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Installing for iOS development
All versions starting form iOS 6 are supported
For iOS development you need to download Xcode and the iOS SDK. Xcode can be found at the App Store or here and the iOS SDK, if it is not already included in your version of Xcode, can be downloaded from Xcode's preferences menu under the downloads tab. The minimum required iOS version is 6.0. The minimum required version of Xcode is 4, but 4.5 is recommended.
In case you are not familiar with iOS, Objective-C or Xcode, we recommend taking a look at the available documentation at Apple's website. This can be a good starting point.
Download and install GStreamer binaries
GStreamer binary installer can be found at:
Double click the package file and follow the instructions presented by the install wizard. In case the system complains about the package not being signed, you can control-click it and open to start the installation. When you do this, it will warn you, but there is an option to install anyway. Otherwise you can go to System Preferences → Security and Privacy → General and select the option to allow installation of packages from "anywhere".
The GStreamer SDK installs itself in your home directory, so it is
available only to the user that installed it. The SDK library is
installed to ~/Library/Developer/GStreamer/iPhone.sdk
. Inside this
directory there is the GStreamer.framework that contains the libs,
headers and resources, and there is a Templates
directory that has
Xcode application templates for GStreamer development. Those templates
are also copied to ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates
installation so that Xcode can find them.
Configure your development environment
GStreamer is written in C, and the iOS API uses mostly Objective-C (and C for some parts), but this should cause no problems as those languages interoperate freely. You can mix both in the same source code, for example.
Building the tutorials
The GStreamer SDK ships a few tutorials in the xcode iOS
folder inside
the .dmg
file. Copy them out of the package and into a more suitable
place. We recommend that you open the project in Xcode, take a look
at the sources and build them. This should confirm that the installation
works and give some insight on how simple it is to mix Objective-C and C
Creating new projects
After installation, when creating a new Xcode project, you should see
the GStreamer project templates under the Templates
category. OS X and
iOS have a different way of organizing libraries headers and binaries.
They are grouped into Frameworks, and that's how we ship GStreamer and
its dependencies for iOS (and OS X). Due to this difference from
traditional linux development, we strongly recommend using the SDK
templates, as they set a few variables on your project that allows Xcode
to find, use and link GStreamer just like in traditional linux
development. For example, if you don't use the templates, you'll have to
#include <GStreamer/gst/gst.h>
instead of the usual:
#include <gst/gst.h>
Among some other things the template does, this was a decision made to keep development consistent across all the platforms the SDK supports.
Once a project has been created using a GStreamer SDK Template, it is ready to build and run. All necessary infrastructure is already in place. To understand what files have been created and how they interact, take a look at the iOS tutorials.