
1796 lines
56 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use crate::structs::{LocalUserView, PaginationCursor, PostView};
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
2022-11-09 10:05:00 +00:00
use diesel::{
dsl::{exists, not, IntervalDsl},
2022-11-09 10:05:00 +00:00
2022-11-09 10:05:00 +00:00
2022-11-09 10:05:00 +00:00
2022-11-09 10:05:00 +00:00
2022-11-09 10:05:00 +00:00
2022-11-09 10:05:00 +00:00
use diesel_async::RunQueryDsl;
use i_love_jesus::PaginatedQueryBuilder;
2021-10-16 13:33:38 +00:00
use lemmy_db_schema::{
aggregates::structs::{post_aggregates_keys as key, PostAggregates},
newtypes::{CommunityId, LocalUserId, PersonId, PostId},
2020-12-10 20:53:49 +00:00
2020-12-10 20:53:49 +00:00
2021-03-10 22:33:55 +00:00
2021-03-11 04:43:11 +00:00
2020-12-10 20:53:49 +00:00
2020-12-10 20:53:49 +00:00
2020-12-10 20:53:49 +00:00
2021-11-23 12:16:47 +00:00
use tracing::debug;
2020-12-10 20:53:49 +00:00
fn queries<'a>() -> Queries<
impl ReadFn<'a, PostView, (PostId, Option<PersonId>, bool)>,
impl ListFn<'a, PostView, (PostQuery<'a>, &'a Site)>,
> {
let is_creator_banned_from_community = exists(
let is_local_user_banned_from_community = |person_id| {
let creator_is_moderator = exists(
let creator_is_admin = exists(
let is_saved = |person_id| {
let is_read = |person_id| {
let is_hidden = |person_id| {
let is_creator_blocked = |person_id| {
let score = |person_id| {
let all_joins = move |query: post_aggregates::BoxedQuery<'a, Pg>,
my_person_id: Option<PersonId>| {
let is_local_user_banned_from_community_selection: Box<
dyn BoxableExpression<_, Pg, SqlType = sql_types::Bool>,
> = if let Some(person_id) = my_person_id {
} else {
let is_saved_selection: Box<
dyn BoxableExpression<_, Pg, SqlType = sql_types::Nullable<sql_types::Timestamptz>>,
> = if let Some(person_id) = my_person_id {
} else {
let is_read_selection: Box<dyn BoxableExpression<_, Pg, SqlType = sql_types::Bool>> =
if let Some(person_id) = my_person_id {
} else {
let is_hidden_selection: Box<dyn BoxableExpression<_, Pg, SqlType = sql_types::Bool>> =
if let Some(person_id) = my_person_id {
} else {
let is_creator_blocked_selection: Box<dyn BoxableExpression<_, Pg, SqlType = sql_types::Bool>> =
if let Some(person_id) = my_person_id {
} else {
let subscribed_type_selection: Box<
dyn BoxableExpression<_, Pg, SqlType = sql_types::Nullable<sql_types::Bool>>,
> = if let Some(person_id) = my_person_id {
} else {
let score_selection: Box<
dyn BoxableExpression<_, Pg, SqlType = sql_types::Nullable<sql_types::SmallInt>>,
> = if let Some(person_id) = my_person_id {
} else {
let read_comments: Box<
dyn BoxableExpression<_, Pg, SqlType = sql_types::Nullable<sql_types::BigInt>>,
> = if let Some(person_id) = my_person_id {
} else {
2021-03-10 22:33:55 +00:00
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
post_aggregates::comments.nullable() - read_comments,
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
let read =
move |mut conn: DbConn<'a>,
(post_id, my_person_id, is_mod_or_admin): (PostId, Option<PersonId>, bool)| async move {
// The left join below will return None in this case
let person_id_join = my_person_id.unwrap_or(PersonId(-1));
let mut query = all_joins(
// Hide deleted and removed for non-admins or mods
if !is_mod_or_admin {
query = query
// users can see their own deleted posts
// Hide posts in local only communities from unauthenticated users
if my_person_id.is_none() {
query = query.filter(community::visibility.eq(CommunityVisibility::Public));
.first::<PostView>(&mut conn)
let list = move |mut conn: DbConn<'a>, (options, site): (PostQuery<'a>, &'a Site)| async move {
let my_person_id = options.local_user.map(|l| l.person.id);
let my_local_user_id = options.local_user.map(|l| l.local_user.id);
2020-12-10 20:53:49 +00:00
// The left join below will return None in this case
let person_id_join = my_person_id.unwrap_or(PersonId(-1));
let local_user_id_join = my_local_user_id.unwrap_or(LocalUserId(-1));
let mut query = all_joins(post_aggregates::table.into_boxed(), my_person_id);
2020-12-10 20:53:49 +00:00
// hide posts from deleted communities
query = query.filter(community::deleted.eq(false));
// only show deleted posts to creator
if let Some(person_id) = my_person_id {
query = query.filter(post::deleted.eq(false).or(post::creator_id.eq(person_id)));
} else {
query = query.filter(post::deleted.eq(false));
let is_admin = options
.map(|l| l.local_user.admin)
// only show removed posts to admin when viewing user profile
if !(options.creator_id.is_some() && is_admin) {
query = query
if let Some(community_id) = options.community_id {
query = query.filter(post_aggregates::community_id.eq(community_id));
if let Some(creator_id) = options.creator_id {
query = query.filter(post_aggregates::creator_id.eq(creator_id));
if let Some(listing_type) = options.listing_type {
if let Some(person_id) = my_person_id {
let is_subscribed = exists(
match listing_type {
ListingType::Subscribed => query = query.filter(is_subscribed),
ListingType::Local => {
query = query
ListingType::All => query = query.filter(community::hidden.eq(false).or(is_subscribed)),
ListingType::ModeratorView => {
query = query.filter(exists(
// If your person_id is missing, only show local
else {
match listing_type {
ListingType::Local => {
query = query
_ => query = query.filter(community::hidden.eq(false)),
} else {
query = query.filter(community::hidden.eq(false));
2020-12-10 20:53:49 +00:00
if let Some(url_search) = &options.url_search {
2020-12-10 20:53:49 +00:00
query = query.filter(post::url.eq(url_search));
if let Some(search_term) = &options.search_term {
let searcher = fuzzy_search(search_term);
2020-12-10 20:53:49 +00:00
query = query.filter(
2020-12-10 20:53:49 +00:00
// If there is a content warning, show nsfw content by default.
let has_content_warning = site.content_warning.is_some();
if !options
.map(|l| l.local_user.show_nsfw)
query = query
if !options
.map(|l| l.local_user.show_bot_accounts)
query = query.filter(person::bot_account.eq(false));
// If its saved only, then filter, and order by the saved time, not the comment creation time.
if let (true, Some(person_id)) = (options.saved_only, my_person_id) {
query = query
// Only hide the read posts, if the saved_only is false. Otherwise ppl with the hide_read
// setting wont be able to see saved posts.
