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2009-09-11 22:21:30 +00:00
# translation of gstreamer.master.po to Basque
# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the gstreamer package.
# Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <>, 2009.
# Mikel Olasagasti Uranga <>, 2009.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gstreamer-\n"
2010-01-26 18:45:38 +00:00
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-01-26 17:05+0000\n"
2009-09-11 22:21:30 +00:00
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-08-29 12:04+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Mikel Olasagasti Uranga <>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
msgid "Print the GStreamer version"
msgstr "Erakutsi GStreamer-en bertsioa"
msgid "Make all warnings fatal"
msgstr "Bihurtu abisu guztiak errore larri"
msgid "Print available debug categories and exit"
msgstr "Erakutsi arazte-kategoria erabilgarriak, eta irten"
msgid ""
"Default debug level from 1 (only error) to 5 (anything) or 0 for no output"
msgstr ""
"Arazte-maila lehenetsia, 1etik (soilik erroreak) 5era (dena), edo 0 "
"(irteerarik ez)"
msgid "LEVEL"
msgstr "MAILA"
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of category_name:level pairs to set specific levels for "
"the individual categories. Example: GST_AUTOPLUG:5,GST_ELEMENT_*:3"
msgstr ""
"Kategoria bakoitzari maila jakin bat ezartzeko, erabili komaz bereizitako "
"kategoriaren_izena:maila pareen zerrenda. Adibidea: GST_AUTOPLUG:5,"
msgid "LIST"
msgstr "ZERRENDA"
msgid "Disable colored debugging output"
msgstr "Desgaitu koloreak arazketako irteeretan"
msgid "Disable debugging"
msgstr "Desgaitu arazketa"
msgid "Enable verbose plugin loading diagnostics"
msgstr "Gaitu pluginen kargatze-diagnostiko xehatua"
msgid "Colon-separated paths containing plugins"
msgstr "Pluginak dituzten bide-izenak, bi punturekin bereizita"
msgid "PATHS"
msgstr "BIDE-IZENAK"
msgid ""
"Comma-separated list of plugins to preload in addition to the list stored in "
"environment variable GST_PLUGIN_PATH"
msgstr ""
"Aurrez kargatzeko pluginen zerrenda komaz bereizita, GST_PLUGIN_PATH "
"ingurumen-aldagaian gordetako zerrendaz gain"
msgid "PLUGINS"
msgstr "PLUGINAK"
msgid "Disable trapping of segmentation faults during plugin loading"
msgstr ""
"Desgaitu segmentazio-hutsegiteen tranpak pluginak kargatzen diren bitartean"
msgid "Disable updating the registry"
msgstr "Desgaitu erregistroa eguneratzea"
#, fuzzy
msgid "Disable spawning a helper process while scanning the registry"
2009-09-11 22:21:30 +00:00
msgstr "Desgaitu fork() erabiltzea erregistroa eskaneatzean"
msgid "GStreamer Options"
msgstr "GStreamer-en aukerak"
msgid "Show GStreamer Options"
msgstr "Erakutsi GStreamer-en aukerak"
msgid "Unknown option"
msgstr "Aukera ezezaguna"
#, c-format
msgid "ERROR: from element %s: %s\n"
msgstr "ERROREA: %s elementuarena: %s\n"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Additional debug info:\n"
msgstr ""
"Arazketa-informazio gehigarria:\n"
msgid "GStreamer encountered a general core library error."
msgstr "Nukleo-liburutegiaren errore orokorra topatu du GStreamer-ek"
msgid ""
"GStreamer developers were too lazy to assign an error code to this error."
msgstr ""
"GStreamer-en garatzaileak alferregiak ziren errore honi errore-kode bat "
msgid "Internal GStreamer error: code not implemented."
msgstr "GStreamer-en barne-errorea: kodea ez dago inplementatua."
msgid ""
"GStreamer error: state change failed and some element failed to post a "
"proper error message with the reason for the failure."
msgstr ""
"GStreamer-en barne-errorea: egoeraren aldaketak huts egin du eta elementu "
"batzuk huts egin dute dagokion hutsegitearen berri ematen duen errorearen "
"mezua igortzean."
msgid "Internal GStreamer error: pad problem."
msgstr "GStreamer-en barne-errorea: betegarri-arazoa."
msgid "Internal GStreamer error: thread problem."
msgstr "GStreamer-en barne-errorea: hari-arazoa."
msgid "Internal GStreamer error: negotiation problem."
msgstr "GStreamer-en barne-errorea: negoziazio-arazoa."
