Justin Mazzocchi 2f7ff858e0 Crowdin updates
2022-11-20 19:18:50 -08:00

358 lines
22 KiB
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// Copyright © 2020 Metabolist. All rights reserved.
"about" = "Mu dhèidhinn";
"about.acknowledgments" = "Taing";
"about.made-by-metabolist" = "Ga thoirt dhuibh le Metabolist";
"about.official-account" = "Cunntas oifigeil";
"about.rate-the-app" = "Rangaich an aplacaid";
"about.source-code-and-issue-tracker" = "Bun-tùs ⁊ tracaiche nam buga";
"about.translations" = "Eadar-theangachaidhean";
"" = "Làrach-lìn";
"accessibility.activate-link-%@" = "Ceangal: %@";
"accessibility.copy-text" = "Dèan lethbhreac dhen teacsa";
"account.%@-followers" = "An luchd-leantainn aig %@";
"account.accept-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Gabh ris an iarrtas leantainn";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "Cuir ris/Thoir air falbh o liostaichean";
"account.avatar.accessibility-label-%@" = "Avatar: %@";
"account.block" = "Bac";
"account.block-and-report" = "Bac ⁊ dèan gearan";
"account.block.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson %@ a bhacadh?";
"account.blocked" = "Ga bhacadh";
"" = "Teachdaireachd dhìreach";
"account.domain-block-%@" = "Bac an àrainn %@";
"account.domain-block.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson an àrainn %@ a bhacadh?";
"account.domain-unblock-%@" = "Dì-bhac an àrainn %@";
"account.domain-unblock.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson an àrainn %@ a dhì-bhacadh?";
"account.field.verified-%@" = "%@ air a dhearbhadh";
"account.follow" = "Lean";
"account.following" = "Ga leantainn";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "Tha %ld ga leantainn";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "Ga leantainn le %@";
"account.follows-you" = "Gad leantainn";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "Dealbh a bhanna-chinn: %@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "Falaich na brosnachaidhean";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson na brosnachaidhean o %@ fhalach?";
"account.joined-%@" = "Air ballrachd fhaighinn %@";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "Cunntas glaiste";
"account.mute" = "Mùch";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "Gun chrìoch";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson %@ a mhùchadh?";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "Cuiridh seo na postaichean uapa s na postaichean a bheir iomradh orra am falach ach chì iad-san na postaichean agad fhathast is faodaidh iad gad leantainn.";
"account.mute.confirm.hide-notifications" = "A bheil thu airson na brathan fhalach on chleachdaiche seo?";
"account.mute.confirm.duration" = "Faide";
"" = "Mùch %@";
"account.muted" = "Ga mhùchadh";
"account.notify" = "Cuir na brathan air";
"account.reject-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Diùlt an t-iarrtas leantainn";
"account.request" = "Iarrtas";
"account.request.cancel" = "Sguir dhen iarrtas leantainn";
"" = "Postaichean";
"account.statuses.toot" = "Postaichean";
"" = "Postaichean ⁊ freagairtean";
"account.statuses-and-replies.toot" = "Postaichean ⁊ freagairtean";
"" = "Meadhanan";
"" = "Seall na brosnachaidhean";
"" = "A bheil thu airson na brosnachaidhean o %@ a shealltainn?";
"account.unavailable" = "Chan eil a phròifil ri làimh";
"account.unblock" = "Dì-bhac";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson %@ a dhì-bhacadh?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson sgur de %@ a leantainn?";
"account.unmute" = "Dì-mhùch";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson %@ a dhì-mhùchadh?";
"account.unnotify" = "Cuir na brathan dheth";
"" = "Fosgail sa bhrabhsair bhunaiteach";
"add" = "Cuir ris";
"announcement.insert-emoji" = "Cuir a-steach Emoji";
"api-error.unable-to-fetch-remote-status" = "Cha b urrainn dhuinn am post cèin fhaighinn";
"apns-default-message" = "Brath ùr";
"app-icon.brutalist" = "Brùidealach";
"app-icon.rainbow-brutalist" = "Bogha-froise brùidealach";
"app-icon.classic" = "Clasaigeach";
"app-icon.malow" = "Malow";
"app-icon.rainbow" = "Bogha-froise";
"add-identity.get-started" = "Dèan toiseach-tòiseachaidh";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "URL an ionstans";
