mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 17:12:41 +00:00
Crowdin updates
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 180 additions and 180 deletions
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
"notifications.mentions" = "Zmínky";
"ok" = "Ok";
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "Váš účet čeká na potvrzení";
"post" = "Přidat příspěvek";
"post" = "Příspěvek";
"preferences" = "Nastavení";
"preferences.app" = "Nastavení aplikace";
"preferences.app-icon" = "Ikona aplikace";
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"about.made-by-metabolist" = "Made by Metabolist";
"about.official-account" = "Offizieller Account";
"about.rate-the-app" = "Die App bewerten";
"about.source-code-and-issue-tracker" = "Quellcode & Fehler Tracker";
"about.source-code-and-issue-tracker" = "Quellcode & Fehler-Tracker";
"about.translations" = "Übersetzungen";
"about.website" = "Webseite";
"accessibility.activate-link-%@" = "Link: %@";
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
"account.accept-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "Folgeanfrage annehmen";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "Hinzufügen/Entfernen aus Listen";
"account.avatar.accessibility-label-%@" = "Avatar: %@";
"account.block" = "Sperren";
"account.block" = "Blockieren";
"account.block-and-report" = "Sperren & melden";
"account.block.confirm-%@" = "Sperre %@?";
"account.block.confirm-%@" = "Möchtest du %@ blockieren?";
"account.blocked" = "Gesperrt";
"account.direct-message" = "Direktnachricht";
"account.domain-block-%@" = "Sperre Domain %@";
@ -25,18 +25,18 @@
"account.domain-unblock.confirm-%@" = "Entsperre Domain %@?";
"account.field.verified-%@" = "Verifiziere %@";
"account.follow" = "Folgen";
"account.following" = "Folgen";
"account.following" = "Folge ich";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld werden gefolgt";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "Gefolgt von %@";
"account.follows-you" = "Folgt dir";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "Banner: %@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "Verstecke Boosts";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "Verstecke Boosts von %@?";
"account.joined-%@" = "%@ beigetreten";
"account.joined-%@" = "Am %@ beigetreten";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "Gesperrter Account";
"account.mute" = "Stumm";
"account.mute" = "Stummschalten";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "Unbegrenzt";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "Bist du sicher das du %@ stummschalten willst?";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "Bist du sicher, dass du %@ stummschalten willst?";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "Dies wird Beiträge von ihnen bzw Beiträge die sie erwähnen ausblenden, aber deine Beiträge können immer noch gesehen werden und sie können dir weiterhin folgen.";
"account.mute.confirm.hide-notifications" = "Mitteilungen von diesem Nutzer ausblenden?";
"account.mute.confirm.duration" = "Dauer";
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
"account.media" = "Medien";
"account.show-reblogs" = "Zeige Boosts";
"account.show-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "Zeige Boosts von %@?";
"account.unavailable" = "Profile nicht verfügbar";
"account.unavailable" = "Profil nicht verfügbar";
"account.unblock" = "Entsperren";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "%@ entsperren?";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "Möchtest du die Blockierung von %@ aufheben?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "%@ entfolgen?";
"account.unmute" = "laut schalten";
"account.unmute" = "Stummschaltung aufheben";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "%@ laut schalten?";
"account.unnotify" = "Mitteilungen ausschalten";
"activity.open-in-default-browser" = "Im Standardbrowser öffnen";
@ -66,24 +66,24 @@
"api-error.unable-to-fetch-remote-status" = "Remote-Status konnte nicht abgerufen werden";
"apns-default-message" = "Neue Mitteilungen";
"app-icon.brutalist" = "Brutalist";
"app-icon.rainbow-brutalist" = "Regenbogen Brutalist";
"app-icon.rainbow-brutalist" = "Regenbogen-Brutalist";
"app-icon.classic" = "Klassisch";
"app-icon.malow" = "Malow";
"app-icon.rainbow" = "Regenbogen";
"add-identity.get-started" = "Jetzt loslegen";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "Instanz URL";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "Instanz-URL";
"add-identity.log-in" = "Einloggen";
"add-identity.browse" = "Durchsuchen";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "Um allen Benutzern ein sicheres Erlebnis zu bieten und die App Store Review Guidelines einzuhalten, wird diese Instanz nicht unterstützt.";
"add-identity.join" = "Beitreten";
"add-identity.prompt" = "Geben Sie die URL der Mastodon-Instanz ein, mit der Sie sich verbinden möchten:";
"add-identity.prompt" = "Gib die URL deiner Mastodon-Instanz ein:";
"add-identity.request-invite" = "Einladung anfordern";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "Verbindung zur Instanz kann nicht hergestellt werden";
"add-identity.welcome" = "Willkommen zu Metatext";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "Verbindung zur Instanz kann nicht hergestellt werden. Überprüfe, ob die Instanz-URL richtig ist und versuche es erneut.";
"add-identity.welcome" = "Willkommen bei Metatext";
"add-identity.what-is-mastodon" = "Was ist Mastodon?";
"attachment.edit.description" = "Beschreiben Sie für Sehbehinderte";
"attachment.edit.description.audio" = "Beschreiben Sie für Menschen mit Hörverlust";
"attachment.edit.description.video" = "Beschreiben Sie für Menschen mit Hör- oder Sehbehinderung";
"attachment.edit.description" = "Beschreibung für sehbehinderte Menschen hinzufügen";
"attachment.edit.description.audio" = "Beschreibung für hörbehinderte Menschen hinzufügen";
"attachment.edit.description.video" = "Beschreibung für seh- oder hörbehinderte Menschen hinzufügen";
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "Text aus Bild erkennen";
"attachment.edit.title" = "Medien bearbeiten";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "Ziehen Sie den Kreis in der Vorschau auf den Punkt, welcher in allen Vorschaubildern sichtbar seinen soll.";
@ -97,11 +97,11 @@
"bookmarks" = "Lesezeichen";
"card.link.accessibility-label" = "Link";
"camera-access.title" = "Kamerazugriff benötigt";
"camera-access.description" = "Öffne Systemeinstellungen um Zugriff auf die Kamera zu erlauben";
"camera-access.open-system-settings" = "Öffne Systemeinstellungen";
"camera-access.description" = "Öffne die Systemeinstellungen, um den Kamerazugriff zu erlauben";
"camera-access.open-system-settings" = "Systemeinstellungen öffnen";
