Tim-Philipp Müller e77fa2581d Update translations
2019-09-23 11:01:47 +01:00

1715 lines
51 KiB

# Translation of gstreamer messages to Croatian.
# This file is put in the public domain.
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010, 2019 GStreamer core team.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the gstreamer package.
# GStreamer Application Development Manual
# Tomislav Krznar <>, 2012.
# Božidar Putanec <>, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gstreamer-1.16.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-04-19 00:15+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-03 14:53+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Božidar Putanec <>\n"
"Language-Team: Croatian <>\n"
"Language: hr_HR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Bugs: Report translation errors to the Language-Team address.\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.3\n"
#: gst/gst.c:250
msgid "Print the GStreamer version"
msgstr "ispiše inačicu GStreamera"
#: gst/gst.c:252
msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
msgstr "svako upozorenje tretira kao da je fatalno"
#: gst/gst.c:256
msgid "Print available debug categories and exit"
msgstr "ispiše postojeće kategorije za debugiranje i iziđe"
#: gst/gst.c:260
msgid "Default debug level from 1 (only error) to 9 (anything) or 0 for no output"
msgstr "RAZINA poruka za debugiranje od 1 (samo greške) do 9 (sve) ili 0 (bez poruka)"
#: gst/gst.c:262
msgid "LEVEL"
msgstr "RAZINA"
#: gst/gst.c:264
msgid "Comma-separated list of category_name:level pairs to set specific levels for the individual categories. Example: GST_AUTOPLUG:5,GST_ELEMENT_*:3"
msgstr "POPIS parova (odvojenih zarezom) u formatu „category_name:level“ za postavljanje razine debugiranja za pojedine kategorije; Primjer: GST_CAT:5,GST_ELEMENT_*:3,oggdemux:5"
#: gst/gst.c:267
msgid "LIST"
msgstr "POPIS"
#: gst/gst.c:269
msgid "Disable colored debugging output"
msgstr "onemogući obojeni ispis poruka za debugiranje"
#: gst/gst.c:273
msgid "Changes coloring mode of the debug log. Possible modes: off, on, disable, auto, unix"
msgstr "mȏd za bojenje poruka za debugiranje je jedan od: off, on, disable, auto ili unix"
#: gst/gst.c:277
msgid "Disable debugging"
msgstr "onemogući debugiranje"
#: gst/gst.c:281
msgid "Enable verbose plugin loading diagnostics"
msgstr "omogući opširne poruke tijekom učitavanja plugina"
#: gst/gst.c:285
msgid "Colon-separated paths containing plugins"
msgstr "popis STAZA (odvojenih dvotočkom) koje sadrže plugine"
#: gst/gst.c:285
msgid "PATHS"
msgstr "STAZE"
#: gst/gst.c:288
msgid "Comma-separated list of plugins to preload in addition to the list stored in environment variable GST_PLUGIN_PATH"
msgstr "popis PLUGINA (odvojenih zarezom) koje treba učitati pored onih iz popisa spremljenog u varijabli okoline GST_PLUGIN_PATH"
#: gst/gst.c:290
msgid "PLUGINS"
msgstr "PLUGINI"
#: gst/gst.c:293
msgid "Disable trapping of segmentation faults during plugin loading"
msgstr "onemogući presretanje segmentacijskih grešaka tijekom učitavanja plugina"
#: gst/gst.c:298
msgid "Disable updating the registry"
msgstr "onemogući ažuriranje registra"
#: gst/gst.c:303
msgid "Disable spawning a helper process while scanning the registry"
msgstr "onemogući stvaranje procesa „helper“ tijekom skeniranja registra"
#: gst/gst.c:308
msgid "GStreamer Options"
msgstr "Opcije GStreamera"
#: gst/gst.c:309
msgid "Show GStreamer Options"
msgstr "pokaže opcije GStreamera"
#: gst/gst.c:1012
msgid "Unknown option"
msgstr "Nepoznata opcija"
#: gst/gsterror.c:130
msgid "GStreamer encountered a general core library error."
msgstr "GStreamer: otkrivena je opća greška u osnovnoj (core) biblioteci."
#: gst/gsterror.c:132 gst/gsterror.c:174 gst/gsterror.c:198 gst/gsterror.c:240
msgid "GStreamer developers were too lazy to assign an error code to this error."
msgstr "Ovoj grešci nije dodijeljen broj greške."
#: gst/gsterror.c:135
msgid "Internal GStreamer error: code not implemented."
msgstr "Interna greška GStreamera: rutina nije realizirana."
#: gst/gsterror.c:137
msgid "GStreamer error: state change failed and some element failed to post a proper error message with the reason for the failure."
msgstr "Greška GStreamera: nije uspjela promjena stanja i neki elementi nisu poslali ispravnu poruku o grešci s razlogom za neuspjeh."
#: gst/gsterror.c:140
msgid "Internal GStreamer error: pad problem."
msgstr "Interna greška GStreamera: problem s konekcijom."
# Rač.: nezavisni skup naredbi koji se samostalno izvršavaju u programu
#: gst/gsterror.c:142
msgid "Internal GStreamer error: thread problem."
msgstr "Interna greška GStreamera: problem s dretvom."
#: gst/gsterror.c:144
msgid "GStreamer error: negotiation problem."
msgstr "Interna greška GStreamera: problem u dogovaranju (za povezivanje elemenata)."
#: gst/gsterror.c:146
msgid "Internal GStreamer error: event problem."
msgstr "Interna greška GStreamera: problem s događajem."
#: gst/gsterror.c:148
msgid "Internal GStreamer error: seek problem."
msgstr "Interna GStreamer greška: problem u pozicioniranju."
#: gst/gsterror.c:150
msgid "Internal GStreamer error: caps problem."
msgstr "Interna greška GStreamera: problem sa sposobnostima"
#: gst/gsterror.c:152
msgid "Internal GStreamer error: tag problem."
msgstr "Interna greška GStreamera: problem s tagom."
#: gst/gsterror.c:154
msgid "Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in."
msgstr "Vašoj instalaciji GStreamera nedostaje plugin."
#: gst/gsterror.c:156
msgid "GStreamer error: clock problem."
msgstr "Greška GStreamera: problem sa sinkronizacijom (clock)."
#: gst/gsterror.c:158
msgid "This application is trying to use GStreamer functionality that has been disabled."
msgstr "Aplikacija pokušava koristiti funkcionalnost GStreamera koja je bila onemogućena."
#: gst/gsterror.c:172
msgid "GStreamer encountered a general supporting library error."
msgstr "GStreamer: otkrivena je opća greška (problem) s dopunskom pomoćnom bibliotekom."