else if !options
.map(|l| l.local_user.show_read_posts)
// Do not hide read posts when it is a user profile view
// Or, only hide read posts on non-profile views
if let (None, Some(person_id)) = (options.creator_id, my_person_id) {
query = query.filter(not(is_read(person_id)));
if !options.show_hidden {
// If a creator id isn't given (IE its on home or community pages), hide the hidden posts
if let (None, Some(person_id)) = (options.creator_id, my_person_id) {
query = query.filter(not(is_hidden(person_id)));
if let Some(person_id) = my_person_id {
if options.liked_only {
query = query.filter(score(person_id).eq(1));
} else if options.disliked_only {
query = query.filter(score(person_id).eq(-1));
// Hide posts in local only communities from unauthenticated users
if options.local_user.is_none() {
query = query.filter(community::visibility.eq(CommunityVisibility::Public));
// Dont filter blocks or missing languages for moderator view type
if let (Some(person_id), false) = (
options.listing_type.unwrap_or_default() == ListingType::ModeratorView,
) {
// Filter out the rows with missing languages
query = query.filter(exists(
// Don't show blocked instances, communities or persons
query = query.filter(not(exists(
query = query.filter(not(exists(
query = query.filter(not(is_creator_blocked(person_id)));
let (limit, offset) = limit_and_offset(options.page, options.limit)?;
query = query.limit(limit).offset(offset);
let mut query = PaginatedQueryBuilder::new(query);
let page_after = options.page_after.map(|c| c.0);
let page_before_or_equal = options.page_before_or_equal.map(|c| c.0);
if options.page_back {
query = query
} else {
query = query
// featured posts first
query = if options.community_id.is_none() || options.community_id_just_for_prefetch {
} else {
let time = |interval| post_aggregates::published.gt(now() - interval);
// then use the main sort
query = match options.sort.unwrap_or(SortType::Hot) {
SortType::Active => query.then_desc(key::hot_rank_active),
SortType::Hot => query.then_desc(key::hot_rank),
SortType::Scaled => query.then_desc(key::scaled_rank),
SortType::Controversial => query.then_desc(key::controversy_rank),
SortType::New => query.then_desc(key::published),
SortType::Old => query.then_desc(ReverseTimestampKey(key::published)),
SortType::NewComments => query.then_desc(key::newest_comment_time),
SortType::MostComments => query.then_desc(key::comments),
SortType::TopAll => query.then_desc(key::score),
SortType::TopYear => query.then_desc(key::score).filter(time(1.years())),
SortType::TopMonth => query.then_desc(key::score).filter(time(1.months())),
SortType::TopWeek => query.then_desc(key::score).filter(time(1.weeks())),
SortType::TopDay => query.then_desc(key::score).filter(time(1.days())),
SortType::TopHour => query.then_desc(key::score).filter(time(1.hours())),
SortType::TopSixHour => query.then_desc(key::score).filter(time(6.hours())),
SortType::TopTwelveHour => query.then_desc(key::score).filter(time(12.hours())),
SortType::TopThreeMonths => query.then_desc(key::score).filter(time(3.months())),
SortType::TopSixMonths => query.then_desc(key::score).filter(time(6.months())),
SortType::TopNineMonths => query.then_desc(key::score).filter(time(9.months())),
// use publish as fallback. especially useful for hot rank which reaches zero after some days.
// necessary because old posts can be fetched over federation and inserted with high post id
query = match options.sort.unwrap_or(SortType::Hot) {
// A second time-based sort would not be very useful
SortType::New | SortType::Old | SortType::NewComments => query,
_ => query.then_desc(key::published),
// finally use unique post id as tie breaker
query = query.then_desc(key::post_id);
2020-12-10 20:53:49 +00:00
// Not done by debug_query
let query = query.as_query();
2021-01-06 18:23:05 +00:00
debug!("Post View Query: {:?}", debug_query::<Pg, _>(&query));
"getting upper bound for next query",
.load::<PostView>(&mut conn)
Queries::new(read, list)
2020-12-10 20:53:49 +00:00
impl PostView {
pub async fn read(
pool: &mut DbPool<'_>,
post_id: PostId,
my_person_id: Option<PersonId>,
is_mod_or_admin: bool,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let res = queries()
.read(pool, (post_id, my_person_id, is_mod_or_admin))
impl PaginationCursor {
// get cursor for page that starts immediately after the given post
pub fn after_post(view: &PostView) -> PaginationCursor {
// hex encoding to prevent ossification
PaginationCursor(format!("P{:x}", view.counts.post_id.0))
pub async fn read(&self, pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> Result<PaginationCursorData, Error> {
.and_then(|e| i32::from_str_radix(e, 16).ok())
.ok_or_else(|| Error::QueryBuilderError("Could not parse pagination token".into()))?,
// currently we use a postaggregates struct as the pagination token.
// we only use some of the properties of the post aggregates, depending on which sort type we page by
pub struct PaginationCursorData(PostAggregates);
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct PostQuery<'a> {
pub listing_type: Option<ListingType>,
pub sort: Option<SortType>,
pub creator_id: Option<PersonId>,
pub community_id: Option<CommunityId>,
// if true, the query should be handled as if community_id was not given except adding the literal filter
pub community_id_just_for_prefetch: bool,
pub local_user: Option<&'a LocalUserView>,
pub search_term: Option<String>,
pub url_search: Option<String>,
pub saved_only: bool,
pub liked_only: bool,
pub disliked_only: bool,
pub page: Option<i64>,
pub limit: Option<i64>,
pub page_after: Option<PaginationCursorData>,
pub page_before_or_equal: Option<PaginationCursorData>,
pub page_back: bool,
pub show_hidden: bool,
impl<'a> PostQuery<'a> {
async fn prefetch_upper_bound_for_page_before(
site: &Site,
pool: &mut DbPool<'_>,
) -> Result<Option<PostQuery<'a>>, Error> {
// first get one page for the most popular community to get an upper bound for the the page end for the real query
// the reason this is needed is that when fetching posts for a single community PostgreSQL can optimize
// the query to use an index on e.g. (=, >=, >=, >=) and fetch only LIMIT rows
// but for the followed-communities query it has to query the index on (IN, >=, >=, >=)
// which it currently can't do at all (as of PG 16). see the discussion here:
// https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/2877#issuecomment-1673597190
// the results are correct no matter which community we fetch these for, since it basically covers the "worst case" of the whole page consisting of posts from one community
// but using the largest community decreases the pagination-frame so make the real query more efficient.
use lemmy_db_schema::schema::{
community_aggregates::dsl::{community_aggregates, community_id, users_active_month},
community_id as follower_community_id,
let (limit, offset) = limit_and_offset(self.page, self.limit)?;
if offset != 0 && self.page_after.is_some() {
return Err(Error::QueryBuilderError(
"legacy pagination cannot be combined with v2 pagination".into(),
let self_person_id = self
.expect("part of the above if")
let largest_subscribed = {
let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?;
let Some(largest_subscribed) = largest_subscribed else {
// nothing subscribed to? no posts
return Ok(None);
let mut v = queries()
PostQuery {
community_id: Some(largest_subscribed),
community_id_just_for_prefetch: true,
// take last element of array. if this query returned less than LIMIT elements,
// the heuristic is invalid since we can't guarantee the full query will return >= LIMIT results (return original query)
if (v.len() as i64) < limit {
} else {
let item = if self.page_back {
// for backward pagination, get first element instead
} else {
let limit_cursor = Some(PaginationCursorData(item.expect("else case").counts));
Ok(Some(PostQuery {
page_before_or_equal: limit_cursor,
pub async fn list(self, site: &Site, pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> Result<Vec<PostView>, Error> {
if self.listing_type == Some(ListingType::Subscribed)
&& self.community_id.is_none()
&& self.local_user.is_some()
&& self.page_before_or_equal.is_none()
if let Some(query) = self
.prefetch_upper_bound_for_page_before(site, pool)
queries().list(pool, (query, site)).await
} else {
} else {
queries().list(pool, (self, site)).await
2020-12-10 20:53:49 +00:00