"cancel" = "Abbrechen";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.post" = "Weiteren Beitrag hinzufügen";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "Weiteren toot hinzufügen";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "Weiteren Toot hinzufügen";
"compose.attachment.cancel-upload.accessibility-label" = "Hochladen des Anhangs abbrechen";
"compose.attachment.edit" = "Anhang bearbeiten";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "Anhang entfernen";
@ -143,13 +143,13 @@
"emoji.system-group.objects" = "Objekte";
"emoji.system-group.symbols" = "Symbole";
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "Flaggen";
"explore.trending" = "Jetzt trendend";
"explore.trending" = "Aktuelle Trends";
"explore.instance" = "Instanz";
"explore.profile-directory" = "Profilverzeichnis";
"error" = "Fehler";
"favorites" = "Favoriten";
"follow-requests" = "Anfragen zu Folgen";
"registration.review-terms-of-use-and-privacy-policy-%@" = "Bitte lesen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutzrichtlinie von %@ durch, um fortzufahren";
"registration.review-terms-of-use-and-privacy-policy-%@" = "Bitte lese die Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutzrichtlinie von %@ durch, um fortzufahren";
"registration.username" = "Benutzername";
"registration.email" = "E-Mail";
"registration.password" = "Passwort";
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
"main-navigation.notifications" = "Benachrichtigungen";
"main-navigation.conversations" = "Nachrichten";
"metatext" = "Metatext";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "Profil anschauen";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "Profil anzeigen";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "Eingeloggt als %@";
"notification.new-items" = "Neue Nachricht";
"notification.poll" = "Eine Umfrage, an der Sie teilgenommen haben ist beendet";
@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
"pending.pending-confirmation" = "Ihr Konto ist noch nicht bestätigt";
"post" = "Posten";
"preferences" = "Einstellungen";
"preferences.app" = "App Einstellungen";
"preferences.app-icon" = "App Icon";
"preferences.app" = "App-Einstellungen";
"preferences.app-icon" = "App-Icon";
"preferences.app.color-scheme" = "Erscheinungsbild";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.dark" = "Dunkel";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.light" = "Hell";
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "Heikle ausblenden";
"preferences.expand-media.show-all" = "Alle zeigen";
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "Alle ausblenden";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "Inhaltswarnungen immer erweitern";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "Inhalt trotz Warnung immer anzeigen";
"preferences.filters" = "Filter";
"preferences.links.open-in-default-browser" = "Links im Standardbrowser öffnen";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "Links in anderen Apps öffnen, wenn verfügbar";
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "Erwähnung";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "Umfrage";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "Abonnement";
"preferences.notifications" = "Benachrichtigung";
"preferences.notifications" = "Benachrichtigungen";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "Mit Accountnamen";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "Mit Bildern";
"preferences.notifications.sounds" = "Töne";
@ -249,8 +249,8 @@
"preferences.notifications-position-on-startup" = "Position der Benachrichtigungen beim Start";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "Position merken";
"preferences.position.newest" = "Lade neuste";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "Doppelklick zum antworten";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "Doppelklick zum favorisieren";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "Doppelklick zum Antworten";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "Doppelklick zum Favorisieren";
"preferences.show-reblog-and-favorite-counts" = "Zeige Boosts und Favoriten";
"preferences.status-word" = "Statuswort";
"filters.active" = "Aktiv";
@ -277,10 +277,10 @@
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "Mehr Toots";
"more-results.tags" = "Mehr Hashtags";
"notifications" = "Benachrichtungen";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@ boosteten Ihren Beitrag";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ favorisierten ihren Beitrag";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ folgten ihnen";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "Eine Umfrage, an der Sie teilgenommen haben, wurde beendet";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@ hat deinen Beitrag geboosted";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ hat deinen Beitrag favorisiert";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ folgt dir jetzt";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "Eine Umfrage, an der du teilgenommen hast, wurde beendet";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "Ihre Umfrage ist beendet";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "Benachrichtigung von %@";
"remove" = "Entfernen";
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
"share-extension-error.no-account-found" = "Account nicht gefunden";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "Profil des Autors ansehen";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "Profil von Booster ansehen";
"status.accessibility.part-of-a-thread" = "Teil eines Threads";
"status.accessibility.part-of-a-thread" = "Teil einer Konversation";
"status.bookmark" = "Lesezeichen";
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "IW";
"status.content-warning.accessibility" = "Inhaltswarnung";
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
"status.mute" = "Konversation stumm schalten";
"status.new-items.post" = "Neue Beiträge";
"status.new-items.toot" = "Neue Toots";
"status.pin" = "In Profil anpinnen";
"status.pin" = "Am Profil anpinnen";
"status.pinned.post" = "Gepinnter Post";
"status.pinned.toot" = "Gepinnter Toot";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "Umfrage";
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "%@ übrig";
"status.poll.refresh" = "Neuladen";
"status.poll.closed" = "Geschlossen";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "%@ geboostet";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "%@ hat geboostet";
"status.reply-button.accessibility-label" = "Antworten";
"status.reblog-button.accessibility-label" = "Boosten";
"status.reblog-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "Unboost";
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "Schreiben Sie hier Ihre Warnung";
"status.unbookmark" = "Lesezeichen entfernen";