#: gst/gsterror.c:177
msgid "Could not initialize supporting library."
msgstr "Nije moguće inicijalizirati pomoćnu biblioteku."
#: gst/gsterror.c:179
msgid "Could not close supporting library."
msgstr "Nije moguće zatvoriti pomoćnu biblioteku."
#: gst/gsterror.c:181
msgid "Could not configure supporting library."
msgstr "Nije moguće konfigurirati pomoćnu biblioteku."
#: gst/gsterror.c:183
msgid "Encoding error."
msgstr "Greška u kodiranju."
#: gst/gsterror.c:196
msgid "GStreamer encountered a general resource error."
msgstr "GStreamer: otkrivena je opća greška (problem) s resursom."
#: gst/gsterror.c:201
msgid "Resource not found."
msgstr "Resurs nije pronađen."
#: gst/gsterror.c:203
msgid "Resource busy or not available."
msgstr "Resurs je zauzet ili nije na raspolaganju."
#: gst/gsterror.c:205
msgid "Could not open resource for reading."
msgstr "Resurs nije moguće otvoriti za čitanje."
#: gst/gsterror.c:207
msgid "Could not open resource for writing."
msgstr "Resurs nije moguće otvoriti za pisanje."
#: gst/gsterror.c:209
msgid "Could not open resource for reading and writing."
msgstr "Resurs nije moguće otvoriti za čitanje i pisanje."
#: gst/gsterror.c:211
msgid "Could not close resource."
msgstr "Resurs nije moguće zatvoriti."
#: gst/gsterror.c:213
msgid "Could not read from resource."
msgstr "Nije moguće čitati iz resursa."
#: gst/gsterror.c:215
msgid "Could not write to resource."
msgstr "Nije moguće pisati u resurs."
#: gst/gsterror.c:217
msgid "Could not perform seek on resource."
msgstr "Nije moguće pozicioniranje na resursu."
#: gst/gsterror.c:219
msgid "Could not synchronize on resource."
msgstr "Nije moguće sinkroniziranje na resursu."
#: gst/gsterror.c:221
msgid "Could not get/set settings from/on resource."
msgstr "Nije moguće dobiti/promijeniti postavke resursa."
#: gst/gsterror.c:223
msgid "No space left on the resource."
msgstr "Na resursu nema slobodnog prostora."
#: gst/gsterror.c:225
msgid "Not authorized to access resource."
msgstr "Neovlašteni pristup resursu."
#: gst/gsterror.c:238
msgid "GStreamer encountered a general stream error."
msgstr "GStreamer: otkrivena je opća greška (problem) s protokom podataka."
#: gst/gsterror.c:243
msgid "Element doesn't implement handling of this stream. Please file a bug."
msgstr "U ovom elementu nije realizirana manipulacija s ovakvim protokom. Prijavite ovaj bug."
#: gst/gsterror.c:246
msgid "Could not determine type of stream."
msgstr "Nije moguće odrediti vrstu ovog protoka."
#: gst/gsterror.c:248
msgid "The stream is of a different type than handled by this element."
msgstr "Protok je vrste kojom ovaj element ne može manipulirati."
#: gst/gsterror.c:251
msgid "There is no codec present that can handle the stream's type."
msgstr "Nema kodeka koji može manipulirati s ovom vrstom protoka."
#: gst/gsterror.c:253
msgid "Could not decode stream."
msgstr "Nije moguće dekodirati protok."
#: gst/gsterror.c:255
msgid "Could not encode stream."
msgstr "Nije moguće kodirati protok."
#: gst/gsterror.c:257
msgid "Could not demultiplex stream."
msgstr "Nije moguće demultipleksirati protok."
#: gst/gsterror.c:259
msgid "Could not multiplex stream."
msgstr "Nije moguće multipleksirati protok."
#: gst/gsterror.c:261
msgid "The stream is in the wrong format."
msgstr "Protok je u krivom formatu."
#: gst/gsterror.c:263
msgid "The stream is encrypted and decryption is not supported."
msgstr "Protok je šifriran a dešifriranje nije podržano."
#: gst/gsterror.c:265
msgid "The stream is encrypted and can't be decrypted because no suitable key has been supplied."
msgstr "Protok je šifriran i ne može se dešifrirati jer nije dobiven prikladni ključ."
#: gst/gsterror.c:305
#, c-format
msgid "No error message for domain %s."
msgstr "Nema poruke o grešci za domenu %s."
#: gst/gsterror.c:313
#, c-format
msgid "No standard error message for domain %s and code %d."
msgstr "Nema standardne poruke o grešci za domenu %s i za kȏd %d."
#: gst/gstpipeline.c:562
msgid "Selected clock cannot be used in pipeline."
msgstr "Odabrani sat ne može se koristiti u cjevovodu."
