strutils
import net, types, strutils
proc get[T](config: parseCfg.Config; s, v: string; default: T): T =
let val = config.getSectionValue(s, v)
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ proc getConfig*(path: string): Config =
address: cfg.get("Server", "address", ""),
port: cfg.get("Server", "port", 8080),
useHttps: cfg.get("Server", "https", true),
title: cfg.get("Server", "title", "Nitter"),
staticDir: cfg.get("Server", "staticDir", "./public"),
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ const
usernameRegex = re"(^|[^A-z0-9_?])@([A-z0-9_]+)"
picRegex = re"pic.twitter.com/[^ ]+"
ellipsisRegex = re" ?…"
ytRegex = re"(www.)?youtu(be.com|.be)"
twRegex = re"(www.)?twitter.com"
nbsp = $Rune(0x000A0)
proc stripText*(text: string): string =
@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ proc reUsernameToLink*(m: RegexMatch; s: string): string =
pretext & toLink("/" & username, "@" & username)
proc linkifyText*(text: string): string =
proc linkifyText*(text: string; prefs: Prefs): string =
result = xmltree.escape(stripText(text))
result = result.replace(ellipsisRegex, "")
result = result.replace(emailRegex, reEmailToLink)
@ -55,6 +57,17 @@ proc linkifyText*(text: string): string =
result = result.replace(re"([^\s\(\n%])<a", "$1 <a")
result = result.replace(re"</a>\s+([;.,!\)'%]|')", "</a>$1")
result = result.replace(re"^\. <a", ".<a")
if prefs.replaceYouTube.len > 0:
result = result.replace(ytRegex, prefs.replaceYouTube)
if prefs.replaceTwitter.len > 0:
result = result.replace(twRegex, prefs.replaceTwitter)
proc replaceUrl*(url: string; prefs: Prefs): string =
result = url
if prefs.replaceYouTube.len > 0:
result = result.replace(ytRegex, prefs.replaceYouTube)
if prefs.replaceTwitter.len > 0:
result = result.replace(twRegex, prefs.replaceTwitter)
proc stripTwitterUrls*(text: string): string =
result = text
@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
import asyncdispatch, asyncfile, httpclient, sequtils, strutils, strformat, uri, os
import asyncdispatch, asyncfile, httpclient, uri, os
import sequtils, strformat, strutils
from net import Port
import jester, regex
import api, utils, types, cache, formatters, search, config, agents
import views/[general, profile, status]
import api, utils, types, cache, formatters, search, config, prefs, agents
import views/[general, profile, status, preferences]
const configPath {.strdefine.} = "./nitter.conf"
let cfg = getConfig(configPath)
proc showSingleTimeline(name, after, agent: string; query: Option[Query]): Future[string] {.async.} =
proc showSingleTimeline(name, after, agent: string; query: Option[Query];
prefs: Prefs): Future[string] {.async.} =
let railFut = getPhotoRail(name, agent)
var timeline: Timeline
@ -34,33 +36,40 @@ proc showSingleTimeline(name, after, agent: string; query: Option[Query]): Futur
if profile.username.len == 0:
return ""
let profileHtml = renderProfile(profile, timeline, await railFut)
return renderMain(profileHtml, title=cfg.title, titleText=pageTitle(profile), desc=pageDesc(profile))
let profileHtml = renderProfile(profile, timeline, await railFut, prefs)
return renderMain(profileHtml, cfg.title, pageTitle(profile), pageDesc(profile))
proc showMultiTimeline(names: seq[string]; after, agent: string; query: Option[Query]): Future[string] {.async.} =
proc showMultiTimeline(names: seq[string]; after, agent: string; query: Option[Query];
prefs: Prefs): Future[string] {.async.} =
var q = query
if q.isSome:
get(q).fromUser = names
q = some(Query(kind: multi, fromUser: names, excludes: @["replies"]))
var timeline = renderMulti(await getTimelineSearch(get(q), after, agent), names.join(","))
return renderMain(timeline, title=cfg.title, titleText="Multi")
var timeline = renderMulti(await getTimelineSearch(get(q), after, agent),
names.join(","), prefs)
proc showTimeline(name, after: string; query: Option[Query]): Future[string] {.async.} =
return renderMain(timeline, cfg.title, "Multi")
proc showTimeline(name, after: string; query: Option[Query];
prefs: Prefs): Future[string] {.async.} =
let agent = getAgent()
let names = name.strip(chars={'/'}).split(",").filterIt(it.len > 0)
if names.len == 1:
return await showSingleTimeline(names[0], after, agent, query)
return await showSingleTimeline(names[0], after, agent, query, prefs)
return await showMultiTimeline(names, after, agent, query)
return await showMultiTimeline(names, after, agent, query, prefs)
template respTimeline(timeline: typed) =
if timeline.len == 0:
resp Http404, showError("User \"" & @"name" & "\" not found", cfg.title)
resp timeline
template cookiePrefs(): untyped {.dirty.} =
@ -70,32 +79,56 @@ settings:
get "/":
resp renderMain(renderSearch(), title=cfg.title)
resp renderMain(renderSearch(), cfg.title)
post "/search":
if @"query".len == 0:
resp Http404, showError("Please enter a username.", cfg.title)
redirect("/" & @"query")
post "/saveprefs":
var prefs = cookiePrefs()
setCookie("preferences", $prefs.id, daysForward(360), httpOnly=true, secure=cfg.useHttps)
post "/resetprefs":
var prefs = cookiePrefs()
setCookie("preferences", $prefs.id, daysForward(360), httpOnly=true, secure=cfg.useHttps)
get "/settings":
let refUri = request.headers.getOrDefault("Referer").parseUri()
var path =
if refUri.path.len > 0 and "/settings" notin refUri.path: refUri.path
else: "/"
if refUri.query.len > 0: path &= &"?{refUri.query}"
resp renderMain(renderPreferences(cookiePrefs(), path), cfg.title, "Preferences")
get "/@name/?":
cond '.' notin @"name"
respTimeline(await showTimeline(@"name", @"after", none(Query)))
respTimeline(await showTimeline(@"name", @"after", none(Query), cookiePrefs()))
get "/@name/search":
cond '.' notin @"name"
let prefs = cookiePrefs()
let query = initQuery(@"filter", @"include", @"not", @"sep", @"name")
respTimeline(await showTimeline(@"name", @"after", some(query)))
respTimeline(await showTimeline(@"name", @"after", some(query), cookiePrefs()))
get "/@name/replies":
cond '.' notin @"name"
respTimeline(await showTimeline(@"name", @"after", some(getReplyQuery(@"name"))))
let prefs = cookiePrefs()
respTimeline(await showTimeline(@"name", @"after", some(getReplyQuery(@"name")), cookiePrefs()))
get "/@name/media":
cond '.' notin @"name"
respTimeline(await showTimeline(@"name", @"after", some(getMediaQuery(@"name"))))
let prefs = cookiePrefs()
respTimeline(await showTimeline(@"name", @"after", some(getMediaQuery(@"name")), cookiePrefs()))
get "/@name/status/@id":
cond '.' notin @"name"
let prefs = cookiePrefs()
let conversation = await getTweet(@"name", @"id", getAgent())
if conversation == nil or conversation.tweet.id.len == 0:
@ -103,26 +136,24 @@ routes:
let title = pageTitle(conversation.tweet.profile)
let desc = conversation.tweet.text
let html = renderConversation(conversation)
let html = renderConversation(conversation, prefs)
if conversation.tweet.video.isSome():
let thumb = get(conversation.tweet.video).thumb
let vidUrl = getVideoEmbed(conversation.tweet.id)
resp renderMain(html, title=cfg.title, titleText=title, desc=desc,
images = @[thumb], `type`="video", video=vidUrl)
resp renderMain(html, cfg.title, title, desc, images = @[thumb],
`type`="video", video=vidUrl)
elif conversation.tweet.gif.isSome():
let thumb = get(conversation.tweet.gif).thumb
let vidUrl = getVideoEmbed(conversation.tweet.id)
resp renderMain(html, title=cfg.title, titleText=title, desc=desc,
images = @[thumb], `type`="video", video=vidUrl)
resp renderMain(html, cfg.title, title, desc, images = @[thumb],
`type`="video", video=vidUrl)
resp renderMain(html, title=cfg.title, titleText=title,
desc=desc, images=conversation.tweet.photos)
resp renderMain(html, cfg.title, title, desc, images=conversation.tweet.photos)
get "/pic/@sig/@url":
cond "http" in @"url"
cond "twimg" in @"url"
uri = parseUri(decodeUrl(@"url"))
path = uri.path.split("/")[2 .. ^1].join("/")
@ -156,11 +187,10 @@ routes:
if getHmac(url) != @"sig":
resp showError("Failed to verify signature", cfg.title)
client = newAsyncHttpClient()
video = await client.getContent(url)
let client = newAsyncHttpClient()
let video = await client.getContent(url)
defer: client.close()
resp video, mimetype(url)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
import sequtils, macros
import types
import prefs_impl
export genUpdatePrefs
var pFields: seq[string]
for id in getTypeImpl(Prefs)[2]:
if $id[0] == "id": continue
pFields.add $id[0]
let pDefs = toSeq(allPrefs()).mapIt(it.name)
let missing = pDefs.filterIt(it notin pFields)
if missing.len > 0:
raiseAssert("{$1} missing from the Prefs type" % missing.join(", "))
withCustomDb("prefs.db", "", "", ""):
except DbError:
proc cache*(prefs: var Prefs) =
withCustomDb("prefs.db", "", "", ""):
doAssert prefs.id != 0
discard Prefs.getOne("id = ?", prefs.id)
except AssertionError, KeyError:
proc getPrefs*(id: string): Prefs =
if id.len == 0: return genDefaultPrefs()
withCustomDb("prefs.db", "", "", ""):
result.getOne("id = ?", id)
except KeyError:
result = genDefaultPrefs()
proc resetPrefs*(prefs: var Prefs) =
var defPrefs = genDefaultPrefs()
defPrefs.id = prefs.id
prefs = defPrefs
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
import macros, tables, strutils, xmltree
const hostname {.strdefine.} = "nitter.net"
PrefKind* = enum
checkbox, select, input
Pref* = object
name*: string
label*: string
case kind*: PrefKind
of checkbox:
defaultState*: bool
of select:
defaultOption*: string
options*: seq[string]
of input:
defaultInput*: string
placeholder*: string
# TODO: write DSL to simplify this
const prefList*: Table[string, seq[Pref]] = {
"Privacy": @[
Pref(kind: input, name: "replaceTwitter",
label: "Replace Twitter links with Nitter (blank to disable)",
defaultInput: hostname, placeholder: "Nitter hostname"),
Pref(kind: input, name: "replaceYouTube",
label: "Replace YouTube links with Invidious (blank to disable)",
defaultInput: "invidio.us", placeholder: "Invidious hostname")
"Media": @[
Pref(kind: checkbox, name: "mp4Playback",
label: "Enable mp4 video playback",
defaultState: true),
Pref(kind: checkbox, name: "hlsPlayback",
label: "Enable hls video streaming (requires JavaScript)",
defaultState: false),
Pref(kind: checkbox, name: "muteVideos",
label: "Mute videos by default",
defaultState: false),
Pref(kind: checkbox, name: "autoplayGifs", label: "Autoplay gifs",
defaultState: true)
"Display": @[
Pref(kind: checkbox, name: "hideTweetStats",
label: "Hide tweet stats (replies, retweets, likes)",
defaultState: false),
Pref(kind: checkbox, name: "hideBanner", label: "Hide profile banner",
defaultState: false),
Pref(kind: checkbox, name: "stickyProfile",
label: "Make profile sidebar stick to top",
defaultState: true)
iterator allPrefs*(): Pref =
for k, v in prefList:
for pref in v:
yield pref
macro genDefaultPrefs*(): untyped =
result = nnkObjConstr.newTree(ident("Prefs"))
for pref in allPrefs():
let default =
case pref.kind
of checkbox: newLit(pref.defaultState)
of select: newLit(pref.defaultOption)
of input: newLit(pref.defaultInput)
result.add nnkExprColonExpr.newTree(ident(pref.name), default)
macro genUpdatePrefs*(): untyped =
result = nnkStmtList.newTree()
for pref in allPrefs():
let ident = ident(pref.name)
let value = nnkPrefix.newTree(ident("@"), newLit(pref.name))
case pref.kind
of checkbox:
result.add quote do: prefs.`ident` = `value` == "on"
of input:
result.add quote do: prefs.`ident` = xmltree.escape(strip(`value`))
of select:
let options = pref.options
let default = pref.defaultOption
result.add quote do:
if `value` in `options`: prefs.`ident` = `value`
else: prefs.`ident` = `default`
result.add quote do:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import times, sequtils, options
import norm/sqlite
import prefs_impl
export sqlite, options
@ -22,25 +23,17 @@ db("cache.db", "", "", ""):
tweets*: string
likes*: string
media*: string
verified* {.
dbType: "STRING",
parseIt: parseBool(it.s)
formatIt: $it
.}: bool
protected* {.
dbType: "STRING",
parseIt: parseBool(it.s)
formatIt: $it
.}: bool
verified*: bool
protected*: bool
joinDate* {.
dbType: "INTEGER",
parseIt: it.i.fromUnix(),
formatIt: it.toUnix()
dbType: "INTEGER"
parseIt: it.i.fromUnix()
formatIt: dbValue(it.toUnix())
.}: Time
updated* {.
dbType: "INTEGER",
parseIt: it.i.fromUnix(),
formatIt: getTime().toUnix()
dbType: "INTEGER"
parseIt: it.i.fromUnix()
formatIt: dbValue(getTime().toUnix())
.}: Time
Video* = object
@ -50,16 +43,23 @@ db("cache.db", "", "", ""):
url*: string
thumb*: string
views*: string
available*: bool
playbackType* {.