"status.unmute" = "Konversation nicht mehr stummschalten";
"status.unpin" = "Pin von Profil entfernen";
"status.unpin" = "Nicht mehr anpinnen";
"status.visibility.public" = "Öffentlich";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "Ungelistet";
"status.visibility.private" = "Nur Folgende";
@ -201,10 +201,10 @@
"preferences" = "Paramètres";
"preferences.app" = "Paramètres de l'application";
"preferences.app-icon" = "Icône de l’application";
"preferences.app.color-scheme" = "Appearance";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.dark" = "Dark";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.light" = "Light";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.system" = "System";
"preferences.app.color-scheme" = "Apparence";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.dark" = "Sombre";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.light" = "Luminosité";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.system" = "Système";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Domaines bloqués";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Utilisateur·ices bloqué·es";
"preferences.media" = "Médias";
@ -234,12 +234,12 @@
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "Ouvrir les liens dans d'autres applications lorsque disponible";
"preferences.notification-types" = "Types de notifications";
"preferences.notification-types.follow" = "Abonnement";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "Ajouter aux favoris";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "Ajouté aux favoris";
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "Demande d'abonnement";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "Partager";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "Mentionner";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "Partagé";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "Mentionné";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "Sondage";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "Abonnement";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "Autre notification";
"preferences.notifications" = "Notifications";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "Inclure le nom du compte";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "Inclure les images";
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"tag.accessibility-hint.post" = "Voir les publications associées à la tendance";
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "Voir les pouets associés à la tendance";
"tag.per-week-%ld" = "%ld par semaine";
"timelines.home" = "Accueil";
"timelines.local" = "Locale";
"timelines.federated" = "Fédérées";
"timelines.home" = "Global";
"timelines.local" = "Local";
"timelines.federated" = "Fédéré";
"toot" = "Pouet";
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"account.domain-unblock-%@" = "Dì-bhac an àrainn %@";
"account.domain-unblock.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson an àrainn %@ a dhì-bhacadh?";
"account.field.verified-%@" = "%@ air a dhearbhadh";
"account.follow" = "Lean air";
"account.follow" = "Lean";
"account.following" = "’Ga leantainn";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "Tha %ld ’ga leantainn";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "’Ga leantainn le %@";
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"account.mute" = "Mùch";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "Gun chrìoch";
"account.mute.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson %@ a mhùchadh?";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "Cuiridh seo na postaichean uapa ’s na postaichean a bheir iomradh orra am falach ach chì iad-san na postaichean agad fhathast is faodaidh iad leantainn ort.";
"account.mute.confirm.explanation" = "Cuiridh seo na postaichean uapa ’s na postaichean a bheir iomradh orra am falach ach chì iad-san na postaichean agad fhathast is faodaidh iad ’gad leantainn.";
"account.mute.confirm.hide-notifications" = "A bheil thu airson na brathan fhalach on chleachdaiche seo?";
"account.mute.confirm.duration" = "Faide";
"account.mute.target-%@" = "Mùch %@";
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
"account.unavailable" = "Chan eil a’ phròifil ri làimh";
"account.unblock" = "Dì-bhac";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson %@ a dhì-bhacadh?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson sgur de leantainn air %@?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson sgur de %@ a leantainn?";
"account.unmute" = "Dì-mhùch";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "A bheil thu airson %@ a dhì-mhùchadh?";
"account.unnotify" = "Cuir na brathan dheth";
@ -160,9 +160,9 @@
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "Gabhaidh mi ri riaghailtean an fhrithealaiche ’s teirmichean na seirbheise";
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "Chan eil an dà fhacal-faire co-ionnann";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "Mun aplacaid seo";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "Account Settings";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "Roghainean a’ chunntais";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "Cunntasan";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "Edit Profile";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "Deasaich a’ phroifil";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "Liostaichean";
"secondary-navigation.my-profile" = "A’ phròifil agam";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "Roghainnean";
@ -201,10 +201,10 @@
"preferences" = "Roghainnean";
"preferences.app" = "Roghainnean na h-aplacaide";
"preferences.app-icon" = "Ìomhaigheag na h-aplacaide";
"preferences.app.color-scheme" = "Appearance";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.dark" = "Dark";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.light" = "Light";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.system" = "System";
"preferences.app.color-scheme" = "Coltas";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.dark" = "Dorcha";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.light" = "Soilleir";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.system" = "Siostam";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Àrainnean bacte";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Cleachdaichean bacte";
"preferences.media" = "Meadhanan";
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
"notifications" = "Brathan";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "Bhrosnaich %@ am post agad";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "Chuir %@ am post agad ris na h-annsachdan";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "Lean %@ ort";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "Lean %@ thu";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "Thàinig cunntas-bheachd sa bhòt thu gu crìoch";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "Thàinig an cunntas-bheachd agad gu crìoch";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "Brath o %@";