#: gst/gstregistry.c:1694
#, c-format
msgid "Error writing registry cache to %s: %s"
msgstr "Greška pri zapisivanju u predmemoriju registra u %s: %s"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:108
msgid "title"
msgstr "naslov"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:108
msgid "commonly used title"
msgstr "uobičajeni naslov"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:111
msgid "title sortname"
msgstr "naslov (za sortiranje)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:111
msgid "commonly used title for sorting purposes"
msgstr "uobičajeni naslov (za sortiranje)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:114
msgid "artist"
msgstr "izvođač"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:115
msgid "person(s) responsible for the recording"
msgstr "osobe odgovorne za snimanje"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:119
msgid "artist sortname"
msgstr "izvođač (za sortiranje)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:120
msgid "person(s) responsible for the recording for sorting purposes"
msgstr "osobe odgovorne za snimanje (za sortiranje)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:123
msgid "album"
msgstr "album"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:124
msgid "album containing this data"
msgstr "album koji sadrži ove podatke"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:127
msgid "album sortname"
msgstr "album (za sortiranje)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:128
msgid "album containing this data for sorting purposes"
msgstr "album koji sadrži ove podatke (za sortiranje)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:131
msgid "album artist"
msgstr "izvođač albuma"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:132
msgid "The artist of the entire album, as it should be displayed"
msgstr "Izvođač cijelog albuma (prikazan onako kako treba)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:136
msgid "album artist sortname"
msgstr "izvođač albuma (za sortiranje)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:137
msgid "The artist of the entire album, as it should be sorted"
msgstr "Izvođač cijelog albuma sortiran kako treba"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:139
msgid "date"
msgstr "datum"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:139
msgid "date the data was created (as a GDate structure)"
msgstr "datum stvaranja podataka (kao GDate)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:141
msgid "datetime"
msgstr "datum-vrijeme"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:142
msgid "date and time the data was created (as a GstDateTime structure)"
msgstr "datum i vrijeme stvaranja podataka (kao GstDateTime)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:146
msgid "genre"
msgstr "žanr"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:147
msgid "genre this data belongs to"
msgstr "žanr kojem pripadaju podaci"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:150
msgid "comment"
msgstr "komentar"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:151
msgid "free text commenting the data"
msgstr "slobodni (tekst)komentar o tim podacima"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:154
msgid "extended comment"
msgstr "prošireni komentar"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:155
msgid "free text commenting the data in key=value or key[en]=comment form"
msgstr "slobodni (tekst) komentar o tim podacima u obliku ključ=vrijednost ili ključ[hr]=komentar"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:159
msgid "track number"
msgstr "redni broj zapisa"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:160
msgid "track number inside a collection"
msgstr "redni broj zapisa u kolekciji"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:163
msgid "track count"
msgstr "ukupni broj zapisa"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:164
msgid "count of tracks inside collection this track belongs to"
msgstr "količina zapisa u kolekciji kojoj pripada ovaj zapis"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:168
msgid "disc number"
msgstr "redni broj diska"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:169
msgid "disc number inside a collection"
msgstr "redni broj diska u kolekciji"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:172
msgid "disc count"
msgstr "ukupni broj diskova"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:173
msgid "count of discs inside collection this disc belongs to"
msgstr "količina diskova u kolekciji kojoj pripada ovaj disk"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:177
msgid "location"
msgstr "mjesto"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:177
msgid "Origin of media as a URI (location, where the original of the file or stream is hosted)"
msgstr "Porijeklo medija kao URI (mjesto gdje se nalazi originalna datoteka ili originalni izvor protoka)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:182
msgid "homepage"
msgstr "internetska stranica"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:183
msgid "Homepage for this media (i.e. artist or movie homepage)"
msgstr "Internetska stranica ovog medija (tj. internetska stranica izvođača ili filma)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:186
msgid "description"
msgstr "opis"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:187
msgid "short text describing the content of the data"
msgstr "sažetak koji opisuje sadržaj podataka"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:190
msgid "version"
msgstr "inačica"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:190
msgid "version of this data"
msgstr "inačica ovih podataka"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:192
msgid "ISRC"
msgstr "ISRC"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:194
msgid "International Standard Recording Code - see"
msgstr "International Standard Recording Code - posjetite"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:198
msgid "organization"
msgstr "organizacija"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:201
msgid "copyright"
msgstr "autorska prava"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:201
msgid "copyright notice of the data"
msgstr "napomena o autorskim pravima podataka"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:203
msgid "copyright uri"
msgstr "copyright URI"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:204
msgid "URI to the copyright notice of the data"
msgstr "URI s napomenom o autorskim pravima na podatke"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:206
msgid "encoded by"
msgstr "kodirao"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:206
msgid "name of the encoding person or organization"
msgstr "ime osobe ili organizacije koja je kodirala"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:210
msgid "contact"
msgstr "kontakt"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:210
msgid "contact information"
msgstr "informacije o kontaktu"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:212
msgid "license"
msgstr "licencija"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:212
msgid "license of data"
msgstr "licencija za podatke"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:214
msgid "license uri"
msgstr "URI licencija"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:215
msgid "URI to the license of the data"
msgstr "URI za licenciju tih podataka"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:218
msgid "performer"
msgstr "izvođač"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:219
msgid "person(s) performing"
msgstr "osoba/osobe, izvođači"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:222
msgid "composer"
msgstr "skladatelj"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:223
msgid "person(s) who composed the recording"
msgstr "osoba/osobe), skladatelji snimljene glazbe"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:227
msgid "conductor"
msgstr "dirigent"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:228
msgid "conductor/performer refinement"
msgstr "dirigent/izvođač u obradi"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:231
msgid "duration"
msgstr "trajanje"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:231
msgid "length in GStreamer time units (nanoseconds)"
msgstr "dužina u vremenskim jedinicama GStreamera (nanosekunde)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:234
msgid "codec"
msgstr "kodek"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:235
msgid "codec the data is stored in"
msgstr "kodek u kojem su spremljeni podaci"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:238
msgid "video codec"
msgstr "videokodek"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:238
msgid "codec the video data is stored in"
msgstr "kodek u kojem su spremljeni video podaci"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:241
msgid "audio codec"
msgstr "audiokodek"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:241
msgid "codec the audio data is stored in"
msgstr "kodek u kojem su spremljeni audio podaci"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:244
msgid "subtitle codec"
msgstr "kodek za titlovanje"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:244
msgid "codec the subtitle data is stored in"
msgstr "kodek u kojem su spremljeni podaci titlova"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:246
msgid "container format"
msgstr "format kontejnera"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:247
