
280 lines
14 KiB

// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
use super::prelude::*;
use crate::ffi;
use crate::{
Bin, Buffer, BufferList, Element, Event, FlowReturn, Message, MiniObject, Object, Pad,
PadLinkReturn, Query, StateChange, StateChangeReturn, Tracer,
use glib::{prelude::*, subclass::prelude::*, translate::*};
pub trait TracerImpl: TracerImplExt + GstObjectImpl + Send + Sync {
fn bin_add_post(&self, ts: u64, bin: &Bin, element: &Element, success: bool) {}
fn bin_add_pre(&self, ts: u64, bin: &Bin, element: &Element) {}
fn bin_remove_post(&self, ts: u64, bin: &Bin, success: bool) {}
fn bin_remove_pre(&self, ts: u64, bin: &Bin, element: &Element) {}
fn element_new(&self, ts: u64, element: &Element) {}
fn element_add_pad(&self, ts: u64, element: &Element, pad: &Pad) {}
fn element_remove_pad(&self, ts: u64, element: &Element, pad: &Pad) {}
fn element_change_state_post(
ts: u64,
element: &Element,
change: StateChange,
result: StateChangeReturn,
) {
fn element_change_state_pre(&self, ts: u64, element: &Element, change: StateChange) {}
fn element_post_message_post(&self, ts: u64, element: &Element, success: bool) {}
fn element_post_message_pre(&self, ts: u64, element: &Element, message: &Message) {}
fn element_query_post(&self, ts: u64, element: &Element, query: &Query, success: bool) {}
fn element_query_pre(&self, ts: u64, element: &Element, query: &Query) {}
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Hook to be called before the GstMiniObject has been fully initialized.
fn mini_object_created(&self, ts: u64, object: std::ptr::NonNull<ffi::GstMiniObject>) {}
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Hook to be called after the GstMiniObject has been finalized.
fn mini_object_destroyed(&self, ts: u64, object: std::ptr::NonNull<ffi::GstMiniObject>) {}
fn mini_object_reffed(&self, ts: u64, object: &MiniObject, new_refcount: i32) {}
fn mini_object_unreffed(&self, ts: u64, object: &MiniObject, new_refcount: i32) {}
fn object_created(&self, ts: u64, object: &Object) {}
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Hook to be called after the GstObject has been finalized.
fn object_destroyed(&self, ts: u64, object: std::ptr::NonNull<ffi::GstObject>) {}
fn object_reffed(&self, ts: u64, object: &Object, new_refcount: i32) {}
fn object_unreffed(&self, ts: u64, object: &Object, new_refcount: i32) {}
fn pad_link_post(&self, ts: u64, src: &Pad, sink: &Pad, result: PadLinkReturn) {}
fn pad_link_pre(&self, ts: u64, src: &Pad, sink: &Pad) {}
fn pad_pull_range_post(&self, ts: u64, pad: &Pad, buffer: &Buffer, result: FlowReturn) {}
fn pad_pull_range_pre(&self, ts: u64, pad: &Pad, offset: u64, size: u32) {}
fn pad_push_event_post(&self, ts: u64, pad: &Pad, success: bool) {}
fn pad_push_event_pre(&self, ts: u64, pad: &Pad, event: &Event) {}
fn pad_push_list_post(&self, ts: u64, pad: &Pad, result: FlowReturn) {}
fn pad_push_list_pre(&self, ts: u64, pad: &Pad, buffer_list: &BufferList) {}
fn pad_push_post(&self, ts: u64, pad: &Pad, result: FlowReturn) {}
fn pad_push_pre(&self, ts: u64, pad: &Pad, buffer: &Buffer) {}
fn pad_query_post(&self, ts: u64, pad: &Pad, query: &Query, success: bool) {}
fn pad_query_pre(&self, ts: u64, pad: &Pad, query: &Query) {}
fn pad_unlink_post(&self, ts: u64, src: &Pad, sink: &Pad, success: bool) {}
fn pad_unlink_pre(&self, ts: u64, src: &Pad, sink: &Pad) {}
#[cfg(any(feature = "v1_20", feature = "dox"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dox", doc(cfg(feature = "v1_20")))]
fn plugin_feature_loaded(&self, ts: u64, feature: &crate::PluginFeature) {}
unsafe impl<T: TracerImpl> IsSubclassable<T> for Tracer {}
pub trait TracerImplExt: ObjectSubclass {
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Register a corresponding hook to be called for this tracer when certain events occur.