dbType: "STRING",
parseIt: parseEnum[VideoType](it.s),
formatIt: $it,
dbType: "STRING"
parseIt: parseEnum[VideoType](it.s)
formatIt: dbValue($it)
.}: VideoType
available* {.
dbType: "STRING",
parseIt: parseBool(it.s)
formatIt: $it
.}: bool
Prefs* = object
hlsPlayback*: bool
mp4Playback*: bool
muteVideos*: bool
autoplayGifs*: bool
hideTweetStats*: bool
hideBanner*: bool
stickyProfile*: bool
replaceYouTube*: string
replaceTwitter*: string
QueryKind* = enum
@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ type
Config* = ref object
address*: string
port*: int
useHttps*: bool
title*: string
staticDir*: string
cacheDir*: string
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom]
import ../utils
import renderutils
import ../utils, ../types
const doctype = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
@ -13,14 +14,15 @@ proc renderNavbar*(title: string): VNode =
a(href="/"): img(class="site-logo", src="/logo.png")
tdiv(class="item right"):
a(class="site-about", href="/about"): text "🛈"
a(class="site-settings", href="/settings"): text "⚙"
icon "info-circled", title="About", href="/about"
icon "cog-2", title="Preferences", href="/settings"
proc renderMain*(body: VNode; title="Nitter"; titleText=""; desc="";
`type`="article"; video=""; images: seq[string] = @[]): string =
let node = buildHtml(html(lang="en")):
link(rel="stylesheet", `type`="text/css", href="/style.css")
link(rel="stylesheet", `type`="text/css", href="/css/style.css")
link(rel="stylesheet", `type`="text/css", href="/css/fontello.css")
if titleText.len > 0:
@ -53,12 +55,12 @@ proc renderSearch*(): VNode =
form(`method`="post", action="search"):
input(`type`="text", name="query", autofocus="", placeholder="Enter usernames...")
button(`type`="submit"): text "🔎"
button(`type`="submit"): icon "search"
proc renderError*(error: string): VNode =
span: text error
proc showError*(error: string; title: string): string =
renderMain(renderError(error), title=title, titleText="Error")
proc showError*(error, title: string): string =
renderMain(renderError(error), title, "Error")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
import tables, macros, strformat, xmltree
import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom, vstyles]
import ../types, ../prefs_impl
proc genCheckbox(pref, label: string; state: bool): VNode =
text label
if state: input(name=pref, `type`="checkbox", checked="")
else: input(name=pref, `type`="checkbox")
proc genSelect(pref, label, state: string; options: seq[string]): VNode =
label(`for`=pref): text label
for opt in options:
if opt == state:
option(value=opt, selected=""): text opt
option(value=opt): text opt
proc genInput(pref, label, state, placeholder: string): VNode =
let s = xmltree.escape(state)
let p = xmltree.escape(placeholder)
buildHtml(tdiv(class="pref-group pref-input")):
label(`for`=pref): text label
verbatim &"<input name={pref} type=\"text\" placeholder=\"{p}\" value=\"{s}\"/>"
macro renderPrefs*(): untyped =
result = nnkCall.newTree(
ident("buildHtml"), ident("tdiv"), nnkStmtList.newTree())
for header, options in prefList:
result[2].add nnkCall.newTree(
nnkCommand.newTree(ident("text"), newLit(header))))
for pref in options:
let procName = ident("gen" & capitalizeAscii($pref.kind))
let state = nnkDotExpr.newTree(ident("prefs"), ident(pref.name))
var stmt = nnkStmtList.newTree(
nnkCall.newTree(procName, newLit(pref.name), newLit(pref.label), state))
case pref.kind
of checkbox: discard
of select: stmt[0].add newLit(pref.options)
of input: stmt[0].add newLit(pref.placeholder)
result[2].add stmt
proc renderPreferences*(prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
form(`method`="post", action="saveprefs"):
verbatim "<input name=\"referer\" style=\"display: none\" value=\"$1\"/>" % path
button(`type`="submit", class="pref-submit"):
text "Save preferences"
form(`method`="post", action="resetprefs", class="pref-reset"):
text "Reset preferences"
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import strutils, strformat
import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom, vstyles]
import ../types, ../utils, ../formatters
import tweet, timeline, renderutils
import ../types, ../utils, ../formatters
proc renderStat(num, class: string; text=""): VNode =
let t = if text.len > 0: text else: class
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ proc renderStat(num, class: string; text=""): VNode =
text if num.len == 0: "?" else: num
proc renderProfileCard*(profile: Profile): VNode =