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
"status.visibility.direct" = "Dìreach";
"status.visibility.public.description" = "Chì a h-uile duine seo ’s e ’ga shealltainn air loidhnichean-ama poblach";
"status.visibility.unlisted.description" = "Chì a h-uile duine seo ach cha dèid a shealltainn air loidhnichean-ama poblach";
"status.visibility.private.description" = "Chan fhaic ach na daoine a tha a’ leantainn ort seo";
"status.visibility.private.description" = "Chan fhaic ach na daoine a tha ’gad leantainn seo";
"status.visibility.direct.description" = "Chan fhaic ach na cleachdaichean le iomradh orra seo";
"tag.accessibility-recent-uses-%ld" = "Chaidh a chleachdadh %ld tura(i)s o chionn ghoirid";
"tag.accessibility-hint.post" = "Seall na postaichean co-cheangailte ris an treand";
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"account.follow" = "팔로우";
"account.following" = "팔로잉";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld 팔로잉";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "%@ 님이 팔로우 중이에요!";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "%@ 님이 팔로우해요";
"account.follows-you" = "나를 팔로우 하고 있어요";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "헤더 이미지: %@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "부스트 숨기기";
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
"account.media" = "미디어";
"account.show-reblogs" = "부스트 표시";
"account.show-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "%@ 님의 부스트를 표시할까요?";
"account.unavailable" = "프로필이 존재하지 않아요";
"account.unavailable" = "존재하지 않는 프로필이에요";
"account.unblock" = "차단 해제";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "%@ 님을 차단 해제할까요?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "%@ 님을 언팔로우 할까요?";
@ -71,12 +71,12 @@
"app-icon.malow" = "마로우";
"app-icon.rainbow" = "레인보우";
"add-identity.get-started" = "시작하기";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "인스턴스 주소";
"add-identity.instance-url" = "인스턴스 URL";
"add-identity.log-in" = "로그인";
"add-identity.browse" = "검색";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "마스토돈의 모든 사용자에게 안전한 경험을 제공하고, App Store 심사 지침을 준수하기 위해 이 인스턴스는 지원되지 않아요.";
"add-identity.instance-not-supported" = "모든 사용자에게 안전한 경험을 제공하고 App Store 심사 지침을 준수하기 위해 이 인스턴스를 지원하지 않습니다.";
"add-identity.join" = "가입";
"add-identity.prompt" = "연결하려는 마스토돈의 인스턴스 주소를 입력해 주세요:";
"add-identity.prompt" = "연결할 마스토돈 인스턴스의 URL을 입력하세요.";
"add-identity.request-invite" = "초대 요청";
"add-identity.unable-to-connect-to-instance" = "인스턴스에 연결할 수 없어요";
"add-identity.welcome" = "Metatext에 오신 것을 환영해요!";
@ -84,13 +84,13 @@
"attachment.edit.description" = "시각 장애인을 위한 설명";
"attachment.edit.description.audio" = "난청이 있는 사용자를 위한 설명";
"attachment.edit.description.video" = "난청 또는 시각 장애인을 위한 설명";
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "사진에서 텍스트 감지";
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "이미지에서 텍스트 추출";
"attachment.edit.title" = "미디어 편집";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "미리 보기에서 원을 드래그해서 항상 표시될 부분을 선택해 주세요";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "표지로 사용될 부분을 설정하기 위해 미리 보기를 클릭하거나 드래그해 초점을 맞춰주세요";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "민감한 콘텐츠";
"attachment.media-hidden" = "숨겨진 미디어";
"attachment.type.image" = "이미지";
"attachment.type.audio" = "음성 파일";
"attachment.type.audio" = "오디오 파일";
"attachment.type.video" = "비디오";
"attachment.type.unknown" = "첨부 파일";
"attachment.unable-to-export-media" = "미디어를 내보낼 수 없어요";
@ -112,15 +112,15 @@
"compose.browse" = "검색";
"compose.characters-remaining-accessibility-label-%ld" = "%ld자 남음";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "다른 계정으로 게시하려면 탭 하세요";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "콘텐츠 경고 추가";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "콘텐츠 경고 제거";
"compose.emoji-button" = "이모지 선택기";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "열람 주의 문구 추가";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "열람 주의 문구 삭제";
"compose.emoji-button" = "에모지 선택기";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "민감한 미디어로 표시";
"compose.photo-library" = "사진 라이브러리";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "복수 선택 허용";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "선택 항목 추가";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "복수 선택이 허용됨";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "선택지 추가";
"compose.poll.allow-multiple-choices" = "복수 선택 허용";
"compose.poll-button.accessibility-label" = "설문 추가";
"compose.poll-button.accessibility-label" = "투표 추가";
"compose.prompt" = "지금 무엇을 하고 있나요?";
"compose.take-photo-or-video" = "사진 또는 비디오 촬영";
"compose.visibility-button.accessibility-label-%@" = "공개 범위: %@";
@ -128,13 +128,13 @@
"compose-button.accessibility-label.toot" = "툿 작성";
"conversation.unread" = "읽지 않음";
"dismiss" = "삭제";
"emoji.custom" = "커스텀";
"emoji.custom" = "사용자화";
"emoji.default-skin-tone" = "기본 피부색";
"emoji.default-skin-tone-button.accessibility-label" = "기본 피부색 선택";
"emoji.frequently-used" = "자주 사용되는 이모지";
"emoji.search" = "이모지 검색";
"emoji.frequently-used" = "자주 사용되는 에모지";
"emoji.search" = "에모지 검색";
"emoji.system-group.smileys-and-emotion" = "웃는 얼굴 및 이모티콘";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "사람";
"emoji.system-group.people-and-body" = "사람 & 신체";
"emoji.system-group.components" = "구성 요소";
"emoji.system-group.animals-and-nature" = "동물 및 자연";
"emoji.system-group.food-and-drink" = "음식 및 음료";
@ -143,27 +143,27 @@
"emoji.system-group.objects" = "사물";
"emoji.system-group.symbols" = "기호";
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "깃발";
"explore.trending" = "지금 뜨고 있는 트렌드";
"explore.trending" = "실시간 트렌드";
"explore.instance" = "인스턴스";
"explore.profile-directory" = "프로필 둘러보기";
"error" = "오류";
"favorites" = "즐겨찾기";
"follow-requests" = "팔로우 요청";
"registration.review-terms-of-use-and-privacy-policy-%@" = "계속하려면 %@의 이용 약관 및 개인정보처리방침을 확인해야 해요";
"registration.review-terms-of-use-and-privacy-policy-%@" = "계속하려면 %@의 이용 약관 및 개인정보처리방침을 확인합니다";
"registration.username" = "유저 이름";
"registration.email" = "이메일";
"registration.password" = "비밀번호";
"registration.password-confirmation" = "비밀번호 확인";
"registration.reason-%@" = "%@에 가입하려는 이유는 무엇인가요?";
"registration.server-rules" = "서버 규칙";
"registration.terms-of-service" = "개인정보처리방침";
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "서버 규칙 및 개인정보처리방침에 동의해요";
"registration.terms-of-service" = "서비스 이용약관";
"registration.agree-to-server-rules-and-terms-of-service" = "서버 규칙과 서비스 이용약관에 동의합니다";
"registration.password-confirmation-mismatch" = "입력한 비밀번호가 일치하지 않아요";
"secondary-navigation.about" = "이 앱에 대해서";
