mirror of
synced 2025-01-26 08:38:07 +00:00
Use referer form data instead of relying on header
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 94 additions and 56 deletions
@ -1204,6 +1204,19 @@ legend {
display: inline;
.icon-button button {
color: #ff6c60;
text-decoration: none;
border: none;
float: none;
padding: unset;
padding-left: 4px;
.icon-button button:hover {
color: #ffaca0;
.checkbox-container {
display: block;
position: relative;
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const configPath {.strdefine.} = "./nitter.conf"
let cfg = getConfig(configPath)
proc showSingleTimeline(name, after, agent: string; query: Option[Query];
prefs: Prefs): Future[string] {.async.} =
prefs: Prefs; path: string): Future[string] {.async.} =
let railFut = getPhotoRail(name, agent)
var timeline: Timeline
@ -36,11 +36,12 @@ proc showSingleTimeline(name, after, agent: string; query: Option[Query];
if profile.username.len == 0:
return ""
let profileHtml = renderProfile(profile, timeline, await railFut, prefs)
return renderMain(profileHtml, prefs, cfg.title, pageTitle(profile), pageDesc(profile))
let profileHtml = renderProfile(profile, timeline, await railFut, prefs, path)
return renderMain(profileHtml, prefs, cfg.title, pageTitle(profile),
pageDesc(profile), path)
proc showMultiTimeline(names: seq[string]; after, agent: string; query: Option[Query];
prefs: Prefs): Future[string] {.async.} =
prefs: Prefs; path: string): Future[string] {.async.} =
var q = query
if q.isSome:
get(q).fromUser = names
@ -48,19 +49,19 @@ proc showMultiTimeline(names: seq[string]; after, agent: string; query: Option[Q
q = some(Query(kind: multi, fromUser: names, excludes: @["replies"]))
var timeline = renderMulti(await getTimelineSearch(get(q), after, agent),
names.join(","), prefs)
names.join(","), prefs, path)
return renderMain(timeline, prefs, cfg.title, "Multi")
proc showTimeline(name, after: string; query: Option[Query];
prefs: Prefs): Future[string] {.async.} =
prefs: Prefs; path: string): Future[string] {.async.} =
let agent = getAgent()
let names = name.strip(chars={'/'}).split(",").filterIt(it.len > 0)
if names.len == 1:
return await showSingleTimeline(names[0], after, agent, query, prefs)
return await showSingleTimeline(names[0], after, agent, query, prefs, path)
return await showMultiTimeline(names, after, agent, query, prefs)
return await showMultiTimeline(names, after, agent, query, prefs, path)
template respTimeline(timeline: typed) =
if timeline.len == 0:
@ -70,6 +71,12 @@ template respTimeline(timeline: typed) =
template cookiePrefs(): untyped {.dirty.} =
template getPath(): untyped {.dirty.} =
$(parseUri(request.path) ? filterParams(request.params))
template refPath(): untyped {.dirty.} =
if @"referer".len > 0: @"referer" else: "/"
@ -87,52 +94,53 @@ routes:
redirect("/" & @"query")
get "/settings":
let refUri = request.headers.getOrDefault("Referer").parseUri()
var path =
if refUri.path.len > 0 and "/settings" notin refUri.path: refUri.path
else: "/"
if refUri.query.len > 0: path &= &"?{refUri.query}"
let prefs = cookiePrefs()
resp renderMain(renderPreferences(prefs, path), prefs, cfg.title, "Preferences")
let path = refPath()
resp renderMain(renderPreferences(prefs, path), prefs, cfg.title,
"Preferences", path)
post "/saveprefs":
var prefs = cookiePrefs()
setCookie("preferences", $prefs.id, daysForward(360), httpOnly=true, secure=cfg.useHttps)
post "/resetprefs":
var prefs = cookiePrefs()
setCookie("preferences", $prefs.id, daysForward(360), httpOnly=true, secure=cfg.useHttps)
redirect($(parseUri("/settings") ? filterParams(request.params)))
post "/enablehls":
var prefs = cookiePrefs()
prefs.hlsPlayback = true
setCookie("preferences", $prefs.id, daysForward(360), httpOnly=true, secure=cfg.useHttps)
get "/@name/?":
cond '.' notin @"name"
respTimeline(await showTimeline(@"name", @"after", none(Query), cookiePrefs()))