proc renderProfileCard*(profile: Profile; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
a(class="profile-card-avatar", href=profile.getUserPic().getSigUrl("pic")):
@ -23,21 +23,21 @@ proc renderProfileCard*(profile: Profile): VNode =
if profile.bio.len > 0:
p: verbatim linkifyText(profile.bio)
p: verbatim linkifyText(profile.bio, prefs)
if profile.location.len > 0:
span: text "📍 " & profile.location
span: icon "location", profile.location
if profile.website.len > 0:
text "🔗 "
icon "link"
text "📅 " & getJoinDate(profile)
icon "calendar", getJoinDate(profile)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ proc renderPhotoRail(profile: Profile; photoRail: seq[GalleryPhoto]): VNode =
text &"🖼 {profile.media} Photos and videos"
icon "picture-1", $profile.media & " Photos and videos"
for i, photo in photoRail:
@ -68,20 +68,22 @@ proc renderBanner(profile: Profile): VNode =
proc renderProfile*(profile: Profile; timeline: Timeline;
photoRail: seq[GalleryPhoto]): VNode =
photoRail: seq[GalleryPhoto]; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
if not prefs.hideBanner:
let sticky = if prefs.stickyProfile: "sticky" else: "unset"
tdiv(class="profile-tab", style={position: sticky}):
renderProfileCard(profile, prefs)
if photoRail.len > 0:
renderPhotoRail(profile, photoRail)
renderTimeline(timeline, profile.username, profile.protected)
renderTimeline(timeline, profile.username, profile.protected, prefs)
proc renderMulti*(timeline: Timeline; usernames: string): VNode =
proc renderMulti*(timeline: Timeline; usernames: string; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
renderTimeline(timeline, usernames, false, multi=true)
renderTimeline(timeline, usernames, false, prefs, multi=true)
@ -2,6 +2,18 @@ import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom, vstyles]
import ../types, ../utils
proc icon*(icon: string; text=""; title=""; class=""; href=""): VNode =
var c = "icon-" & icon
if class.len > 0: c = c & " " & class
if href.len > 0:
a(class=c, title=title, href=href)
span(class=c, title=title)
if text.len > 0:
text " " & text
proc linkUser*(profile: Profile, class=""): VNode =
isName = "username" notin class
@ -12,9 +24,10 @@ proc linkUser*(profile: Profile, class=""): VNode =
buildHtml(a(href=href, class=class, title=nameText)):
text nameText
if isName and profile.verified:
span(class="icon verified-icon", title="Verified account"): text "✔"
icon "ok", class="verified-icon", title="Verified account"
if isName and profile.protected:
span(class="icon protected-icon", title="Protected account"): text "🔒"
text " "
icon "lock-circled", title="Protected account"
proc genImg*(url: string; class=""): VNode =
@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom]
import ../types
import tweet, renderutils
proc renderReplyThread(thread: Thread): VNode =
proc renderReplyThread(thread: Thread; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
buildHtml(tdiv(class="reply thread thread-line")):
for i, tweet in thread.tweets:
let last = (i == thread.tweets.high and thread.more == 0)
renderTweet(tweet, index=i, last=last)
renderTweet(tweet, prefs, index=i, last=last)
if thread.more != 0:
let num = if thread.more != -1: $thread.more & " " else: ""
@ -17,26 +17,26 @@ proc renderReplyThread(thread: Thread): VNode =
a(class="more-replies-text", title="Not implemented yet"):
text $num & "more " & reply
proc renderConversation*(conversation: Conversation): VNode =
proc renderConversation*(conversation: Conversation; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
let hasAfter = conversation.after != nil
buildHtml(tdiv(class="conversation", id="posts")):
if conversation.before != nil:
tdiv(class="before-tweet thread-line"):
for i, tweet in conversation.before.tweets:
renderTweet(tweet, index=i)
renderTweet(tweet, prefs, index=i)
let afterClass = if hasAfter: "thread thread-line" else: ""
renderTweet(conversation.tweet, class=afterClass)
renderTweet(conversation.tweet, prefs, class=afterClass)
if hasAfter:
tdiv(class="after-tweet thread-line"):
let total = conversation.after.tweets.high
for i, tweet in conversation.after.tweets:
renderTweet(tweet, index=i, total=total)
renderTweet(tweet, prefs, index=i, total=total)
if conversation.replies.len > 0:
for thread in conversation.replies:
renderReplyThread(thread, prefs)
@ -54,28 +54,28 @@ proc renderProtected(username: string): VNode =
h2: text "This account's tweets are protected."
p: text &"Only confirmed followers have access to @{username}'s tweets."