msgid "Internal GStreamer error: event problem."
msgstr "GStreamer-en barne-errorea: gertaera-arazoa."
msgid "Internal GStreamer error: seek problem."
msgstr "GStreamer-en barne-errorea: bilaketa-arazoa."
msgid "Internal GStreamer error: caps problem."
msgstr "GStreamer-en barne-errorea: ahalmen-arazoa."
msgid "Internal GStreamer error: tag problem."
msgstr "GStreamer-en barne-errorea: etiketa-arazoa."
msgid "Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in."
msgstr "GStreamer-en instalazioari plugin bat falta zaio."
msgid "Internal GStreamer error: clock problem."
msgstr "GStreamer-en barne-errorea: erloju-arazoa."
msgid ""
"This application is trying to use GStreamer functionality that has been "
msgstr ""
"GStreamer-en funtzionalitate desgaitu bat erabiltzen saiatzen ari da "
"aplikazio hau."
msgid "GStreamer encountered a general supporting library error."
msgstr "Euskarri-liburutegiaren errore orokorra topatu du GStreamer-ek."
msgid "Could not initialize supporting library."
msgstr "Ezin izan da euskarri-liburutegia hasieratu."
msgid "Could not close supporting library."
msgstr "Ezin izan da euskarri-liburutegia itxi."
msgid "Could not configure supporting library."
msgstr "Ezin izan da euskarri-liburutegia konfiguratu."
msgid "GStreamer encountered a general resource error."
msgstr "Baliabide-errore orokorra topatu du GStreamer-ek."
msgid "Resource not found."
msgstr "Ez da baliabidea aurkitu."
msgid "Resource busy or not available."
msgstr "Baliabidea lanpetua dago edo ez dago erabilgarri."
msgid "Could not open resource for reading."
msgstr "Ezin izan da baliabidea ireki irakurtzeko."
msgid "Could not open resource for writing."
msgstr "Ezin izan da baliabidea ireki idazteko."
msgid "Could not open resource for reading and writing."
msgstr "Ezin izan da baliabidea ireki irakurtzeko eta idazteko."
msgid "Could not close resource."
msgstr "Ezin izan da baliabidea itxi."
msgid "Could not read from resource."
msgstr "Ezin izan da baliabidea irakurri."
msgid "Could not write to resource."
msgstr "Ezin izan da baliabidean idatzi."
msgid "Could not perform seek on resource."
msgstr "Ezin izan da bilaketa egin baliabidean."
msgid "Could not synchronize on resource."
msgstr "Ezin izan da baliabidean sinkronizatu."
msgid "Could not get/set settings from/on resource."
msgstr "Ezin izan dira ezarpenak eskuratu/ezarri baliabidetik/baliabidean."
msgid "No space left on the resource."
msgstr "Ez da lekurik geratzen baliabidean."
msgid "GStreamer encountered a general stream error."
msgstr "Korronte-errore orokorra topatu du GStreamer-ek."
msgid "Element doesn't implement handling of this stream. Please file a bug."
msgstr ""
"Elementuak ez du korronte horren maneiatzailerik inplementatzen. Egin "
"errorearen txostena."
msgid "Could not determine type of stream."
msgstr "Ezin izan da korronte mota zehaztu."
msgid "The stream is of a different type than handled by this element."
msgstr ""
"Korronte hori ez da elementu honek maneiatzen dituen korronteen mota berekoa."
msgid "There is no codec present that can handle the stream's type."
msgstr "Ez dago korronte mota hori maneia dezakeen kodek erabilgarririk."
msgid "Could not decode stream."
msgstr "Ezin izan da korrontea deskodetu."
msgid "Could not encode stream."
msgstr "Ezin izan da korrontea kodetu."
msgid "Could not demultiplex stream."
msgstr "Ezin izan da korrontea demultiplexatu."
msgid "Could not multiplex stream."
msgstr "Ezin izan da korrontea multiplexatu."
msgid "The stream is in the wrong format."
msgstr "Korrontearen formatua ez da zuzena."
msgid "The stream is encrypted and decryption is not supported."
msgstr "Korrontea enkriptatuta dago eta desenkriptatzea ez dago onartuta."
msgid ""
"The stream is encrypted and can't be decrypted because no suitable key has "
"been supplied."
msgstr ""
"Korrontea enkriptatuta dago eta ezin da desenkriptatu, ez baita gako "
"egokirik eman."
#, c-format
msgid "No error message for domain %s."
msgstr "Ez dago errore-mezurik %s domeinuarentzat."
