Dessalines 5c6258390c
Isomorphic docker (#1124)
* Adding a way to GetComments for a community given its name only.

* Adding getcomments to api docs.

* A first pass at locally working isomorphic integration.

* Testing out cargo-husky.

* Testing a fail hook.

* Revert "Testing a fail hook."

This reverts commit 0941cf1736.

* Moving server to top level, now that UI is gone.

* Running cargo fmt using old way.

* Adding nginx, fixing up docker-compose files, fixing docs.

* Trying to re-add API tests.

* Fixing prod dockerfile.

* Redoing nightly fmt

* Trying to fix private message api test.

* Adding CommunityJoin, PostJoin instead of joins from GetComments, etc.

- Fixes #1122

* Fixing fmt.

* Fixing up docs.

* Removing translations.

* Adding apps / clients to readme.

* Fixing main image.

* Using new lemmy-isomorphic-ui with better javascript disabled.

* Try to fix image uploads in federation test

* Revert "Try to fix image uploads in federation test"

This reverts commit a2ddf2a90b.

* Fix post url federation

* Adding some more tests, some still broken.

* Don't need gitattributes anymore.

* Update local federation test setup

* Fixing tests.

* Fixing travis build.

* Fixing travis build, again.

* Changing lemmy-isomorphic-ui to lemmy-ui

* Error in travis build again.

Co-authored-by: Felix Ableitner <me@nutomic.com>
2020-09-15 15:26:47 -04:00

94 lines
1.8 KiB

extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate actix_web;
extern crate anyhow;
extern crate comrak;
extern crate lettre;
extern crate lettre_email;
extern crate openssl;
extern crate rand;
extern crate regex;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate thiserror;
extern crate url;
pub mod apub;
pub mod email;
pub mod settings;
mod test;
pub mod utils;
use crate::settings::Settings;
use regex::Regex;
use thiserror::Error;
pub type ConnectionId = usize;
pub type PostId = i32;
pub type CommunityId = i32;
pub type UserId = i32;
pub type IPAddr = String;
macro_rules! location_info {
() => {
"None value at {}:{}, column {}",
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub struct APIError {
pub message: String,
impl APIError {
pub fn err(msg: &str) -> Self {
APIError {
message: msg.to_string(),
pub struct LemmyError {
inner: anyhow::Error,
impl<T> From<T> for LemmyError
T: Into<anyhow::Error>,
fn from(t: T) -> Self {
LemmyError { inner: t.into() }
impl std::fmt::Display for LemmyError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl actix_web::error::ResponseError for LemmyError {}
lazy_static! {
pub static ref WEBFINGER_COMMUNITY_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(&format!(
"^group:([a-z0-9_]{{3, 20}})@{}$",
pub static ref WEBFINGER_USER_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(&format!(
"^acct:([a-z0-9_]{{3, 20}})@{}$",
pub static ref CACHE_CONTROL_REGEX: Regex =