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
mod tests {
use crate::{
post_view::{PaginationCursorData, PostQuery, PostView},
use chrono::Utc;
2021-10-16 13:33:38 +00:00
use lemmy_db_schema::{
2021-10-16 13:33:38 +00:00
comment::{Comment, CommentInsertForm},
2021-10-16 13:33:38 +00:00
community_block::{CommunityBlock, CommunityBlockForm},
instance_block::{InstanceBlock, InstanceBlockForm},
local_user::{LocalUser, LocalUserInsertForm, LocalUserUpdateForm},
person::{Person, PersonInsertForm},
2021-10-16 13:33:38 +00:00
person_block::{PersonBlock, PersonBlockForm},
post::{Post, PostHide, PostInsertForm, PostLike, PostLikeForm, PostRead, PostUpdateForm},
2021-10-16 13:33:38 +00:00
traits::{Bannable, Blockable, Crud, Joinable, Likeable},
utils::{build_db_pool, build_db_pool_for_tests, DbPool, RANK_DEFAULT},
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
use lemmy_utils::error::LemmyResult;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use serial_test::serial;
use std::{collections::HashSet, time::Duration};
use url::Url;
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
const POST_BY_BLOCKED_PERSON: &str = "post by blocked person";
const POST_BY_BOT: &str = "post by bot";
const POST: &str = "post";
fn names(post_views: &[PostView]) -> Vec<&str> {
post_views.iter().map(|i| i.post.name.as_str()).collect()
struct Data {
inserted_instance: Instance,
local_user_view: LocalUserView,
blocked_local_user_view: LocalUserView,
inserted_bot: Person,
inserted_community: Community,
inserted_post: Post,
inserted_bot_post: Post,
site: Site,
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
impl Data {
fn default_post_query(&self) -> PostQuery<'_> {
PostQuery {
sort: Some(SortType::New),
local_user: Some(&self.local_user_view),
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
async fn init_data(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> LemmyResult<Data> {
let inserted_instance = Instance::read_or_create(pool, "my_domain.tld".to_string()).await?;
let new_person = PersonInsertForm::test_form(inserted_instance.id, "tegan");
let inserted_person = Person::create(pool, &new_person).await?;
let local_user_form = LocalUserInsertForm {
admin: Some(true),
let inserted_local_user = LocalUser::create(pool, &local_user_form).await?;
let new_bot = PersonInsertForm {
bot_account: Some(true),
..PersonInsertForm::test_form(inserted_instance.id, "mybot")
let inserted_bot = Person::create(pool, &new_bot).await?;
let new_community = CommunityInsertForm::builder()
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
let inserted_community = Community::create(pool, &new_community).await?;
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
// Test a person block, make sure the post query doesn't include their post
let blocked_person = PersonInsertForm::test_form(inserted_instance.id, "john");
let inserted_blocked_person = Person::create(pool, &blocked_person).await?;
let inserted_blocked_local_user = LocalUser::create(
let post_from_blocked_person = PostInsertForm::builder()
Post::create(pool, &post_from_blocked_person).await?;
// block that person
let person_block = PersonBlockForm {
person_id: inserted_person.id,
target_id: inserted_blocked_person.id,
PersonBlock::block(pool, &person_block).await?;
// A sample post
let new_post = PostInsertForm::builder()
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
let inserted_post = Post::create(pool, &new_post).await?;
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
let new_bot_post = PostInsertForm::builder()
let inserted_bot_post = Post::create(pool, &new_bot_post).await?;
let local_user_view = LocalUserView {
local_user: inserted_local_user,
local_user_vote_display_mode: LocalUserVoteDisplayMode::default(),
person: inserted_person,
counts: Default::default(),
let blocked_local_user_view = LocalUserView {
local_user: inserted_blocked_local_user,
local_user_vote_display_mode: LocalUserVoteDisplayMode::default(),
person: inserted_blocked_person,
counts: Default::default(),
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
let site = Site {
id: Default::default(),
name: String::new(),
sidebar: None,
published: Default::default(),
updated: None,
icon: None,
banner: None,
description: None,
actor_id: Url::parse("http://example.com")?.into(),
last_refreshed_at: Default::default(),
inbox_url: Url::parse("http://example.com")?.into(),
private_key: None,
public_key: String::new(),
instance_id: Default::default(),
content_warning: None,
Ok(Data {
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
2022-11-09 10:05:00 +00:00
async fn post_listing_with_person() -> LemmyResult<()> {
let pool = &build_db_pool().await?;
Make functions work with both connection and pool (#3420) * a lot * merge * Fix stuff broken by merge * Get rid of repetitive `&mut *context.conn().await?` * Add blank lines under each line with `conn =` * Fix style mistakes (partial) * Revert "Fix style mistakes (partial)" This reverts commit 48a033b87f4fdc1ce14ff86cc019e1c703cd2741. * Revert "Add blank lines under each line with `conn =`" This reverts commit 773a6d3beba2cf89eac75913078b40c4f5190dd4. * Revert "Get rid of repetitive `&mut *context.conn().await?`" This reverts commit d2c6263ea13710177d49b2791278db5ad115fca5. * Use DbConn for CaptchaAnswer methods * DbConn trait * Remove more `&mut *` * Fix stuff * Re-run CI * try to make ci start * fix * fix * Fix api_common::utils * Fix apub::activities::block * Fix apub::api::resolve_object * Fix some things * Revert "Fix some things" This reverts commit 2bf8574bc8333d8d34ca542d61a0a5b50039c24d. * Revert "Fix apub::api::resolve_object" This reverts commit 3e4059aabbe485b2ff060bdeced8ef958ff62832. * Revert "Fix apub::activities::block" This reverts commit 3b02389abd780a7b1b8a2c89e26febdaa6a12159. * Revert "Fix api_common::utils" This reverts commit 7dc73de613a5618fa57eb06450f3699bbcb41254. * Revert "Revert "Fix api_common::utils"" This reverts commit f740f115e5457e83e53cc223e48196a2c47a9975. * Revert "Revert "Fix apub::activities::block"" This reverts commit 2ee206af7c885c10092cf209bf4a5b1d60327866. * Revert "Revert "Fix apub::api::resolve_object"" This reverts commit 96ed8bf2e9dcadae760743929498312334e23d2e. * Fix fetch_local_site_data * Fix get_comment_parent_creator * Remove unused perma deleted text * Fix routes::feeds * Fix lib.rs * Update lib.rs * rerun ci * Attempt to create custom GetConn and RunQueryDsl traits * Start over * Add GetConn trait * aaaa * Revert "aaaa" This reverts commit acc9ca1aed10c39efdd91cefece066e035a1fe80. * Revert "Revert "aaaa"" This reverts commit 443a2a00a56d152bb7eb429efd0d29a78e21b163. * still aaaaaaaaaaaaa * Return to earlier thing Revert "Add GetConn trait" This reverts commit ab4e94aea5bd9d34cbcddf017339131047e75344. * Try to use DbPool enum * Revert "Try to use DbPool enum" This reverts commit e4d1712646a52006b865a1fbe0dcf79976fdb027. * DbConn and DbPool enums (db_schema only fails to compile for tests) * fmt * Make functions take `&mut DbPool<'_>` and make db_schema tests compile * Add try_join_with_pool macro and run fix-clippy on more crates * Fix some errors * I did it * Remove function variants that take connection * rerun ci * rerun ci * rerun ci
2023-07-11 13:09:59 +00:00
let pool = &mut pool.into();
let mut data = init_data(pool).await?;
Replace TypedBuilder with Default in update forms (#3814) * Update comment.rs * Update community.rs * Update local_site.rs * Update local_site_rate_limit.rs * Update local_user.rs * Update person.rs * Update comment.rs * Update community.rs * Update local_site.rs * Update local_site_rate_limit.rs * Update local_user.rs * Update post.rs * Update private_message.rs * Update site.rs * Update post.rs * Update person.rs * Update private_message.rs * Update comment.rs * Update create.rs * Update leave_admin.rs * Update update.rs * Update remove.rs * Update add_admin.rs * Update verify_email.rs * Update mod.rs * Update mod.rs * Update undo_delete.rs * Update undo_delete.rs * Update utils.rs * Update feature.rs * Update delete.rs * Update lock.rs * Update create.rs * Update approve.rs * Update update.rs * Update lock_page.rs * Update block_user.rs * Update delete.rs * Update undo_block_user.rs * Update collection_remove.rs * Update post.rs * Update hide.rs * Update person.rs * Update remove.rs * Update post_view.rs * Update create.rs * Update remove.rs * Update collection_add.rs * Update community.rs * Update update.rs * Update post_aggregates.rs * Update update.rs * Update comment.rs * Update code_migrations.rs * Update registration_application_view.rs * Update update.rs * Update ban_person.rs * Update community.rs * Update delete.rs * Update delete.rs * Update delete.rs * Update person_aggregates.rs * Update save_settings.rs * Update distinguish.rs * Update mark_read.rs * Update site_aggregates.rs * Update create.rs * Fix * rerun ci * Update comment.rs * rerun ci * Update create.rs * Update create.rs * Update post_view.rs * rerun ci * Update undo_delete.rs * rerun ci