#, c-format
msgid "No standard error message for domain %s and code %d."
msgstr "Ez dago errore-mezu estandarrik %s domeinua eta %d kodea dutenentzat."
msgid "Selected clock cannot be used in pipeline."
msgstr "Hautatutako erlojua ezin da kanalizazioan erabili."
msgid "title"
msgstr "izenburua"
msgid "commonly used title"
msgstr "normalean erabiltzen den izenburua"
msgid "title sortname"
msgstr "tituluarekiko ordenatu"
msgid "commonly used title for sorting purposes"
msgstr "tituluaren arabera ordenatzea"
msgid "artist"
msgstr "artista"
msgid "person(s) responsible for the recording"
msgstr "grabazioaren ardunaduna(k)"
msgid "artist sortname"
msgstr "artistarekiko ordenatu"
msgid "person(s) responsible for the recording for sorting purposes"
msgstr "grabazioaren arduradunekiko ordenatzea"
msgid "album"
msgstr "albuma"
msgid "album containing this data"
msgstr "datu hauek dituen albuma"
msgid "album sortname"
msgstr "albumarekiko ordenatu"
msgid "album containing this data for sorting purposes"
msgstr "datu hauek dituen albumarekiko ordenatzeko"
msgid "album artist"
msgstr "albuma artista"
msgid "The artist of the entire album, as it should be displayed"
msgstr "Album osoko artista, bistaratu beharko litzatekeen bezala"
msgid "album artist sortname"
msgstr "albuma artistarekiko ordenatu"
msgid "The artist of the entire album, as it should be sorted"
msgstr "Album osoko artistaren arabera ordenatzea"
msgid "date"
msgstr "data"
msgid "date the data was created (as a GDate structure)"
msgstr "datuak (GDate egitura gisa) sortu zireneko data"
msgid "genre"
msgstr "generoa"
msgid "genre this data belongs to"
msgstr "datu horiek zer generotakoak diren"
msgid "comment"
msgstr "iruzkina"
msgid "free text commenting the data"
msgstr "datuei buruzko iruzkina (testu librea)"
msgid "extended comment"
msgstr "iruzkin hedatua"
msgid "free text commenting the data in key=value or key[en]=comment form"
msgstr ""
"datuen iruzkina duen testu librea, gakoa=balioa edo key[en]=iruzkina formakoa"
msgid "track number"
msgstr "pista-zenbakia"
msgid "track number inside a collection"
msgstr "pista-zenbakia, bilduma batean"
msgid "track count"
msgstr "pista-kopurua"
msgid "count of tracks inside collection this track belongs to"
msgstr "pista-kopurua, pista hori daukan bilduman"
msgid "disc number"
msgstr "disko-zenbakia"
msgid "disc number inside a collection"
msgstr "disko-zenbakia, bilduma batean"
msgid "disc count"
msgstr "disko-kopurua"
msgid "count of discs inside collection this disc belongs to"
msgstr "disko-kopurua, disko hori daukan bilduman"
msgid "location"
msgstr "kokalekua"
msgid ""
"Origin of media as a URI (location, where the original of the file or stream "
"is hosted)"
msgstr ""
"Multimediaren jatorria URI gisa (jatorriko fitxategia edo korrontea dagoen "
msgid "homepage"
msgstr "orrialde nagusia"
msgid "Homepage for this media (i.e. artist or movie homepage)"
msgstr ""
"Multimedi honen orrialde nagusia (adib. artistaren edo filmaren webgunea)"
msgid "description"
msgstr "deskribapena"
msgid "short text describing the content of the data"
msgstr "datuen edukia deskribatzen duen testu laburra"
msgid "version"
msgstr "bertsioa"
msgid "version of this data"
msgstr "datu horien bertsioa"
msgid "ISRC"
msgstr "ISRC"
msgid "International Standard Recording Code - see"
msgstr ""
"Nazioarteko estadarrean oinarritutako grabatze-kodea (ISRC) - ikus http://"
msgid "organization"
msgstr "erakundea"
msgid "copyright"
msgstr "copyrighta"
msgid "copyright notice of the data"
msgstr "datuen egile-eskubideei buruzko informazioa"
msgid "copyright uri"
msgstr "copyrightaren uria"
msgid "URI to the copyright notice of the data"
msgstr "datuen egile-eskubideei buruzko informazioa atzitzeko URIa"
msgid "contact"
msgstr "kontaktua"
msgid "contact information"
msgstr "kontaktuari buruzko informazioa"
msgid "license"
msgstr "lizentzia"
msgid "license of data"
msgstr "datuen lizentzia"
msgid "license uri"
msgstr "lizentziaren URIa"