proc renderThread(thread: seq[Tweet]): VNode =
proc renderThread(thread: seq[Tweet]; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
buildHtml(tdiv(class="timeline-tweet thread-line")):
for i, threadTweet in thread.sortedByIt(it.time):
renderTweet(threadTweet, "thread", index=i, total=thread.high)
renderTweet(threadTweet, prefs, class="thread", index=i, total=thread.high)
proc threadFilter(it: Tweet; tweetThread: string): bool =
it.retweet.isNone and it.reply.len == 0 and it.threadId == tweetThread
proc renderTweets(timeline: Timeline): VNode =
proc renderTweets(timeline: Timeline; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
var threads: seq[string]
for tweet in timeline.tweets:
if tweet.threadId in threads: continue
let thread = timeline.tweets.filterIt(threadFilter(it, tweet.threadId))
if thread.len < 2:
renderTweet(tweet, "timeline-tweet")
renderTweet(tweet, prefs, class="timeline-tweet")
renderThread(thread, prefs)
threads &= tweet.threadId
proc renderTimeline*(timeline: Timeline; username: string;
protected: bool; multi=false): VNode =
proc renderTimeline*(timeline: Timeline; username: string; protected: bool;
prefs: Prefs; multi=false): VNode =
if multi:
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ proc renderTimeline*(timeline: Timeline; username: string;
elif timeline.tweets.len == 0:
renderTweets(timeline, prefs)
if timeline.hasMore or timeline.query.isSome:
renderOlder(timeline, username)
@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
import strutils, sequtils
import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom, vstyles]
import ../types, ../utils, ../formatters
import renderutils
import ../types, ../utils, ../formatters
proc renderHeader(tweet: Tweet): VNode =
if tweet.retweet.isSome:
span: text "🔄 " & get(tweet.retweet).by & " retweeted"
span: icon "retweet-1", get(tweet.retweet).by & " retweeted"
if tweet.pinned:
span: text "📌 Pinned Tweet"
span: icon "pin", "Pinned Tweet"
a(class="tweet-avatar", href=("/" & tweet.profile.username)):
@ -44,26 +45,55 @@ proc renderAlbum(tweet: Tweet): VNode =
target="_blank", style={display: flex}):
proc renderVideo(video: Video): VNode =
proc isPlaybackEnabled(prefs: Prefs; video: Video): bool =
case video.playbackType
of mp4: prefs.mp4Playback
of m3u8, vmap: prefs.hlsPlayback
proc renderVideoDisabled(video: Video): VNode =
case video.playbackType
of mp4:
p: text "mp4 playback disabled in preferences"
of m3u8, vmap:
p: text "hls playback disabled in preferences"
proc renderVideo(video: Video; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
tdiv(class="attachment video-container"):
if prefs.isPlaybackEnabled(video):
let thumb = video.thumb.getSigUrl("pic")
let source = video.url.getSigUrl("video")
case video.playbackType
of mp4:
video(poster=video.thumb.getSigUrl("pic"), controls=""):
source(src=video.url.getSigUrl("video"), `type`="video/mp4")
if prefs.muteVideos:
video(poster=thumb, controls="", muted=""):
source(src=source, `type`="video/mp4")
video(poster=thumb, controls=""):
source(src=source, `type`="video/mp4")
of m3u8, vmap:
p: text "Video playback not supported"
p: text "Video playback not supported yet"
proc renderGif(gif: Gif): VNode =
proc renderGif(gif: Gif; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
buildHtml(tdiv(class="attachments media-gif")):
tdiv(class="gallery-gif", style=style(maxHeight, "unset")):
video(class="gif", poster=gif.thumb.getSigUrl("pic"),
autoplay="", muted="", loop=""):
source(src=gif.url.getSigUrl("video"), `type`="video/mp4")
let thumb = gif.thumb.getSigUrl("pic")
let url = gif.url.getSigUrl("video")
if prefs.autoplayGifs:
video(class="gif", poster=thumb, autoplay="", muted="", loop=""):
source(src=url, `type`="video/mp4")
video(class="gif", poster=thumb, controls="", muted="", loop=""):
source(src=url, `type`="video/mp4")
proc renderPoll(poll: Poll): VNode =
@ -80,22 +110,22 @@ proc renderPoll(poll: Poll): VNode =
proc renderCardImage(card: Card): VNode =
img(src=getSigUrl(get(card.image), "pic"))
if card.kind == player:
proc renderCard(card: Card): VNode =
proc renderCard(card: Card; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
const largeCards = {summaryLarge, liveEvent, promoWebsite, promoVideo}
let large = if card.kind in largeCards: " large" else: ""
buildHtml(tdiv(class=("card" & large))):
a(class="card-container", href=card.url):
a(class="card-container", href=replaceUrl(card.url, prefs)):