2023-08-08 09:41:41 +00:00
let local_user_form = LocalUserUpdateForm {
show_bot_accounts: Some(false),
let inserted_local_user =
LocalUser::update(pool, data.local_user_view.local_user.id, &local_user_form).await?;
data.local_user_view.local_user = inserted_local_user;
let read_post_listing = PostQuery {
community_id: Some(data.inserted_community.id),
.list(&data.site, pool)
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
let post_listing_single_with_person = PostView::read(
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
let expected_post_listing_with_user = expected_post_view(&data, pool).await?;
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
// Should be only one person, IE the bot post, and blocked should be missing
2021-03-11 04:43:11 +00:00
2021-03-11 04:43:11 +00:00
Replace TypedBuilder with Default in update forms (#3814) * Update comment.rs * Update community.rs * Update local_site.rs * Update local_site_rate_limit.rs * Update local_user.rs * Update person.rs * Update comment.rs * Update community.rs * Update local_site.rs * Update local_site_rate_limit.rs * Update local_user.rs * Update post.rs * Update private_message.rs * Update site.rs * Update post.rs * Update person.rs * Update private_message.rs * Update comment.rs * Update create.rs * Update leave_admin.rs * Update update.rs * Update remove.rs * Update add_admin.rs * Update verify_email.rs * Update mod.rs * Update mod.rs * Update undo_delete.rs * Update undo_delete.rs * Update utils.rs * Update feature.rs * Update delete.rs * Update lock.rs * Update create.rs * Update approve.rs * Update update.rs * Update lock_page.rs * Update block_user.rs * Update delete.rs * Update undo_block_user.rs * Update collection_remove.rs * Update post.rs * Update hide.rs * Update person.rs * Update remove.rs * Update post_view.rs * Update create.rs * Update remove.rs * Update collection_add.rs * Update community.rs * Update update.rs * Update post_aggregates.rs * Update update.rs * Update comment.rs * Update code_migrations.rs * Update registration_application_view.rs * Update update.rs * Update ban_person.rs * Update community.rs * Update delete.rs * Update delete.rs * Update delete.rs * Update person_aggregates.rs * Update save_settings.rs * Update distinguish.rs * Update mark_read.rs * Update site_aggregates.rs * Update create.rs * Fix * rerun ci * Update comment.rs * rerun ci * Update create.rs * Update create.rs * Update post_view.rs * rerun ci * Update undo_delete.rs * rerun ci
2023-08-08 09:41:41 +00:00
let local_user_form = LocalUserUpdateForm {
show_bot_accounts: Some(true),
let inserted_local_user =
LocalUser::update(pool, data.local_user_view.local_user.id, &local_user_form).await?;
data.local_user_view.local_user = inserted_local_user;
let post_listings_with_bots = PostQuery {
community_id: Some(data.inserted_community.id),
.list(&data.site, pool)
// should include bot post which has "undetermined" language
assert_eq!(vec![POST_BY_BOT, POST], names(&post_listings_with_bots));
cleanup(data, pool).await
2022-11-09 10:05:00 +00:00
async fn post_listing_no_person() -> LemmyResult<()> {
let pool = &build_db_pool().await?;
Make functions work with both connection and pool (#3420) * a lot * merge * Fix stuff broken by merge * Get rid of repetitive `&mut *context.conn().await?` * Add blank lines under each line with `conn =` * Fix style mistakes (partial) * Revert "Fix style mistakes (partial)" This reverts commit 48a033b87f4fdc1ce14ff86cc019e1c703cd2741. * Revert "Add blank lines under each line with `conn =`" This reverts commit 773a6d3beba2cf89eac75913078b40c4f5190dd4. * Revert "Get rid of repetitive `&mut *context.conn().await?`" This reverts commit d2c6263ea13710177d49b2791278db5ad115fca5. * Use DbConn for CaptchaAnswer methods * DbConn trait * Remove more `&mut *` * Fix stuff * Re-run CI * try to make ci start * fix * fix * Fix api_common::utils * Fix apub::activities::block * Fix apub::api::resolve_object * Fix some things * Revert "Fix some things" This reverts commit 2bf8574bc8333d8d34ca542d61a0a5b50039c24d. * Revert "Fix apub::api::resolve_object" This reverts commit 3e4059aabbe485b2ff060bdeced8ef958ff62832. * Revert "Fix apub::activities::block" This reverts commit 3b02389abd780a7b1b8a2c89e26febdaa6a12159. * Revert "Fix api_common::utils" This reverts commit 7dc73de613a5618fa57eb06450f3699bbcb41254. * Revert "Revert "Fix api_common::utils"" This reverts commit f740f115e5457e83e53cc223e48196a2c47a9975. * Revert "Revert "Fix apub::activities::block"" This reverts commit 2ee206af7c885c10092cf209bf4a5b1d60327866. * Revert "Revert "Fix apub::api::resolve_object"" This reverts commit 96ed8bf2e9dcadae760743929498312334e23d2e. * Fix fetch_local_site_data * Fix get_comment_parent_creator * Remove unused perma deleted text * Fix routes::feeds * Fix lib.rs * Update lib.rs * rerun ci * Attempt to create custom GetConn and RunQueryDsl traits * Start over * Add GetConn trait * aaaa * Revert "aaaa" This reverts commit acc9ca1aed10c39efdd91cefece066e035a1fe80. * Revert "Revert "aaaa"" This reverts commit 443a2a00a56d152bb7eb429efd0d29a78e21b163. * still aaaaaaaaaaaaa * Return to earlier thing Revert "Add GetConn trait" This reverts commit ab4e94aea5bd9d34cbcddf017339131047e75344. * Try to use DbPool enum * Revert "Try to use DbPool enum" This reverts commit e4d1712646a52006b865a1fbe0dcf79976fdb027. * DbConn and DbPool enums (db_schema only fails to compile for tests) * fmt * Make functions take `&mut DbPool<'_>` and make db_schema tests compile * Add try_join_with_pool macro and run fix-clippy on more crates * Fix some errors * I did it * Remove function variants that take connection * rerun ci * rerun ci * rerun ci
2023-07-11 13:09:59 +00:00
let pool = &mut pool.into();
let data = init_data(pool).await?;
let read_post_listing_multiple_no_person = PostQuery {
community_id: Some(data.inserted_community.id),
local_user: None,
.list(&data.site, pool)
let read_post_listing_single_no_person =
PostView::read(pool, data.inserted_post.id, None, false).await?;
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
let expected_post_listing_no_person = expected_post_view(&data, pool).await?;
// Should be 2 posts, with the bot post, and the blocked
2021-03-11 04:43:11 +00:00
2021-03-11 04:43:11 +00:00
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
cleanup(data, pool).await
2022-11-09 10:05:00 +00:00
async fn post_listing_block_community() -> LemmyResult<()> {
let pool = &build_db_pool().await?;
Make functions work with both connection and pool (#3420) * a lot * merge * Fix stuff broken by merge * Get rid of repetitive `&mut *context.conn().await?` * Add blank lines under each line with `conn =` * Fix style mistakes (partial) * Revert "Fix style mistakes (partial)" This reverts commit 48a033b87f4fdc1ce14ff86cc019e1c703cd2741. * Revert "Add blank lines under each line with `conn =`" This reverts commit 773a6d3beba2cf89eac75913078b40c4f5190dd4. * Revert "Get rid of repetitive `&mut *context.conn().await?`" This reverts commit d2c6263ea13710177d49b2791278db5ad115fca5. * Use DbConn for CaptchaAnswer methods * DbConn trait * Remove more `&mut *` * Fix stuff * Re-run CI * try to make ci start * fix * fix * Fix api_common::utils * Fix apub::activities::block * Fix apub::api::resolve_object * Fix some things * Revert "Fix some things" This reverts commit 2bf8574bc8333d8d34ca542d61a0a5b50039c24d. * Revert "Fix apub::api::resolve_object" This reverts commit 3e4059aabbe485b2ff060bdeced8ef958ff62832. * Revert "Fix apub::activities::block" This reverts commit 3b02389abd780a7b1b8a2c89e26febdaa6a12159. * Revert "Fix api_common::utils" This reverts commit 7dc73de613a5618fa57eb06450f3699bbcb41254. * Revert "Revert "Fix api_common::utils"" This reverts commit f740f115e5457e83e53cc223e48196a2c47a9975. * Revert "Revert "Fix apub::activities::block"" This reverts commit 2ee206af7c885c10092cf209bf4a5b1d60327866. * Revert "Revert "Fix apub::api::resolve_object"" This reverts commit 96ed8bf2e9dcadae760743929498312334e23d2e. * Fix fetch_local_site_data * Fix get_comment_parent_creator * Remove unused perma deleted text * Fix routes::feeds * Fix lib.rs * Update lib.rs * rerun ci * Attempt to create custom GetConn and RunQueryDsl traits * Start over * Add GetConn trait * aaaa * Revert "aaaa" This reverts commit acc9ca1aed10c39efdd91cefece066e035a1fe80. * Revert "Revert "aaaa"" This reverts commit 443a2a00a56d152bb7eb429efd0d29a78e21b163. * still aaaaaaaaaaaaa * Return to earlier thing Revert "Add GetConn trait" This reverts commit ab4e94aea5bd9d34cbcddf017339131047e75344. * Try to use DbPool enum * Revert "Try to use DbPool enum" This reverts commit e4d1712646a52006b865a1fbe0dcf79976fdb027. * DbConn and DbPool enums (db_schema only fails to compile for tests) * fmt * Make functions take `&mut DbPool<'_>` and make db_schema tests compile * Add try_join_with_pool macro and run fix-clippy on more crates * Fix some errors * I did it * Remove function variants that take connection * rerun ci * rerun ci * rerun ci