"add-identity.log-in" = "Clàraich a-steach";
"add-identity.browse" = "Rùraich";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "Fheuch a bheil cùisean sàbhailte dhan a h-uile neach-cleachdaidh agus a chùm gèilleadh ri App Store Review Guidelines, chan eil taic ris an ionstans seo.";
"add-identity.join" = "Faigh ballrachd";
"add-identity.prompt" = "Cuir asteach URL an ionstans de Mhastodon a bu mhiann leat ceangal ris:";
"add-identity.request-invite" = "Iarr cuireadh";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "Cha b urrainn dhuinn ceangal ris an ionstans";
"add-identity.welcome" = "Fàilte gu Metatext";
"add-identity.what-is-mastodon" = "Dè th ann am Mastodon?";
"attachment.edit.description" = "Mìnich e dhan fheadhainn le cion-lèirsinne";
"" = "Mìnich e dhan fheadhainn le èisteachd bheag";
"" = "Mìnich e dhan fheadhainn le èisteachd bheag no cion-lèirsinne";
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "Mothaich dhan teacsa on dealbh";
"attachment.edit.title" = "Deasaich am meadhan";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "Slaod an cearcall air an ro-shealladh airson puing an fhòcais a thaghadh a chithear air gach dealbhag dheth";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "Susbaint fhrionasach";
"" = "Meadhanan falaichte";
"attachment.type.image" = "Dealbh";
"" = "Faidhle fuaime";
"" = "Video";
"attachment.type.unknown" = "Ceanglachan";
"attachment.unable-to-export-media" = "Cha b urrainn dhuinn am meadhan às-phortadh";
"bookmarks" = "Comharran-lìn";
"" = "Ceangal";
"camera-access.title" = "Tha feum air inntrigeadh camara";
"camera-access.description" = "Fosgail roghainnean an t-siostaim airson cothrom air a chamara a cheadachadh";
"" = "Fosgail roghainnean an t-siostaim";
"cancel" = "Sguir dheth";
"" = "Cuir post eile ris";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "Cuir post eile ris";
"compose.attachment.cancel-upload.accessibility-label" = "Sguir de luchdadh suas a cheanglachain";
"compose.attachment.edit" = "Deasaich an ceanglachan";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "Thoir an ceanglachan air falbh";
"compose.attachment.uncaptioned" = "Gun fho-tiotal";
"compose.attachment.uploading" = "Ga luchdadh suas";
"compose.attachments-button.accessibility-label" = "Cuir ceanglachan ris";
"compose.attachments-will-be-discarded" = "Thèid na ceanglachain a thilgeil air falbh nuair a dhatharraicheas tu an cunntas";
"compose.browse" = "Rùraich";
"compose.characters-remaining-accessibility-label-%ld" = "Tha %ld charactar air fhàgail";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "Thoir gnogag airson postadh le cunntas eile";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "Cuir ris rabhadh susbainte";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "Thoir air falbh an rabhadh susbainte";
"compose.emoji-button" = "Roghnaichear nan Emoji";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "Cuir comharra gu bheil am meadhan frionasach";
"" = "Leabhar-lann nan dealbhan";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "Faodaidh tu iomadh roghainn a thaghadh";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "Cuir roghainn ris";
"compose.poll.allow-multiple-choices" = "Ceadaich iomadh roghainn";
"compose.poll-button.accessibility-label" = "Cuir cunntas-bheachd ris";
"compose.prompt" = "Dè tha air d aire?";
"compose.take-photo-or-video" = "Tog dealbh no video";
"compose.visibility-button.accessibility-label-%@" = "Prìobhaideachd: %@";
"" = "Sgrìobh post";
"compose-button.accessibility-label.toot" = "Sgrìobh post";
"conversation.unread" = "Gun leughadh";
"dismiss" = "Leig seachad";
"emoji.custom" = "Gnàthaichte";
"emoji.default-skin-tone" = "Bun-roghainn tòna a chraicinn";
"emoji.default-skin-tone-button.accessibility-label" = "Tagh bun-roghainn air tòna a chraicinn";
"emoji.frequently-used" = "Ga chleachdadh gu tric";
"" = "Lorg Emoji";
"emoji.system-group.smileys-and-emotion" = "Samhlaidhean-gnùis ⁊ faireachdainn";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "Daoine ⁊ bodhaig";
"emoji.system-group.components" = "Co-phàirtean";
"emoji.system-group.animals-and-nature" = "Beathaichean ⁊ an nàdar";
