Sebastian Dröge 7423b1dea6 elementfactory: Change make() / create() to builders and keep the old variants as create_with_name() / make_with_name()
As a side-effect, this also now includes the element factory name in the
error messages instead of giving the same error string for every

Partially fixes

Also let them all go through the same, single object construction code.
2022-10-19 17:48:39 +03:00

251 lines
10 KiB

// This example demonstrates how to overlay a video using the cairo
// library. For this, the cairooverlay element is used on a video stream.
// Additionally, this example uses functionality of the pango library, which handles
// text layouting. The pangocairo crate is a nice wrapper combining both libraries
// into a nice interface.
// The drawing surface which the cairooverlay element creates internally can then
// normally be drawn on using the cairo library.
// The operated pipeline looks like this:
// {videotestsrc} - {cairooverlay} - {capsfilter} - {videoconvert} - {autovideosink}
// The capsfilter element allows us to dictate the video resolution we want for the
// videotestsrc and the cairooverlay element.
use gst::prelude::*;
use pango::prelude::*;
use std::ops;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use anyhow::Error;
use derive_more::{Display, Error};
#[path = "../"]
mod examples_common;
#[derive(Debug, Display, Error)]
#[display(fmt = "Received error from {}: {} (debug: {:?})", src, error, debug)]
struct ErrorMessage {
src: String,
error: String,
debug: Option<String>,
source: glib::Error,
struct DrawingContext {
layout: LayoutWrapper,
info: Option<gst_video::VideoInfo>,
struct LayoutWrapper(pango::Layout);
impl ops::Deref for LayoutWrapper {
type Target = pango::Layout;
fn deref(&self) -> &pango::Layout {
assert_eq!(self.0.ref_count(), 1);
// SAFETY: We ensure that there are never multiple references to the layout.
unsafe impl Send for LayoutWrapper {}
fn create_pipeline() -> Result<gst::Pipeline, Error> {
let pipeline = gst::Pipeline::new(None);
let src = gst::ElementFactory::make("videotestsrc")
// The videotestsrc supports multiple test patterns. In this example, we will use the
// pattern with a white ball moving around the video's center point.
.property_from_str("pattern", "ball")
let overlay = gst::ElementFactory::make("cairooverlay").build()?;
// Plug in a capsfilter element that will force the videotestsrc and the cairooverlay to work
// with images of the size 800x800.
let caps = gst_video::VideoCapsBuilder::new()
let capsfilter = gst::ElementFactory::make("capsfilter")
.property("caps", &caps)
let videoconvert = gst::ElementFactory::make("videoconvert").build()?;
let sink = gst::ElementFactory::make("autovideosink").build()?;
pipeline.add_many(&[&src, &overlay, &capsfilter, &videoconvert, &sink])?;
gst::Element::link_many(&[&src, &overlay, &capsfilter, &videoconvert, &sink])?;
// The PangoFontMap represents the set of fonts available for a particular rendering system.
let fontmap = pangocairo::FontMap::new();
// Create a new pango layouting context for the fontmap.
let context = fontmap.create_context();
// Create a pango layout object. This object is a string of text we want to layout.
// It is wrapped in a LayoutWrapper (defined above) to be able to send it across threads.
let layout = LayoutWrapper(pango::Layout::new(&context));
// Select the text content and the font we want to use for the piece of text.
let font_desc = pango::FontDescription::from_string("Sans Bold 26");
// The following is a context struct (containing the pango layout and the configured video info).
// We have to wrap it in an Arc (or Rc) to get reference counting, that is: to be able to have
// shared ownership of it in multiple different places (the two signal handlers here).
// We have to wrap it in a Mutex because Rust's type-system can't know that both signals are
// only ever called from a single thread (the streaming thread). It would be enough to have
// something that is Send in theory but that's not how signal handlers are generated unfortunately.
// The Mutex (or otherwise if we didn't need the Sync bound we could use a RefCell) is to implement
// interior mutability (see Rust docs). Via this we can get a mutable reference to the contained
// data which is checked at runtime for uniqueness (blocking in case of mutex, panic in case
// of refcell) instead of compile-time (like with normal references).
let drawer = Arc::new(Mutex::new(DrawingContext { layout, info: None }));
let drawer_clone = drawer.clone();
// Connect to the cairooverlay element's "draw" signal, which is emitted for