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "계정 설정";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "계정";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "프로필 편집";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "목록";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "리스트";
"secondary-navigation.my-profile" = "내 프로필";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "설정";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "계정 메뉴";
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
"identities.log-out" = "로그아웃";
"identities.pending" = "보류 중";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "이미지를 불러올 수 없어요";
"lists.new-list-title" = "새 목록 타이틀";
"lists.new-list-title" = "새 리스트 제목";
"load-more" = "더 보기";
"load-more.above.accessibility.post" = "위의 게시글에서 불러오기";
"load-more.above.accessibility.toot" = "위의 툿에서 불러오기";
@ -187,12 +187,12 @@
"main-navigation.conversations" = "메시지";
"metatext" = "Metatext";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "프로필 보기";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "%@(으)로 로그인";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "%@ 계정으로 로그인함";
"notification.new-items" = "새 알림";
"notification.poll" = "투표한 설문이 종료되었어요";
"notification.poll.own" = "내 설문이 종료되었어요";
"notification.poll" = "내가 참여한 투표가 끝났습니다";
"notification.poll.own" = "내 투표가 끝났습니다";
"notification.poll.unknown" = "설문이 종료되었어요";
"notification.status-%@" = "%@ 님이 방금 막 포스트 했어요";
"notification.status-%@" = "%@ 님이 게시글을 올렸어요";
"notifications.all" = "모두";
"notifications.mentions" = "멘션";
"ok" = "확인";
@ -201,10 +201,10 @@
"preferences" = "설정";
"preferences.app" = "앱 설정";
"preferences.app-icon" = "앱 아이콘";
"preferences.app.color-scheme" = "Appearance";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.dark" = "Dark";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.light" = "Light";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.system" = "System";
"preferences.app.color-scheme" = "화면 스타일";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.dark" = "다크 모드";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.light" = "라이트 모드";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.system" = "기기 설정을 따름";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "차단된 도메인";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "차단된 사용자";
"preferences.media" = "미디어";
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
"preferences.media.avatars.animate.everywhere" = "항상";
"preferences.media.avatars.animate.profiles" = "프로필을 볼 때만";
"preferences.media.avatars.animate.never" = "안 함";
"preferences.media.custom-emojis.animate" = "움직이는 커스텀 이모지";
"preferences.media.custom-emojis.animate" = "움직이는 커스텀 에모지";
"preferences.media.headers.animate" = "움직이는 프로필 헤더";
"preferences.media.autoplay" = "자동 재생";
"preferences.media.autoplay.gifs" = "GIF 자동 재생";
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
"preferences.media.autoplay.never" = "안 함";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "서버의 기본 설정 사용";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "기본 공개 범위";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "민감한 미디어로 기본 설정";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "민감한 콘텐츠로 기본 설정";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "미디어 표시";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "민감한 미디어 숨기기";
"preferences.expand-media.show-all" = "모두 보기";
@ -238,8 +238,8 @@
"preferences.notification-types.follow-request" = "팔로우 요청";
"preferences.notification-types.reblog" = "부스트";
"preferences.notification-types.mention" = "멘션";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "설문";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "새 글 알림";
"preferences.notification-types.poll" = "투표";
"preferences.notification-types.status" = "구독";
"preferences.notifications" = "알림";
"preferences.notifications.include-account-name" = "계정 이름 포함";
"preferences.notifications.include-pictures" = "이미지 포함";
@ -247,14 +247,14 @@
"preferences.muted-users" = "뮤트된 사용자";
"preferences.home-timeline-position-on-startup" = "앱을 실행할 때 타임라인 위치";
"preferences.notifications-position-on-startup" = "앱을 실행할 때 알림 위치";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "현재 위치 기억";
"preferences.position.remember-position" = "위치 기억하기";
"preferences.position.newest" = "최신 항목 불러오기";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-reblog" = "두 번 탭 해서 부스트";
"preferences.require-double-tap-to-favorite" = "두 번 탭 해서 즐겨찾기";
"preferences.show-reblog-and-favorite-counts" = "부스트 및 즐겨찾기 수 표시";
"preferences.status-word" = "상태를 나타내는 말";
"filters.active" = "활성화";
"filters.expired" = "만료된 필터";
"filters.expired" = "만료됨";
"filter.add-new" = "새 필터 추가";
"filter.edit" = "필터 편집";
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "키워드 또는 문구";
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
"filter.expire-after" = "만료 기한";
"filter.contexts" = "필터 적용 대상";
"filter.irreversible" = "숨기는 대신 삭제";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "필터링 된 툿은 나중에 필터를 제거해도 돌아오지 않아요";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "필터링 된 게시물은 나중에 필터를 제거해도 돌아오지 않게 됩니다";
"filter.whole-word" = "단어 전체에 매칭";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "키워드 또는 문구가 영문과 숫자로만 이루어졌다면, 단어 전체가 일치할 때에만 작동해요";
"filter.save-changes" = "변경 사항 저장";
@ -272,26 +272,26 @@
"filter.context.thread" = "대화";
"filter.context.account" = "프로필";
"filter.context.unknown" = "알 수 없는 컨텍스트";
"more-results.accounts" = "더 많은 유저 표시";
"more-results.statuses.post" = "게시글 더 보기";
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "툿 더 보기";
"more-results.tags" = "해시 태그 더 보기";
"more-results.accounts" = "더 많은 사용자 보기";
"more-results.statuses.post" = "더 많은 게시물 보기";
"more-results.statuses.toot" = "더 많은 툿 보기";
"more-results.tags" = "더 많은 해시태그 보기";
"notifications" = "알림";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@ 님이 부스트 했어요";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ 님이 즐겨찾기 했어요";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ 님이 나를 팔로우하고 있어요!";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ 님이 나를 팔로우 합니다";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "투표한 설문이 종료되었어요";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "내 설문이 종료되었어요";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "%@ 님이 보낸 알림이 도착했어요";
"remove" = "제거";
"report" = "신고";
"report.additional-comments" = "답글 추가";
"report.hint" = "신고 내용은 서버 중재자에게 전송돼요. 아래에 신고 사유를 입력해주세요:";
"report.hint" = "신고 내용은 나의 서버 중재자에게 전송됩니다. 아래에 신고 사유를 입력할 수 있어요.";
"report.target-%@" = "%@ 님 신고하기";
"report.forward.hint" = "이 계정은 다른 서버에 소속되어 있어요. 신고 내용을 익명으로 전송할까요?";
"report.forward.hint" = "이 계정은 다른 서버 소속입니다. 해당 서버에 익명으로 신고 내용을 전송할까요?";
"report.forward-%@" = "%@ 에 전달";
"report.select-additional.hint.post" = "신고할 게시글 추가";
"report.select-additional.hint.toot" = "신고할 툿 추가:";
"report.select-additional.hint.toot" = "신고할 툿 추가";
"search.scope.all" = "모두";