/// Upon an event a corresponding method in `TracerImpl` will be called.
fn register_hook(&self, hook: TracerHook);
macro_rules! define_tracer_hooks {
($($(#[$attr:meta])* $name: ident($quark: literal) = |$this: ident, $ts: ident, $($cb_arg: ident: $cb_arg_ty: ty),*| $impl: block;)*) => {
pub enum TracerHook {
$($(#[$attr])* $name),*
impl<T: TracerImpl> TracerImplExt for T {
fn register_hook(&self, hook: TracerHook) {
use TracerHook::*;
let (hook_type, callback) = match hook {
$($(#[$attr])* $name => {
unsafe extern "C" fn callback<T: TracerImpl>(
$this: *mut ffi::GstTracer,
$ts: u64,
$($cb_arg: $cb_arg_ty),*
) {
let $this = Tracer::from_glib_borrow($this);
let $this = T::from_instance($this.unsafe_cast_ref());
concat!($quark, "\0"),
callback::<T> as unsafe extern "C" fn(_, _, $($cb_arg_ty),*) as *const ()
unsafe {
let instance = self.instance();
instance.to_glib_none().0 as *mut ffi::GstTracer,
hook_type.as_ptr() as *const _,
Some(std::mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn()>(callback)),
define_tracer_hooks! {
BinAddPost("bin-add-post") = |this, ts, b: *mut ffi::GstBin, e: *mut ffi::GstElement, r: glib::ffi::gboolean| {
let b = Bin::from_glib_borrow(b);
let e = Element::from_glib_borrow(e);
this.bin_add_post(ts, &b, &e, bool::from_glib(r))
BinAddPre("bin-add-pre") = |this, ts, b: *mut ffi::GstBin, e: *mut ffi::GstElement| {
let b = Bin::from_glib_borrow(b);
let e = Element::from_glib_borrow(e);
this.bin_add_pre(ts, &b, &e)
BinRemovePost("bin-remove-post") = |this, ts, b: *mut ffi::GstBin, r: glib::ffi::gboolean| {
let b = Bin::from_glib_borrow(b);
this.bin_remove_post(ts, &b, bool::from_glib(r))
BinRemovePre("bin-remove-pre") = |this, ts, b: *mut ffi::GstBin, e: *mut ffi::GstElement| {
let b = Bin::from_glib_borrow(b);
let e = Element::from_glib_borrow(e);
this.bin_remove_pre(ts, &b, &e)
ElementNew("element-new") = |this, ts, e: *mut ffi::GstElement| {
let e = Element::from_glib_borrow(e);
this.element_new(ts, &e)
ElementAddPad("element-add-pad") = |this, ts, e: *mut ffi::GstElement, p: *mut ffi::GstPad| {
let e = Element::from_glib_borrow(e);
let p = Pad::from_glib_borrow(p);
this.element_add_pad(ts, &e, &p)
ElementRemovePad("element-remove-pad") = |this, ts, e: *mut ffi::GstElement, p: *mut ffi::GstPad| {
let e = Element::from_glib_borrow(e);
let p = Pad::from_glib_borrow(p);
this.element_remove_pad(ts, &e, &p)
ElementChangeStatePost("element-change-state-post") = |this, ts, e: *mut ffi::GstElement, c: ffi::GstStateChange, r: ffi::GstStateChangeReturn| {
let e = Element::from_glib_borrow(e);
this.element_change_state_post(ts, &e, StateChange::from_glib(c), StateChangeReturn::from_glib(r))
ElementChangeStatePre("element-change-state-pre") = |this, ts, e: *mut ffi::GstElement, c: ffi::GstStateChange| {
let e = Element::from_glib_borrow(e);
this.element_change_state_pre(ts, &e, StateChange::from_glib(c))