if card.image.isSome:
elif card.video.isSome:
renderVideo(get(card.video), prefs)
@ -105,9 +135,9 @@ proc renderCard(card: Card): VNode =
proc renderStats(stats: TweetStats): VNode =
span(class="tweet-stat"): text "💬 " & $stats.replies
span(class="tweet-stat"): text "🔄 " & $stats.retweets
span(class="tweet-stat"): text "👍 " & $stats.likes
span(class="tweet-stat"): icon "comment", $stats.replies
span(class="tweet-stat"): icon "retweet-1", $stats.retweets
span(class="tweet-stat"): icon "thumbs-up-alt", $stats.likes
proc renderReply(tweet: Tweet): VNode =
@ -133,9 +163,9 @@ proc renderQuoteMedia(quote: Quote): VNode =
tdiv(class="quote-badge-text"): text quote.badge
elif quote.sensitive:
span(class="icon quote-sensitive-icon"): text "❗"
icon "attention", class="quote-sensitive-icon"
proc renderQuote(quote: Quote): VNode =
proc renderQuote(quote: Quote; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
if not quote.available:
return buildHtml(tdiv(class="quote unavailable")):
@ -155,13 +185,14 @@ proc renderQuote(quote: Quote): VNode =
verbatim linkifyText(quote.text)
verbatim linkifyText(quote.text, prefs)
if quote.hasThread:
a(class="show-thread", href=getLink(quote)):
text "Show this thread"
proc renderTweet*(tweet: Tweet; class=""; index=0; total=(-1); last=false): VNode =
proc renderTweet*(tweet: Tweet; prefs: Prefs; class="";
index=0; total=(-1); last=false): VNode =
var divClass = class
if index == total or last:
divClass = "thread-last " & class
@ -181,24 +212,25 @@ proc renderTweet*(tweet: Tweet; class=""; index=0; total=(-1); last=false): VNod
tdiv(class="status-content media-body"):
verbatim linkifyText(tweet.text)
verbatim linkifyText(tweet.text, prefs)
if tweet.quote.isSome:
renderQuote(tweet.quote.get(), prefs)
if tweet.card.isSome:
renderCard(tweet.card.get(), prefs)
elif tweet.photos.len > 0:
elif tweet.video.isSome:
renderVideo(tweet.video.get(), prefs)
elif tweet.gif.isSome:
renderGif(tweet.gif.get(), prefs)
elif tweet.poll.isSome:
if not prefs.hideTweetStats:
if tweet.hasThread and "timeline" in class:
a(class="show-thread", href=getLink(tweet)):
text "Show this thread"
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class Tweet(object):
class Profile(object):
fullname = '.profile-card-fullname'
username = '.profile-card-username'
protected = '.protected-icon'
protected = '.icon-lock-circled'
verified = '.verified-icon'
banner = '.profile-banner'
bio = '.profile-bio'
@ -6,68 +6,68 @@ card = [
'A sample of a Qt app written using mostly nim. Contribute to sinkingsugar/nimqt-example development by creating an account on GitHub.',
'github.com', '-tb6lD-A', False],
'github.com', False],
'$1,000 Bounty on kivy/plyer',
'Automation and Screen Reader Support',
'bountysource.com', 'TF5vo84K', False],
'bountysource.com', False],
'Speech Model Pre-training for End-to-End Spoken Language Understanding - lorenlugosch/pretrain_speech_model',
'github.com', 'VwMnYBVh', False],
'github.com', False],
'An open source deep learning platform that provides a seamless path from research prototyping to production deployment.',
'pytorch.org', 'lAc4aESh', False],
'pytorch.org', False],
'Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python. - pytorch/fairseq',
'github.com', '1SVn24P6', False],
'github.com', False],
'Eternity: a moment standing still forever…',
'- James Montgomery. | facebook | 500px | ferpectshotz | I dusted off this one from my old archives, it was taken while I was living in mighty new York city working at Wall St. I think this was the 11...',
'flickr.com', '1LT6fSLU', True],
'flickr.com', True],
'Version 0.20.0 released',
'We are very proud to announce Nim version 0.20. This is a massive release, both literally and figuratively. It contains more than 1,000 commits and it marks our release candidate for version 1.0!',
'nim-lang.org', 'Q0aJrdMZ', True],
'nim-lang.org', True],
'Experience the Tesla Arcade',
'www.tesla.com', '40H36baw', True],
'www.tesla.com', True],
'Nantasket Beach',
'Rocks on the beach.',
'500px.com', 'FVUU4YDwN', True],
'500px.com', True],
'Basic OBS Studio plugin, written in nim, supporting C++ (C fine too)',
'Basic OBS Studio plugin, written in nim, supporting C++ (C fine too) - obsplugin.nim',
'gist.github.com', '37n4WuBF', True],
'gist.github.com', True],
'Conversation Targeting',
'view.highspot.com', 'FrVMLWJH', True],
'view.highspot.com', True],
'Amazon’s Alexa isn’t just AI — thousands of humans are listening',
