Nutomic 6047257bfc
Move admin flag from person to local_user (fixes #3060) (#3403)
* Move admin flag from person to local_user (fixes #3060)

The person table is for federated data, but admin flag can only
apply to local users. Thats why it really belongs in the local_user
table. This will also prevent the federation code from accidentally
overwriting the admin flag

* fmt

* try to fix api tests

* lint

* fix person view

* ci

* ci


Co-authored-by: Dessalines <dessalines@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-08-24 05:40:08 -04:00

78 lines
2.6 KiB

use activitypub_federation::config::Data;
use actix_web::web::Json;
use lemmy_api_common::{
community::{AddModToCommunity, AddModToCommunityResponse},
send_activity::{ActivityChannel, SendActivityData},
utils::{is_mod_or_admin, local_user_view_from_jwt},
use lemmy_db_schema::{
community::{Community, CommunityModerator, CommunityModeratorForm},
moderator::{ModAddCommunity, ModAddCommunityForm},
traits::{Crud, Joinable},
use lemmy_db_views_actor::structs::CommunityModeratorView;
use lemmy_utils::error::{LemmyError, LemmyErrorExt, LemmyErrorType};
pub async fn add_mod_to_community(
data: Json<AddModToCommunity>,
context: Data<LemmyContext>,
) -> Result<Json<AddModToCommunityResponse>, LemmyError> {
let local_user_view = local_user_view_from_jwt(&data.auth, &context).await?;
let community_id = data.community_id;
// Verify that only mods or admins can add mod
is_mod_or_admin(&mut context.pool(), local_user_view.person.id, community_id).await?;
let community = Community::read(&mut context.pool(), community_id).await?;
if local_user_view.local_user.admin && !community.local {
return Err(LemmyErrorType::NotAModerator)?;
// Update in local database
let community_moderator_form = CommunityModeratorForm {
community_id: data.community_id,
person_id: data.person_id,
if data.added {
CommunityModerator::join(&mut context.pool(), &community_moderator_form)
} else {
CommunityModerator::leave(&mut context.pool(), &community_moderator_form)
// Mod tables
let form = ModAddCommunityForm {
mod_person_id: local_user_view.person.id,
other_person_id: data.person_id,
community_id: data.community_id,
removed: Some(!data.added),
ModAddCommunity::create(&mut context.pool(), &form).await?;
// Note: in case a remote mod is added, this returns the old moderators list, it will only get
// updated once we receive an activity from the community (like `Announce/Add/Moderator`)
let community_id = data.community_id;
let moderators = CommunityModeratorView::for_community(&mut context.pool(), community_id).await?;
Ok(Json(AddModToCommunityResponse { moderators }))