2023-07-11 13:09:59 +00:00
let pool = &mut pool.into();
let data = init_data(pool).await?;
let community_block = CommunityBlockForm {
person_id: data.local_user_view.person.id,
community_id: data.inserted_community.id,
CommunityBlock::block(pool, &community_block).await?;
let read_post_listings_with_person_after_block = PostQuery {
community_id: Some(data.inserted_community.id),
.list(&data.site, pool)
// Should be 0 posts after the community block
assert_eq!(read_post_listings_with_person_after_block, vec![]);
CommunityBlock::unblock(pool, &community_block).await?;
cleanup(data, pool).await
2022-11-09 10:05:00 +00:00
async fn post_listing_like() -> LemmyResult<()> {
let pool = &build_db_pool().await?;
Make functions work with both connection and pool (#3420) * a lot * merge * Fix stuff broken by merge * Get rid of repetitive `&mut *context.conn().await?` * Add blank lines under each line with `conn =` * Fix style mistakes (partial) * Revert "Fix style mistakes (partial)" This reverts commit 48a033b87f4fdc1ce14ff86cc019e1c703cd2741. * Revert "Add blank lines under each line with `conn =`" This reverts commit 773a6d3beba2cf89eac75913078b40c4f5190dd4. * Revert "Get rid of repetitive `&mut *context.conn().await?`" This reverts commit d2c6263ea13710177d49b2791278db5ad115fca5. * Use DbConn for CaptchaAnswer methods * DbConn trait * Remove more `&mut *` * Fix stuff * Re-run CI * try to make ci start * fix * fix * Fix api_common::utils * Fix apub::activities::block * Fix apub::api::resolve_object * Fix some things * Revert "Fix some things" This reverts commit 2bf8574bc8333d8d34ca542d61a0a5b50039c24d. * Revert "Fix apub::api::resolve_object" This reverts commit 3e4059aabbe485b2ff060bdeced8ef958ff62832. * Revert "Fix apub::activities::block" This reverts commit 3b02389abd780a7b1b8a2c89e26febdaa6a12159. * Revert "Fix api_common::utils" This reverts commit 7dc73de613a5618fa57eb06450f3699bbcb41254. * Revert "Revert "Fix api_common::utils"" This reverts commit f740f115e5457e83e53cc223e48196a2c47a9975. * Revert "Revert "Fix apub::activities::block"" This reverts commit 2ee206af7c885c10092cf209bf4a5b1d60327866. * Revert "Revert "Fix apub::api::resolve_object"" This reverts commit 96ed8bf2e9dcadae760743929498312334e23d2e. * Fix fetch_local_site_data * Fix get_comment_parent_creator * Remove unused perma deleted text * Fix routes::feeds * Fix lib.rs * Update lib.rs * rerun ci * Attempt to create custom GetConn and RunQueryDsl traits * Start over * Add GetConn trait * aaaa * Revert "aaaa" This reverts commit acc9ca1aed10c39efdd91cefece066e035a1fe80. * Revert "Revert "aaaa"" This reverts commit 443a2a00a56d152bb7eb429efd0d29a78e21b163. * still aaaaaaaaaaaaa * Return to earlier thing Revert "Add GetConn trait" This reverts commit ab4e94aea5bd9d34cbcddf017339131047e75344. * Try to use DbPool enum * Revert "Try to use DbPool enum" This reverts commit e4d1712646a52006b865a1fbe0dcf79976fdb027. * DbConn and DbPool enums (db_schema only fails to compile for tests) * fmt * Make functions take `&mut DbPool<'_>` and make db_schema tests compile * Add try_join_with_pool macro and run fix-clippy on more crates * Fix some errors * I did it * Remove function variants that take connection * rerun ci * rerun ci * rerun ci
2023-07-11 13:09:59 +00:00
let pool = &mut pool.into();
let mut data = init_data(pool).await?;
let post_like_form = PostLikeForm {
post_id: data.inserted_post.id,
person_id: data.local_user_view.person.id,
score: 1,
let inserted_post_like = PostLike::like(pool, &post_like_form).await?;
let expected_post_like = PostLike {
post_id: data.inserted_post.id,
person_id: data.local_user_view.person.id,
published: inserted_post_like.published,
score: 1,
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
assert_eq!(expected_post_like, inserted_post_like);
let post_listing_single_with_person = PostView::read(
let mut expected_post_with_upvote = expected_post_view(&data, pool).await?;
expected_post_with_upvote.my_vote = Some(1);
expected_post_with_upvote.counts.score = 1;
expected_post_with_upvote.counts.upvotes = 1;
assert_eq!(expected_post_with_upvote, post_listing_single_with_person);
Replace TypedBuilder with Default in update forms (#3814) * Update comment.rs * Update community.rs * Update local_site.rs * Update local_site_rate_limit.rs * Update local_user.rs * Update person.rs * Update comment.rs * Update community.rs * Update local_site.rs * Update local_site_rate_limit.rs * Update local_user.rs * Update post.rs * Update private_message.rs * Update site.rs * Update post.rs * Update person.rs * Update private_message.rs * Update comment.rs * Update create.rs * Update leave_admin.rs * Update update.rs * Update remove.rs * Update add_admin.rs * Update verify_email.rs * Update mod.rs * Update mod.rs * Update undo_delete.rs * Update undo_delete.rs * Update utils.rs * Update feature.rs * Update delete.rs * Update lock.rs * Update create.rs * Update approve.rs * Update update.rs * Update lock_page.rs * Update block_user.rs * Update delete.rs * Update undo_block_user.rs * Update collection_remove.rs * Update post.rs * Update hide.rs * Update person.rs * Update remove.rs * Update post_view.rs * Update create.rs * Update remove.rs * Update collection_add.rs * Update community.rs * Update update.rs * Update post_aggregates.rs * Update update.rs * Update comment.rs * Update code_migrations.rs * Update registration_application_view.rs * Update update.rs * Update ban_person.rs * Update community.rs * Update delete.rs * Update delete.rs * Update delete.rs * Update person_aggregates.rs * Update save_settings.rs * Update distinguish.rs * Update mark_read.rs * Update site_aggregates.rs * Update create.rs * Fix * rerun ci * Update comment.rs * rerun ci * Update create.rs * Update create.rs * Update post_view.rs * rerun ci * Update undo_delete.rs * rerun ci
2023-08-08 09:41:41 +00:00
let local_user_form = LocalUserUpdateForm {
show_bot_accounts: Some(false),
let inserted_local_user =
LocalUser::update(pool, data.local_user_view.local_user.id, &local_user_form).await?;
data.local_user_view.local_user = inserted_local_user;
let read_post_listing = PostQuery {
community_id: Some(data.inserted_community.id),
.list(&data.site, pool)
assert_eq!(vec![expected_post_with_upvote], read_post_listing);
let read_liked_post_listing = PostQuery {
community_id: Some(data.inserted_community.id),
liked_only: true,
.list(&data.site, pool)
assert_eq!(read_post_listing, read_liked_post_listing);
let read_disliked_post_listing = PostQuery {
community_id: Some(data.inserted_community.id),
disliked_only: true,
.list(&data.site, pool)
assert_eq!(read_disliked_post_listing, vec![]);
let like_removed =
PostLike::remove(pool, data.local_user_view.person.id, data.inserted_post.id).await?;
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
assert_eq!(1, like_removed);
cleanup(data, pool).await
async fn creator_info() -> LemmyResult<()> {
let pool = &build_db_pool().await?;
let pool = &mut pool.into();
let data = init_data(pool).await?;
// Make one of the inserted persons a moderator
let person_id = data.local_user_view.person.id;
let community_id = data.inserted_community.id;
let form = CommunityModeratorForm {