// each videoframe piped through the element. Here we have the possibility to
// draw on top of the frame (overlay it), using the cairo render api.
// Signals connected with the connect(<name>, ...) API get their arguments
// passed as array of glib::Value. For a documentation about the actual arguments
// it is always a good idea to either check the element's signals using either
// gst-inspect, or the online documentation.
overlay.connect("draw", false, move |args| {
use std::f64::consts::PI;
let drawer = &drawer_clone;
let drawer = drawer.lock().unwrap();
// Get the signal's arguments
let _overlay = args[0].get::<gst::Element>().unwrap();
// This is the cairo context. This is the root of all of cairo's
// drawing functionality.
let cr = args[1].get::<cairo::Context>().unwrap();
let timestamp = args[2].get::<gst::ClockTime>().unwrap();
let _duration = args[3].get::<gst::ClockTime>().unwrap();
let info =;
let layout = &drawer.layout;
let angle = 2.0 * PI * (timestamp % (10 * gst::ClockTime::SECOND)).nseconds() as f64
/ (10.0 * gst::ClockTime::SECOND.nseconds() as f64);
// The image we draw (the text) will be static, but we will change the
// transformation on the drawing context, which rotates and shifts everything
// that we draw afterwards. Like this, we have no complicated calulations
// in the actual drawing below.
// Calling multiple transformation methods after each other will apply the
// new transformation on top. If you repeat the cr.rotate(angle) line below
// this a second time, everything in the canvas will rotate twice as fast.
f64::from(info.width()) / 2.0,
f64::from(info.height()) / 2.0,
// This loop will render 10 times the string "GStreamer" in a circle
for i in 0..10 {
// Cairo, like most rendering frameworks, is using a stack for transformations
// with this, we push our current transformation onto this stack - allowing us
// to make temporary changes / render something / and then returning to the
// previous transformations."Failed to save state");
let angle = (360. * f64::from(i)) / 10.0;
let red = (1.0 + f64::cos((angle - 60.0) * PI / 180.0)) / 2.0;
cr.set_source_rgb(red, 0.0, 1.0 - red);
cr.rotate(angle * PI / 180.0);
// Update the text layout. This function is only updating pango's internal state.
// So e.g. that after a 90 degree rotation it knows that what was previously going
// to end up as a 200x100 rectangle would now be 100x200.
pangocairo::functions::update_layout(&cr, &**layout);
let (width, _height) = layout.size();
// Using width and height of the text, we can properly possition it within
// our canvas.
-(f64::from(width) / f64::from(pango::SCALE)) / 2.0,
-(f64::from(info.height())) / 2.0,
// After telling the layout object where to draw itself, we actually tell
// it to draw itself into our cairo context.
pangocairo::functions::show_layout(&cr, &**layout);
// Here we go one step up in our stack of transformations, removing any
// changes we did to them since the last call to;
cr.restore().expect("Failed to restore state");
// Add a signal handler to the overlay's "caps-changed" signal. This could e.g.
// be called when the sink that we render to does not support resizing the image
// itself - but the user just changed the window-size. The element after the overlay
// will then change its caps and we use the notification about this change to
// resize our canvas's size.
// Another possibility for when this might happen is, when our video is a network
// stream that dynamically changes resolution when enough bandwith is available.
overlay.connect("caps-changed", false, move |args| {
let _overlay = args[0].get::<gst::Element>().unwrap();
let caps = args[1].get::<gst::Caps>().unwrap();
let mut drawer = drawer.lock().unwrap(); = Some(gst_video::VideoInfo::from_caps(&caps).unwrap());
fn main_loop(pipeline: gst::Pipeline) -> Result<(), Error> {
let bus = pipeline
.expect("Pipeline without bus. Shouldn't happen!");
for msg in bus.iter_timed(gst::ClockTime::NONE) {
use gst::MessageView;
match msg.view() {
MessageView::Eos(..) => break,
MessageView::Error(err) => {
return Err(ErrorMessage {
src: msg
.map(|s| String::from(s.path_string()))
.unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("None")),
error: err.error().to_string(),
debug: err.debug(),
source: err.error(),
_ => (),
fn example_main() {
match create_pipeline().and_then(main_loop) {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => eprintln!("Error! {}", e),
fn main() {
// tutorials_common::run is only required to set up the application environment on macOS
// (but not necessary in normal Cocoa applications where this is set up automatically)