msgid "container format the data is stored in"
msgstr "format kontejnera u kojem su spremljeni podaci"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:249
msgid "bitrate"
msgstr "bitrate"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:249
msgid "exact or average bitrate in bits/s"
msgstr "točni ili prosječni bitrate u bit/s"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:251
msgid "nominal bitrate"
msgstr "nominalni bitrate"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:251
msgid "nominal bitrate in bits/s"
msgstr "nominalni bitrate u bit/a"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:253
msgid "minimum bitrate"
msgstr "najmanji bitrate"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:253
msgid "minimum bitrate in bits/s"
msgstr "najmanji bitrate u bit/s"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:255
msgid "maximum bitrate"
msgstr "najveći bitrate"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:255
msgid "maximum bitrate in bits/s"
msgstr "najveći bitrate u bit/s"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:258
msgid "encoder"
msgstr "koder"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:258
msgid "encoder used to encode this stream"
msgstr "koder s kojim je kodiran ovaj protok"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:261
msgid "encoder version"
msgstr "inačica kodera"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:262
msgid "version of the encoder used to encode this stream"
msgstr "inačica kodera s kojim je kodiran ovaj protok"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:264
msgid "serial"
msgstr "serijski broj"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:264
msgid "serial number of track"
msgstr "serijski broj zapisa"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:266
msgid "replaygain track gain"
msgstr "normalizacija razine glasnoće zapisa"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:266
msgid "track gain in db"
msgstr "razina pojačanja zapisa u db"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:268
msgid "replaygain track peak"
msgstr "normalizacija vršne glasnoće zapisa"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:268
msgid "peak of the track"
msgstr "vršna razina zapisa"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:270
msgid "replaygain album gain"
msgstr "normalizacija razine glasnoće albuma"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:270
msgid "album gain in db"
msgstr "razina pojačanja albuma u db"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:272
msgid "replaygain album peak"
msgstr "normalizacija vršne glasnoće albuma"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:272
msgid "peak of the album"
msgstr "vršna razina albuma"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:274
msgid "replaygain reference level"
msgstr "normalizacija referentne razine"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:275
msgid "reference level of track and album gain values"
msgstr "referentna razina pojačanja zapisa i albuma"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:277
msgid "language code"
msgstr "jezični kȏd"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:278
msgid "language code for this stream, conforming to ISO-639-1 or ISO-639-2"
msgstr "jezični kȏd za ovaj protok, u skladu s ISO-639-1 ili ISO-639-2"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:281
msgid "language name"
msgstr "ime jezika"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:282
msgid "freeform name of the language this stream is in"
msgstr "uobičajeno ime jezika u ovom protoku"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:284
msgid "image"
msgstr "slika"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:284
msgid "image related to this stream"
msgstr "slika za ovaj protok"
# thumbnail
#. TRANSLATORS: 'preview image' = image that shows a preview of the full image
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:288
msgid "preview image"
msgstr "pregledna slika"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:288
msgid "preview image related to this stream"
msgstr "pregledna slika za ovaj protok"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:290
msgid "attachment"
msgstr "privitak"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:290
msgid "file attached to this stream"
msgstr "datoteka privijena ovom protoku"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:293
msgid "beats per minute"
msgstr "otkucaja u minuti (tempo)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:294
msgid "number of beats per minute in audio"
msgstr "broj otkucaja u minuti (tempo) u tonskom zapisu"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:296
msgid "keywords"
msgstr "ključne riječi"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:296
msgid "comma separated keywords describing the content"
msgstr "ključne riječi (odvojene zarezima) koje opisuju sadržaj"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:299
msgid "geo location name"
msgstr "geografsko ime mjesta"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:300
msgid "human readable descriptive location of where the media has been recorded or produced"
msgstr "opis mjesta gdje je medij snimljen ili proizveden"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:303
msgid "geo location latitude"
msgstr "geografska širina"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:304
msgid "geo latitude location of where the media has been recorded or produced in degrees according to WGS84 (zero at the equator, negative values for southern latitudes)"
msgstr "geografska širina mjesta gdje je medij snimljen ili proizveden, u stupnjevima prema WGS84 (nula na ekvatoru, negativne vrijednosti za južne širine)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:308
msgid "geo location longitude"
msgstr "geografska dužina"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:309
msgid "geo longitude location of where the media has been recorded or produced in degrees according to WGS84 (zero at the prime meridian in Greenwich/UK, negative values for western longitudes)"
msgstr "geografska dužina mjesta gdje je medij snimljen ili proizveden, u stupnjevima prema WGS84 (nula na nultom meridijanu Greenwich/UK, negativne vrijednosti za zapadne dužine)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:313
msgid "geo location elevation"
msgstr "geografska visina"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:314
msgid "geo elevation of where the media has been recorded or produced in meters according to WGS84 (zero is average sea level)"
msgstr "nadmorska visina mjesta gdje je medij snimljen ili proizveden, u metrima prema WGS84 (nula je prosječna razina mora)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:317
msgid "geo location country"
msgstr "geografski položaj države"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:318
msgid "country (english name) where the media has been recorded or produced"
msgstr "država (englesko ime) gdje je medij snimljen ili proizveden"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:321
msgid "geo location city"
msgstr "geografski položaj grada"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:322
msgid "city (english name) where the media has been recorded or produced"
msgstr "grad (englesko ime) gdje je medij snimljen ili proizveden"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:325
msgid "geo location sublocation"
msgstr "geografski položaj djela grada"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:326
msgid "a location within a city where the media has been produced or created (e.g. the neighborhood)"
msgstr "mjesto u gradu gdje je medij snimljen ili proizveden (npr. Trešnjevka)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:329
msgid "geo location horizontal error"
msgstr "greška u vodoravnoj geografskoj lokaciji"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:330
msgid "expected error of the horizontal positioning measures (in meters)"
msgstr "očekivana greška u mjerenju vodoravnog položaja (u metrima)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:333
msgid "geo location movement speed"
msgstr "geografska brzina kretanja"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:334
msgid "movement speed of the capturing device while performing the capture in m/s"
msgstr "brzina kretanja uređaja za snimanje pri snimanju u m/s"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:337
msgid "geo location movement direction"
msgstr "geografski smjer kretanja"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:338
msgid "indicates the movement direction of the device performing the capture of a media. It is represented as degrees in floating point representation, 0 means the geographic north, and increases clockwise"
msgstr "smjer kretanja uređaja za snimanje; mjeri se u stupnjevima u formatu realnog broja; 0 je smjer geografskog sjevera a raste u smjeru kazaljke na satu (kao kompas)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:343
msgid "geo location capture direction"
msgstr "geografski smjer pri snimanju"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:344
msgid "indicates the direction the device is pointing to when capturing a media. It is represented as degrees in floating point representation, 0 means the geographic north, and increases clockwise"
msgstr "smjer u kojem je uređaj bio usmjeren pri snimanju; mjeri se u stupnjevima u formatu realnog broja; 0 je smjer geografskog sjevera a raste u smjeru kazaljke na satu (kao kompas)"