"search.scope.accounts" = "유저";
"search.scope.statuses.post" = "게시글";
@ -308,21 +308,21 @@
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "CW";
"status.content-warning.accessibility" = "콘텐츠 경고";
"status.delete" = "삭제";
"status.delete.confirm.post" = "정말 이 게시글을 삭제하시겠어요?";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "정말 이 툿을 삭제해도 될까요?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "지우고 다시 쓰기";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.post" = "게시글을 지우고 다시 작성하면 이전에 받은 부스트와 즐겨찾기는 삭제되고 답글은 분리돼요. 그래도 진행할까요?";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "툿을 지우고 다시 작성하면 이전에 받은 부스트와 즐겨찾기는 삭제되고 답글은 분리돼요. 그래도 진행할까요?";
"status.delete.confirm.post" = "이 게시글을 삭제할까요?";
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "이 툿을 삭제할까요?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "삭제하고 다시 쓰기";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.post" = "게시글을 삭제하고 다시 쓰면 즐겨찾기와 부스트가 삭제되고 답글이 분리됩니다. 그래도 진행할까요?";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "툿을 삭제하고 다시 쓰면 즐겨찾기와 부스트가 삭제되고 답글이 분리됩니다. 그래도 진행할까요?";
"status.mute" = "대화 뮤트";
"status.new-items.post" = "새로운 글이 있어요!";
"status.new-items.post" = "새 게시글";
"status.new-items.toot" = "새 툿이 있어요!";
"status.pin" = "프로필에 고정하기";
"status.pin" = "프로필에 고정";
"status.pinned.post" = "고정된 게시글";
"status.pinned.toot" = "고정된 툿";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "설문";
"status.poll.option-%ld" = "옵션 %ld";
"status.poll.vote" = "투표";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "%@ 남음";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "나머지 %@";
"status.poll.refresh" = "다시 불러오기";
"status.poll.closed" = "마감됨";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "%@ 님이 부스트 했어요";
@ -330,19 +330,19 @@
"status.reblog-button.accessibility-label" = "부스트 하기";
"status.reblog-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "부스트 취소";
"status.favorite-button.accessibility-label" = "즐겨찾기 등록";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "즐겨찾기 해제";
"status.favorite-button.undo.accessibility-label" = "즐겨찾기에서 제거";
"status.show-more" = "펼치기";
"status.show-more-all-button.accessibilty-label" = "모든 항목 펼치기";
"status.show-more-all-button.accessibilty-label" = "모두 펼치기";
"status.show-less" = "접기";
"status.show-less-all-button.accessibilty-label" = "모든 항목 접기";
"status.show-thread" = "스레드 보기";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "경고 문구는 여기에 작성해요";
"status.unbookmark" = "북마크 해제";
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "여기에 주의사항을 적어주세요";
"status.unbookmark" = "북마크에서 제거";
"status.unmute" = "대화 뮤트 해제";
"status.unpin" = "프로필에서 고정 해제";
"status.visibility.public" = "공개";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "타임라인에 비표시";
"status.visibility.private" = "비공개";
"status.visibility.private" = "팔로워만";
"status.visibility.direct" = "다이렉트";
"status.visibility.public.description" = "누구나 볼 수 있고, 연합 타임라인에 표시돼요";
"status.visibility.unlisted.description" = "누구나 볼 수 있지만, 연합 타임라인에는 표시되지 않아요";
@ -355,4 +355,4 @@
"timelines.home" = "홈";
"timelines.local" = "로컬";
"timelines.federated" = "연합";
"toot" = "툿!";
"toot" = "툿";
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<string>%ld님이 입력하고 있어요</string>
<string>%ld명이 말하고 있어요</string>
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
<string>%ld개의 답글</string>
<string>%ld 답글</string>
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
<string>%ld개의 게시글</string>
<string>%ld 게시글</string>
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
<string>%ld개의 툿</string>
<string>%ld 툿</string>
@ -201,10 +201,10 @@
"preferences" = "Właściwości";
"preferences.app" = "Ustawienia aplikacji";
"preferences.app-icon" = "Ikona aplikacji";
"preferences.app.color-scheme" = "Appearance";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.dark" = "Dark";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.light" = "Light";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.system" = "System";
"preferences.app.color-scheme" = "Motyw";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.dark" = "Ciemny";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.light" = "Jasny";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.system" = "Systemowy";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "Zablokowane domeny";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "Zablokowane profile";
"preferences.media" = "Media";
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
"status.poll.option-%ld" = "Opcja %ld";
"status.poll.vote" = "Głosuj";
"status.poll.time-left-%@" = "%@ zostało";
"status.poll.refresh" = "Odświerz";
"status.poll.refresh" = "Odśwież";
"status.poll.closed" = "Zakończona";
"status.reblogged-by-%@" = "%@ podbił/a";
"status.reply-button.accessibility-label" = "Odpowiedz";
@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
"account.following" = "Подписки";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld подписан";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "Подписаны %@";
"account.follows-you" = "Подписан(-а) на вас";
"account.follows-you" = "Подписался(-ась) на вас";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "Изображение заголовка: %@";
"account.hide-reblogs" = "Скрыть продвижения";
"account.hide-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "Скрыть продвижения от %@?";
"account.joined-%@" = "В сети с %@";
"account.joined-%@" = "Присоединился(ась) %@";
"account.locked.accessibility-label" = "Закрытый аккаунт";
"account.mute" = "Игнорировать";
"account.mute.indefinite" = "Бессрочный";
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"account.request" = "Запрос";
"account.request.cancel" = "Отменить запрос на подписку";
"account.statuses.post" = "Посты";
"account.statuses.toot" = "Туты";
"account.statuses.toot" = "Посты";
"account.statuses-and-replies.post" = "Посты и ответы";
"account.statuses-and-replies.toot" = "Туты и ответы";
"account.media" = "Медиафайлы";
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
"attachment.edit.detect-text-from-picture" = "Обнаружить текст на изображении";
"attachment.edit.title" = "Редактировать медиафайлы";
"attachment.edit.thumbnail.prompt" = "Для установки точки фокусировки во всех миниатюрах, переместите круг в области предварительного просмотра";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "Деликатный контент";
"attachment.sensitive-content" = "Чувствительный контент";
"attachment.media-hidden" = "Медиафайлы скрыты";
"attachment.type.image" = "Изображение";
"attachment.type.audio" = "Аудиозапись";
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "Добавить предупреждение о деликатном содержимом";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "Удалить предупреждение о деликатном содержимом";
"compose.emoji-button" = "Выбор эмодзи";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "Пометить медиафайлы как деликатные";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "Пометить медиафайлы как чувствительные";
