Sebastian Dröge 7423b1dea6 elementfactory: Change make() / create() to builders and keep the old variants as create_with_name() / make_with_name()
As a side-effect, this also now includes the element factory name in the
error messages instead of giving the same error string for every

Partially fixes

Also let them all go through the same, single object construction code.
2022-10-19 17:48:39 +03:00

52 lines
2 KiB

// This example demonstrates how to use GStreamer's iteration APIs.
// This is used at multiple occassions - for example to iterate an
// element's pads.
use gst::prelude::*;
#[path = "../"]
mod examples_common;
fn example_main() {
// Create and use an identity element here.
// This element does nothing, really. We also never add it to a pipeline.
// We just want to iterate the identity element's pads.
let identity = gst::ElementFactory::make("identity").build().unwrap();
// Get an iterator over all pads of the identity-element.
let mut iter = identity.iterate_pads();
loop {
// In an endless-loop, we use the iterator until we either reach the end
// or we hit an error.
match {
Ok(Some(pad)) => println!("Pad: {}",,
Ok(None) => {
// We reached the end of the iterator, there are no more pads
// It is very important to handle this resync error by calling resync
// on the iterator. This error happens, when the container that is iterated
// changed during iteration. (e.g. a pad was added while we used the
// iterator to iterate over all of an element's pads).
// After calling resync on the iterator, iteration will start from the beginning
// again. So the application should be able to handle that.
Err(gst::IteratorError::Resync) => {
println!("Iterator resync");
Err(gst::IteratorError::Error) => {
fn main() {
// tutorials_common::run is only required to set up the application environment on macOS
// (but not necessary in normal Cocoa applications where this is set up automatically)