CommunityModerator::join(pool, &form).await?;
let post_listing = PostQuery {
community_id: Some(data.inserted_community.id),
.list(&data.site, pool)
.map(|p| (p.creator.name, p.creator_is_moderator, p.creator_is_admin))
let expected_post_listing = vec![
("mybot".to_owned(), false, false),
("tegan".to_owned(), true, true),
assert_eq!(expected_post_listing, post_listing);
cleanup(data, pool).await
async fn post_listing_person_language() -> LemmyResult<()> {
const EL_POSTO: &str = "el posto";
let pool = &build_db_pool().await?;
Make functions work with both connection and pool (#3420) * a lot * merge * Fix stuff broken by merge * Get rid of repetitive `&mut *context.conn().await?` * Add blank lines under each line with `conn =` * Fix style mistakes (partial) * Revert "Fix style mistakes (partial)" This reverts commit 48a033b87f4fdc1ce14ff86cc019e1c703cd2741. * Revert "Add blank lines under each line with `conn =`" This reverts commit 773a6d3beba2cf89eac75913078b40c4f5190dd4. * Revert "Get rid of repetitive `&mut *context.conn().await?`" This reverts commit d2c6263ea13710177d49b2791278db5ad115fca5. * Use DbConn for CaptchaAnswer methods * DbConn trait * Remove more `&mut *` * Fix stuff * Re-run CI * try to make ci start * fix * fix * Fix api_common::utils * Fix apub::activities::block * Fix apub::api::resolve_object * Fix some things * Revert "Fix some things" This reverts commit 2bf8574bc8333d8d34ca542d61a0a5b50039c24d. * Revert "Fix apub::api::resolve_object" This reverts commit 3e4059aabbe485b2ff060bdeced8ef958ff62832. * Revert "Fix apub::activities::block" This reverts commit 3b02389abd780a7b1b8a2c89e26febdaa6a12159. * Revert "Fix api_common::utils" This reverts commit 7dc73de613a5618fa57eb06450f3699bbcb41254. * Revert "Revert "Fix api_common::utils"" This reverts commit f740f115e5457e83e53cc223e48196a2c47a9975. * Revert "Revert "Fix apub::activities::block"" This reverts commit 2ee206af7c885c10092cf209bf4a5b1d60327866. * Revert "Revert "Fix apub::api::resolve_object"" This reverts commit 96ed8bf2e9dcadae760743929498312334e23d2e. * Fix fetch_local_site_data * Fix get_comment_parent_creator * Remove unused perma deleted text * Fix routes::feeds * Fix lib.rs * Update lib.rs * rerun ci * Attempt to create custom GetConn and RunQueryDsl traits * Start over * Add GetConn trait * aaaa * Revert "aaaa" This reverts commit acc9ca1aed10c39efdd91cefece066e035a1fe80. * Revert "Revert "aaaa"" This reverts commit 443a2a00a56d152bb7eb429efd0d29a78e21b163. * still aaaaaaaaaaaaa * Return to earlier thing Revert "Add GetConn trait" This reverts commit ab4e94aea5bd9d34cbcddf017339131047e75344. * Try to use DbPool enum * Revert "Try to use DbPool enum" This reverts commit e4d1712646a52006b865a1fbe0dcf79976fdb027. * DbConn and DbPool enums (db_schema only fails to compile for tests) * fmt * Make functions take `&mut DbPool<'_>` and make db_schema tests compile * Add try_join_with_pool macro and run fix-clippy on more crates * Fix some errors * I did it * Remove function variants that take connection * rerun ci * rerun ci * rerun ci
2023-07-11 13:09:59 +00:00
let pool = &mut pool.into();
let data = init_data(pool).await?;
let spanish_id = Language::read_id_from_code(pool, Some("es"))
.expect("spanish should exist");
let french_id = Language::read_id_from_code(pool, Some("fr"))
.expect("french should exist");
let post_spanish = PostInsertForm::builder()
Post::create(pool, &post_spanish).await?;
let post_listings_all = data.default_post_query().list(&data.site, pool).await?;
// no language filters specified, all posts should be returned
assert_eq!(vec![EL_POSTO, POST_BY_BOT, POST], names(&post_listings_all));
LocalUserLanguage::update(pool, vec![french_id], data.local_user_view.local_user.id).await?;
let post_listing_french = data.default_post_query().list(&data.site, pool).await?;
// only one post in french and one undetermined should be returned
assert_eq!(vec![POST_BY_BOT, POST], names(&post_listing_french));
post_listing_french.get(1).map(|p| p.post.language_id)
2022-11-09 10:05:00 +00:00
vec![french_id, UNDETERMINED_ID],
let post_listings_french_und = data
.list(&data.site, pool)
.map(|p| (p.post.name, p.post.language_id))
let expected_post_listings_french_und = vec![
(POST.to_owned(), french_id),
// french post and undetermined language post should be returned
assert_eq!(expected_post_listings_french_und, post_listings_french_und);
cleanup(data, pool).await
async fn post_listings_removed() -> LemmyResult<()> {
let pool = &build_db_pool().await?;
Make functions work with both connection and pool (#3420) * a lot * merge * Fix stuff broken by merge * Get rid of repetitive `&mut *context.conn().await?` * Add blank lines under each line with `conn =` * Fix style mistakes (partial) * Revert "Fix style mistakes (partial)" This reverts commit 48a033b87f4fdc1ce14ff86cc019e1c703cd2741. * Revert "Add blank lines under each line with `conn =`" This reverts commit 773a6d3beba2cf89eac75913078b40c4f5190dd4. * Revert "Get rid of repetitive `&mut *context.conn().await?`" This reverts commit d2c6263ea13710177d49b2791278db5ad115fca5. * Use DbConn for CaptchaAnswer methods * DbConn trait * Remove more `&mut *` * Fix stuff * Re-run CI * try to make ci start * fix * fix * Fix api_common::utils * Fix apub::activities::block * Fix apub::api::resolve_object * Fix some things * Revert "Fix some things" This reverts commit 2bf8574bc8333d8d34ca542d61a0a5b50039c24d. * Revert "Fix apub::api::resolve_object" This reverts commit 3e4059aabbe485b2ff060bdeced8ef958ff62832. * Revert "Fix apub::activities::block" This reverts commit 3b02389abd780a7b1b8a2c89e26febdaa6a12159. * Revert "Fix api_common::utils" This reverts commit 7dc73de613a5618fa57eb06450f3699bbcb41254. * Revert "Revert "Fix api_common::utils"" This reverts commit f740f115e5457e83e53cc223e48196a2c47a9975. * Revert "Revert "Fix apub::activities::block"" This reverts commit 2ee206af7c885c10092cf209bf4a5b1d60327866. * Revert "Revert "Fix apub::api::resolve_object"" This reverts commit 96ed8bf2e9dcadae760743929498312334e23d2e. * Fix fetch_local_site_data * Fix get_comment_parent_creator * Remove unused perma deleted text * Fix routes::feeds * Fix lib.rs * Update lib.rs * rerun ci * Attempt to create custom GetConn and RunQueryDsl traits * Start over * Add GetConn trait * aaaa * Revert "aaaa" This reverts commit acc9ca1aed10c39efdd91cefece066e035a1fe80. * Revert "Revert "aaaa"" This reverts commit 443a2a00a56d152bb7eb429efd0d29a78e21b163. * still aaaaaaaaaaaaa * Return to earlier thing Revert "Add GetConn trait" This reverts commit ab4e94aea5bd9d34cbcddf017339131047e75344. * Try to use DbPool enum * Revert "Try to use DbPool enum" This reverts commit e4d1712646a52006b865a1fbe0dcf79976fdb027. * DbConn and DbPool enums (db_schema only fails to compile for tests) * fmt * Make functions take `&mut DbPool<'_>` and make db_schema tests compile * Add try_join_with_pool macro and run fix-clippy on more crates * Fix some errors * I did it * Remove function variants that take connection * rerun ci * rerun ci * rerun ci
2023-07-11 13:09:59 +00:00
let pool = &mut pool.into();
let mut data = init_data(pool).await?;
// Remove the post
Replace TypedBuilder with Default in update forms (#3814) * Update comment.rs * Update community.rs * Update local_site.rs * Update local_site_rate_limit.rs * Update local_user.rs * Update person.rs * Update comment.rs * Update community.rs * Update local_site.rs * Update local_site_rate_limit.rs * Update local_user.rs * Update post.rs * Update private_message.rs * Update site.rs * Update post.rs * Update person.rs * Update private_message.rs * Update comment.rs * Update create.rs * Update leave_admin.rs * Update update.rs * Update remove.rs * Update add_admin.rs * Update verify_email.rs * Update mod.rs * Update mod.rs * Update undo_delete.rs * Update undo_delete.rs * Update utils.rs * Update feature.rs * Update delete.rs * Update lock.rs * Update create.rs * Update approve.rs * Update update.rs * Update lock_page.rs * Update block_user.rs * Update delete.rs * Update undo_block_user.rs * Update collection_remove.rs * Update post.rs * Update hide.rs * Update person.rs * Update remove.rs * Update post_view.rs * Update create.rs * Update remove.rs * Update collection_add.rs * Update community.rs * Update update.rs * Update post_aggregates.rs * Update update.rs * Update comment.rs * Update code_migrations.rs * Update registration_application_view.rs * Update update.rs * Update ban_person.rs * Update community.rs * Update delete.rs * Update delete.rs * Update delete.rs * Update person_aggregates.rs * Update save_settings.rs * Update distinguish.rs * Update mark_read.rs * Update site_aggregates.rs * Update create.rs * Fix * rerun ci * Update comment.rs * rerun ci * Update create.rs * Update create.rs * Update post_view.rs * rerun ci * Update undo_delete.rs * rerun ci
