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synced 2025-03-22 11:22:39 +00:00
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347 lines
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use super::*;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct CreateComment {
content: String,
parent_id: Option<i32>,
edit_id: Option<i32>,
pub post_id: i32,
auth: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct EditComment {
content: String,
parent_id: Option<i32>,
edit_id: i32,
creator_id: i32,
pub post_id: i32,
removed: Option<bool>,
deleted: Option<bool>,
reason: Option<String>,
read: Option<bool>,
auth: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SaveComment {
comment_id: i32,
save: bool,
auth: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct CommentResponse {
op: String,
pub comment: CommentView,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct CreateCommentLike {
comment_id: i32,
pub post_id: i32,
score: i16,
auth: String,
impl Perform<CommentResponse> for Oper<CreateComment> {
fn perform(&self) -> Result<CommentResponse, Error> {
let data: &CreateComment = &self.data;
let conn = establish_connection();
let claims = match Claims::decode(&data.auth) {
Ok(claims) => claims.claims,
Err(_e) => return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "not_logged_in"))?,
let user_id = claims.id;
// Check for a community ban
let post = Post::read(&conn, data.post_id)?;
if CommunityUserBanView::get(&conn, user_id, post.community_id).is_ok() {
return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "community_ban"))?;
// Check for a site ban
if UserView::read(&conn, user_id)?.banned {
return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "site_ban"))?;
let content_slurs_removed = remove_slurs(&data.content.to_owned());
let comment_form = CommentForm {
content: content_slurs_removed,
parent_id: data.parent_id.to_owned(),
post_id: data.post_id,
creator_id: user_id,
removed: None,
deleted: None,
read: None,
updated: None,
let inserted_comment = match Comment::create(&conn, &comment_form) {
Ok(comment) => comment,
Err(_e) => return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "couldnt_create_comment"))?,
// Scan the comment for user mentions, add those rows
let extracted_usernames = extract_usernames(&comment_form.content);
for username_mention in &extracted_usernames {
let mention_user = User_::read_from_name(&conn, username_mention.to_string());
if mention_user.is_ok() {
let mention_user_id = mention_user?.id;
// You can't mention yourself
// At some point, make it so you can't tag the parent creator either
// This can cause two notifications, one for reply and the other for mention
if mention_user_id != user_id {
let user_mention_form = UserMentionForm {
recipient_id: mention_user_id,
comment_id: inserted_comment.id,
read: None,
// Allow this to fail softly, since comment edits might re-update or replace it
// Let the uniqueness handle this fail
match UserMention::create(&conn, &user_mention_form) {
Ok(_mention) => (),
Err(_e) => eprintln!("{}", &_e),
// You like your own comment by default
let like_form = CommentLikeForm {
comment_id: inserted_comment.id,
post_id: data.post_id,
score: 1,
let _inserted_like = match CommentLike::like(&conn, &like_form) {
Ok(like) => like,
Err(_e) => return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "couldnt_like_comment"))?,
let comment_view = CommentView::read(&conn, inserted_comment.id, Some(user_id))?;
Ok(CommentResponse {
op: self.op.to_string(),
comment: comment_view,
impl Perform<CommentResponse> for Oper<EditComment> {
fn perform(&self) -> Result<CommentResponse, Error> {
let data: &EditComment = &self.data;
let conn = establish_connection();
let claims = match Claims::decode(&data.auth) {
Ok(claims) => claims.claims,
Err(_e) => return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "not_logged_in"))?,
let user_id = claims.id;
let orig_comment = CommentView::read(&conn, data.edit_id, None)?;
// You are allowed to mark the comment as read even if you're banned.
if data.read.is_none() {
// Verify its the creator or a mod, or an admin
let mut editors: Vec<i32> = vec![data.creator_id];
&mut CommunityModeratorView::for_community(&conn, orig_comment.community_id)?