"" = "Biadh ⁊ deoch";
"" = "Siubhal ⁊ àitichean";
"emoji.system-group.activites" = "Gnìomhachdan";
"emoji.system-group.objects" = "Nithean";
"emoji.system-group.symbols" = "Samhlaidhean";
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "Brataichean";
"explore.trending" = "A treandadh an-dràsta";
"explore.instance" = "Ionstans";
"explore.profile-directory" = "Eòlaire nam pròifil";
"error" = "Mearachd";
"favorites" = "Annsachdan";
"follow-requests" = "Iarrtasan leantainn";
"" = "Thoir sùil air teirmichean a chleachdaidh S am poileasaidh prìobhaideachd aig %@ mus lean thu air adhart";
"registration.username" = "Ainm-cleachdaiche";
"" = "Post-d";
"registration.password" = "Facal-faire";
"registration.password-confirmation" = "Dearbh am facal-faire";
"registration.reason-%@" = "Carson a bu mhiann leat ballrachd fhaighinn air %@?";
"registration.server-rules" = "Riaghailtean an fhrithealaiche";
"registration.terms-of-service" = "Teirmichean na seirbheise";
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "Gabhaidh mi ri riaghailtean an fhrithealaiche s teirmichean na seirbheise";
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "Chan eil an dà fhacal-faire co-ionnann";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "Mun aplacaid seo";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "Roghainean a chunntais";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "Cunntasan";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "Deasaich a phroifil";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "Liostaichean";
"" = "A phròifil agam";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "Roghainnean";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "Clàr-taice a chunntais";
"http-error.non-http-response" = "Mearachd HTTP: Freagairt nach eil na HTTP";
"http-error.status-code-%ld" = "Mearachd HTTP: %ld";
"identities.accounts" = "Cunntasan";
"identities.browsing" = "A rùrachadh";
"identities.log-out" = "Clàraich a-mach";
"identities.pending" = "Ri dhèiligeadh";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "Cha ghabh an dealbh a luchdadh";
"" = "Tiotal na liosta ùir";
"load-more" = "Luchdaich barrachd dhiubh";
"" = "Luchdaich on phost gu h-àrd";
"load-more.above.accessibility.toot" = "Luchdaich on phost gu h-àrd";
"" = "Luchdaich on phost gu h-ìosal";
"load-more.below.accessibility.toot" = "Luchdaich on phost gu h-ìosal";
"main-navigation.announcements" = "Brathan-fios";
"main-navigation.timelines" = "Loidhnichean-ama";
"main-navigation.explore" = "Rùraich";
"main-navigation.notifications" = "Brathan";
"main-navigation.conversations" = "Teachdaireachdan";
"metatext" = "Metatext";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "Seall a phròifil";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "Air clàradh a-steach mar %@";
"" = "Brathan ùra";
"notification.poll" = "Thàinig cunntas-bheachd sa bhòt thu gu crìoch";
"notification.poll.own" = "Thàinig an cunntas-bheachd agad gu crìoch";
"notification.poll.unknown" = "Thàinig cunntas-bheachd gu crìoch";
"notification.status-%@" = "Tha %@ air rud a phostadh";
"notifications.all" = "Na h-uile";
"notifications.mentions" = "Iomraidhean";
"ok" = "Ceart ma-thà";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "Tha an cunntas agad a feitheamh air dearbhadh";
"post" = "Postaich";
"preferences" = "Roghainnean";
"" = "Roghainnean na h-aplacaide";
"" = "Ìomhaigheag na h-aplacaide";
"" = "Coltas";
"" = "Dorcha";
"" = "Soilleir";
"" = "Siostam";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Àrainnean bacte";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Cleachdaichean bacte";
"" = "Meadhanan";
"" = "Avataran";
"" = "Beothaich avataran";
"" = "Feadh an àite";
"" = "Air pròifilean";
"" = "Na beothaich idir";
"" = "Beòthaich na h-Emojis gnàthaichte";
"" = "Beòthaich bannan-cinn nam pròifilean";
"" = "Fèin-chluich";
"" = "Fèin-chluich GIFs";
"" = "Fèin-chluich videothan";
"" = "An-còmhnaidh";
"" = "Air WiFi";