msgid "URI to the license of the data"
msgstr "datuen lizentzia atzitzeko URIa"
msgid "performer"
msgstr "interpretea"
msgid "person(s) performing"
msgstr "interpretatzen ari d(ir)ena(k)"
msgid "composer"
msgstr "konpositorea"
msgid "person(s) who composed the recording"
msgstr "grabazioa konposatu zuen ardunaduna"
msgid "duration"
msgstr "iraupena"
msgid "length in GStreamer time units (nanoseconds)"
msgstr "iraupena GStreamer-en denbora-unitateetan (nanosegundoak)"
msgid "codec"
msgstr "kodeka"
msgid "codec the data is stored in"
msgstr "datuak zer kodeketan gordeak dauden"
msgid "video codec"
msgstr "bideo-kodeka"
msgid "codec the video data is stored in"
msgstr "bideo-datuak zer kodeketan gordeak dauden"
msgid "audio codec"
msgstr "audio-kodeka"
msgid "codec the audio data is stored in"
msgstr "audio-datuak zer kodeketan gordeak dauden"
msgid "subtitle codec"
msgstr "azpitituluaren kodeka"
msgid "codec the subtitle data is stored in"
msgstr "azpitituluak zer kodeketan gordeak dauden"
msgid "container format"
msgstr "ontziaren formatua"
msgid "container format the data is stored in"
msgstr "datuak zein ontzi formatuan gordeak dauden"
msgid "bitrate"
msgstr "bit-emaria"
msgid "exact or average bitrate in bits/s"
msgstr "bit-emari zehatza edo batez bestekoa (bit/s)"
msgid "nominal bitrate"
msgstr "bit-emari izendatua"
msgid "nominal bitrate in bits/s"
msgstr "bit-emari izendatua (bit/s)"
msgid "minimum bitrate"
msgstr "gutxieneko bit-emaria"
msgid "minimum bitrate in bits/s"
msgstr "gutxieneko bit-emari izendatua (bit/s)"
msgid "maximum bitrate"
msgstr "gehienezko bit-emaria"
msgid "maximum bitrate in bits/s"
msgstr "gehienezko bit-emaria (bit/s)"
msgid "encoder"
msgstr "kodetzailea"
msgid "encoder used to encode this stream"
msgstr "korronte hau kodetzeko erabili den kodetzailea"
msgid "encoder version"
msgstr "kodetzailearen bertsioa"
msgid "version of the encoder used to encode this stream"
msgstr "korronte hau kodetzeko erabili den kodetzailearen bertsioa"
msgid "serial"
msgstr "seriekoa"
msgid "serial number of track"
msgstr "pistaren serie-zenbakia"
msgid "replaygain track gain"
msgstr "replaygain pista-irabazia"
msgid "track gain in db"
msgstr "pista-irabazia (db)"
msgid "replaygain track peak"
msgstr "replaygain pista-gailurra"
msgid "peak of the track"
msgstr "pistaren gailurra"
msgid "replaygain album gain"
msgstr "replaygain album-irabazia"
msgid "album gain in db"
msgstr "album-irabazia (db)"
msgid "replaygain album peak"
msgstr "replaygain album-gailurra"
msgid "peak of the album"
msgstr "albumaren gailurra"
msgid "replaygain reference level"
msgstr "replaygain erreferentzia-maila"
msgid "reference level of track and album gain values"
msgstr "pistaren eta albumaren irabazi-balioen erreferentzia-maila"
msgid "language code"
msgstr "hizkuntza-kodea"
msgid "language code for this stream, conforming to ISO-639-1"
msgstr "korronte honen hizkuntza-kodea, ISO-639-1en arabera"
msgid "image"
msgstr "irudia"
msgid "image related to this stream"
msgstr "korronte honi lotutako irudia"
msgid "preview image"
msgstr "aurrebista-irudia"
msgid "preview image related to this stream"
msgstr "korronte honi lotutako aurrebista-irudia"
msgid "attachment"
msgstr "eranskina"
msgid "file attached to this stream"
msgstr "korronte honi erantsitako fitxategia"
msgid "beats per minute"
msgstr "golpe minutuko"
msgid "number of beats per minute in audio"
msgstr "minutuko golpe kopurua, audioan"
msgid "keywords"
msgstr "gako-hitzak"
msgid "comma separated keywords describing the content"
msgstr "edukia deskribatzen duten komaz bereiztutako gako-hitzak"
msgid "geo location name"
msgstr "geolokalizazioaren izena"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"human readable descriptive location of where the media has been recorded or "
msgstr ""
"muldimedia grabatu edo ekoiztu den kokalekuaren azalpena gizakiok irakurtzeko"
msgid "geo location latitude"
msgstr "geolokalizazioaren latitudea"
msgid ""