"compose.photo-library" = "Медиатека Фото";
"compose.poll.accessibility.multiple-choices-allowed" = "Разрешить выбор нескольких вариантов";
"compose.poll.add-choice" = "Добавить вариант";
@ -219,13 +219,13 @@
"preferences.media.autoplay.gifs" = "Автовоспроизведение GIF";
"preferences.media.autoplay.videos" = "Автовоспроизведение видео";
"preferences.media.autoplay.always" = "Всегда";
"preferences.media.autoplay.wifi" = "При Wi-Fi подключении";
"preferences.media.autoplay.wifi" = "При подключении Wi-Fi";
"preferences.media.autoplay.never" = "Никогда";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "Использовать настройки сервера";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "Видимость по умолчанию";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "Помечать контент деликатным по умолчанию";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "Развернуть медиафайлы";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "Скрыть деликатные";
"preferences.expand-media.default" = "Скрыть чувствительные";
"preferences.expand-media.show-all" = "Показать всё";
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "Скрыть всё";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "Всегда показывать деликатный контент";
@ -278,13 +278,13 @@
"more-results.tags" = "Больше хештегов";
"notifications" = "Уведомления";
"notifications.reblogged-your-status-%@" = "%@ продвинул(-а) ваш статус";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ добавил(-а) ваш статус в избранное";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ подписался(-ась) на вас";
"notifications.favourited-your-status-%@" = "%@ добавил ваш статус в избранное";
"notifications.followed-you-%@" = "%@ подписался на вас";
"notifications.poll-ended" = "Опрос, в котором вы проголосовали, завершён";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "Ваш опрос завершён";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "Уведомление от %@";
"remove" = "Удалить";
"report" = "Пожаловаться";
"report" = "Жалоба";
"report.additional-comments" = "Дополнительный комментарий";
"report.hint" = "Отчёт будет отправлен модераторам вашего сервера. Вы можете объяснить, почему вы сообщаете об этом ниже:";
"report.target-%@" = "Пожаловаться на %@";
@ -312,10 +312,10 @@
"status.delete.confirm.toot" = "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот тут?";
"status.delete-and-redraft" = "Удалить и переписать";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.post" = "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот пост и переписать его? Добавления в избранное и продвижения будут утеряны, а ответы на оригинальную запись осиротеют.";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот тут и переписать его? Добавления в избранное и продвижения будут утеряны, а ответы на оригинальную запись осиротеют.";
"status.delete-and-redraft.confirm.toot" = "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот пост и переписать его? Добавления в избранное и продвижения будут утеряны, а ответы на оригинальную запись осиротеют.";
"status.mute" = "Заглушить диалог";
"status.new-items.post" = "Новые записи";
"status.new-items.toot" = "Новые туты";
"status.new-items.toot" = "Новые записи";
"status.pin" = "Закрепить в профиле";
"status.pinned.post" = "Закреплённый пост";
"status.pinned.toot" = "Закреплённый тут";
@ -355,4 +355,4 @@
"timelines.home" = "Главная";
"timelines.local" = "Локальная";
"timelines.federated" = "Глобальная";
"toot" = "Тут";
"toot" = "Отправить";
@ -201,10 +201,10 @@
"preferences" = "偏好设置";
"preferences.app" = "应用偏好设置";
"preferences.app-icon" = "应用图标";
"preferences.app.color-scheme" = "Appearance";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.dark" = "Dark";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.light" = "Light";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.system" = "System";
"preferences.app.color-scheme" = "外观";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.dark" = "暗色";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.light" = "亮色";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.system" = "跟随系统";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "已屏蔽的域名";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "已屏蔽的用户";
"preferences.media" = "媒体";
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
"about.website" = "網址";
"accessibility.activate-link-%@" = "連結:%@";
"accessibility.copy-text" = "複製文字";
"account.%@-followers" = "%@ 的關注者";
"account.%@-followers" = "%@ 位關注者";
"account.accept-follow-request-button.accessibility-label" = "接受關注請求";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "從名單中添加/移除";
"account.add-remove-lists" = "從列表中新增/刪除";
"account.avatar.accessibility-label-%@" = "大頭貼:%@";
"account.block" = "封鎖";
"account.block-and-report" = "封鎖並檢舉";
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"account.field.verified-%@" = "已驗證 %@";
"account.follow" = "關注";
"account.following" = "已關注";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "被 %ld 人關注";
"account.following-count-%ld" = "%ld 個關注";
"account.followed-by-%@" = "%@ 關注了您";
"account.follows-you" = "關注了您";
"account.header.accessibility-label-%@" = "頁面頂端圖片:%@";
@ -53,14 +53,14 @@
"account.media" = "媒體";
"account.show-reblogs" = "顯示轉嘟";
"account.show-reblogs.confirm-%@" = "要顯示來自 %@ 的轉嘟嗎?";
"account.unavailable" = "個人資料無法使用";
"account.unavailable" = "個人檔案無法使用";
"account.unblock" = "解除封鎖";
"account.unblock.confirm-%@" = "要解除對 %@ 的封鎖嗎?";
"account.unfollow.confirm-%@" = "要取消關注 %@ 嗎?";
"account.unmute" = "解除靜音";
"account.unmute.confirm-%@" = "要解除對 %@ 的靜音嗎?";
"account.unnotify" = "關閉通知";
"activity.open-in-default-browser" = "使用預設的瀏覽器打開";
"activity.open-in-default-browser" = "使用預設的瀏覽器開啟";
"add" = "新增";
"announcement.insert-emoji" = "加入表情符號";
"api-error.unable-to-fetch-remote-status" = "無法獲取遠程狀態";
@ -97,14 +97,14 @@
"bookmarks" = "書籤";
"card.link.accessibility-label" = "連結";
"camera-access.title" = "需要相機的使用權限";
"camera-access.description" = "打開系統設定允許 Metatext 使用您的相機";
"camera-access.open-system-settings" = "打開系統設定";
"camera-access.description" = "開啟系統設定允許 Metatext 使用您的相機";
"camera-access.open-system-settings" = "開啟系統設定";
"cancel" = "取消";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.post" = "新增另一篇嘟文";
"compose.add-button-accessibility-label.toot" = "新增另一篇嘟文";
"compose.attachment.cancel-upload.accessibility-label" = "取消上傳附件";
"compose.attachment.edit" = "編輯附件";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "移除附件";
"compose.attachment.remove" = "刪除附件";
"compose.attachment.uncaptioned" = "無標題";
"compose.attachment.uploading" = "上傳中";
"compose.attachments-button.accessibility-label" = "新增附件";
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
