2019-06-17 09:53:07 -04:00

22 KiB

GES action types


    position=(double or string),

Allows to edit a container (like a GESClip), for more details, have a look at: ges_container_edit documentation, Note that the timeline will be commited, and flushed so that the edition is taken into account

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • container-name:(mandatory): The name of the GESContainer to edit

    Possible types: string

  • position:(mandatory): The new position of the GESContainer

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double or string

  • edit-mode:(optional): The GESEditMode to use to edit @container-name

    Possible types: string

    Default: normal

  • edge:(optional): The GESEdge to use to edit @container-name should be in [ edge_start, edge_end, edge_none ]

    Possible types: string

    Default: edge_none

  • new-layer-priority:(optional): The priority of the layer @container should land in. If the layer you're trying to move the container to doesn't exist, it will be created automatically. -1 means no move.

    Possible types: int

    Default: -1



Allows to add an asset to the current project

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • id:(mandatory): Adds an asset to a project.

  • type:(mandatory): The type of asset to add



Allows to remove an asset from the current project

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • id:(mandatory): The ID of the clip to remove

  • type:(mandatory): The type of asset to remove



Allows to add a layer to the current timeline

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • priority:(optional): The priority of the new layer to add,if not specified, the new layer will be appended to the timeline

    Default: (null)



Allows to remove a layer from the current timeline

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • priority:(mandatory): The priority of the layer to remove

  • auto-transition:(optional): Wheter auto-transition is activated on the new layer.

    Possible types: boolean

    Default: False


    [start=(double or string)],
    [inpoint=(double or string)],
    [duration=(double or string)];

Allows to add a clip to a given layer

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • name:(mandatory): The name of the clip to add

    Possible types: string

  • layer-priority:(mandatory): The priority of the clip to add

    Possible types: int

  • asset-id:(mandatory): The id of the asset from which to extract the clip

    Possible types: string

  • type:(mandatory): The type of the clip to create

    Possible types: string

  • start:(optional): The start value to set on the new GESClip.

    Possible types: double or string

    Default: (null)

  • inpoint:(optional): The inpoint value to set on the new GESClip

    Possible types: double or string

    Default: (null)

  • duration:(optional): The duration value to set on the new GESClip

    Possible types: double or string

    Default: (null)



Allows to remove a clip from a given layer

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • name:(mandatory): The name of the clip to remove

    Possible types: string



serializes a project

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • uri:(mandatory): The uri where to store the serialized project

    Possible types: string



Allows to change child property of an object

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • element-name:(mandatory): The name of the element on which to modify the property

    Possible types: string

  • property:(mandatory): The name of the property to modify

    Possible types: string

  • value:(mandatory): The value of the property

    Possible types: gvalue


    position=(double or string);

Split a clip at a specified position.

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • clip-name:(mandatory): The name of the clip to split

    Possible types: string

  • position:(mandatory): The position at which to split the clip

    Possible types: double or string



Sets restriction caps on tracks of a specific type.

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • track-type:(mandatory): The type of track to set restriction caps on

    Possible types: string

  • caps:(mandatory): The caps to set on the track

    Possible types: string



Sets restriction caps on tracks of a specific type.

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • element-name:(mandatory): The name of the TimelineElement to set an asset on

    Possible types: string

  • asset-id:(mandatory): The id of the asset from which to extract the clip

    Possible types: string



Add a child to @container-name. If asset-id and child-type are specified, the child will be created and added. Otherwize @child-name has to be specified and will be added to the container.

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • container-name:(mandatory): The name of the GESContainer to add a child to

    Possible types: string

  • child-name:(optional): The name of the child to add to @container-name

    Possible types: string

    Default: NULL

  • asset-id:(mandatory): The id of the asset from which to extract the child

    Possible types: string

  • child-type:(optional): The type of the child to create

    Possible types: string

    Default: NULL



Remove a child from @container-name.

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • container-name:(mandatory): The name of the GESContainer to remove a child from

    Possible types: string

  • child-name:(mandatory): The name of the child to reomve from @container-name

    Possible types: string



Ungroup children of @container-name.

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • container-name:(mandatory): The name of the GESContainer to ungroup children from

    Possible types: string

  • recursive:(optional): Wether to recurse ungrouping or not.

    Possible types: boolean

    Default: (null)



Adds a GstControlSource on @element-name::@property-name allowing you to then add keyframes on that property.

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • element-name:(mandatory): The name of the GESTrackElement to set the control source on

    Possible types: string

  • property-name:(mandatory): The name of the property for which to set a control source

    Possible types: string

  • binding-type:(optional): The name of the type of binding to use

    Possible types: string

    Default: direct

  • source-type:(optional): The name of the type of ControlSource to use

    Possible types: string

    Default: interpolation

  • interpolation-mode:(optional): The name of the GstInterpolationMode to on the source

    Possible types: string

    Default: linear


    timestamp=(string or float),

Remove a child from @container-name.

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • element-name:(mandatory): The name of the GESTrackElement to add a keyframe on

    Possible types: string

  • property-name:(mandatory): The name of the property for which to add a keyframe on

    Possible types: string

  • timestamp:(mandatory): The timestamp of the keyframe

    Possible types: string or float

  • value:(mandatory): The value of the keyframe

    Possible types: float


    position=(string or float),

Remove a child from @container-name.

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • element-name:(mandatory): The name of the GESTtimelineElement to copy

    Possible types: string

  • recurse:(optional): Copy recursively or not

    Possible types: boolean

    Default: true

  • position:(mandatory): The time where to paste the element

    Possible types: string or float

  • paste-name:(optional): The name of the copied element

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)


    timestamp=(string or float);

Remove a child from @container-name.

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • element-name:(mandatory): The name of the GESTrackElement to add a keyframe on

    Possible types: string

  • property-name:(mandatory): The name of the property for which to add a keyframe on

    Possible types: string

  • timestamp:(mandatory): The timestamp of the keyframe

    Possible types: string or float



Loads a project either from its content passed in the serialized-content field. Note that it will completely clean the previous timeline

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)

  • serialized-content:(mandatory): The full content of the XML describing project in XGES formet.



Commit the timeline.

  • Implementer namespace: ges



  • playback-time:(optional): The playback time at which the action will be executed

    Possible variables:

    • position: The current position in the stream

    • duration: The duration of the stream

    Possible types: double,string

    Default: 0.0

  • on-message:(optional): Specify on what message type the action will be executed. If both 'playback-time' and 'on-message' is specified, the action will be executed on whatever happens first.

    Possible types: string

    Default: (null)