"geo latitude location of where the media has been recorded or produced in "
"degrees according to WGS84 (zero at the equator, negative values for "
"southern latitudes)"
msgstr ""
"multimedia grabatu edo ekoiztu den lekuaren geolokalizazioaren latitudea "
"gradutan WGS84 estandarraren arabera (zero ekuadorea da, balio negatiboak "
"hegoaldeko latiduteak dira)"
msgid "geo location longitude"
msgstr "geolokalizazioaren longitudea"
msgid ""
"geo longitude location of where the media has been recorded or produced in "
"degrees according to WGS84 (zero at the prime meridian in Greenwich/UK, "
"negative values for western longitudes)"
msgstr ""
"multimedia grabatu edo ekoiztu den lekuaren geolokalizazioaren lontigudea "
"gradutan WGS84 estandarraren arabera (zero meridiano nagusia da Britainia "
"Handiko Greenwich-en, balio negatiboak mendebaldeko longitudeak dira)"
msgid "geo location elevation"
msgstr "geolokalizazioaren altitudea"
msgid ""
"geo elevation of where the media has been recorded or produced in meters "
"according to WGS84 (zero is average sea level)"
msgstr ""
"multimedia grabatu edo ekoiztu den lekuaren geolokalizazioaren altitudea "
"metrotan WGS84 estandarraren arabera (zero batez besteko itsasoaren maila da)"
2010-01-06 20:08:48 +00:00
msgid "show name"
msgstr ""
msgid "Name of the tv/podcast/series show the media is from"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "show sortname"
msgstr "artistarekiko ordenatu"
msgid ""
"Name of the tv/podcast/series show the media is from, for sorting purposes"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "episode number"
msgstr "disko-zenbakia"
msgid "The episode number in the season the media is part of"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "season number"
msgstr "disko-zenbakia"
msgid "The season number of the show the media is part of"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "lyrics"
msgstr "lizentzia"
msgid "The lyrics of the media, commonly used for songs"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "composer sortname"
msgstr "tituluarekiko ordenatu"
#, fuzzy
msgid "person(s) who composed the recording, for sorting purposes"
msgstr "grabazioaren arduradunekiko ordenatzea"
msgid "grouping"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Groups related media that spans multiple tracks, like the different pieces "
"of a concerto. It is a higher level than a track, but lower than an album"
msgstr ""
2009-09-11 22:21:30 +00:00
msgid ", "
msgstr ", "
#, c-format
msgid "specified empty bin \"%s\", not allowed"
msgstr "\"%s\" zehaztutako ontzi hutsa, ez da onartzen"
#, c-format
msgid "no bin \"%s\", skipping"
msgstr "ez dago \"%s\" ontzirik, saltatzen"
#, c-format
msgid "no property \"%s\" in element \"%s\""
msgstr "ez dago \"%s\" propietaterik \"%s\" elementuan"
#, c-format
msgid "could not set property \"%s\" in element \"%s\" to \"%s\""
msgstr ""
"ezin izan da ezarri \"%2$s\" elementuko \"%1$s\" propietatea honela: \"%3$s\""
#, c-format
msgid "could not link %s to %s"
msgstr "ezin izan da %s estekatu hona: %s"
#, c-format
msgid "no element \"%s\""
msgstr "ez dago \"%s\" elementua"
#, c-format
msgid "could not parse caps \"%s\""
msgstr "ezin izan da \"%s\" edukiera analizatu"
msgid "link without source element"
msgstr "iturburu-elementurik gabeko esteka"
msgid "link without sink element"
msgstr "kolektore-elementurik gabeko esteka"
#, c-format
msgid "no source element for URI \"%s\""
msgstr "ez da iturburu-elementurik ezarri \"%s\" URIarentzat"
#, c-format
msgid "no element to link URI \"%s\" to"
msgstr "ez dago elementurik \"%s\" URIa hona estekatzeko:"
#, c-format
msgid "no sink element for URI \"%s\""
msgstr "ez da kolektore-elementurik ezarri \"%s\" URIarentzat"
#, c-format
msgid "could not link sink element for URI \"%s\""
msgstr "ezin izan da kolektore-elementua estekatu \"%s\" URIarentzat"
msgid "empty pipeline not allowed"
msgstr "ez dira onartzen kanalizazio hutsak"
msgid "Internal clock error."