respTimeline(await showTimeline(@"name", @"after", none(Query),
cookiePrefs(), getPath()))
get "/@name/search":
cond '.' notin @"name"
let prefs = cookiePrefs()
let query = initQuery(@"filter", @"include", @"not", @"sep", @"name")
respTimeline(await showTimeline(@"name", @"after", some(query), cookiePrefs()))
respTimeline(await showTimeline(@"name", @"after", some(query),
cookiePrefs(), getPath()))
get "/@name/replies":
cond '.' notin @"name"
let prefs = cookiePrefs()
respTimeline(await showTimeline(@"name", @"after", some(getReplyQuery(@"name")), cookiePrefs()))
respTimeline(await showTimeline(@"name", @"after", some(getReplyQuery(@"name")),
cookiePrefs(), getPath()))
get "/@name/media":
cond '.' notin @"name"
let prefs = cookiePrefs()
respTimeline(await showTimeline(@"name", @"after", some(getMediaQuery(@"name")), cookiePrefs()))
respTimeline(await showTimeline(@"name", @"after", some(getMediaQuery(@"name")),
cookiePrefs(), getPath()))
get "/@name/status/@id":
cond '.' notin @"name"
@ -142,22 +150,23 @@ routes:
if conversation == nil or conversation.tweet.id.len == 0:
resp Http404, showError("Tweet not found", cfg.title)
let path = getPath()
let title = pageTitle(conversation.tweet.profile)
let desc = conversation.tweet.text
let html = renderConversation(conversation, prefs)
let html = renderConversation(conversation, prefs, path)
if conversation.tweet.video.isSome():
let thumb = get(conversation.tweet.video).thumb
let vidUrl = getVideoEmbed(conversation.tweet.id)
resp renderMain(html, prefs, cfg.title, title, desc, images = @[thumb],
resp renderMain(html, prefs, cfg.title, title, desc, path, images = @[thumb],
`type`="video", video=vidUrl)
elif conversation.tweet.gif.isSome():
let thumb = get(conversation.tweet.gif).thumb
let vidUrl = getVideoEmbed(conversation.tweet.id)
resp renderMain(html, prefs, cfg.title, title, desc, images = @[thumb],
resp renderMain(html, prefs, cfg.title, title, desc, path, images = @[thumb],
`type`="video", video=vidUrl)
resp renderMain(html, prefs, cfg.title, title, desc, images=conversation.tweet.photos)
resp renderMain(html, prefs, cfg.title, title, desc, path, images=conversation.tweet.photos)
get "/i/web/status/@id":
redirect("/i/status/" & @"id")
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import strutils, strformat, uri
import strutils, strformat, sequtils, uri, tables
import nimcrypto, regex
const key = "supersecretkey"
@ -25,3 +25,7 @@ proc getSigUrl*(link: string; path: string): string =
proc cleanFilename*(filename: string): string =
const reg = re"[^A-Za-z0-9._-]"
filename.replace(reg, "_")
proc filterParams*(params: Table): seq[(string, string)] =
let filter = ["name", "id"]
toSeq(params.pairs()).filterIt(it[0] notin filter)
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import ../utils, ../types
const doctype = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
proc renderNavbar*(title: string): VNode =
proc renderNavbar*(title, path: string): VNode =
buildHtml(nav(id="nav", class="nav-bar container")):
@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ proc renderNavbar*(title: string): VNode =
tdiv(class="item right"):
icon "info-circled", title="About", href="/about"
icon "cog", title="Preferences", href="/settings"
iconReferer "cog", "/settings", path, title="Preferences"
proc renderMain*(body: VNode; prefs: Prefs; title="Nitter"; titleText=""; desc="";
`type`="article"; video=""; images: seq[string] = @[]): string =
path="/"; `type`="article"; video=""; images: seq[string] = @[]): string =
let node = buildHtml(html(lang="en")):
link(rel="stylesheet", `type`="text/css", href="/css/style.css")
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ proc renderMain*(body: VNode; prefs: Prefs; title="Nitter"; titleText=""; desc="
meta(property="og:video:secure_url", content=video)
renderNavbar(title, path)
tdiv(id="content", class="container"):