2023-08-08 09:41:41 +00:00
&PostUpdateForm {
removed: Some(true),
// Make sure you don't see the removed post in the results
let post_listings_no_admin = data.default_post_query().list(&data.site, pool).await?;
assert_eq!(vec![POST], names(&post_listings_no_admin));
// Removed bot post is shown to admins on its profile page
data.local_user_view.local_user.admin = true;
let post_listings_is_admin = PostQuery {
creator_id: Some(data.inserted_bot.id),
.list(&data.site, pool)
assert_eq!(vec![POST_BY_BOT], names(&post_listings_is_admin));
cleanup(data, pool).await
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
async fn post_listings_deleted() -> LemmyResult<()> {
let pool = &build_db_pool().await?;
let pool = &mut pool.into();
let data = init_data(pool).await?;
// Delete the post
Replace TypedBuilder with Default in update forms (#3814) * Update comment.rs * Update community.rs * Update local_site.rs * Update local_site_rate_limit.rs * Update local_user.rs * Update person.rs * Update comment.rs * Update community.rs * Update local_site.rs * Update local_site_rate_limit.rs * Update local_user.rs * Update post.rs * Update private_message.rs * Update site.rs * Update post.rs * Update person.rs * Update private_message.rs * Update comment.rs * Update create.rs * Update leave_admin.rs * Update update.rs * Update remove.rs * Update add_admin.rs * Update verify_email.rs * Update mod.rs * Update mod.rs * Update undo_delete.rs * Update undo_delete.rs * Update utils.rs * Update feature.rs * Update delete.rs * Update lock.rs * Update create.rs * Update approve.rs * Update update.rs * Update lock_page.rs * Update block_user.rs * Update delete.rs * Update undo_block_user.rs * Update collection_remove.rs * Update post.rs * Update hide.rs * Update person.rs * Update remove.rs * Update post_view.rs * Update create.rs * Update remove.rs * Update collection_add.rs * Update community.rs * Update update.rs * Update post_aggregates.rs * Update update.rs * Update comment.rs * Update code_migrations.rs * Update registration_application_view.rs * Update update.rs * Update ban_person.rs * Update community.rs * Update delete.rs * Update delete.rs * Update delete.rs * Update person_aggregates.rs * Update save_settings.rs * Update distinguish.rs * Update mark_read.rs * Update site_aggregates.rs * Update create.rs * Fix * rerun ci * Update comment.rs * rerun ci * Update create.rs * Update create.rs * Update post_view.rs * rerun ci * Update undo_delete.rs * rerun ci
2023-08-08 09:41:41 +00:00
&PostUpdateForm {
deleted: Some(true),
// Deleted post is only shown to creator
for (local_user, expect_contains_deleted) in [
(None, false),
(Some(&data.blocked_local_user_view), false),
(Some(&data.local_user_view), true),
] {
let contains_deleted = PostQuery {
.list(&data.site, pool)
.any(|p| p.post.id == data.inserted_post.id);
assert_eq!(expect_contains_deleted, contains_deleted);
cleanup(data, pool).await
async fn post_listing_instance_block() -> LemmyResult<()> {
const POST_FROM_BLOCKED_INSTANCE: &str = "post on blocked instance";
let pool = &build_db_pool().await?;
let pool = &mut pool.into();
let data = init_data(pool).await?;
let blocked_instance = Instance::read_or_create(pool, "another_domain.tld".to_string()).await?;
let community_form = CommunityInsertForm::builder()
let inserted_community = Community::create(pool, &community_form).await?;
let post_form = PostInsertForm::builder()
let post_from_blocked_instance = Post::create(pool, &post_form).await?;
// no instance block, should return all posts
let post_listings_all = data.default_post_query().list(&data.site, pool).await?;
// block the instance
let block_form = InstanceBlockForm {
person_id: data.local_user_view.person.id,
instance_id: blocked_instance.id,
InstanceBlock::block(pool, &block_form).await?;
// now posts from communities on that instance should be hidden
let post_listings_blocked = data.default_post_query().list(&data.site, pool).await?;
assert_eq!(vec![POST_BY_BOT, POST], names(&post_listings_blocked));
.all(|p| p.post.id != post_from_blocked_instance.id));
// after unblocking it should return all posts again
InstanceBlock::unblock(pool, &block_form).await?;
let post_listings_blocked = data.default_post_query().list(&data.site, pool).await?;
Instance::delete(pool, blocked_instance.id).await?;
cleanup(data, pool).await
async fn pagination_includes_each_post_once() -> LemmyResult<()> {
let pool = &build_db_pool().await?;
let pool = &mut pool.into();
let data = init_data(pool).await?;
let community_form = CommunityInsertForm::builder()
let inserted_community = Community::create(pool, &community_form).await?;
let mut inserted_post_ids = vec![];
let mut inserted_comment_ids = vec![];
// Create 150 posts with varying non-correlating values for publish date, number of comments, and featured
for comments in 0..10 {
for _ in 0..15 {
let post_form = PostInsertForm::builder()
.name("keep Christ in Christmas".to_owned())
.featured_local(Some((comments % 2) == 0))
.featured_community(Some((comments % 2) == 0))
.published(Some(Utc::now() - Duration::from_secs(comments % 3)))
let inserted_post = Post::create(pool, &post_form).await?;
for _ in 0..comments {
let comment_form = CommentInsertForm::builder()
let inserted_comment = Comment::create(pool, &comment_form, None).await?;
let options = PostQuery {
community_id: Some(inserted_community.id),
sort: Some(SortType::MostComments),
limit: Some(10),
let mut listed_post_ids = vec![];
let mut page_after = None;
loop {
let post_listings = PostQuery {
.list(&data.site, pool)
listed_post_ids.extend(post_listings.iter().map(|p| p.post.id));
if let Some(p) = post_listings.into_iter().last() {
page_after = Some(PaginationCursorData(p.counts));
} else {
// Check that backward pagination matches forward pagination
let mut listed_post_ids_forward = listed_post_ids.clone();
let mut page_before = None;
loop {
let post_listings = PostQuery {
page_after: page_before,
page_back: true,
.list(&data.site, pool)
let listed_post_ids = post_listings.iter().map(|p| p.post.id).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let index = listed_post_ids_forward.len() - listed_post_ids.len();
if let Some(p) = post_listings.into_iter().next() {
page_before = Some(PaginationCursorData(p.counts));
} else {
inserted_post_ids.sort_unstable_by_key(|id| id.0);
listed_post_ids.sort_unstable_by_key(|id| id.0);
assert_eq!(inserted_post_ids, listed_post_ids);
Community::delete(pool, inserted_community.id).await?;
cleanup(data, pool).await
async fn post_listings_hide_read() -> LemmyResult<()> {
let pool = &build_db_pool().await?;
let pool = &mut pool.into();
let mut data = init_data(pool).await?;
// Make sure local user hides read posts
let local_user_form = LocalUserUpdateForm {
show_read_posts: Some(false),
let inserted_local_user =
LocalUser::update(pool, data.local_user_view.local_user.id, &local_user_form).await?;
data.local_user_view.local_user = inserted_local_user;
// Mark a post as read
// Make sure you don't see the read post in the results
let post_listings_hide_read = data.default_post_query().list(&data.site, pool).await?;
assert_eq!(vec![POST], names(&post_listings_hide_read));
cleanup(data, pool).await
async fn post_listings_hide_hidden() -> LemmyResult<()> {
let pool = &build_db_pool().await?;
let pool = &mut pool.into();
let data = init_data(pool).await?;
// Mark a post as hidden
// Make sure you don't see the hidden post in the results
let post_listings_hide_hidden = data.default_post_query().list(&data.site, pool).await?;
assert_eq!(vec![POST], names(&post_listings_hide_hidden));
// Make sure it does come back with the show_hidden option
let post_listings_show_hidden = PostQuery {
sort: Some(SortType::New),
local_user: Some(&data.local_user_view),
show_hidden: true,
.list(&data.site, pool)
assert_eq!(vec![POST_BY_BOT, POST], names(&post_listings_show_hidden));
// Make sure that hidden field is true.