#. TRANSLATORS: 'show name' = 'TV/radio/podcast show name' here
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:350
msgid "show name"
msgstr "ime predstave (TV/podcast/serije...)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:351
msgid "Name of the tv/podcast/series show the media is from"
msgstr "Ime od (TV/podcast/serije...) predstave iz koje je nastao ovaj medij"
#. TRANSLATORS: 'show sortname' = 'TV/radio/podcast show name as used for sorting purposes' here
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:356
msgid "show sortname"
msgstr "ime predstave (za sortiranje)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:357
msgid "Name of the tv/podcast/series show the media is from, for sorting purposes"
msgstr "Ime od (TV/podcast/serije...) predstave iz koje je nastao ovaj medij (za sortiranje)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:360
msgid "episode number"
msgstr "redni broj epizode"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:361
msgid "The episode number in the season the media is part of"
msgstr "Redni broj epizode u sezoni čiji je medij dio"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:364
msgid "season number"
msgstr "redni broj sezone"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:365
msgid "The season number of the show the media is part of"
msgstr "Redni broj sezone serije čiji je medij dio"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:368
msgid "lyrics"
msgstr "stihovi"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:368
msgid "The lyrics of the media, commonly used for songs"
msgstr "Stihovi pjesma na mediju"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:371
msgid "composer sortname"
msgstr "skladatelj (za sortiranje)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:372
msgid "person(s) who composed the recording, for sorting purposes"
msgstr "osoba/osobe, skladatelji snimljene glazbe (za sortiranje)"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:374
msgid "grouping"
msgstr "grupiranje"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:375
msgid "Groups related media that spans multiple tracks, like the different pieces of a concerto. It is a higher level than a track, but lower than an album"
msgstr "Svrsta u grupe srodne medije koji obuhvaćaju nekoliko zapisa kao npr. različiti dijelovi koncerta; to je viša razina od zapisa, ali niža od albuma"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:379
msgid "user rating"
msgstr "ocjena korisnika"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:380
msgid "Rating attributed by a user. The higher the rank, the more the user likes this media"
msgstr "Ocjena koju je dao korisnik; što je ocjena viša, više mu se sviđa medij"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:383
msgid "device manufacturer"
msgstr "proizvođač uređaja"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:384
msgid "Manufacturer of the device used to create this media"
msgstr "Proizvođač uređaja kojim je izrađen medij"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:386
msgid "device model"
msgstr "model uređaja"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:387
msgid "Model of the device used to create this media"
msgstr "Model uređaja s kojim je izrađen medij"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:389
msgid "application name"
msgstr "ime aplikacije"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:390
msgid "Application used to create the media"
msgstr "Aplikacija s kojom je izrađen medij"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:392
msgid "application data"
msgstr "podaci o aplikaciji"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:393
msgid "Arbitrary application data to be serialized into the media"
msgstr "Proizvoljni podaci o aplikaciji za serijalizaciju u medij"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:395
msgid "image orientation"
msgstr "orijentacija slike"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:396
msgid "How the image should be rotated or flipped before display"
msgstr "Kako sliku treba rotirati ili preokrenuti prije prikaza"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:399
msgid "publisher"
msgstr "izdavač"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:400
msgid "Name of the label or publisher"
msgstr "Ime studija (label) ili izdavača"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:403
msgid "interpreted-by"
msgstr "interpreted-by"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:404
msgid "Information about the people behind a remix and similar interpretations"
msgstr "Informacije o ljudima koji su radili na remiksu i sličnim obradama"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:408
msgid "midi-base-note"
msgstr "midi-base-note"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:408
msgid "Midi note number of the audio track."
msgstr "Broj note MIDI na audio zapisu."
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:411
msgid "private-data"
msgstr "privatni-podaci"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:411
msgid "Private data"
msgstr "Privatni podaci"
#: gst/gsttaglist.c:451
msgid ", "
msgstr ", "
#: gst/gsturi.c:648
#, c-format
msgid "No URI handler for the %s protocol found"
msgstr "Za protokol %s nije pronađen URI rukovatelj"
#: gst/gsturi.c:823
#, c-format
msgid "URI scheme '%s' not supported"
msgstr "URI shema „%s“ nije podržana"
#: gst/gstutils.c:2632 tools/gst-launch.c:325
#, c-format
msgid "ERROR: from element %s: %s\n"
msgstr "GREŠKA: iz elementa %s: %s\n"
#: gst/gstutils.c:2634 tools/gst-launch.c:327 tools/gst-launch.c:697
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Additional debug info:\n"
msgstr ""
"Dodatne informacije za debugiranje:\n"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:216
#, c-format
msgid "link has no source [sink=%s@%p]"
msgstr "poveznica nema izvor [sink=%s@%p]"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:221
#, c-format
msgid "link has no sink [source=%s@%p]"
msgstr "poveznica nema ponor [source=%s@%p]"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:413
#, c-format
msgid "no property \"%s\" in element \"%s\""
msgstr "nema svojstva „%s“ u elementu „%s“"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:454
#, c-format
msgid "could not set property \"%s\" in element \"%s\" to \"%s\""
msgstr "nije moguće postaviti svojstvo „%s“ u elementu „%s“ na „%s“"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:507
msgid "Delayed linking failed."
msgstr "Odgođeno povezivanje nije uspjelo."
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:719 gst/parse/grammar.y:724
#, c-format
msgid "could not link %s to %s, %s can't handle caps %s"
msgstr "nije moguće povezati %s na %s -- %s ne podržava sposobnosti %s"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:729
#, c-format
msgid "could not link %s to %s, neither element can handle caps %s"
msgstr "nije moguće povezati %s na %s -- nijedan element ne podržava sposobnosti %s"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:733
#, c-format
msgid "could not link %s to %s with caps %s"
msgstr "nije moguće povezati %s sa %s sa sposobnostima %s"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:739
#, c-format
msgid "could not link %s to %s"
msgstr "nije moguće povezati %s sa %s"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:816
#, c-format
msgid "no element \"%s\""
msgstr "nema elementa „%s“"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:877
#, c-format
msgid "unexpected reference \"%s\" - ignoring"
msgstr "neočekivana referencija „%s“ - ignorira se"
# pad (u elektronskoj glazbi) > A category of synthsizer patches which produce a soft, pleasing sound.
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:883
#, c-format
msgid "unexpected pad-reference \"%s\" - ignoring"
msgstr "neočekivana poveznica (pad-reference) „%s“ - ignorira se"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:915 gst/parse/grammar.y:924
#, c-format
msgid "could not parse caps \"%s\""
msgstr "nije moguće raščlaniti sposobnosti „%s“"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:952
#, c-format
msgid "no sink element for URI \"%s\""
msgstr "nema elementa-ponor za URI „%s“"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:971
#, c-format
msgid "no source element for URI \"%s\""
msgstr "nema elementa-izvor za URI „%s“"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:1061
msgid "syntax error"
msgstr "greška u sintaksi"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:1084
#, c-format
msgid "specified empty bin \"%s\", not allowed"
msgstr "specificiran je prazni spremnik „%s“ -- to nije dopušteno"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:1094
#, c-format
msgid "no bin \"%s\", unpacking elements"
msgstr "nema „%s“ bin -- raspakiravanje elemenata"
#: gst/parse/grammar.y:1125
msgid "empty pipeline not allowed"
msgstr "prazan cjevovod nije dopušten"
#: libs/gst/base/gstbasesink.c:1210
msgid "Pipeline construction is invalid, please add queues."
msgstr "Konstrukcija cjevovoda nije valjana -- dodajte redove čekanja."
#: libs/gst/base/gstbasesink.c:3004
msgid "A lot of buffers are being dropped."
msgstr "Puno međuspremnika je odbačeno."
#: libs/gst/base/gstbasesink.c:3496
msgid "Internal data flow problem."
msgstr "Problem s internim tokom podataka."
#: libs/gst/base/gstbasesink.c:4222 libs/gst/base/gstbasesrc.c:2708
msgid "Internal data flow error."
msgstr "Interna greška toka podataka."
