François Laignel 884e5e4e4a event: add constructor on target types
... and deprecate the `Event::new_*` forms.
2020-06-25 10:48:25 +02:00

187 lines
7.4 KiB

// This example demonstrates how custom application-specific events can be
// created, sent in a pipeline and retrieved later.
// It uses a queue that contains several seconds worth of data. When the event
// is sent on the sink pad, we expect to see it emerge on the other side when
// the data in front of it has exited.
extern crate gstreamer as gst;
use gst::prelude::*;
#[path = "../"]
mod examples_common;
pub struct ExampleCustomEvent {
pub send_eos: bool,
impl ExampleCustomEvent {
const EVENT_NAME: &'static str = "example-custom-event";
pub fn new_event(send_eos: bool) -> gst::Event {
let s = gst::Structure::builder(Self::EVENT_NAME)
.field("send_eos", &send_eos)
pub fn from_event(ev: &gst::Event) -> Option<ExampleCustomEvent> {
match ev.view() {
gst::EventView::CustomDownstream(e) => {
let s = match e.get_structure() {
Some(s) if s.get_name() == Self::EVENT_NAME => s,
_ => return None, // No structure in this event, or the name didn't match
let send_eos = s.get_some::<bool>("send_eos").unwrap();
Some(ExampleCustomEvent { send_eos })
_ => None, // Not a custom event
fn example_main() {
let main_loop = glib::MainLoop::new(None, false);
// This creates a pipeline by parsing the gst-launch pipeline syntax.
let pipeline = gst::parse_launch(
"audiotestsrc name=src ! queue max-size-time=2000000000 ! fakesink name=sink sync=true",
let bus = pipeline.get_bus().unwrap();
.expect("Unable to set the pipeline to the `Playing` state");
let pipeline = pipeline.dynamic_cast::<gst::Pipeline>().unwrap();
let sink = pipeline.get_by_name("sink").unwrap();
let sinkpad = sink.get_static_pad("sink").unwrap();
// Need to move a new reference into the closure.
// It might seem appealing to use pipeline.clone() here, because that greatly
// simplifies the code within the callback. What this actually does, however, is creating
// a memory leak. The clone of a pipeline is a new strong reference on the pipeline.
// Storing this strong reference of the pipeline within the callback (we are moving it in!),
// which is in turn stored in another strong reference on the pipeline is creating a
// reference cycle.
let pipeline_weak = pipeline.downgrade();
// Add a pad probe on the sink pad and catch the custom event we sent, then send
// an EOS event on the pipeline.
sinkpad.add_probe(gst::PadProbeType::EVENT_DOWNSTREAM, move |_, probe_info| {
match {
Some(gst::PadProbeData::Event(ref ev))
if ev.get_type() == gst::EventType::CustomDownstream =>
if let Some(custom_event) = ExampleCustomEvent::from_event(ev) {
if let Some(pipeline) = pipeline_weak.upgrade() {
if custom_event.send_eos {
/* Send EOS event to shut down the pipeline, but from an async callback, as we're
* in a pad probe blocking the stream thread here... */
println!("Got custom event with send_eos=true. Sending EOS");
let ev = gst::event::Eos::new();
let pipeline_weak = pipeline_weak.clone();
pipeline.call_async(move |_| {
if let Some(pipeline) = pipeline_weak.upgrade() {
} else {
println!("Got custom event, with send_eos=false. Ignoring");
_ => (),
println!("Pipeline is running. Waiting 2 seconds");
/* Send 2 events into the pipeline - one with send_eos = false, followed
* by 1 with send_eos = true. Use a timeout event to send them in a few seconds
* when the pipeline has filled. */
for (i, send_eos) in [false, true].iter().enumerate() {
let pipeline_weak = pipeline.downgrade();
glib::timeout_add_seconds(2 + i as u32, move || {
// Here we temporarily retrieve a strong reference on the pipeline from the weak one
// we moved into this callback.
let pipeline = match pipeline_weak.upgrade() {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline,
None => return glib::Continue(false),
"Sending custom event to the pipeline with send_eos={}",
let ev = ExampleCustomEvent::new_event(*send_eos);
if !pipeline.send_event(ev) {
println!("Warning: Failed to send custom event");
// Remove this handler, the pipeline will shutdown once our pad probe catches the custom
// event and sends EOS
let main_loop_clone = main_loop.clone();
// This sets the bus's signal handler (don't be mislead by the "add", there can only be one).
// Every message from the bus is passed through this function. Its returnvalue determines
// whether the handler wants to be called again. If glib::Continue(false) is returned, the
// handler is removed and will never be called again. The mainloop still runs though.
bus.add_watch(move |_, msg| {
use gst::MessageView;
let main_loop = &main_loop_clone;
match msg.view() {
MessageView::Eos(..) => {
println!("received eos");
// An EndOfStream event was sent to the pipeline, so we tell our main loop
// to stop execution here.
MessageView::Error(err) => {
"Error from {:?}: {} ({:?})",
err.get_src().map(|s| s.get_path_string()),
_ => (),
// Tell the mainloop to continue executing this callback.
.expect("Failed to add bus watch");
// Operate GStreamer's bus, facilitating GLib's mainloop here.
// This function call will block until you tell the mainloop to quit
// (see above for how to do this).;
.expect("Unable to set the pipeline to the `Null` state");
// Remove the watch function from the bus.
// Again: There can always only be one watch function.
// Thus we don't have to tell him which function to remove.
fn main() {
// tutorials_common::run is only required to set up the application environent on macOS
// (but not necessary in normal Cocoa applications where this is set up autmatically)