.expect("first post should exist")
cleanup(data, pool).await
async fn cleanup(data: Data, pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> LemmyResult<()> {
let num_deleted = Post::delete(pool, data.inserted_post.id).await?;
Community::delete(pool, data.inserted_community.id).await?;
Person::delete(pool, data.local_user_view.person.id).await?;
Person::delete(pool, data.inserted_bot.id).await?;
Person::delete(pool, data.blocked_local_user_view.person.id).await?;
Instance::delete(pool, data.inserted_instance.id).await?;
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
assert_eq!(1, num_deleted);
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
async fn expected_post_view(data: &Data, pool: &mut DbPool<'_>) -> LemmyResult<PostView> {
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
let (inserted_person, inserted_community, inserted_post) = (
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
let agg = PostAggregates::read(pool, inserted_post.id).await?;
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
Ok(PostView {
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
post: Post {
id: inserted_post.id,
name: inserted_post.name.clone(),
creator_id: inserted_person.id,
url: None,
body: None,
alt_text: None,
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
published: inserted_post.published,
updated: None,
community_id: inserted_community.id,
removed: false,
deleted: false,
locked: false,
nsfw: false,
embed_title: None,
embed_description: None,
embed_video_url: None,
thumbnail_url: None,
ap_id: inserted_post.ap_id.clone(),
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
local: true,
language_id: LanguageId(47),
featured_community: false,
featured_local: false,
Rewrite images to use local proxy (#4035) * Add markdown rule to add rel=nofollow for all links * Add markdown image rule to add local image proxy (fixes #1036) * comments * rewrite markdown image links working * add comment * perform markdown image processing in api/apub receivers * clippy * add db table to validate proxied links * rewrite link fields for avatar, banner etc * sql fmt * proxy links received over federation * add config option * undo post.url rewriting, move http route definition * add tests * proxy images through pictrs * testing * cleanup request.rs file * more cleanup (fixes #2611) * include url content type when sending post over apub (fixes #2611) * store post url content type in db * should be media_type * get rid of cache_remote_thumbnails setting, instead automatically take thumbnail from federation data if available. * fix tests * add setting disable_external_link_previews * federate post url as image depending on mime type * change setting again * machete * invert * support custom emoji * clippy * update defaults * add image proxy test, fix test * fix test * clippy * revert accidental changes * address review * clippy * Markdown link rule-dess (#4356) * Extracting opengraph_data to its own type. * A few additions for markdown-link-rule. --------- Co-authored-by: Nutomic <me@nutomic.com> * fix setting * use enum for image proxy setting * fix test configs * add config backwards compat * clippy * machete --------- Co-authored-by: Dessalines <dessalines@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-01-25 14:22:11 +00:00
url_content_type: None,
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
my_vote: None,
unread_comments: 0,
creator: Person {
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
id: inserted_person.id,
name: inserted_person.name.clone(),
display_name: None,
published: inserted_person.published,
avatar: None,
actor_id: inserted_person.actor_id.clone(),
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
local: true,
bot_account: false,
banned: false,
deleted: false,
bio: None,
banner: None,
updated: None,
inbox_url: inserted_person.inbox_url.clone(),
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
shared_inbox_url: None,
matrix_user_id: None,
ban_expires: None,
instance_id: data.inserted_instance.id,
private_key: inserted_person.private_key.clone(),
public_key: inserted_person.public_key.clone(),
last_refreshed_at: inserted_person.last_refreshed_at,
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
creator_banned_from_community: false,
banned_from_community: false,
creator_is_moderator: false,
creator_is_admin: true,
community: Community {
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
id: inserted_community.id,
name: inserted_community.name.clone(),
icon: None,
removed: false,
deleted: false,
nsfw: false,
actor_id: inserted_community.actor_id.clone(),
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
local: true,
title: "nada".to_owned(),
description: None,
updated: None,
banner: None,
hidden: false,
posting_restricted_to_mods: false,
published: inserted_community.published,
instance_id: data.inserted_instance.id,
private_key: inserted_community.private_key.clone(),
public_key: inserted_community.public_key.clone(),
last_refreshed_at: inserted_community.last_refreshed_at,
followers_url: inserted_community.followers_url.clone(),
inbox_url: inserted_community.inbox_url.clone(),
shared_inbox_url: inserted_community.shared_inbox_url.clone(),
moderators_url: inserted_community.moderators_url.clone(),
featured_url: inserted_community.featured_url.clone(),
visibility: CommunityVisibility::Public,
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
counts: PostAggregates {
post_id: inserted_post.id,
comments: 0,
score: 0,
upvotes: 0,
downvotes: 0,
published: agg.published,
newest_comment_time_necro: inserted_post.published,
newest_comment_time: inserted_post.published,
featured_community: false,
featured_local: false,
hot_rank: RANK_DEFAULT,
hot_rank_active: RANK_DEFAULT,
controversy_rank: 0.0,
scaled_rank: RANK_DEFAULT,
community_id: inserted_post.community_id,
creator_id: inserted_post.creator_id,
instance_id: data.inserted_instance.id,
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
subscribed: SubscribedType::NotSubscribed,
read: false,
hidden: false,
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
saved: false,
creator_blocked: false,
2022-08-22 20:55:10 +00:00
async fn local_only_instance() -> LemmyResult<()> {
let pool = &build_db_pool_for_tests().await;
let pool = &mut pool.into();
let data = init_data(pool).await?;
&CommunityUpdateForm {
visibility: Some(CommunityVisibility::LocalOnly),
let unauthenticated_query = PostQuery {
.list(&data.site, pool)
assert_eq!(0, unauthenticated_query.len());
let authenticated_query = PostQuery {
local_user: Some(&data.local_user_view),
.list(&data.site, pool)
assert_eq!(2, authenticated_query.len());
let unauthenticated_post = PostView::read(pool, data.inserted_post.id, None, false).await;
let authenticated_post = PostView::read(
cleanup(data, pool).await?;
async fn post_listing_local_user_banned_from_community() -> LemmyResult<()> {
let pool = &build_db_pool().await?;
let pool = &mut pool.into();
let data = init_data(pool).await?;
// Test that post view shows if local user is blocked from community
let banned_from_comm_person = PersonInsertForm::test_form(data.inserted_instance.id, "jill");
let inserted_banned_from_comm_person = Person::create(pool, &banned_from_comm_person).await?;
let inserted_banned_from_comm_local_user = LocalUser::create(
&CommunityPersonBanForm {
community_id: data.inserted_community.id,
person_id: inserted_banned_from_comm_person.id,
expires: None,
let post_view = PostView::read(
Person::delete(pool, inserted_banned_from_comm_person.id).await?;
cleanup(data, pool).await
async fn post_listing_local_user_not_banned_from_community() -> LemmyResult<()> {
let pool = &build_db_pool().await?;
let pool = &mut pool.into();
let data = init_data(pool).await?;
let post_view = PostView::read(
cleanup(data, pool).await
2020-12-11 15:27:33 +00:00