
52 KiB

GstValidate action types


    [base-time=(double or string (GstClockTime))],
    [configs=({GstStructure as string})],
    [duration=(double, int)],
    [expected-issues=({GstStructure as string})],
    [max-latency=(double, int)],
    [start-time=(double or string (GstClockTime))],

Scenario metadata.

NOTE: it used to be called "description"

  • Implementer namespace: core
  • Is config action (meaning it will be executing right at the beginning of the execution of the pipeline)


  • allow-errors:(optional): Ignore error messages and keep executing the scenario when it happens. By default a 'stop' action is generated on ERROR messages

    Possible types: boolean

    Default: false

  • base-time:(optional): The base-time fields lets you set the Pipeline base-time as defined in gst_element_set_base_time.

    Possible types: double or string (GstClockTime)

    Default: None

  • configs:(optional): The configs field is an array of structures containing the same content as usual configs files.

For example:

configs = {
    # Set videotestsrc0 pattern value to `blue`
    "core, action=set-property, target-element-name=videotestsrc0, property-name=pattern, property-value=blue",
    "$(validateflow), pad=sink1:sink, caps-properties={ width, height };",

Note: Since this is GstStructure syntax, we need to have the structures in the array as strings/within quotes.

Possible types: {GstStructure as string}

Default: {}

  • duration:(optional): Lets the user know the time the scenario needs to be fully executed

    Possible types: double, int

    Default: infinite (GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE)

  • expected-issues:(optional): The expected-issues field is an array of expected-issue structures containing information about issues to expect (which can be known bugs or not).

Use gst-validate-1.0 --print-issue-types to print information about all issue types.

For example:

expected-issues = {
    "expected-issue, issue-id=scenario::not-ended",

Note: Since this is GstStructure syntax, we need to have the structures in the array as strings/within quotes.

Each issue has the following fields:

  • issue-id: (string): Issue ID - Mandatory if summary is not provided.

  • summary: (string): Summary - Mandatory if issue-id is not provided.

  • details: Regex string to match the issue details detected-on: (string): The name of the element the issue happened on level: (string): Issue level

  • sometimes: (boolean): Default: false - Wheteher the issue happens only sometimes if false and the issue doesn't happen, an error will be issued.

  • issue-url: (string): The url of the issue in the bug tracker if the issue is a bug.

    Possible types: {GstStructure as string}

    Default: {}

  • handles-states:(optional): Whether the scenario handles pipeline state changes from the beginning in that case the application should not set the state of the pipeline to anything and the scenario action will be executed from the beginning

    Possible types: boolean

    Default: false

  • ignore-eos:(optional): Ignore EOS and keep executing the scenario when it happens. By default a 'stop' action is generated one EOS

    Possible types: boolean

    Default: false

  • is-config:(optional): Whether the scenario is a config only scenario

    Possible types: boolean

    Default: false

  • max-dropped:(optional): The maximum number of buffers which can be dropped by the QoS system allowed for this pipeline. It can be overridden using core configuration, like for example by defining the env variable GST_VALIDATE_CONFIG=core,max-dropped=100

    Possible types: int

    Default: infinite (-1)

  • max-latency:(optional): The maximum latency in nanoseconds allowed for this pipeline. It can be overridden using core configuration, like for example by defining the env variable GST_VALIDATE_CONFIG=core,max-latency=33000000

    Possible types: double, int

    Default: infinite (GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE)

  • min-audio-track:(optional): Lets the user know the minimum number of audio tracks the stream needs to contain for the scenario to be usable

    Possible types: int

    Default: 0

  • min-media-duration:(optional): Lets the user know the minimum duration of the stream for the scenario to be usable

    Possible types: double

    Default: 0.0

  • min-video-track:(optional): Lets the user know the minimum number of video tracks the stream needs to contain for the scenario to be usable

    Possible types: int

    Default: 0

  • need-clock-sync:(optional): Whether the scenario needs the execution to be synchronized with the pipeline's clock. Letting the user know if it can be used with a 'fakesink sync=false' sink

    Possible types: boolean

    Default: true if some action requires a playback-time false otherwise

  • pipeline-name:(optional): The name of the GstPipeline on which the scenario should be executed. It has the same effect as setting the pipeline using pipeline_name->scenario_name.