#: libs/gst/base/gstbasesrc.c:2638
msgid "Internal clock error."
msgstr "Interna greška sinkronizacije (clock)."
#: libs/gst/base/gstbasesrc.c:2666 plugins/elements/gstdownloadbuffer.c:842
#: plugins/elements/gstdownloadbuffer.c:1265
msgid "Failed to map buffer."
msgstr "Nije uspjelo mapirati međuspremnik."
#: plugins/elements/gstcapsfilter.c:128
msgid "Filter caps"
msgstr "Filtriranje (ograničavanje) sposobnosti"
#: plugins/elements/gstcapsfilter.c:129
msgid "Restrict the possible allowed capabilities (NULL means ANY). Setting this property takes a reference to the supplied GstCaps object."
msgstr "Ograniči moguće dopuštene sposobnosti (NULL znači ANY (sve)). Postavljanje ovog svojstva povećava se količina poveznica na taj GstCaps objekt."
#: plugins/elements/gstcapsfilter.c:136
msgid "Caps Change Mode"
msgstr "Mȏd (način) izmjena sposobnosti"
#: plugins/elements/gstcapsfilter.c:137
msgid "Filter caps change behaviour"
msgstr "Ponašanje se mijenja filtriranjem (ograničavanjem) sposobnosti"
#: plugins/elements/gstdownloadbuffer.c:927 plugins/elements/gstqueue2.c:1792
msgid "No Temp directory specified."
msgstr "Nijedan privremeni direktorij nije specificiran."
#: plugins/elements/gstdownloadbuffer.c:933 plugins/elements/gstqueue2.c:1798
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create temp file \"%s\"."
msgstr "Nije moguće kreirati privremenu datoteku „%s“."
#: plugins/elements/gstdownloadbuffer.c:941 plugins/elements/gstfilesrc.c:537
#: plugins/elements/gstqueue2.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open file \"%s\" for reading."
msgstr "Nije moguće otvoriti datoteku „%s“ za čitanje."
#: plugins/elements/gstdownloadbuffer.c:1274 plugins/elements/gstqueue2.c:2225
msgid "Error while writing to download file."
msgstr "Greška pri pisanju u preuzetu datoteku."
#: plugins/elements/gstfilesink.c:404
msgid "No file name specified for writing."
msgstr "Nije specificirana datoteka za pisanje."
#: plugins/elements/gstfilesink.c:410
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open file \"%s\" for writing."
msgstr "Nije moguće otvoriti datoteku „%s“ za pisanje."
#: plugins/elements/gstfilesink.c:422 plugins/elements/gstfilesink.c:426
#, c-format
msgid "Error closing file \"%s\"."
msgstr "Greška pri zatvaranju datoteke „%s“."
#: plugins/elements/gstfilesink.c:605
#, c-format
msgid "Error while seeking in file \"%s\"."
msgstr "Greška pri pozicioniranju u datoteci „%s“."
#: plugins/elements/gstfilesink.c:613 plugins/elements/gstfilesink.c:620
#: plugins/elements/gstfilesink.c:793 plugins/elements/gstfilesink.c:848
#, c-format
msgid "Error while writing to file \"%s\"."
msgstr "Greška pri pisanju u datoteku „%s“."
#: plugins/elements/gstfilesrc.c:525
msgid "No file name specified for reading."
msgstr "Nije specificirana datoteka za čitanje."
#: plugins/elements/gstfilesrc.c:546
#, c-format
msgid "Could not get info on \"%s\"."
msgstr "Nije moguće dobiti podatke o „%s“."
#: plugins/elements/gstfilesrc.c:552
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" is a directory."
msgstr "„%s“ je direktorij."
#: plugins/elements/gstfilesrc.c:558
#, c-format
msgid "File \"%s\" is a socket."
msgstr "Datoteka „%s“ je utičnica (socket)."
#: plugins/elements/gstidentity.c:722
msgid "Failed after iterations as requested."
msgstr "Neuspjeh nakon iteracija na zahtjev."
#: plugins/elements/gstidentity.c:903
msgid "eos-after and error-after can't both be defined."
msgstr "oba, eos-after i error-error se ne mogu definirati ."
#: plugins/elements/gsttypefindelement.c:251
msgid "caps"
msgstr "sposobnosti (caps)"
#: plugins/elements/gsttypefindelement.c:252
msgid "detected capabilities in stream"
msgstr "doznata su svojstva strujanja"
#: plugins/elements/gsttypefindelement.c:255
msgid "minimum"
msgstr "minimum"
#: plugins/elements/gsttypefindelement.c:260
msgid "force caps"
msgstr "nametne sposobnosti"
#: plugins/elements/gsttypefindelement.c:261
msgid "force caps without doing a typefind"
msgstr "nametne sposobnosti bez upotrebe „typefind“"
#: plugins/elements/gsttypefindelement.c:987
#: plugins/elements/gsttypefindelement.c:1009
msgid "Stream doesn't contain enough data."
msgstr "Protok ne sadrži dovoljno podataka."
#: plugins/elements/gsttypefindelement.c:1129
msgid "Stream contains no data."
msgstr "Protok ne sadrži podatke."
