Dessalines 4e12e25c59
Adding admin purging of DB items and pictures. #904 #1331 (#1809)
* First pass at adding admin purge. #904 #1331

* Breaking out purge into 4 tables for the 4 purgeable types.

* Using CommunitySafe instead in view

* Fix db_schema features flags.

* Attempting to pass API key.

* Adding pictrs image purging

- Added pictrs_config block, for API_KEY
- Clear out image columns after purging

* Remove the remove_images field from a few of the purge API calls.

* Fix some suggestions by @nutomic.

* Add separate pictrs reqwest client.

* Update defaults.hjson

Co-authored-by: Nutomic <me@nutomic.com>
2022-06-13 19:15:04 +00:00

60 lines
1.7 KiB

# for more info about the config, check out the documentation
# https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/administration/configuration.html
setup: {
# username for the admin user
admin_username: "lemmy"
# password for the admin user
admin_password: "lemmylemmy"
# name of the site (can be changed later)
site_name: "lemmy-test"
opentelemetry_url: "http://otel:4137"
# the domain name of your instance (eg "lemmy.ml")
hostname: "mydomain.ml"
# address where lemmy should listen for incoming requests
bind: ""
# port where lemmy should listen for incoming requests
port: 8536
# settings related to the postgresql database
pictrs_config: {
url: "http://pictrs:8080"
api_key: "API_KEY"
database: {
# name of the postgres database for lemmy
database: "lemmy"
# username to connect to postgres
user: "lemmy"
# password to connect to postgres
password: "password"
# host where postgres is running
host: "postgres"
# port where postgres can be accessed
port: 5432
# maximum number of active sql connections
pool_size: 5
# # optional: email sending configuration
# email: {
# # hostname and port of the smtp server
# smtp_server: ""
# # login name for smtp server
# smtp_login: ""
# # password to login to the smtp server
# smtp_password: ""
# # address to send emails from, eg "noreply@your-instance.com"
# smtp_from_address: ""
# # whether or not smtp connections should use tls
# use_tls: true
# }