"compose.characters-remaining-accessibility-label-%ld" = "剩餘 %ld 個字";
"compose.change-identity-button.accessibility-hint" = "點擊使用另一個帳號發佈";
"compose.content-warning-button.add" = "新增警告訊息";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "移除警告訊息";
"compose.content-warning-button.remove" = "刪除警告訊息";
"compose.emoji-button" = "表情符號選擇器";
"compose.mark-media-sensitive" = "標記媒體為敏感內容";
"compose.photo-library" = "照片圖庫";
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
"emoji.system-group.flags" = "旗幟";
"explore.trending" = "當前趨勢";
"explore.instance" = "伺服器";
"explore.profile-directory" = "個人資料目錄";
"explore.profile-directory" = "個人檔案目錄";
"error" = "錯誤";
"favorites" = "收藏";
"follow-requests" = "關注請求";
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
"secondary-navigation.account-settings" = "帳號設定";
"secondary-navigation.accounts" = "帳戶";
"secondary-navigation.edit-profile" = "編輯個人檔案";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "名單";
"secondary-navigation.lists" = "列表";
"secondary-navigation.my-profile" = "我的個人資料";
"secondary-navigation.preferences" = "偏好設定";
"secondary-navigation-button.accessibility-title" = "帳戶列表";
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
"identities.log-out" = "登出";
"identities.pending" = "等待中";
"image-error.unable-to-load" = "無法載入圖片";
"lists.new-list-title" = "新名單標題";
"lists.new-list-title" = "新列表標題";
"load-more" = "載入更多";
"load-more.above.accessibility.post" = "從最上面的嘟文開始讀取";
"load-more.above.accessibility.toot" = "從最上面的嘟文開始讀取";
@ -183,10 +183,10 @@
"main-navigation.announcements" = "公告";
"main-navigation.timelines" = "時間軸";
"main-navigation.explore" = "探索";
"main-navigation.notifications" = "隱藏來自這位使用者的通知?";
"main-navigation.notifications" = "通知";
"main-navigation.conversations" = "私訊";
"metatext" = "Metatext";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "查看個人資料";
"notification.accessibility.view-profile" = "查看個人檔案";
"notification.signed-in-as-%@" = "%@ 已登入";
"notification.new-items" = "新通知";
"notification.poll" = "您參與過的投票已結束";
@ -201,27 +201,27 @@
"preferences" = "偏好設定";
"preferences.app" = "偏好設定";
"preferences.app-icon" = "應用程式圖標";
"preferences.app.color-scheme" = "Appearance";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.dark" = "Dark";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.light" = "Light";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.system" = "System";
"preferences.app.color-scheme" = "外觀";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.dark" = "暗色";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.light" = "亮色";
"preferences.app.color-scheme.system" = "系統";
"preferences.blocked-domains" = "已封鎖的網域";
"preferences.blocked-users" = "已封鎖的用戶";
"preferences.media" = "媒體";
"preferences.media.avatars" = "大頭貼";
"preferences.media.avatars.animate" = "播放動態大頭貼";
"preferences.media.avatars.animate.everywhere" = "所有位置";
"preferences.media.avatars.animate.profiles" = "在個人資料中";
"preferences.media.avatars.animate.profiles" = "在個人檔案中";
"preferences.media.avatars.animate.never" = "永不顯示";
"preferences.media.custom-emojis.animate" = "播放自訂表情動畫";
"preferences.media.headers.animate" = "播放個人資料頁面頂端動畫";
"preferences.media.headers.animate" = "播放個人檔案頁面頂端動畫";
"preferences.media.autoplay" = "自動播放";
"preferences.media.autoplay.gifs" = "自動播放 GIF 動畫";
"preferences.media.autoplay.videos" = "自動播放影片";
"preferences.media.autoplay.always" = "總是";
"preferences.media.autoplay.wifi" = "使用 Wi-Fi 網路時";
"preferences.media.autoplay.never" = "永不";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "使用來自服務器的預設選項";
"preferences.use-preferences-from-server" = "使用伺服器的預設選項";
"preferences.posting-default-visiblility" = "嘟文可見範圍";
"preferences.posting-default-sensitive" = "總是將媒體標記為敏感內容";
"preferences.reading-expand-media" = "顯示媒體內容";
@ -230,8 +230,8 @@
"preferences.expand-media.hide-all" = "隱藏全部";
"preferences.reading-expand-spoilers" = "總是顯示標為敏感的媒體";
"preferences.filters" = "篩選器";
"preferences.links.open-in-default-browser" = "使用預設的瀏覽器打開連結";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "使用已安裝的應用程式打開連結";
"preferences.links.open-in-default-browser" = "使用預設的瀏覽器開啟連結";
"preferences.links.use-universal-links" = "在其他應用程式中開啟連結";
"preferences.notification-types" = "通知類型";
"preferences.notification-types.follow" = "關注";
"preferences.notification-types.favourite" = "最愛";
@ -260,9 +260,9 @@
"filter.keyword-or-phrase" = "關鍵字或片語";
"filter.never-expires" = "永不過期";
"filter.expire-after" = "失效時間";
"filter.contexts" = "過濾情境";
"filter.contexts" = "篩選上下文...";
"filter.irreversible" = "放棄而非隱藏";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "即使移除篩選器,已被過濾的狀態依然會消失。";
"filter.irreversible-explanation" = "已篩選的嘟文將會不可逆地消失,即便之後刪除過濾器也一樣";
"filter.whole-word" = "整個詞彙";
"filter.whole-word-explanation" = "如果關鍵字或詞組僅有字母與數字,則其將只在符合整個單字時才會套用";
"filter.save-changes" = "儲存修改";
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
"filter.context.notifications" = "通知";
"filter.context.public" = "公開時間軸";
"filter.context.thread" = "會話";
"filter.context.account" = "個人資料";
"filter.context.account" = "個人檔案";
"filter.context.unknown" = "未知情境";
"more-results.accounts" = "更多使用者";
"more-results.statuses.post" = "更多嘟文";
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
"notifications.poll-ended" = "您參與過的投票已結束";
"notifications.your-poll-ended" = "您發起的投票已結束";
"notifications.unknown-%@" = "來自 %@ 的通知";
"remove" = "移除";
"remove" = "刪除 ";
"report" = "檢舉";
"report.additional-comments" = "補充評論";
"report.hint" = "這項訊息會發送到您伺服器的管理員。您可以提供檢舉這個帳戶的原因:";
@ -301,8 +301,8 @@
"send" = "發送";
"share" = "分享";
"share-extension-error.no-account-found" = "未找到帳戶";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "查看作者的個人資料";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "查看轉嘟者的個人資料";
"status.accessibility.view-author-profile" = "查看作者的個人檔案";
"status.accessibility.view-reblogger-profile" = "查看轉嘟者的個人檔案";
"status.accessibility.part-of-a-thread" = "討論串的其中一部分";
"status.bookmark" = "書籤";
"status.content-warning-abbreviation" = "CW";
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
"status.mute" = "靜音對話";
"status.new-items.post" = "新嘟文";
"status.new-items.toot" = "新嘟文";
"status.pin" = "釘選到個人資料頁";
"status.pin" = "釘選到個人檔案";
"status.pinned.post" = "釘選的嘟文";
"status.pinned.toot" = "釘選的嘟文";
"status.poll.accessibility-label" = "投票";
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
"status.spoiler-text-placeholder" = "請在此處寫入警告訊息";
"status.unbookmark" = "移除書籤";
"status.unmute" = "解除此對話的靜音";
"status.unpin" = "從個人頁面解除釘選";
"status.unpin" = "從個人檔案解除釘選";
"status.visibility.public" = "公開";
"status.visibility.unlisted" = "不公開";
"status.visibility.private" = "僅關注者";
@ -353,6 +353,6 @@
"tag.accessibility-hint.toot" = "查看與趨勢相關的嘟文";
"tag.per-week-%ld" = "每週 %ld 次";
"timelines.home" = "首頁";
"timelines.local" = "本機";
"timelines.local" = "本站";
"timelines.federated" = "聯邦宇宙";
"toot" = "嘟出去";
Reference in a new issue