msgstr "Erlojuaren barne-errorea."
msgid "Internal data flow error."
msgstr "Datu-fluxuaren barne-errorea."
msgid "A lot of buffers are being dropped."
msgstr "Buffer asko jaregitzen ari dira."
msgid "Internal data flow problem."
msgstr "Datu-fluxuaren barne-arazoa."
msgid "Internal data stream error."
msgstr "Datu-korrontearen barne-errorea."
msgid "Filter caps"
msgstr "Iragazpen-ahalmena"
msgid ""
"Restrict the possible allowed capabilities (NULL means ANY). Setting this "
"property takes a reference to the supplied GstCaps object."
msgstr ""
"Mugatu onar daitezkeen ahalmenak (NULLek EDOZER adierazten du). Propietate "
"hori ezartzen bada, emandako GstCaps objektuaren erreferentzia hartzen du."
msgid "No file name specified for writing."
msgstr "Ez da fitxategi-izenik zehaztu idazteko."
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open file \"%s\" for writing."
msgstr "Ezin izan da \"%s\" fitxategia ireki idazteko."
#, c-format
msgid "Error closing file \"%s\"."
msgstr "Errorea gertatu da \"%s\" fitxategia ixtean."
#, c-format
msgid "Error while seeking in file \"%s\"."
msgstr "Errorea gertatu da \"%s\" fitxategian bilaketa egitean."
#, c-format
msgid "Error while writing to file \"%s\"."
msgstr "Errorea gertatu da \"%s\" fitxategian idaztean."
msgid "No file name specified for reading."
msgstr "Ez da fitxategi-izenik zehaztu irakurtzeko."
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open file \"%s\" for reading."
msgstr "Ezin izan da \"%s\" fitxategia ireki irakurtzeko."
#, c-format
msgid "Could not get info on \"%s\"."
msgstr "Ezin izan da \"%s\"(e)ko informazioa eskuratu."
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" is a directory."
msgstr "\"%s\" direktorioa da."
#, c-format
msgid "File \"%s\" is a socket."
msgstr "\"%s\" fitxategia socket-a da."
msgid "Failed after iterations as requested."
msgstr "Huts egin du eskatutako iterazioak egin ondoren."
msgid "No Temp directory specified."
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Could not create temp file \"%s\"."
msgstr "Ezin izan da \"%s\"(e)ko informazioa eskuratu."
2009-09-11 22:21:30 +00:00
msgid "caps"
msgstr "ahalmenak"
msgid "detected capabilities in stream"
msgstr "ahalmenak detektatu dira korrontean"
msgid "minimum"
msgstr "gutxienekoa"
msgid "maximum"
msgstr "gehienezkoa"
msgid "force caps"
msgstr "derrigortu gaitasunak"
msgid "force caps without doing a typefind"
msgstr "derrigortu gaitasunak motaren bilaketa landu gabe"
msgid "Stream contains no data."
msgstr "Korronteak ez du daturik."
msgid "Implemented Interfaces:\n"
msgstr "Inplementatutako interfazeak:\n"
msgid "readable"
msgstr "irakur daitekeena"
msgid "writable"
msgstr "idatz daitekeena"
msgid "controllable"
msgstr "kontrola daitekeena"
msgid "Blacklisted files:"
msgstr ""
2009-09-11 22:21:30 +00:00
msgid "Total count: "
msgstr "Kopuru osoa: "
#, c-format
msgid "%d blacklisted file"
msgid_plural "%d blacklisted files"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
2009-09-11 22:21:30 +00:00
#, c-format
msgid "%d plugin"
msgid_plural "%d plugins"
msgstr[0] "%d plugin"
msgstr[1] "%d plugin"
#, c-format
msgid "%d blacklist entry"
msgid_plural "%d blacklist entries"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
2009-09-11 22:21:30 +00:00
#, c-format
msgid "%d feature"
msgid_plural "%d features"
msgstr[0] "%d eginbide"
msgstr[1] "%d eginbide"
msgid "Print all elements"
msgstr "Inprimatu elementu guztiak"
msgid "Print list of blacklisted files"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
2009-09-11 22:21:30 +00:00
msgid ""
"Print a machine-parsable list of features the specified plugin or all "
"plugins provide.\n"
2009-09-11 22:21:30 +00:00
" Useful in connection with external "
"automatic plugin installation mechanisms"
msgstr ""
"Inprimatu zehaztutako pluginaren eginbide-zerrenda, makina batek "
"analizatzeko modukoa.\n"
" Baliagarria da kanpoko pluginak "
"automatikoki instalatzeko mekanismoen konexioetan"
msgid "List the plugin contents"
msgstr "Zerrendatu pluginen edukiak"
msgid "Print supported URI schemes, with the elements that implement them"
msgstr ""
"Erakutsi onartutako URI eskemak, haiek inplementatzen dituzten elementuekin"
#, c-format
msgid "Could not load plugin file: %s\n"
msgstr "Ezin izan da plugin fitxategia kargatu: %s\n"
#, c-format
msgid "No such element or plugin '%s'\n"
msgstr "'%s' elementua edo plugina ez da existitzen\n"
msgid "Usage: gst-xmllaunch <file.xml> [ ... ]\n"
msgstr ""
"Erabilera: gst-xmllaunch <fitxategia.xml> [ elementua."