    Possible types: string

    Default: NULL

  • reverse-playback:(optional): Whether the scenario plays the stream backward

    Possible types: boolean

    Default: false

  • seek:(optional): Whether the scenario executes seek actions or not

    Possible types: boolean

    Default: false

  • start-time:(optional): The start-time fields lets you set the Pipeline start-time as defined in gst_element_set_start_time.

    Possible types: double or string (GstClockTime)

    Default: None

  • summary:(optional): A human readable summary of what the test/scenario does

    Possible types: string

    Default: 'Nothing'

  • use-system-clock:(optional): The use-system-clock fields lets you force the Pipeline to use the GstSystemClock

    Possible types: bool

    Default: false


    flags=(string describing the GstSeekFlags to set),
    start=(double or string (GstClockTime)),
    [stop=(double or string (GstClockTime))],

Seeks into the stream. This is an example of a seek happening when the stream reaches 5 seconds or 1 eighth of its duration and seeks to 10s or 2 eighths of its duration: seek, playback-time="min(5.0, (duration/8))", start="min(10, 2*(duration/8))", flags=accurate+flush

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • flags:(mandatory): The GstSeekFlags to use

    Possible types: string describing the GstSeekFlags to set

  • start:(mandatory): The starting value of the seek

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double or string (GstClockTime)

  • rate:(optional): The rate value of the seek

    Possible types: double

    Default: 1.0

  • start_type:(optional): The GstSeekType to use for the start of the seek, in: [none, set, end]

    Possible types: string

    Default: set

  • stop:(optional): The stop value of the seek

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double or string (GstClockTime)


  • stop_type:(optional): The GstSeekType to use for the stop of the seek, in: [none, set, end]

    Possible types: string

    Default: set

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)


    [duration=(double or string (GstClockTime))],

Sets pipeline to PAUSED. You can add a 'duration' parameter so the pipeline goes back to playing after that duration (in second)

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • duration:(optional): The duration during which the stream will be paused

    Possible types: double or string (GstClockTime)

    Default: 0.0

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Sets the pipeline state to PLAYING

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Stops the execution of the scenario. It will post a 'request-state' message on the bus with NULL as a requested state and the application is responsible for stopping itself. If you override that action type, make sure to link up.

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Sends an EOS event to the pipeline

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Select the stream on next GST_STREAM_COLLECTION message on the bus.

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • indexes:(mandatory): Indexes of the streams in the StreamCollection to select

    Possible types: [int]

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)


    [index=(string: to switch track relatively
int: To use the actual index to use)],

The 'switch-track' command can be used to switch tracks.

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • index:(optional): Selects which track of this type to use: it can be either a number, which will be the Nth track of the given type, or a number with a '+' or '-' prefix, which means a relative change (eg, '+1' means 'next track', '-1' means 'previous track')

    Possible types: string: to switch track relatively int: To use the actual index to use

    Default: +1

  • type:(optional): Selects which track type to change (can be 'audio', 'video', or 'text').

    Possible types: string

    Default: audio

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)


    [duration=(double or string (GstClockTime))],

Waits for signal 'signal-name', message 'message-type', or during 'duration' seconds

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • check:(optional): The check action to execute when non blocking signal is received

    Possible types: structure

    Default: (null)

  • duration:(optional): the duration while no other action will be executed

    Possible types: double or string (GstClockTime)

    Default: (null)

  • expected-values:(optional): Expected values in the message structure (valid only when message-type). Example: wait, on-client=true, message-type=buffering, expected-values=[values, buffer-percent=100]

    Possible types: structure

    Default: (null)

  • message-type:(optional): The name of the message type to wait for (on @target-element-name if specified)

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • non-blocking:(optional): Only for signals.Make the action non blocking meaning that next actions will be executed without waiting for the signal to be emitted.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • on-clock:(optional): Wait until the test clock gets a new pending entry. See #gst_test_clock_wait_for_next_pending_id.