"" = "Na fèin-chluich idir";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "Cleachd roghainnean an fhrithealaiche";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "So-fhaicsinneachd thùsail";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "Cuir comharra frionais ri susbaint mar a bhun-roghainn";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "Leudaich na meadhanan";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "Falaich nithean frionasach";
"" = "Seall na h-uile";
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "Falaich na h-uile";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "Leudaich rabhaidhean susbainte an-còmhnaidh";
"preferences.filters" = "Criathragan";
"" = "Fosgail ceanglaichean sa bhrabhsair bhunaiteach";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "Fosgail ceanglaichean ann an aplacaid eile ma bhios gin ann";
"preferences.notification-types" = "Seòrsaichean nam brathan";
"preferences.notification-types.follow" = "Leantainn";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "Annsachd";
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "Iarrtas leantainn";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "Ath-bhlogadh";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "Iomradh";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "Cunntas-bheachd";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "Fo-sgrìobhadh";
"preferences.notifications" = "Brathan";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "Gabh a-steach ainmean chunntasan";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "Gabh a-steach na dealbhan";
"preferences.notifications.sounds" = "Fuaimean";
"preferences.muted-users" = "Cleachdaichean mùchte";
"preferences.home-timeline-position-on-startup" = "Ionad loidhne-ama na dachaigh aig an toiseach";
"preferences.notifications-position-on-startup" = "Ionad nam brathan aig an toiseach";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "Cuir an t-ionad an cuimhne";
"preferences.position.newest" = "Luchdaich an fheadhainn as ùire";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "Thoir gnogag dhùbailte airson ath-bhlogadh";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "Thoir gnogag dhùbailte airson annsachd a chruthachadh";
"" = "Seall cunntas nam brosnachaidhean s nan annsachdan";
"preferences.status-word" = "Facal puist";
"" = "Gnìomhach";
"filters.expired" = "Thàinig e gu crìoch";
"filter.add-new" = "Cuir criathrag ùr ris";
"filter.edit" = "Deasaich a chriathrag";
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "Facal no abairt-luirg";
"filter.never-expires" = "Buan";
"filter.expire-after" = "Thig e gu crìoch às dèidh";
"filter.contexts" = "Co-theacsaichean na criathraige";
"filter.irreversible" = "Leig seachad seach falach";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "Thèid postaichean criathraichte a-mach à sealladh gu buan fiù s ma bheir thu a chriathrag air falbh uaireigin eile";
"filter.whole-word" = "Facal slàn";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "Mur eil ach litrichean is àireamhan san fhacal-luirg, cha dèid a chur an sàs ach ma bhios e a maidseadh an fhacail shlàin";
"" = "Sàbhail na dhatharraich thu";
"filter.context.home" = "Loidhne-ama na dachaighe";
"filter.context.notifications" = "Brathan";
"filter.context.public" = "Loidhnichean-ama poblach";
"filter.context.thread" = "Còmhraidhean";
"filter.context.account" = "Pròifilean";
"filter.context.unknown" = "Co-theacsa nach aithne dhuinn";
"more-results.accounts" = "Barrachd dhaoine";
"" = "Barrachd phostaichean";
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "Barrachd phostaichean";
"more-results.tags" = "Barrachd thagaichean-hais";
"notifications" = "Brathan";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "Bhrosnaich %@ am post agad";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "Chuir %@ am post agad ris na h-annsachdan";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "Lean %@ thu";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "Thàinig cunntas-bheachd sa bhòt thu gu crìoch";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "Thàinig an cunntas-bheachd agad gu crìoch";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "Brath o %@";
"remove" = "Thoir air falbh";
"report" = "Dèan gearan";
"report.additional-comments" = "Beachdan a bharrachd";