ElementPostMessagePost("element-post-message-post") = |this, ts, e: *mut ffi::GstElement, r: glib::ffi::gboolean| {
let e = Element::from_glib_borrow(e);
this.element_post_message_post(ts, &e, bool::from_glib(r))
ElementPostMessagePre("element-post-message-pre") = |this, ts, e: *mut ffi::GstElement, m: *mut ffi::GstMessage| {
let e = Element::from_glib_borrow(e);
let m = Message::from_glib_borrow(m);
this.element_post_message_pre(ts, &e, &m)
ElementQueryPost("element-query-post") = |this, ts, e: *mut ffi::GstElement, q: *mut ffi::GstQuery, r: glib::ffi::gboolean| {
let e = Element::from_glib_borrow(e);
let q = Query::from_glib_borrow(q);
this.element_query_post(ts, &e, &q, bool::from_glib(r))
ElementQueryPre("element-query-pre") = |this, ts, e: *mut ffi::GstElement, q: *mut ffi::GstQuery| {
let e = Element::from_glib_borrow(e);
let q = Query::from_glib_borrow(q);
this.element_query_pre(ts, &e, &q)
// TODO: unclear what to do here as the `GstMiniObject` here is not fully initialized yet…
MiniObjectCreated("mini-object-created") = |this, ts, o: *mut ffi::GstMiniObject| {
this.mini_object_created(ts, std::ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(o))
// TODO: unclear what to do here as the `GstMiniObject` here is no longer valid…
MiniObjectDestroyed("mini-object-destroyed") = |this, ts, o: *mut ffi::GstMiniObject| {
this.mini_object_destroyed(ts, std::ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(o))
MiniObjectReffed("mini-object-reffed") = |this, ts, o: *mut ffi::GstMiniObject, rc: libc::c_int| {
let o = MiniObject::from_glib_borrow(o);
this.mini_object_reffed(ts, &o, rc as i32)
MiniObjectUnreffed("mini-object-unreffed") = |this, ts, o: *mut ffi::GstMiniObject, rc: libc::c_int| {
let o = MiniObject::from_glib_borrow(o);
this.mini_object_unreffed(ts, &o, rc as i32)
ObjectCreated("object-created") = |this, ts, o: *mut ffi::GstObject| {
let o = Object::from_glib_borrow(o);
this.object_created(ts, &o)
// TODO: unclear what to do here as the `GstObject` here is no longer valid…
ObjectDestroyed("object-destroyed") = |this, ts, o: *mut ffi::GstObject| {
this.object_destroyed(ts, std::ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(o))
ObjectReffed("object-reffed") = |this, ts, o: *mut ffi::GstObject, rc: libc::c_int| {
let o = Object::from_glib_borrow(o);
this.object_reffed(ts, &o, rc as i32)
ObjectUnreffed("object-unreffed") = |this, ts, o: *mut ffi::GstObject, rc: libc::c_int| {
let o = Object::from_glib_borrow(o);
this.object_unreffed(ts, &o, rc as i32)
PadLinkPost("pad-link-post") = |this, ts, src: *mut ffi::GstPad, sink: *mut ffi::GstPad, r: ffi::GstPadLinkReturn| {
let src = Pad::from_glib_borrow(src);
let sink = Pad::from_glib_borrow(sink);
this.pad_link_post(ts, &src, &sink, PadLinkReturn::from_glib(r))
PadLinkPre("pad-link-pre") = |this, ts, src: *mut ffi::GstPad, sink: *mut ffi::GstPad| {
let src = Pad::from_glib_borrow(src);