    Possible types: boolean

    Default: (null)

  • property-name:(optional): The name of the property to wait for value to be set to what is specified by @property-value.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • property-value:(optional): The value of the property to be waiting. Example: wait, property-name=current-uri, property-value=file:///some/value.mp4, target-element-name=uridecodebin

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • signal-name:(optional): The name of the signal to wait for on @target-element-name. To ensure that the signal is executed without blocking while waiting for it you can set the field 'non-blocking=true'.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • subpipeline-done:(optional): Waits that the subpipeline with that name is done

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • target-element-factory-name:(optional): The name factory for which to wait @signal-name on

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • target-element-name:(optional): The name of the GstElement to wait @signal-name on.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Dots the pipeline (the 'name' property will be used in the dot filename). For more information have a look at the GST_DEBUG_BIN_TO_DOT_FILE documentation. Note that the GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR env variable needs to be set

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)


    rank=(string, int);

Changes the ranking of a particular plugin feature(s)

  • Implementer namespace: core
  • Is config action (meaning it will be executing right at the beginning of the execution of the pipeline)


  • name:(mandatory): The name of a GstFeature or GstPlugin

    Possible types: string

  • rank:(mandatory): The GstRank to set on @name

    Possible types: string, int



Remove a plugin feature(s) or a plugin from the registry

  • Implementer namespace: core
  • Is config action (meaning it will be executing right at the beginning of the execution of the pipeline)


  • name:(mandatory): The name of a GstFeature or GstPlugin to remove

    Possible types: string


    rank=(string, int);

Changes the ranking of a particular plugin feature

  • Implementer namespace: core
  • Is config action (meaning it will be executing right at the beginning of the execution of the pipeline)


  • feature-name:(mandatory): The name of a GstFeature

    Possible types: string

  • rank:(mandatory): The GstRank to set on @feature-name

    Possible types: string, int



Changes the state of the pipeline to any GstState

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • state:(mandatory): A GstState as a string, should be in:

    • ['null', 'ready', 'paused', 'playing']

    Possible types: string

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Define vars to be used in other actions. For example you can define vars for buffer checksum to be used in the "check-last-sample" action type as follow:

 set-vars, frame1=SomeRandomHash1,frame2=Anotherhash...
 check-last-sample, checksum=frame1
  • Implementer namespace: core


  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)


    timestamp=(string or float (GstClockTime)),

Sets GstTimedValue on pads on elements properties using GstControlBindings and GstControlSource as defined in the parameters. The properties values to set will be defined as:


NOTE: .padname is not needed if setting a property on an element

This action also adds necessary control source/control bindings.

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • timestamp:(mandatory): The timestamp of the keyframe

    Possible types: string or float (GstClockTime)

  • binding-type:(optional): The name of the type of binding to use

    Possible types: string

    Default: direct

  • interpolation-mode:(optional): The name of the GstInterpolationMode to set on the source

    Possible types: string

    Default: linear

  • source-type:(optional): The name of the type of ControlSource to use

    Possible types: string

    Default: GstInterpolationControlSource

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Check elements and pads properties values. The properties values to check will be defined as:


NOTE: .padname is not needed if checking an element property

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Set elements and pads properties values. The properties values to set will be defined as:


NOTE: .padname is not needed if set an element property

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)


    property-value=(The same type of @property-name),

Sets a property of an element or klass of elements in the pipeline. Besides property-name and value, either 'target-element-name' or 'target-element-klass' needs to be defined

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • property-name:(mandatory): The name of the property to set on @target-element-name

    Possible types: string

  • property-value:(mandatory): The value of @property-name to be set on the element

    Possible types: The same type of @property-name

  • on-all-instances:(optional): Whether to set property on all instances matching the requirements

    Possible types: boolean

    Default: (null)

  • target-element-factory-name:(optional): The name factory for which to set a property on built elements

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • target-element-klass:(optional): The klass of the GstElements to set a property on

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • target-element-name:(optional): The name of the GstElement to set a property on

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null) optional : Don't raise an error if this action hasn't been executed or failed ### Possible types: boolean Default: false


    property-value=(The same type of @property-name),

Check the value of property of an element or klass of elements in the pipeline. Besides property-name and value, either 'target-element-name' or 'target-element-klass' needs to be defined

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • property-name:(mandatory): The name of the property to set on @target-element-name

    Possible types: string

  • property-value:(mandatory): The expected value of @property-name

    Possible types: The same type of @property-name

  • target-element-factory-name:(optional): The name factory for which to check a property value on built elements

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • target-element-klass:(optional): The klass of the GstElements to check a property on

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • target-element-name:(optional): The name of the GstElement to check a property value

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Sets the debug level to be used, same format as setting the GST_DEBUG env variable

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • debug-threshold:(mandatory): String defining debug threshold See gst_debug_set_threshold_from_string

    Possible types: string

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Emits a signal to an element in the pipeline

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • signal-name:(mandatory): The name of the signal to emit on @target-element-name

    Possible types: string

  • target-element-name:(mandatory): The name of the GstElement to emit a signal on

    Possible types: string

  • params:(optional): The signal parameters

    Possible types: ValueArray

    Default: (null)

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Queues a sample in an appsrc. If the pipeline state allows flow of buffers, the next action is not run until the buffer has been pushed.