'One of the only ways to improve Alexa is to have human beings check it for errors',
'theverge.com', 'HOW73fOB', True]
'theverge.com', True]
no_thumb = [
'Nim in 2018: A short recap',
'Posted in r/programming by u/miran1 • 38 points and 46 comments',
'Posted in r/programming by u/miran1 • 36 points and 46 comments',
@ -80,17 +80,17 @@ playable = [
'Nim development blog 2019-03',
'Arne (aka Krux02) * debugging: * improved nim-gdb, $ works, framefilter * alias for --debugger:native: -g * bugs: * forwarding of .pure. * sizeof union * fea...',
'youtube.com', 'rJkABhGF'],
'Nim - First natively compiled language w/ hot code-reloading at...',
'#nim #c++ #ACCUConf Nim is a statically typed systems and applications programming language which offers perhaps some of the most powerful metaprogramming ca...',
'youtube.com', 'FuFgnQ9PA'],
'Eurocrash presents Open Decks - emerging dj #4: E-Musik',
"OPEN DECKS is Eurocrash's new project about discovering new and emerging dj talents. Every selected dj will have the chance to perform the first dj-set in front of an actual audience. The best dj...",
'mixcloud.com', 'FdM8jyi04']
promo = [
@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ promo = [
class CardTest(BaseTestCase):
def test_card(self, tweet, title, description, destination, image, large):
def test_card(self, tweet, title, description, destination, large):
card = Card(Conversation.main + " ")
self.assert_text(title, card.title)
self.assert_text(destination, card.destination)
self.assertIn(image, self.get_image_url(card.image + ' img'))
self.assertIn('_img', self.get_image_url(card.image + ' img'))
if len(description) > 0:
self.assert_text(description, card.description)
if large:
@ -129,12 +129,12 @@ class CardTest(BaseTestCase):
self.assert_text(description, card.description)
def test_card_playable(self, tweet, title, description, destination, image):
def test_card_playable(self, tweet, title, description, destination):
card = Card(Conversation.main + " ")
self.assert_text(title, card.title)
self.assert_text(destination, card.destination)
self.assertIn(image, self.get_image_url(card.image + ' img'))
self.assertIn('_img', self.get_image_url(card.image + ' img'))
if len(description) > 0:
self.assert_text(description, card.description)
@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ from parameterized import parameterized
profiles = [
['mobile_test', 'Test account',
'Test Account. test test Testing username with @mobile_test_2 and a #hashtag',
'📍 San Francisco, CA', '🔗 example.com/foobar', '📅 Joined October 2009', '100'],
['mobile_test_2', 'mobile test 2', '', '', '', '📅 Joined January 2011', '13']
'San Francisco, CA', 'example.com/foobar', 'Joined October 2009', '100'],
['mobile_test_2', 'mobile test 2', '', '', '', 'Joined January 2011', '13']
verified = [['jack'], ['elonmusk']]
protected = [
['mobile_test_7', 'mobile test 7🔒', ''],
['Poop', 'Randy🔒', 'Social media fanatic.']
['mobile_test_7', 'mobile test 7', ''],
['Poop', 'Randy', 'Social media fanatic.']
invalid = [['thisprofiledoesntexist'], ['%']]
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class ProfileTest(BaseTestCase):
(location, Profile.location),
(website, Profile.website),
(joinDate, Profile.joinDate),
(f"🖼 {mediaCount} Photos and videos", Profile.mediaCount)
(mediaCount + " Photos and videos", Profile.mediaCount)
for text, selector in tests:
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ timeline = [
status = [
[20, 'jack 🌍🌏🌎✔', 'jack', '21 Mar 2006', 'just setting up my twttr'],
[20, 'jack 🌍🌏🌎', 'jack', '21 Mar 2006', 'just setting up my twttr'],
[134849778302464000, 'The Twoffice', 'TheTwoffice', '10 Nov 2011', 'test'],
[105685475985080322, 'The Twoffice', 'TheTwoffice', '22 Aug 2011', 'regular tweet'],
[572593440719912960, 'Test account', 'mobile_test', '2 Mar 2015', 'testing test']
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ emoji = [
retweet = [
[7, 'mobile_test_2', 'mobile test 2', 'Test account', '@mobile_test', '1234'],
[3, 'mobile_test_8', 'mobile test 8', 'jack 🌍🌏🌎✔', '@jack', 'twttr']
[3, 'mobile_test_8', 'mobile test 8', 'jack 🌍🌏🌎', '@jack', 'twttr']
reply = [
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class MediaTest(BaseTestCase):
video_thumb = self.get_attribute('video', 'poster')
video_thumb = self.get_attribute(Media.video + ' img', 'src')
self.assertIn(thumb, video_thumb)
Reference in a new issue