.map(|m| m.user_id)
editors.append(&mut UserView::admins(&conn)?.into_iter().map(|a| a.id).collect());
if !editors.contains(&user_id) {
return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "no_comment_edit_allowed"))?;
// Check for a community ban
if CommunityUserBanView::get(&conn, user_id, orig_comment.community_id).is_ok() {
return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "community_ban"))?;
// Check for a site ban
if UserView::read(&conn, user_id)?.banned {
return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "site_ban"))?;
let content_slurs_removed = remove_slurs(&data.content.to_owned());
let comment_form = CommentForm {
content: content_slurs_removed,
parent_id: data.parent_id,
post_id: data.post_id,
creator_id: data.creator_id,
removed: data.removed.to_owned(),
deleted: data.deleted.to_owned(),
read: data.read.to_owned(),
updated: if data.read.is_some() {
} else {
let _updated_comment = match Comment::update(&conn, data.edit_id, &comment_form) {
Ok(comment) => comment,
Err(_e) => return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "couldnt_update_comment"))?,
// Scan the comment for user mentions, add those rows
let extracted_usernames = extract_usernames(&comment_form.content);
for username_mention in &extracted_usernames {
let mention_user = User_::read_from_name(&conn, username_mention.to_string());
if mention_user.is_ok() {
let mention_user_id = mention_user?.id;
// You can't mention yourself
// At some point, make it so you can't tag the parent creator either
// This can cause two notifications, one for reply and the other for mention
if mention_user_id != user_id {
let user_mention_form = UserMentionForm {
recipient_id: mention_user_id,
comment_id: data.edit_id,
read: None,
// Allow this to fail softly, since comment edits might re-update or replace it
// Let the uniqueness handle this fail
match UserMention::create(&conn, &user_mention_form) {
Ok(_mention) => (),
Err(_e) => eprintln!("{}", &_e),
// Mod tables
if let Some(removed) = data.removed.to_owned() {
let form = ModRemoveCommentForm {
mod_user_id: user_id,
comment_id: data.edit_id,
removed: Some(removed),
reason: data.reason.to_owned(),
ModRemoveComment::create(&conn, &form)?;
let comment_view = CommentView::read(&conn, data.edit_id, Some(user_id))?;
Ok(CommentResponse {
op: self.op.to_string(),
comment: comment_view,
impl Perform<CommentResponse> for Oper<SaveComment> {
fn perform(&self) -> Result<CommentResponse, Error> {
let data: &SaveComment = &self.data;
let conn = establish_connection();
let claims = match Claims::decode(&data.auth) {
Ok(claims) => claims.claims,
Err(_e) => return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "not_logged_in"))?,
let user_id = claims.id;
let comment_saved_form = CommentSavedForm {
comment_id: data.comment_id,
if data.save {
match CommentSaved::save(&conn, &comment_saved_form) {
Ok(comment) => comment,
Err(_e) => return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "couldnt_save_comment"))?,
} else {
match CommentSaved::unsave(&conn, &comment_saved_form) {
Ok(comment) => comment,
Err(_e) => return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "couldnt_save_comment"))?,
let comment_view = CommentView::read(&conn, data.comment_id, Some(user_id))?;
Ok(CommentResponse {
op: self.op.to_string(),
comment: comment_view,
impl Perform<CommentResponse> for Oper<CreateCommentLike> {
fn perform(&self) -> Result<CommentResponse, Error> {
let data: &CreateCommentLike = &self.data;
let conn = establish_connection();
let claims = match Claims::decode(&data.auth) {
Ok(claims) => claims.claims,
Err(_e) => return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "not_logged_in"))?,
let user_id = claims.id;
// Don't do a downvote if site has downvotes disabled
if data.score == -1 {
let site = SiteView::read(&conn)?;
if site.enable_downvotes == false {
return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "downvotes_disabled"))?;
// Check for a community ban
let post = Post::read(&conn, data.post_id)?;
if CommunityUserBanView::get(&conn, user_id, post.community_id).is_ok() {
return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "community_ban"))?;
// Check for a site ban
if UserView::read(&conn, user_id)?.banned {
return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "site_ban"))?;
let like_form = CommentLikeForm {
comment_id: data.comment_id,
post_id: data.post_id,
score: data.score,
// Remove any likes first
CommentLike::remove(&conn, &like_form)?;
// Only add the like if the score isnt 0
let do_add = like_form.score != 0 && (like_form.score == 1 || like_form.score == -1);
if do_add {
let _inserted_like = match CommentLike::like(&conn, &like_form) {
Ok(like) => like,
Err(_e) => return Err(APIError::err(&self.op, "couldnt_like_comment"))?,
// Have to refetch the comment to get the current state
let liked_comment = CommentView::read(&conn, data.comment_id, Some(user_id))?;
Ok(CommentResponse {
op: self.op.to_string(),
comment: liked_comment,