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • target-element-name:(mandatory): The name of the appsrc to push data on

    Possible types: string

  • caps:(optional): Caps for the buffer to be pushed

    Possible types: caps

    Default: (null)

  • dts:(optional): Buffer DTS

    Possible types: GstClockTime

    Default: (null)

  • duration:(optional): Buffer duration

    Possible types: GstClockTime

    Default: (null)

  • file-name:(optional): Relative path to a file whose contents will be pushed as a buffer

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • fill-mode:(optional): How to fill the buffer, possible values:

    • nothing: Leave data as malloc)
    • zero: Fill buffers with zeros
    • counter: Buffers are filled with an ever increasing counter
    • file: Read data from file

    Possible types: string

    Default: file

  • from-appsink:(optional): Pull sample from another appsink, if appsink is in another pipeline, use the other-pipeline-name/target-element-name synthax

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • offset:(optional): Offset within the file where the buffer will start

    Possible types: uint64

    Default: (null)

  • pts:(optional): Buffer PTS

    Possible types: GstClockTime

    Default: (null)

  • segment:(optional): The GstSegment to configure as part of the sample

    Possible types: (GstStructure)segment,[start=(GstClockTime)][stop=(GstClockTime)][base=(GstClockTime)][offset=(GstClockTime)][time=(GstClockTime)][postion=(GstClockTime)][duration=(GstClockTime)]

    Default: (null)

  • size:(optional): Number of bytes from the file that will be pushed as a buffer

    Possible types: uint64

    Default: (null)

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



queues a eos event in an appsrc.

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • target-element-name:(mandatory): the name of the appsrc to emit eos on

    Possible types: string

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



queues a eos event in an appsrc.

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • sink:(mandatory): the name of the appsink to forward samples/events from

    Possible types: string

  • src:(mandatory): the name of the appsrc to forward samples/events to

    Possible types: string

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Sends FLUSH_START and FLUSH_STOP events.

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • target-element-name:(mandatory): The name of the appsrc to flush on

    Possible types: string

  • reset-time:(optional): Whether the flush should reset running time

    Possible types: boolean

    Default: TRUE

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Disables a GstPlugin

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • plugin-name:(mandatory): The name of the GstPlugin to disable

    Possible types: string

  • as-config:(optional): Execute action as a config action (meaning when loading the scenario)

    Possible types: boolean

    Default: false

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Checks the last-sample checksum or frame number (set on its GstVideoTimeCodeMeta) on declared Sink element. This allows checking the checksum of a buffer after a 'seek' or after a GESTimeline 'commit' for example

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • checksum:(optional): The reference checksum of the buffer.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • sink-factory-name:(optional): The name of the factory of the sink element to check sample on.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • sink-name:(optional): The name of the sink element to check sample on.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • sinkpad-caps:(optional): The caps (as string) of the sink to check.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • timecode-frame-number:(optional): The frame number of the buffer as specified on its GstVideoTimeCodeMeta

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Crank the clock, possibly checking how much time was supposed to be waited on the clock and/or the clock running time after the crank. Using one crank-clock action in a scenario implies that the scenario is driving the clock and a #GstTestClock will be used. The user will need to crank it the number of time required (using the repeat parameter comes handy here).

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • expected-elapsed-time:(optional): Check time elapsed during the clock cranking

    Possible types: GstClockTime

    Default: (null)

  • expected-time:(optional): Expected clock time after cranking

    Possible types: GstClockTime

    Default: (null)

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)


    [running-time=(double or string)],

Request a video key unit

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • direction:(mandatory): The direction for the event to travel, should be in

    • [upstream, downstream]

    Possible types: string

  • all-headers:(optional): TRUE to produce headers when starting a new key unit

    Possible types: boolean

    Default: FALSE

  • count:(optional): integer that can be used to number key units

    Possible types: int

    Default: 0

  • pad:(optional): The name of the GstPad to send a send force-key-unit to

    Possible types: string

    Default: sink

  • running-time:(optional): The running_time can be set to request a new key unit at a specific running_time. If not set, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE will be used so upstream elements will produce a new key unit as soon as possible.