@ -63,5 +63,6 @@ proc renderPreferences*(prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
text "Save preferences"
form(`method`="post", action="/resetprefs", class="pref-reset"):
verbatim "<input name=\"referer\" style=\"display: none\" value=\"$1\"/>" % path
text "Reset preferences"
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ proc renderBanner(profile: Profile): VNode =
proc renderProfile*(profile: Profile; timeline: Timeline;
photoRail: seq[GalleryPhoto]; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
photoRail: seq[GalleryPhoto]; prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
if not prefs.hideBanner:
@ -81,9 +81,10 @@ proc renderProfile*(profile: Profile; timeline: Timeline;
renderPhotoRail(profile, photoRail)
renderTimeline(timeline, profile.username, profile.protected, prefs)
renderTimeline(timeline, profile.username, profile.protected, prefs, path)
proc renderMulti*(timeline: Timeline; usernames: string; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
proc renderMulti*(timeline: Timeline; usernames: string;
prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
renderTimeline(timeline, usernames, false, prefs, multi=true)
renderTimeline(timeline, usernames, false, prefs, path, multi=true)
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import strutils
import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom, vstyles]
import ../types, ../utils
@ -37,3 +38,9 @@ proc linkText*(text: string; class=""): VNode =
let url = if "http" notin text: "http://" & text else: text
a(href=url, class=class): text text
proc iconReferer*(icon, action, path: string, title=""): VNode =
buildHtml(form(`method`="get", action=action, class="icon-button")):
verbatim "<input name=\"referer\" style=\"display: none\" value=\"$1\"/>" % path
icon icon, title=title
@ -11,34 +11,34 @@ proc renderMoreReplies(thread: Thread): VNode =
a(class="more-replies-text", title="Not implemented yet"):
text $num & "more " & reply
proc renderReplyThread(thread: Thread; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
proc renderReplyThread(thread: Thread; prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
buildHtml(tdiv(class="reply thread thread-line")):
for i, tweet in thread.content:
let last = (i == thread.content.high and thread.more == 0)
renderTweet(tweet, prefs, index=i, last=last)
renderTweet(tweet, prefs, path, index=i, last=last)
if thread.more != 0:
proc renderConversation*(conversation: Conversation; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
proc renderConversation*(conversation: Conversation; prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
let hasAfter = conversation.after != nil
buildHtml(tdiv(class="conversation", id="posts")):
if conversation.before != nil:
tdiv(class="before-tweet thread-line"):
for i, tweet in conversation.before.content:
renderTweet(tweet, prefs, index=i)
renderTweet(tweet, prefs, path, index=i)
let afterClass = if hasAfter: "thread thread-line" else: ""
renderTweet(conversation.tweet, prefs, class=afterClass)
renderTweet(conversation.tweet, prefs, path, class=afterClass)
if hasAfter:
tdiv(class="after-tweet thread-line"):
let total = conversation.after.content.high
let more = conversation.after.more
for i, tweet in conversation.after.content:
renderTweet(tweet, prefs, index=i, last=(i == total and more == 0))
renderTweet(tweet, prefs, path, index=i, last=(i == total and more == 0))
if more != 0:
@ -46,4 +46,5 @@ proc renderConversation*(conversation: Conversation; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
if conversation.replies.len > 0:
for thread in conversation.replies:
renderReplyThread(thread, prefs)
if thread == nil: continue
renderReplyThread(thread, prefs, path)
@ -54,28 +54,29 @@ proc renderProtected(username: string): VNode =
h2: text "This account's tweets are protected."
p: text &"Only confirmed followers have access to @{username}'s tweets."