"propietatea=balioa... ]\n"
#, c-format
msgid "ERROR: parse of xml file '%s' failed.\n"
msgstr "ERROREA: huts egin du '%s' xml fitxategia analizatzean.\n"
#, c-format
msgid "ERROR: no toplevel pipeline element in file '%s'.\n"
msgstr ""
"ERROREA: ez dago goi-mailako kanalizazio-elementurik '%s' fitxategian.\n"
msgid "WARNING: only one toplevel element is supported at this time.\n"
msgstr "KONTUZ: goi-mailako elementu bat bakarra onartzen da oraingoan.\n"
#, c-format
msgid "ERROR: could not parse command line argument %d: %s.\n"
msgstr "ERROREA: ezin izan da komando-lerroko %d. argumentua analizatu: %s.\n"
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: element named '%s' not found.\n"
msgstr "KONTUZ: ez da aurkitu '%s' izeneko elementua.\n"
#, c-format
msgid "Got message #%u from element \"%s\" (%s): "
msgstr "\"%2$s\" (%3$s) elementuaren %1$u. mezua jaso da: "
#, c-format
msgid "Got message #%u from pad \"%s:%s\" (%s): "
msgstr "\"%2$s:%3$s\" (%4$s) plataformaren %1$u. mezua jaso da: "
#, c-format
msgid "Got message #%u from object \"%s\" (%s): "
msgstr "\"%2$s\" (%3$s) objektuaren %1$u. mezua jaso da: "
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Got message #%u (%s): "
msgstr "\"%u\" (%s) mezua jaso da: "
#, c-format
msgid "Got EOS from element \"%s\".\n"
msgstr "\"%s\" elementuaren EOS bat jaso da.\n"
#, c-format
msgid "FOUND TAG : found by element \"%s\".\n"
msgstr "ETIKETA AURKITU DA: \"%s\" elementuak aurkitu du.\n"
#, c-format
msgid "FOUND TAG : found by pad \"%s:%s\".\n"
msgstr "ETIKETA AURKITU DA: \"%s:%s\" plataformak aurkitu du.\n"
#, c-format
msgid "FOUND TAG : found by object \"%s\".\n"
msgstr "ETIKETA AURKITU DA: \"%s\" objektuak aurkitu du.\n"
msgid "FOUND TAG\n"
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: from element %s: %s\n"
msgstr "ABISUA, %s elementuarena: %s\n"
msgid "Prerolled, waiting for buffering to finish...\n"
msgstr "Prestatu da; bufferreratzen bukatu zain...\n"
msgid "buffering..."
msgstr "bufferreratzen..."
msgid "Done buffering, setting pipeline to PLAYING ...\n"
msgstr ""
"Bufferreratu da; kanalizazioaren ezarpena ERREPRODUZITZEA gisa jartzen... \n"
msgid "Buffering, setting pipeline to PAUSED ...\n"
msgstr "Bufferreratzen; kanalizazioa PAUSARAZIA gisa ezartzen... \n"
msgid "Redistribute latency...\n"
msgstr "Latentzia birbanatzen...\n"
#, c-format
msgid "Setting state to %s as requested by %s...\n"
msgstr "Egoera %s(e)ra ezartzen %s(e)k eskatu bezala...\n"
msgid "Interrupt: Stopping pipeline ...\n"
msgstr "Eten: Kanalizazioa gelditzen... \n"
msgid "Output tags (also known as metadata)"
msgstr "Erakutsi etiketak (metadatu gisa ere ezagutzen direnak)"
msgid "Output status information and property notifications"
msgstr "Erakutsi egoerari buruzko informazioa eta propietateen jakinarazpenak"
msgid "Do not print any progress information"
msgstr "Ez erakutsi inolako jarraipenen informaziorik"
msgid "Output messages"
msgstr "Erakutsi mezuak"
msgid "Do not output status information of TYPE"
msgstr "Ez erakutsi MOTA hauetako egoera-informazioa:"
msgid "TYPE1,TYPE2,..."