let sink = Pad::from_glib_borrow(sink);
this.pad_link_pre(ts, &src, &sink)
PadPullRangePost("pad-pull-range-post") = |this, ts, p: *mut ffi::GstPad, b: *mut ffi::GstBuffer, r: ffi::GstFlowReturn| {
let p = Pad::from_glib_borrow(p);
let b = Buffer::from_glib_borrow(b);
this.pad_pull_range_post(ts, &p, &b, FlowReturn::from_glib(r))
PadPullRangePre("pad-pull-range-pre") = |this, ts, p: *mut ffi::GstPad, o: u64, s: libc::c_uint| {
let p = Pad::from_glib_borrow(p);
this.pad_pull_range_pre(ts, &p, o, s as u32)
PadPushEventPost("pad-push-event-post") = |this, ts, p: *mut ffi::GstPad, r: glib::ffi::gboolean| {
let p = Pad::from_glib_borrow(p);
this.pad_push_event_post(ts, &p, bool::from_glib(r))
PadPushEventPre("pad-push-event-pre") = |this, ts, p: *mut ffi::GstPad, e: *mut ffi::GstEvent| {
let p = Pad::from_glib_borrow(p);
let e = Event::from_glib_borrow(e);
this.pad_push_event_pre(ts, &p, &e)
PadPushListPost("pad-push-list-post") = |this, ts, p: *mut ffi::GstPad, r: ffi::GstFlowReturn| {
let p = Pad::from_glib_borrow(p);
this.pad_push_list_post(ts, &p, FlowReturn::from_glib(r))
PadPushListPre("pad-push-list-pre") = |this, ts, p: *mut ffi::GstPad, bl: *mut ffi::GstBufferList| {
let p = Pad::from_glib_borrow(p);
let bl = BufferList::from_glib_borrow(bl);
this.pad_push_list_pre(ts, &p, &bl)
PadPushPost("pad-push-post") = |this, ts, p: *mut ffi::GstPad, r: ffi::GstFlowReturn| {
let p = Pad::from_glib_borrow(p);
this.pad_push_post(ts, &p, FlowReturn::from_glib(r))
PadPushPre("pad-push-pre") = |this, ts, p: *mut ffi::GstPad, b: *mut ffi::GstBuffer| {
let p = Pad::from_glib_borrow(p);
let b = Buffer::from_glib_borrow(b);
this.pad_push_pre(ts, &p, &b)
PadQueryPost("pad-query-post") = |this, ts, p: *mut ffi::GstPad, q: *mut ffi::GstQuery, r: glib::ffi::gboolean| {
let p = Pad::from_glib_borrow(p);
let q = Query::from_glib_borrow(q);
this.pad_query_post(ts, &p, &q, bool::from_glib(r))
PadQueryPre("pad-query-pre") = |this, ts, p: *mut ffi::GstPad, q: *mut ffi::GstQuery| {
let p = Pad::from_glib_borrow(p);
let q = Query::from_glib_borrow(q);
this.pad_query_pre(ts, &p, &q)
PadUnlinkPost("pad-unlink-post") = |this, ts, src: *mut ffi::GstPad, sink: *mut ffi::GstPad, r: glib::ffi::gboolean| {
let src = Pad::from_glib_borrow(src);
let sink = Pad::from_glib_borrow(sink);
this.pad_unlink_post(ts, &src, &sink, bool::from_glib(r))
PadUnlinkPre("pad-unlink-pre") = |this, ts, src: *mut ffi::GstPad, sink: *mut ffi::GstPad| {
let src = Pad::from_glib_borrow(src);
let sink = Pad::from_glib_borrow(sink);
this.pad_unlink_pre(ts, &src, &sink)
#[cfg(any(feature = "v1_20", feature = "dox"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "dox", doc(cfg(feature = "v1_20")))]
PluginFeatureLoaded("plugin-feature-loaded") = |this, ts, feature: *mut ffi::GstPluginFeature| {
let feature = crate::PluginFeature::from_glib_borrow(feature);
this.plugin_feature_loaded(ts, &feature)