Dessalines 5c6258390c
Isomorphic docker (#1124)
* Adding a way to GetComments for a community given its name only.

* Adding getcomments to api docs.

* A first pass at locally working isomorphic integration.

* Testing out cargo-husky.

* Testing a fail hook.

* Revert "Testing a fail hook."

This reverts commit 0941cf1736.

* Moving server to top level, now that UI is gone.

* Running cargo fmt using old way.

* Adding nginx, fixing up docker-compose files, fixing docs.

* Trying to re-add API tests.

* Fixing prod dockerfile.

* Redoing nightly fmt

* Trying to fix private message api test.

* Adding CommunityJoin, PostJoin instead of joins from GetComments, etc.

- Fixes #1122

* Fixing fmt.

* Fixing up docs.

* Removing translations.

* Adding apps / clients to readme.

* Fixing main image.

* Using new lemmy-isomorphic-ui with better javascript disabled.

* Try to fix image uploads in federation test

* Revert "Try to fix image uploads in federation test"

This reverts commit a2ddf2a90b.

* Fix post url federation

* Adding some more tests, some still broken.

* Don't need gitattributes anymore.

* Update local federation test setup

* Fixing tests.

* Fixing travis build.

* Fixing travis build, again.

* Changing lemmy-isomorphic-ui to lemmy-ui

* Error in travis build again.

Co-authored-by: Felix Ableitner <me@nutomic.com>
2020-09-15 15:26:47 -04:00

63 lines
1.7 KiB
Executable file

set -e
git checkout main
# Import translations
git fetch weblate
git merge weblate/main
# Creating the new tag
third_semver=$(echo $new_tag | cut -d "." -f 3)
# Setting the version on the front end
cd ../../
# Setting the version on the backend
echo "pub const VERSION: &str = \"$new_tag\";" > "src/version.rs"
git add "src/version.rs"
# Setting the version for Ansible
echo $new_tag > "ansible/VERSION"
git add "ansible/VERSION"
cd docker/prod || exit
# Changing the docker-compose prod
sed -i "s/dessalines\/lemmy:.*/dessalines\/lemmy:$new_tag/" ../prod/docker-compose.yml
sed -i "s/dessalines\/lemmy:.*/dessalines\/lemmy:$new_tag/" ../../ansible/templates/docker-compose.yml
sed -i "s/dessalines\/lemmy:v.*/dessalines\/lemmy:$new_tag/" ../travis/docker_push.sh
git add ../prod/docker-compose.yml
git add ../../ansible/templates/docker-compose.yml
git add ../travis/docker_push.sh
# The commit
git commit -m"Version $new_tag"
git tag $new_tag
# Now doing the building on travis, but leave this in for when you need to do an arm build
# # Rebuilding docker
# if [ $third_semver -eq 0 ]; then
# # TODO get linux/arm/v7 build working
# # Build for Raspberry Pi / other archs too
# docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 ../../ \
# --file Dockerfile \
# --tag dessalines/lemmy:$new_tag \
# --push
# else
# docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 ../../ \
# --file Dockerfile \
# --tag dessalines/lemmy:$new_tag \
# --push
# fi
# Push
git push origin $new_tag
git push
# Pushing to any ansible deploys
# cd ../../../lemmy-ansible || exit
# ansible-playbook -i prod playbooks/site.yml --vault-password-file vault_pass