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:290
#, c-format
msgid "%sImplemented Interfaces%s:\n"
msgstr "%sRealizirana sučelja%s:\n"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:400
msgid "readable"
msgstr "čitljivo"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:405
msgid "writable"
msgstr "zapisivo"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:410
msgid "deprecated"
msgstr "zastarjelo"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:414
msgid "controllable"
msgstr "upravljivo"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:420
msgid "changeable in NULL, READY, PAUSED or PLAYING state"
msgstr "promjenjivo u stanje NULL, READY, PAUSED ili PLAYING"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:423
msgid "changeable only in NULL, READY or PAUSED state"
msgstr "promjenjivo samo u stanje NULL, READY ili PAUSED"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:426
msgid "changeable only in NULL or READY state"
msgstr "promjenjivo samo u stanje NULL ili READY"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:1131
msgid "Blacklisted files:"
msgstr "Datoteke na crnoj listi:"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:1143 tools/gst-inspect.c:1276
#, c-format
msgid "%sTotal count%s: %s"
msgstr "%sUkupna količina%s: %s"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:1145
#, c-format
msgid "%d blacklisted file"
msgid_plural "%d blacklisted files"
msgstr[0] "%d datoteka na crnoj listi"
msgstr[1] "%d datoteke na crnoj listi"
msgstr[2] "%d datoteka na crnoj listi"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:1278
#, c-format
msgid "%d plugin"
msgid_plural "%d plugins"
msgstr[0] "%d plugin"
msgstr[1] "%d plugina"
msgstr[2] "%d plugina"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:1281
#, c-format
msgid "%d blacklist entry"
msgid_plural "%d blacklist entries"
msgstr[0] "%d stavka na crnoj listi"
msgstr[1] "%d stavke na crnoj listi"
msgstr[2] "%d stavki na crnoj listi"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:1286
#, c-format
msgid "%d feature"
msgid_plural "%d features"
msgstr[0] "%d značajka"
msgstr[1] "%d značajke"
msgstr[2] "%d značajki"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:1953
msgid "Print all elements"
msgstr "ispiše sve elemente"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:1955
msgid "Print list of blacklisted files"
msgstr "ispiše popis datoteka na crnoj listi"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:1957
msgid ""
"Print a machine-parsable list of features the specified plugin or all plugins provide.\n"
" Useful in connection with external automatic plugin installation mechanisms"
msgstr ""
"ispiše (raščlanjiv) popis značajki\n"
" samo navedenog ili svih plugina;\n"
" to je korisno u svezi s vanjskim\n"
" automatskim mehanizmima za\n"
" instalaciju plugina"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:1962
msgid "List the plugin contents"
msgstr "izlista sadržaj plugina"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:1964
msgid "A slashes ('/') separated list of types of elements (also known as klass) to list. (unordered)"
msgstr ""
"izlista nesortirani popis vrsta elemenata\n"
" (odvojenih s „/“); taj popis je\n"
" poznat kao „klass“"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:1967
msgid "Check if the specified element or plugin exists"
msgstr ""
"provjeri postoji li specificirani\n"
" element ili plugin"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:1970
msgid "When checking if an element or plugin exists, also check that its version is at least the version specified"
msgstr ""
"isto kao gore ali dodatno provjeri\n"
" da njihova inačica nije niža\n"
" od specificirane"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:1974
msgid "Print supported URI schemes, with the elements that implement them"
msgstr ""
"ispiše podržane URI sheme s elementima\n"
" koji ih realiziraju"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:1979
msgid "Disable colors in output. You can also achieve the same by setting'GST_INSPECT_NO_COLORS' environment variable to any value."
msgstr "Onemogućite obojeni ispis. To možete učiniti i postavljanjem varijable okruženja „GST_INSPECT_NO_COLORS“ na bilo koju vrijednost."
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:2135
#, c-format
msgid "Could not load plugin file: %s\n"
msgstr "Nije moguće učitati datoteku plugina: %s\n"
#: tools/gst-inspect.c:2141
#, c-format
msgid "No such element or plugin '%s'\n"
msgstr "Nema takvog elementa ili plugina „%s“\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:252
msgid "Index statistics"
msgstr "Indeksna statistika"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:578
#, c-format
msgid "Got message #%u from element \"%s\" (%s): "
msgstr "Primljena je poruka #%u od elementa „%s“ (%s): "
#: tools/gst-launch.c:582
#, c-format
msgid "Got message #%u from pad \"%s:%s\" (%s): "
msgstr "Primljena je poruka #%u od konekcije „%s:%s“ (%s): "
#: tools/gst-launch.c:586
#, c-format
msgid "Got message #%u from object \"%s\" (%s): "
msgstr "Primljena je poruka #%u od objekta „%s“ (%s): "
#: tools/gst-launch.c:590
#, c-format
msgid "Got message #%u (%s): "
msgstr "Primljena je poruka #%u (%s): "
#: tools/gst-launch.c:622
#, c-format
msgid "Got EOS from element \"%s\".\n"
msgstr "Primljen je EOS (znak kraja protoka) od elementa „%s“.\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:631
#, c-format
msgid "FOUND TAG : found by element \"%s\".\n"
msgstr "PRONAĐEN TAG : pronađen elementom „%s“.\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:634
#, c-format
msgid "FOUND TAG : found by pad \"%s:%s\".\n"
msgstr "PRONAĐEN TAG : pronađen s konekcijom „%s:%s“.\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:637
#, c-format
msgid "FOUND TAG : found by object \"%s\".\n"
msgstr "PRONAĐEN TAG : pronađen objektom „%s“.\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:640
msgid "FOUND TAG\n"
msgstr "PRONAĐEN TAG\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "FOUND TOC : found by element \"%s\".\n"
msgstr "PRONAĐEN TOC : pronađen elementom „%s“.\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:658
#, c-format
msgid "FOUND TOC : found by object \"%s\".\n"
msgstr "PRONAĐEN TOC : pronađen objektom „%s“.\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:661
msgid "FOUND TOC\n"
msgstr "PRONAĐEN TOC\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:678
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: tools/gst-launch.c:695
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: from element %s: %s\n"
msgstr "UPOZORENJE: od elementa %s: %s\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:730
msgid "Prerolled, waiting for buffering to finish...\n"
msgstr "Pripremljeno, čeka se završetak punjenja međuspremnika...\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:734
msgid "Prerolled, waiting for progress to finish...\n"
msgstr "Pripremljeno, čeka se završetak procesa...\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:746
msgid "buffering..."
msgstr "punjenje međuspremnika..."
