Dessalines d075acce43
Make all single-fetch database calls return an Option. (#4617)
- Diesel ordinarily throws an error when no results are returned for a
  single fetch, which is a bit confusing. This PR ensures that the
  missing value cases are all caught, and wrapped with new LemmyErrors,
  rather than diesel errors.
- Fixes #4601
2024-04-16 14:48:15 +02:00

70 lines
2 KiB

use activitypub_federation::{
traits::{Actor, Object},
use diesel::NotFound;
use itertools::Itertools;
use lemmy_api_common::context::LemmyContext;
use lemmy_db_schema::traits::ApubActor;
use lemmy_db_views::structs::LocalUserView;
use lemmy_utils::error::{LemmyError, LemmyResult};
pub mod post_or_comment;
pub mod search;
pub mod site_or_community_or_user;
pub mod user_or_community;
/// Resolve actor identifier like `!news@example.com` to user or community object.
/// In case the requesting user is logged in and the object was not found locally, it is attempted
/// to fetch via webfinger from the original instance.
pub async fn resolve_actor_identifier<ActorType, DbActor>(
identifier: &str,
context: &Data<LemmyContext>,
local_user_view: &Option<LocalUserView>,
include_deleted: bool,
) -> LemmyResult<ActorType>
ActorType: Object<DataType = LemmyContext, Error = LemmyError>
+ Object
+ Actor
+ From<DbActor>
+ Send
+ 'static,
for<'de2> <ActorType as Object>::Kind: serde::Deserialize<'de2>,
DbActor: ApubActor + Send + 'static,
// remote actor
if identifier.contains('@') {
let (name, domain) = identifier
.splitn(2, '@')
.expect("invalid query");
let actor = DbActor::read_from_name_and_domain(&mut context.pool(), name, domain)
if let Some(actor) = actor {
} else if local_user_view.is_some() {
// Fetch the actor from its home instance using webfinger
let actor: ActorType = webfinger_resolve_actor(&identifier.to_lowercase(), context).await?;
} else {
// local actor
else {
let identifier = identifier.to_string();
DbActor::read_from_name(&mut context.pool(), &identifier, include_deleted)