Nirbheek Chauhan 46a4b07fe5 docs: Update docs for installing on windows
This page has been only sporadically updated for a decade, and it is
unlikely to be updated properly anytime soon. Update the top half, and
add a note about the tutorial section being out of date.

The trigger for this was a question on the mailing list about Windows
11 support, since it's not listed in the supported platforms list.

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2023-08-25 15:16:07 +00:00

224 lines
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# Installing on Windows
## Supported platforms
* Windows 7
* Windows 8
* Windows 8.1
* Windows 10
* Windows 11 and newer
## Prerequisites
To develop applications using GStreamer for Windows we recommend using Windows
10 or newer with Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 or newer. Older versions of each
may also work, but they are not recommended.
GStreamer package includes C headers (`.h`) and library files (`.lib`) valid
for any version of [Microsoft Visual Studio](
For convenience, property pages (`.props`) are also included which extremely
simplify creating new projects.
## Download and install GStreamer binaries
There are 3 sets of files in GStreamer binaries:
- The runtime files are needed to run GStreamer applications. You probably want
to distribute these files with your application (or the installer below).
- The development files are **additional** files you need at build-time to
create GStreamer applications.
- The [Merge Modules](
files are **additional** files you can use to deploy GStreamer binaries
alongside your application (see [Windows deployment](deploying/
Get both **the Runtime and Development** installers appropriate for
your architecture from the [GStreamer download page](
If in doubt, download the 64-bit MSVC packages:
- Runtime installer: e.g. `gstreamer-1.0-msvc-x86_64-{VERSION}.msi`
- Development files installer: e.g. `gstreamer-1.0-devel-msvc-x86_64-{VERSION}.msi`
Execute the installers and choose an installation folder. The suggested
default is usually OK.
> ![Warning](images/icons/emoticons/warning.svg)
> If you plan to use Visual Studio, **close it before installing GStreamer**.
> The installer will define new environment variables which will not be picked up by Visual Studio if it is open.
> On **Windows 8** and **Windows 10**, it might be necessary to log out and log back in to your account
> after the installation for the newly defined environment variables to be picked up by Visual Studio.
It is the application's responsibility to ensure that, at runtime,
GStreamer can access its libraries and plugins. It can be done by adding
`%GSTREAMER_ROOT_X86%\bin` to the `PATH` environment variable, or
by running the application from this same folder.
How to do this:
Windows start icon > Search "environment variables" > Edit the system environment variables (will open System Properties)
> Environment Variables > System variables > Variable :Path > Edit > New > Paste "C:\gstreamer\1.0\msvc_x86_64\bin" > OK
At runtime, GStreamer will look for its plugins in the following folders:
- `%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEFOLDER%/.gstreamer-1.0/plugins`
- `C:\gstreamer\1.0\x86\lib\gstreamer-1.0`
- `<location of gstreamer-1.0-0.dll>\..\lib\gstreamer-1.0`
So, typically, if your application can find `gstreamer-1.0-0.dll`,
it will find the GStreamer plugins, as long as the installation folder
structure is unmodified. If you do change this structure in your
application, then you can use the `GST_PLUGIN_PATH` environment
variable to point GStreamer to its plugins. The plugins are initially
found at `%GSTREAMER_ROOT_X86%\lib\gstreamer-1.0`.
Additionally, if you want to prevent GStreamer from looking in all the
default folders listed above, you can set the `GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH`
environment variable to point where the plugins are located.
## Configure your development environment
**NOTE: these instructions are out of date, exercise caution while following them**
### Building the tutorials
The tutorials code, along with project files and a solution file for
Visual Studio 2010, are in the
[gst-docs]( in the
`examples/tutorials` folder.
In order to prevent accidental modification of the original code, and to
make sure Visual Studio has the necessary permissions to write the
output files, copy the entire `tutorials` folder to a place of your
liking, and work from there.
> ![Information](images/icons/emoticons/information.svg)
> **64-bit Users**
> Use the `GSTREAMER_ROOT_X86_64` environment variable if you have installed GStreamer binaries for 64-bit platforms.
> Both GStreamer packages (32 and 64-bit) can be installed simultaneously, hence the separate environment variables.
> Make sure you select the Solution Configuration that matches GStreamer that you have installed: `Win32` for 32-bit or `x64` for 64-bit.
> ![Windows Install Configuration](images/WindowsInstall-Configuration.png)
You can launch Visual Studio 2010 and load your copy of the
`tutorials.sln` solution file (Click on the screen shots to enlarge them).
Hit **F7**, press the Build Solution button
![](images/WindowsInstall-BuildSolution.png) or go to Build →
Build Solution. All projects should build without problems.
### Running the tutorials
In order to run the tutorials, we will set the current working directory
to `%GSTREAMER_ROOT_X86%\bin` in the Debugging section of the
