dullbananas 969f8b2ce9
Replace TypedBuilder with Default in update forms (#3814)
* Update comment.rs

* Update community.rs

* Update local_site.rs

* Update local_site_rate_limit.rs

* Update local_user.rs

* Update person.rs

* Update comment.rs

* Update community.rs

* Update local_site.rs

* Update local_site_rate_limit.rs

* Update local_user.rs

* Update post.rs

* Update private_message.rs

* Update site.rs

* Update post.rs

* Update person.rs

* Update private_message.rs

* Update comment.rs

* Update create.rs

* Update leave_admin.rs

* Update update.rs

* Update remove.rs

* Update add_admin.rs

* Update verify_email.rs

* Update mod.rs

* Update mod.rs

* Update undo_delete.rs

* Update undo_delete.rs

* Update utils.rs

* Update feature.rs

* Update delete.rs

* Update lock.rs

* Update create.rs

* Update approve.rs

* Update update.rs

* Update lock_page.rs

* Update block_user.rs

* Update delete.rs

* Update undo_block_user.rs

* Update collection_remove.rs

* Update post.rs

* Update hide.rs

* Update person.rs

* Update remove.rs

* Update post_view.rs

* Update create.rs

* Update remove.rs

* Update collection_add.rs

* Update community.rs

* Update update.rs

* Update post_aggregates.rs

* Update update.rs

* Update comment.rs

* Update code_migrations.rs

* Update registration_application_view.rs

* Update update.rs

* Update ban_person.rs

* Update community.rs

* Update delete.rs

* Update delete.rs

* Update delete.rs

* Update person_aggregates.rs

* Update save_settings.rs

* Update distinguish.rs

* Update mark_read.rs

* Update site_aggregates.rs

* Update create.rs

* Fix

* rerun ci

* Update comment.rs

* rerun ci

* Update create.rs

* Update create.rs

* Update post_view.rs

* rerun ci

* Update undo_delete.rs

* rerun ci
2023-08-08 11:41:41 +02:00

205 lines
6.4 KiB

use crate::{
objects::{community::ApubCommunity, person::ApubPerson, post::ApubPost},
activities::community::{collection_add::CollectionAdd, collection_remove::CollectionRemove},
use activitypub_federation::{
kinds::{activity::AddType, public},
traits::{ActivityHandler, Actor},
use lemmy_api_common::{
utils::{generate_featured_url, generate_moderators_url},
use lemmy_db_schema::{
newtypes::{CommunityId, PersonId},
community::{Community, CommunityModerator, CommunityModeratorForm},
moderator::{ModAddCommunity, ModAddCommunityForm},
post::{Post, PostUpdateForm},
traits::{Crud, Joinable},
use lemmy_utils::error::LemmyError;
use url::Url;
impl CollectionAdd {
pub async fn send_add_mod(
community: &ApubCommunity,
added_mod: &ApubPerson,
actor: &ApubPerson,
context: &Data<LemmyContext>,
) -> Result<(), LemmyError> {
let id = generate_activity_id(
let add = CollectionAdd {
actor: actor.id().into(),
to: vec![public()],
object: added_mod.id(),
target: generate_moderators_url(&community.actor_id)?.into(),
cc: vec![community.id()],
kind: AddType::Add,
id: id.clone(),
audience: Some(community.id().into()),
let activity = AnnouncableActivities::CollectionAdd(add);
let inboxes = vec![added_mod.shared_inbox_or_inbox()];
send_activity_in_community(activity, actor, community, inboxes, true, context).await
pub async fn send_add_featured_post(
community: &ApubCommunity,
featured_post: &ApubPost,
actor: &ApubPerson,
context: &Data<LemmyContext>,
) -> Result<(), LemmyError> {
let id = generate_activity_id(
let add = CollectionAdd {
actor: actor.id().into(),
to: vec![public()],
object: featured_post.ap_id.clone().into(),
target: generate_featured_url(&community.actor_id)?.into(),
cc: vec![community.id()],
kind: AddType::Add,
id: id.clone(),
audience: Some(community.id().into()),
let activity = AnnouncableActivities::CollectionAdd(add);
send_activity_in_community(activity, actor, community, vec![], true, context).await
impl ActivityHandler for CollectionAdd {
type DataType = LemmyContext;
type Error = LemmyError;
fn id(&self) -> &Url {
fn actor(&self) -> &Url {
async fn verify(&self, context: &Data<Self::DataType>) -> Result<(), LemmyError> {
insert_received_activity(&self.id, context).await?;
verify_is_public(&self.to, &self.cc)?;
let community = self.community(context).await?;
verify_person_in_community(&self.actor, &community, context).await?;
verify_mod_action(&self.actor, &self.object, community.id, context).await?;
async fn receive(self, context: &Data<Self::DataType>) -> Result<(), LemmyError> {
let (community, collection_type) =
Community::get_by_collection_url(&mut context.pool(), &self.target.into()).await?;
match collection_type {
CollectionType::Moderators => {
let new_mod = ObjectId::<ApubPerson>::from(self.object)
// If we had to refetch the community while parsing the activity, then the new mod has already
// been added. Skip it here as it would result in a duplicate key error.
let new_mod_id = new_mod.id;
let moderated_communities =
CommunityModerator::get_person_moderated_communities(&mut context.pool(), new_mod_id)
if !moderated_communities.contains(&community.id) {
let form = CommunityModeratorForm {
community_id: community.id,
person_id: new_mod.id,
CommunityModerator::join(&mut context.pool(), &form).await?;
// write mod log
let actor = self.actor.dereference(context).await?;
let form = ModAddCommunityForm {
mod_person_id: actor.id,
other_person_id: new_mod.id,
community_id: community.id,
removed: Some(false),
ModAddCommunity::create(&mut context.pool(), &form).await?;
// TODO: send websocket notification about added mod
CollectionType::Featured => {
let post = ObjectId::<ApubPost>::from(self.object)
let form = PostUpdateForm {
featured_community: Some(true),
Post::update(&mut context.pool(), post.id, &form).await?;
pub(crate) async fn send_add_mod_to_community(
actor: Person,
community_id: CommunityId,
updated_mod_id: PersonId,
added: bool,
context: Data<LemmyContext>,
) -> Result<(), LemmyError> {
let actor: ApubPerson = actor.into();
let community: ApubCommunity = Community::read(&mut context.pool(), community_id)
let updated_mod: ApubPerson = Person::read(&mut context.pool(), updated_mod_id)
if added {
CollectionAdd::send_add_mod(&community, &updated_mod, &actor, &context).await
} else {
CollectionRemove::send_remove_mod(&community, &updated_mod, &actor, &context).await
pub(crate) async fn send_feature_post(
post: Post,
actor: Person,
featured: bool,
context: Data<LemmyContext>,
) -> Result<(), LemmyError> {
let actor: ApubPerson = actor.into();
let post: ApubPost = post.into();
let community = Community::read(&mut context.pool(), post.community_id)
if featured {
CollectionAdd::send_add_featured_post(&community, &post, &actor, &context).await
} else {
CollectionRemove::send_remove_featured_post(&community, &post, &actor, &context).await