Always print sessions logs

This commit is contained in:
Zed 2025-02-25 04:28:45 +00:00
parent cb334a7d68
commit 4f9ba9c7d6

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ var
enableLogging = false
template log(str: varargs[string, `$`]) =
if enableLogging: echo "[sessions] ", str.join("")
echo "[sessions] ", str.join("")
proc snowflakeToEpoch(flake: int64): int64 =
int64(((flake shr 22) + 1288834974657) div 1000)
@ -188,15 +188,15 @@ proc initSessionPool*(cfg: Config; path: string) =
enableLogging = cfg.enableDebug
if path.endsWith(".json"):
echo "[sessions] ERROR: .json is not supported, the file must be a valid JSONL file ending in .jsonl"
log "ERROR: .json is not supported, the file must be a valid JSONL file ending in .jsonl"
quit 1
if not fileExists(path):
echo "[sessions] ERROR: ", path, " not found. This file is required to authenticate API requests."
log "ERROR: ", path, " not found. This file is required to authenticate API requests."
quit 1
log "Parsing JSONL account sessions file: ", path
log "parsing JSONL account sessions file: ", path
for line in path.lines:
sessionPool.add parseSession(line)
log "Successfully added ", sessionPool.len, " valid account sessions."
log "successfully added ", sessionPool.len, " valid account sessions"