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double or string

    Default: (null)

  • srcpad:(optional): The name of the GstPad to send a send force-key-unit to

    Possible types: string

    Default: src

  • target-element-factory-name:(optional): The factory name of the GstElements to send a send force-key-unit to

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • target-element-klass:(optional): The klass of the GstElements to send a send force-key-unit to

    Possible types: string

    Default: Video/Encoder

  • target-element-name:(optional): The name of the GstElement to send a send force-key-unit to

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Check current pipeline position.

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • expected-position:(mandatory): The expected pipeline position

    Possible types: GstClockTime

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)


    [comparison-type=(string in [intersect, equal])],

Check currently set caps on a particular pad.

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • comparison-type:(optional): No description

    Possible types: string in [intersect, equal]

    Default: (null)

  • expected-caps:(optional): The expected caps. If not present, expected no caps to be set

    Possible types: caps,structure

    Default: (null)

  • pad:(optional): The name of the GstPad to get pad from

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • target-element-factory-name:(optional): The factory name of the GstElements to get pad from

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • target-element-klass:(optional): The klass of the GstElements to get pad from

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • target-element-name:(optional): The name of the GstElement to send a send force-key-unit to

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Run an external command.

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • argv:(mandatory): The subprocess arguments, include the program name itself

    Possible types: (string){array,}

  • env:(optional): Extra environment variables to set

    Possible types: structure

    Default: (null)

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null) optional : Don't raise an error if this action hasn't been executed or failed ### Possible types: boolean Default: false


    actions=({array of [structures]}),

Run actions defined in the actions array the number of times specified with an iterator parameter passed in. The iterator can be a range like: i=[start, end, step] or array of values such as: values=<value1, value2>. One and only one iterator field is supported as parameter.

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • actions:(mandatory): The array of actions to repeat

    Possible types: {array of [structures]}

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Execute @action on a sub scenario/pipeline.

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • pipeline-name:(mandatory): The name of the sub scenario pipeline

    Possible types: (string)

  • action:(optional): The action to execute on @pipeline-name

    Possible types: [structures]

    Default: (null)

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)


    [scenario=({array of [structures]})],

Start another pipeline potentially running a scenario on it. When a scenario is specified, and while the sub pipeline is running it will be possible to execute actions from the main scenario on that pipeline using the on-sub-scenario action type.

  • Implementer namespace: core


  • desc:(mandatory): Pipeline description as passed to gst_parse_launch()

    Possible types: string

  • name:(optional): The name of the new pipeline

    Possible types: (string)

    Default: (null)

  • scenario:(optional): Array of action and metadatas to run on the new pipeline

    Possible types: {array of [structures]}

    Default: (null)

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



corrupt the next socket receive

  • Implementer namespace: validatefaultinjection


  • errno:(mandatory): errno to set when failing

    Possible types: string

  • port:(mandatory): The port the socket to be corrupted listens on

    Possible types: int

  • times:(optional): Number of times to corrupt recv, default is one

    Possible types: int

    Default: 1

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)



Put a GdkEvent on the event list using gdk_put_event

  • Implementer namespace: validategtk


  • keys:(optional): The keyboard keys to be used for the event, parsed with gtk_accelerator_parse_with_keycode, so refer to its documentation for more information

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • string:(optional): The string to be 'written' by the keyboard sending KEY_PRESS GdkEvents

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • type:(optional): The event type to get executed. the string should look like the ones in GdkEventType but without the leading 'GDK_'. It is not mandatory as it can be computed from other present fields (e.g, an action with 'keys' will consider the type as 'key_pressed' by default).

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • widget-name:(optional): The name of the target GdkWidget of the GdkEvent. That widget has to contain a GdkWindow. If not specified, the event will be sent to the first toplevel window

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)


    subtitle-file=(string (A URI)),

Action to set a subtitle file to use on a playbin pipeline. The subtitles file that will be used should be specified relative to the playbin URI in use thanks to the subtitle-file action property. You can also specify a folder with subtitle-dir For example if playbin.uri='file://some/' and action looks like 'set-subtitle,' the subtitle URI will be set to 'file:///some/'

  • Implementer namespace: validate-launcher


  • subtitle-file:(mandatory): Sets a subtitles file on a playbin pipeline

    Possible types: string (A URI)

  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)