"report.hint" = "Thèid do ghearan a chuir gu maoir an fhrithealaiche agad. S urrainn dhut mìneachadh a sholar air carson a tha thu a gearan mun chunntas gu h-ìosal:";
"" = "Dèan gearan mu %@";
"report.forward.hint" = "Chaidh an cunntas a chlàradh air frithealaiche eile. A bheil thu airson lethbhreac dhen ghearan a chur dha-san gun ainm cuideachd?";
"report.forward-%@" = "Sìn air adhart an gearan gu %@";
"" = "Tagh barrachd postaichean gus an cur ris a ghearan:";
"" = "Tagh barrachd postaichean gus an cur ris a ghearan:";
"search.scope.all" = "Na h-uile";
"search.scope.accounts" = "Daoine";
"" = "Postaichean";
"search.scope.statuses.toot" = "Postaichean";
"search.scope.tags" = "Tagaichean hais";
"selected" = "Air a thaghadh";
"send" = "Cuir";
"share" = "Co-roinn";
"" = "Cha deach cunntas a lorg";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "Seall pròifil an ùghdair";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "Seall pròifil an neach a bhrosnaich e";
"status.accessibility.part-of-a-thread" = "Na phàirt de shnàithlean";
"status.bookmark" = "Cuir ris na comharran-lìn";
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "Rabh. susb.";
"status.content-warning.accessibility" = "Rabhadh susbainte";
"status.delete" = "Sguab às";
"" = "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am post seo a sguabadh às?";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am post seo a sguabadh às?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "Sguab às ⁊ dèan dreachd ùr";
"" = "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am post seo a sguabadh às agus dreachd ùr a thòiseachadh? Caillidh tu gach annsachd is brosnachadh air agus thèid freagairtean dhan phost thùsail nan dìlleachdanan.";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am post seo a sguabadh às agus dreachd ùr a thòiseachadh? Caillidh tu gach annsachd is brosnachadh air agus thèid freagairtean dhan phost thùsail nan dìlleachdanan.";
"status.mute" = "Mùch an còmhradh";
"" = "Postaichean ùra";
"" = "Postaichean ùra";
"" = "Prìnich ris a phròifil";
"" = "Post prìnichte";
"status.pinned.toot" = "Post prìnichte";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "Cunntas-bheachd";
"status.poll.option-%ld" = "Roghainn %ld";
"" = "Bhòt";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "%@ air fhàgail";
"status.poll.refresh" = "Ath-nuadhaich";
"status.poll.closed" = "Dùinte";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "Ga bhrosnachadh le %@";
"status.reply-button.accessibility-label" = "Freagair";
"status.reblog-button.accessibility-label" = "Brosnaich";
"status.reblog-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Na brosnaich tuilleadh";
"status.favorite-button.accessibility-label" = "Cuir ris na h-annsachdan";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Thoir air falbh o na h-annsachdan";
"" = "Seall barrachd dheth";
"" = "Seall barrachd dhen a h-uile";
"" = "Seall nas lugha dheth";
"" = "Seall nas lugha dhen a h-uile";
"" = "Seall an snàithlean";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "Sgrìobh an rabhadh agad an-seo";
"status.unbookmark" = "Thoir air falbh o na comharran-leabhair";
"status.unmute" = "Dì-mhùch an còmhradh";
"status.unpin" = "Dì-phrìnich on phròifil";
"status.visibility.public" = "Poblach";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "Falaichte o liostaichean";
"status.visibility.private" = "Luchd-leantainn a-mhàin";
"" = "Dìreach";
"status.visibility.public.description" = "Chì a h-uile duine seo s e ga shealltainn air loidhnichean-ama poblach";
"status.visibility.unlisted.description" = "Chì a h-uile duine seo ach cha dèid a shealltainn air loidhnichean-ama poblach";
"status.visibility.private.description" = "Chan fhaic ach na daoine a tha gad leantainn seo";
"" = "Chan fhaic ach na cleachdaichean le iomradh orra seo";
"tag.accessibility-recent-uses-%ld" = "Chaidh a chleachdadh %ld tura(i)s o chionn ghoirid";
"" = "Seall na postaichean co-cheangailte ris an treand";
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "Seall na postaichean co-cheangailte ris an treand";
"tag.per-week-%ld" = "%ld gach seachdain";
"timelines.home" = "Dachaigh";
"timelines.local" = "Ionadail";
"timelines.federated" = "Co-naisgte";
"toot" = "Postaich";