project properties. **This property is not stored in the project files,
so you will need to manually add it to every tutorial you want to run
from within Visual Studio**. Right click on a project in the Solution
Explorer, Properties → Debugging → Working Directory, and type
(The `$(...)` notation is required to access environment variables
from within Visual Studio property pages. You use the `%...%` notation in Windows
Explorer and in CMD scripts.)
You should now be able to run the tutorials.
### Creating new projects manually
**If you want to create 64-bit applications, remember also to create x64
Solution and Project configurations as
explained [here](\(v=vs.100\).aspx).**
#### Include the necessary GStreamer Property Sheet
The included property sheets make creating new projects extremely easy.
In Visual Studio 2010 create a new project (Normally a `Win32
Console` or `Win32 Application`). Then go to the Property Manager
(View→Property Manager), right-click on your project and select “Add
Existing Property Sheet...”.
> In Visual Studio 2017, the property manager can be found in
> View→Other Windows→Property Manager
Navigate to `%GSTREAMER_ROOT_X86%\share\vs\2010\libs` and load `gstreamer-1.0.props`.
This property sheet contains the directories where the headers and
libraries are located, and the necessary options for the compiler and
linker, so you do not need to change anything else in your project.
If you cannot find the Property Manager, you might need to enable Expert
Settings. Go to Tools → Settings → Expert Settings. Upon first
installation of Visual Studio, Expert Settings are disabled by
> ![Warning](images/icons/emoticons/warning.svg)
> **Depending on the GStreamer libraries you need to use, you will have to add more property pages,
> besides `gstreamer-1.0`** (each property page corresponds to one GStreamer library).
> The tutorial's project files already contain all necessary property pages. When developing your own applications,
> the GStreamer documentation will tell you what library a function belongs to, and therefore, what property pages you need to add.
#### Remove the dependency with the Visual Studio runtime
At this point, you have a working environment, which you can test by
running the tutorials. However, there is a last step remaining.
Applications built with Visual C++ 2010 depend on the Visual C++ 2010
Runtime, which is a DLL that gets installed when you install Visual
Studio. If you were to distribute your application, you would need to
distribute this DLL with it (e.g. via the [Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable
This happens with every version of Visual Studio, and the Runtime DLL is
different for every version of Visual Studio.
Furthermore, GStreamer itself is built using a “basic” C runtime which
comes in every Windows system since Windows XP, and is named
`MSVCRT.DLL`. If your application and GStreamer do not use the same C
Runtime, problems are bound to crop out.
In order to avoid these issues you must instruct your application to use
the system's C Runtime. First install the [Windows Device Driver Kit
Version 7.1.0]( (DDK).
When the installer asks about the features, select only “Build
Environments”. Accept the suggested location for the installation, which
is usually `C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1`. This download is an ISO file, you
can either burn a DVD with it (as recommended in the Microsoft site. You
will need DVD burning software), mount the file in a virtual DVD device
(you will need DVD virtualization software) or unpack the file as if it
was a regular compressed file (you will need decompression software that
understands the ISO format).
Then, add the `x86.props` or `x86_64.props` (for 32 or 64 bits) property
sheet found in `%GSTREAMER_ROOT_X86%\share\vs\2010\msvc` to your
project. This will make your application use the ubiquitous
`MSVCRT.DLL` saving you from some troubles in the future.
> ![Information](images/icons/emoticons/information.svg)
> If you did not install the WinDDK to the standard path `C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1`,
> you will need to tell Visual Studio where it is. Unfortunately, there is no automated way to do this.
> Once you have added the `x86.props` or `x86_64.props` to your project, go to the Property Manager,
> expand your project and its subfolders until you find the property sheet called `config`.
> Double click to edit it, and select the section called “User Macros” in the list on the left.
> You should see a macro called `WINDOWS_DRIVER_KIT`. Double click to edit it, and set its value to
> the root folder where you installed the DDK. This is the folder containing a file called `samples.txt`.
> That's it. Accept the changes, right click on the `config` property sheet and select “Save”.
> The path to the DDK is now stored in `config.props` and you do not need to perform this operation anymore.
### Creating new projects using the wizard
Go to File → New → Project… and you should find a template
named **GStreamer Project**. It takes no parameters, and sets all
necessary project settings, both for 32 and 64 bits architectures.
The generated project file includes the two required Property Sheets
described in the previous section, so, in order to link to the correct
`MSVCRT.DLL`, **you still need to install the Windows Device Driver
Kit** and change the appropriate property sheets.