#: tools/gst-launch.c:757
msgid "Done buffering, setting pipeline to PLAYING ...\n"
msgstr "Gotovo je s punjenjem, cjevovod se stavlja u stanje PLAYING ...\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:765
msgid "Buffering, setting pipeline to PAUSED ...\n"
msgstr "Punjenje međuspremnika, cjevovod se stavlja u stanje PAUSED ...\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:774
msgid "Redistribute latency...\n"
msgstr "Preraspodjela latencije...\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:785
#, c-format
msgid "Setting state to %s as requested by %s...\n"
msgstr "Uspostavlja se stanje %s prema zahtjevu od %s...\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:801
msgid "Interrupt: Stopping pipeline ...\n"
msgstr "Prekid: Zaustavlja se cjevovod ...\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "Progress: (%s) %s\n"
msgstr "Progres: (%s) %s\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:843
#, c-format
msgid "Missing element: %s\n"
msgstr "Nedostaje element %s\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:857
#, c-format
msgid "Got context from element '%s': %s=%s\n"
msgstr "Primljen je kontekst od elementa „%s“: %s=%s\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:991
msgid "Output tags (also known as metadata)"
msgstr "izlazni tagovi (znani i kao „metapodaci“)"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:993
msgid "Output TOC (chapters and editions)"
msgstr "ispiše TOC (sadržaj: poglavlja i izdanja)"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:995
msgid "Output status information and property notifications"
msgstr "ispiše status i obavijesti o svojstvima"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:997
msgid "Do not print any progress information"
msgstr "ne ispisivati informacije o progresu"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:999
msgid "Output messages"
msgstr "izlazne poruke"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1001
msgid "Do not output status information for the specified property if verbose output is enabled (can be used multiple times)"
msgstr ""
"ne ispiše status za IME-SVOJSTVA iako je\n"
" aktivna opcija za opširno ispisivanje"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1003
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1005
msgid "Do not install a fault handler"
msgstr "ne instalira rutinu za obradu greški"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1007
msgid "Force EOS on sources before shutting the pipeline down"
msgstr ""
"nametni EOS na sources prije zatvaranja\n"
" cjevovoda"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1010
msgid "Gather and print index statistics"
msgstr "Prikupiti i ispisati indeksne statistike"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1077
#, c-format
msgid "ERROR: pipeline could not be constructed: %s.\n"
msgstr "GREŠKA: nije moguće sastaviti cjevovod: %s.\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1081
msgid "ERROR: pipeline could not be constructed.\n"
msgstr "GREŠKA: nije moguće sastaviti cjevovod.\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1085
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: erroneous pipeline: %s\n"
msgstr "UPOZORENJE: pogrešni cjevovod: %s\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1101
msgid "ERROR: the 'pipeline' element wasn't found.\n"
msgstr "GREŠKA: nije pronađen element „pipeline“.\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1132 tools/gst-launch.c:1233
msgid "Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...\n"
msgstr "Cjevovod se stavlja u stanje PAUSED ...\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1137
msgid "ERROR: Pipeline doesn't want to pause.\n"
msgstr "GREŠKA: Cjevovod ne želi pauzirati.\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1142
msgid "Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ...\n"
msgstr "Cjevovod je aktiv i ne treba PREROLL (pripravu)...\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1146
msgid "Pipeline is PREROLLING ...\n"
msgstr "Cjevovod se priprema (PREROLLING)....\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1149 tools/gst-launch.c:1163
msgid "ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to preroll.\n"
msgstr "GREŠKA: cjevovod se ne želi pripremiti (preroll).\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1156
msgid "Pipeline is PREROLLED ...\n"
msgstr "Cjevovod je pripremljen (PREROLLED) ...\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1169
msgid "Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...\n"
msgstr "Cjevovod je stavlja u stanje PLAYING ...\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1176
msgid "ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to play.\n"
msgstr "GREŠKA: cjevovod ne želi reproducirati (play).\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1195
msgid "EOS on shutdown enabled -- Forcing EOS on the pipeline\n"
msgstr "Omogućen je EOS pri zatvaranju -- nameće se EOS na cjevovod\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1199
msgid "EOS on shutdown enabled -- waiting for EOS after Error\n"
msgstr "Omogućen je EOS pri zatvaranju -- čekanje na EOS nakon greške\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1202
msgid "Waiting for EOS...\n"
msgstr "Čeka se EOS...\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1209
msgid "EOS received - stopping pipeline...\n"
msgstr "Primljen je EOS - cjevovod se zaustavlja...\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1213
msgid "Interrupt while waiting for EOS - stopping pipeline...\n"
msgstr "Prekid dok se čeka na EOS - cjevovod se zaustavlja...\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1218
msgid "An error happened while waiting for EOS\n"
msgstr "Dogodila se greška pri čekanju na EOS\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1229
msgid "Execution ended after %"
msgstr "Izvršavanje je završilo nakon %"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1245
msgid "Setting pipeline to READY ...\n"
msgstr "Cjevovod se stavlja u stanje READY ...\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1257
msgid "Setting pipeline to NULL ...\n"
msgstr "Cjevovod se stavlja u stanje NULL ...\n"
#: tools/gst-launch.c:1261
msgid "Freeing pipeline ...\n"
msgstr "Cjevovod se prazni...\n"
#~ msgid "Error creating pipe: %s\n"
#~ msgstr "Greška pri stvaranju cijevi: %s\n"
#~ msgid "Error forking: %s\n"
#~ msgstr "Greška pri račvanju (stvaranju potomka): %s\n"
#~ msgid "Error reading from console: %s\n"
#~ msgstr "Greška pri čitanju iz terminala: %s\n"
#~ msgid "Error writing to console: %s\n"
#~ msgstr "Greška pri pisanju u terminal: %s\n"
#~ msgid "bin"
#~ msgstr "spremnik"
#~ msgid "Internal data stream error."
#~ msgstr "Interna greška protoka (stream) podataka."
#~ msgid "link without source element"
#~ msgstr "veza bez izvornog elementa"
#~ msgid "link without sink element"
#~ msgstr "veza bez prijamnog elementa"
#~ msgid "no element to link URI \"%s\" to"
#~ msgstr "nema elementa na koji će se povezati URI „%s”"
#~ msgid "maximum"
#~ msgstr "najviše"
#~ msgid "Usage: gst-xmllaunch <file.xml> [ ... ]\n"
#~ msgstr "Uporaba: gst-xmllaunch <datoteka.xml> [ element.svojstvo=vrijednost ... ]\n"
#~ msgid "ERROR: parse of xml file '%s' failed.\n"
#~ msgstr "GREŠKA: analiza xml datoteke „%s” nije uspjela.\n"
#~ msgid "ERROR: no toplevel pipeline element in file '%s'.\n"
#~ msgstr "GREŠKA: ne postoji vršni element cjevovoda u datoteci „%s”.\n"
#~ msgid "WARNING: only one toplevel element is supported at this time.\n"
#~ msgstr "UPOZORENJE: trenutno je podržan samo jedan vršni element.\n"
#~ msgid "ERROR: could not parse command line argument %d: %s.\n"
#~ msgstr "GREŠKA: ne mogu analizirati argument naredbenog retka %d: %s.\n"
#~ msgid "WARNING: element named '%s' not found.\n"
#~ msgstr "UPOZORENJE: element „%s” nije pronađen.\n"
#~ msgid "Do not output status information of TYPE"
#~ msgstr "Ne ispisuj informacije navedene VRSTE o izlaznom stanju"
#~ msgid "TYPE1,TYPE2,..."
#~ msgstr "VRSTA1,VRSTA2,..."
#~ msgid "Save xml representation of pipeline to FILE and exit"
#~ msgstr "Spremi xml prikaz cjevovoda u DATOTEKU i izađi"
#~ msgid "FILE"
#~ msgstr "DATOTEKA"
#~ msgid "Do not install signal handlers for SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2"
#~ msgstr "Nemoj instalirati rukovatelj signala za SIGUSR1 i SIGUSR2"
#~ msgid "Print alloc trace (if enabled at compile time)"
#~ msgstr "Ispiši alloc praćenje (ako je omogućeno pri kompajliranju)"