cetra3 9256895635
Cache & Optimize Woodpecker CI (#3450)
* Try using drone cache plugin

* Try another path

* Include volume

* Fix formatting

* Include fmt

* Exclude cargo dir from prettier

* Don't override cargo

* Just do check

* Add cache key

* Use different cache plugin

* Add clippy

* Try minio

* Add quotes

* Try adding secrets

* Try again

* Again

* Use correct secret formation

* Add back clippy

* Use secret for the root bucket name

* Try drone cache instead

* Add region

* Add path-style option

* Include cargo clippy

* Include everything again

* Fix formatting

* Don't run clippy twice

* Add `allow` statements for tests to pass

* Adjust endpoint to be a secret

* Fix prettier

* Merge & fix tests

* Try to restart the woodpecker test

* Change the ENV var name


Co-authored-by: Dessalines <dessalines@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-07-17 11:04:14 -04:00

204 lines
6.7 KiB

// Custom Markdown plugin to manage spoilers.
// Matches the capability described in Lemmy UI:
// https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ui/blob/main/src/shared/utils.ts#L159
// that is based off of:
// https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it-container/tree/master#example
// Input Markdown: ::: spoiler VISIBLE_TEXT\nHIDDEN_SPOILER\n:::\n
// Output HTML: <details><summary>VISIBLE_TEXT</summary><p>nHIDDEN_SPOILER</p></details>
// Anatomy of a spoiler:
// keyword
// ^
// ::: spoiler VISIBLE_HINT
// ^ ^
// begin fence visible text
// ^
// hidden text
// :::
// ^
// end fence
use markdown_it::{
block::{BlockRule, BlockState},
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use regex::Regex;
struct SpoilerBlock {
visible_text: String,
const SPOILER_PREFIX: &str = "::: spoiler ";
const SPOILER_SUFFIX: &str = ":::";
const SPOILER_SUFFIX_NEWLINE: &str = ":::\n";
static SPOILER_REGEX: Lazy<Regex> =
Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"^::: spoiler .*$").expect("compile spoiler markdown regex."));
impl NodeValue for SpoilerBlock {
// Formats any node marked as a 'SpoilerBlock' into HTML.
// See the SpoilerBlockScanner#run implementation to see how these nodes get added to the tree.
fn render(&self, node: &Node, fmt: &mut dyn Renderer) {
fmt.open("details", &node.attrs);
fmt.open("summary", &[]);
// Not allowing special styling to the visible text to keep it simple.
// If allowed, would need to parse the child nodes to assign to visible vs hidden text sections.
fmt.open("p", &[]);
struct SpoilerBlockScanner;
impl BlockRule for SpoilerBlockScanner {
// Invoked on every line in the provided Markdown text to check if the BlockRule applies.
// NOTE: This does NOT support nested spoilers at this time.
fn run(state: &mut BlockState) -> Option<(Node, usize)> {
let first_line: &str = state.get_line(state.line).trim();
// 1. Check if the first line contains the spoiler syntax...
if !SPOILER_REGEX.is_match(first_line) {
return None;
let begin_spoiler_line_idx: usize = state.line + 1;
let mut end_fence_line_idx: usize = begin_spoiler_line_idx;
let mut has_end_fence: bool = false;
// 2. Search for the end of the spoiler and find the index of the last line of the spoiler.
// There could potentially be multiple lines between the beginning and end of the block.
// Block ends with a line with ':::' or ':::\n'; it must be isolated from other markdown.
while end_fence_line_idx < state.line_max && !has_end_fence {
let next_line: &str = state.get_line(end_fence_line_idx).trim();
if next_line.eq(SPOILER_SUFFIX) || next_line.eq(SPOILER_SUFFIX_NEWLINE) {
has_end_fence = true;
end_fence_line_idx += 1;
// 3. If available, construct and return the spoiler node to add to the tree.
if has_end_fence {
let (spoiler_content, mapping) = state.get_lines(
let mut node = Node::new(SpoilerBlock {
visible_text: String::from(first_line.replace(SPOILER_PREFIX, "").trim()),
// Add the spoiler content as children; marking as a child tells the tree to process the
// node again, which means other Markdown syntax (ex: emphasis, links) can be rendered.
.push(Node::new(InlineRoot::new(spoiler_content, mapping)));
// NOTE: Not using begin_spoiler_line_idx here because of incorrect results when
// state.line == 0 (subtracts an idx) vs the expected correct result (adds an idx).
Some((node, end_fence_line_idx - state.line + 1))
} else {
pub fn add(markdown_parser: &mut MarkdownIt) {
mod tests {
use crate::utils::markdown::spoiler_rule::add;
use markdown_it::MarkdownIt;
fn test_spoiler_markdown() {
let tests: Vec<_> = vec![
"invalid spoiler",
"::: spoiler click to see more\nbut I never finished",
"<p>::: spoiler click to see more\nbut I never finished</p>\n",
"another invalid spoiler",
"::: spoiler\nnever added the lead in\n:::",
"<p>::: spoiler\nnever added the lead in\n:::</p>\n",
"basic spoiler, but no newline at the end",
"::: spoiler click to see more\nhow spicy!\n:::",
"<details><summary>click to see more</summary><p>how spicy!\n</p></details>\n"
"basic spoiler with a newline at the end",
"::: spoiler click to see more\nhow spicy!\n:::\n",
"<details><summary>click to see more</summary><p>how spicy!\n</p></details>\n"
"spoiler with extra markdown on the call to action (no extra parsing)",
"::: spoiler _click to see more_\nhow spicy!\n:::\n",
"<details><summary>_click to see more_</summary><p>how spicy!\n</p></details>\n"
"spoiler with extra markdown in the fenced spoiler block",
"::: spoiler click to see more\n**how spicy!**\n*i have many lines*\n:::\n",
"<details><summary>click to see more</summary><p><strong>how spicy!</strong>\n<em>i have many lines</em>\n</p></details>\n"
"spoiler mixed with other content",
"hey you\npsst, wanna hear a secret?\n::: spoiler lean in and i'll tell you\n**you are breathtaking!**\n:::\nwhatcha think about that?",
"<p>hey you\npsst, wanna hear a secret?</p>\n<details><summary>lean in and i'll tell you</summary><p><strong>you are breathtaking!</strong>\n</p></details>\n<p>whatcha think about that?</p>\n"
"spoiler mixed with indented content",
"- did you know that\n::: spoiler the call was\n***coming from inside the house!***\n:::\n - crazy, right?",
"<ul>\n<li>did you know that</li>\n</ul>\n<details><summary>the call was</summary><p><em><strong>coming from inside the house!</strong></em>\n</p></details>\n<ul>\n<li>crazy, right?</li>\n</ul>\n"
tests.iter().for_each(|&(msg, input, expected)| {
let md = &mut MarkdownIt::new();
"Testing {}, with original input '{}'",