proc renderThread(thread: seq[Tweet]; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
proc renderThread(thread: seq[Tweet]; prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
buildHtml(tdiv(class="timeline-tweet thread-line")):
for i, threadTweet in thread.sortedByIt(it.time):
renderTweet(threadTweet, prefs, class="thread", index=i, total=thread.high)
renderTweet(threadTweet, prefs, path, class="thread",
index=i, total=thread.high)
proc threadFilter(it: Tweet; tweetThread: string): bool =
it.retweet.isNone and it.reply.len == 0 and it.threadId == tweetThread
proc renderTweets(timeline: Timeline; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
proc renderTweets(timeline: Timeline; prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
var threads: seq[string]
for tweet in timeline.content:
if tweet.threadId in threads: continue
let thread = timeline.content.filterIt(threadFilter(it, tweet.threadId))
if thread.len < 2:
renderTweet(tweet, prefs, class="timeline-tweet")
renderTweet(tweet, prefs, path, class="timeline-tweet")
renderThread(thread, prefs)
renderThread(thread, prefs, path)
threads &= tweet.threadId
proc renderTimeline*(timeline: Timeline; username: string; protected: bool;
prefs: Prefs; multi=false): VNode =
prefs: Prefs; path: string; multi=false): VNode =
if multi:
@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ proc renderTimeline*(timeline: Timeline; username: string; protected: bool;
elif timeline.content.len == 0:
renderTweets(timeline, prefs)
renderTweets(timeline, prefs, path)
if timeline.hasMore or timeline.query.isSome:
renderOlder(timeline, username)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ proc isPlaybackEnabled(prefs: Prefs; video: Video): bool =
of mp4: prefs.mp4Playback
of m3u8, vmap: prefs.hlsPlayback
proc renderVideoDisabled(video: Video): VNode =
proc renderVideoDisabled(video: Video; path: string): VNode =
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ proc renderVideoDisabled(video: Video): VNode =
p: text "mp4 playback disabled in preferences"
of m3u8, vmap:
form(`method`="post", action=("/enablehls")):
verbatim "<input name=\"referer\" style=\"display: none\" value=\"$1\"/>" % path
text "Enable hls playback"
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ proc renderVideoUnavailable(video: Video): VNode =
p: text "This media is unavailable"
proc renderVideo(video: Video; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
proc renderVideo(video: Video; prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
tdiv(class="attachment video-container"):
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ proc renderVideo(video: Video; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
if not video.available:
elif not prefs.isPlaybackEnabled(video):
renderVideoDisabled(video, path)
let source = video.url.getSigUrl("video")
case video.playbackType
@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ proc renderCardContent(card: Card): VNode =
p(class="card-description"): text card.text
span(class="card-destination"): text card.dest
proc renderCard(card: Card; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
proc renderCard(card: Card; prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
const largeCards = {summaryLarge, liveEvent, promoWebsite, promoVideo}
let large = if card.kind in largeCards: " large" else: ""
let url = replaceUrl(card.url, prefs)
@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ proc renderCard(card: Card; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
buildHtml(tdiv(class=("card" & large))):
if card.video.isSome:
renderVideo(get(card.video), prefs)
renderVideo(get(card.video), prefs, path)
a(class="card-content-container", href=url):
@ -215,7 +216,7 @@ proc renderQuote(quote: Quote; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
a(class="show-thread", href=getLink(quote)):
text "Show this thread"
proc renderTweet*(tweet: Tweet; prefs: Prefs; class="";
proc renderTweet*(tweet: Tweet; prefs: Prefs; path: string; class="";
index=0; total=(-1); last=false): VNode =
var divClass = class
if index == total or last:
@ -243,11 +244,11 @@ proc renderTweet*(tweet: Tweet; prefs: Prefs; class="";
renderQuote(tweet.quote.get(), prefs)
if tweet.card.isSome:
renderCard(tweet.card.get(), prefs)
renderCard(tweet.card.get(), prefs, path)
elif tweet.photos.len > 0:
elif tweet.video.isSome:
renderVideo(tweet.video.get(), prefs)
renderVideo(tweet.video.get(), prefs, path)
views = tweet.video.get().views
elif tweet.gif.isSome:
renderGif(tweet.gif.get(), prefs)
Reference in a new issue