msgstr "1.MOTA, 2.MOTA..."
msgid "Save xml representation of pipeline to FILE and exit"
msgstr "Gorde kanalizazioen xml adierazpena FITXATEGIan eta irten"
msgid "FILE"
msgid "Do not install a fault handler"
msgstr "Ez instalatu akats-maneiatzailerik"
msgid "Print alloc trace (if enabled at compile time)"
msgstr "Inprimatu esleipenen segimendua (konpilatzerakoan gaitu bada)"
msgid "Force EOS on sources before shutting the pipeline down"
msgstr "Derrigortu EOS iturburuetan kanalizazioa itzali aurretik"
#, c-format
msgid "ERROR: pipeline could not be constructed: %s.\n"
msgstr "ERROREA: ezin izan da kanalizazioa eraiki: %s.\n"
msgid "ERROR: pipeline could not be constructed.\n"
msgstr "ERROREA: ezin izan da kanalizazioa eraiki.\n"
#, c-format
msgid "WARNING: erroneous pipeline: %s\n"
msgstr "ABISUA, kanalizazio akastuna: %s\n"
msgid "ERROR: the 'pipeline' element wasn't found.\n"
msgstr "ERROREA: ezin izan da 'kanalizazio' elementua aurkitu.\n"
msgid "Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...\n"
msgstr "Kanalizazioa PAUSARAZIA gisa ezartzen... \n"
msgid "ERROR: Pipeline doesn't want to pause.\n"
msgstr "ERROREA: ezin da kanalizazioa pausarazi.\n"
msgid "Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ...\n"
msgstr "Kanalizazioa aktibo dago eta ez du PRESTATU beharrik...\n"
msgid "Pipeline is PREROLLING ...\n"
msgstr "Kanalizazioa PRESTATZEN ari da... \n"
msgid "ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to preroll.\n"
msgstr "ERROREA: ezin da kanalizazioa prestatu.\n"
msgid "Pipeline is PREROLLED ...\n"
msgstr "Kanalizazioa PRESTATUA dago... \n"
msgid "Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...\n"
msgstr "Kanalizazioa ERREPRODUZITZEA gisa ezartzen... \n"
msgid "ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to play.\n"
msgstr "ERROREA: ezin da kanalizazioa erreproduzitu.\n"
msgid "EOS on shutdown enabled -- Forcing EOS on the pipeline\n"
msgstr "EOS itzailtzean gaituta -- EOS derrigortzen kanalizazioan\n"
msgid "Waiting for EOS...\n"
msgstr "EOSren zain...\n"
msgid "EOS received - stopping pipeline...\n"
msgstr "EOSa jasota - kanalizazioa gelditzen...\n"
msgid "An error happened while waiting for EOS\n"
msgstr "Errorea gertatu da EOSren zain egotean\n"
msgid "Execution ended after %"
msgstr "Erreprodukzioa amaitu egin da %"
msgid "Setting pipeline to READY ...\n"
msgstr "Kanalizazioa PREST gisa ezartzen... \n"
msgid "Setting pipeline to NULL ...\n"
msgstr "Kanalizazioa NULUA gisa ezartzen... \n"
msgid "Freeing pipeline ...\n"
msgstr "Kanalizazioa askatzen...\n"
#~ msgid "Error writing registry cache to %s: %s"
#~ msgstr "Errorea gertatu da erregistroaren cachea %s(e)n idaztean: %s"
#~ msgid "Error re-scanning registry %s: %s"
#~ msgstr "Errorea gertatu da %s erregistroa berriz eskaneatzean: %s"
#~ msgid "Error re-scanning registry %s"
#~ msgstr "Errorea gertatu da %s erregistroa berriz eskaneatzean"
2009-09-11 22:21:30 +00:00
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Internal GStreamer error: state change failed."
#~ msgstr "GStreamer-en barne-errorea: etiketa-arazoa."
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error while writing to file descriptor \"%d\"."
#~ msgstr "Errorea gertatu da \"%s\" fitxategian idaztean."