Otavio Salvador 6fc70ee6b6 examples: Move to 2018 edition
This code rework the examples to use the new 2018 edition and also
rework the code to avoid using unnecessary 'extern crate' calls.

The 'use extern crate gstreamer as gst', as well as the other gstramer
related crates, were kept, otherwise we'd need to do it on 'Cargo.toml'
but it would make it more difficult to figure out the respective crate
2020-05-03 18:42:57 -03:00

164 lines
6.9 KiB

// This example demonstrates how to use gstreamer in conjunction with the gtk widget toolkit.
// This example shows the video produced by a videotestsrc within a small gtk gui.
// For this, the gtkglsink is used, which creates a gtk widget one can embed the gtk gui.
// For this, there multiple types of widgets. gtkglsink uses OpenGL to render frames, and
// gtksink uses the CPU to render the frames (which is way slower).
// So the example application first tries to use OpenGL, and when that fails, fall back.
// The pipeline looks like the following:
// gtk-gui: {gtkglsink}-widget
// (|)
// {videotestsrc} - {glsinkbin}
extern crate gstreamer as gst;
use gst::prelude::*;
use gio::prelude::*;
use gtk::prelude::*;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::env;
fn create_ui(app: &gtk::Application) {
let pipeline = gst::Pipeline::new(None);
let src = gst::ElementFactory::make("videotestsrc", None).unwrap();
// Create the gtk sink and retrieve the widget from it. The sink element will be used
// in the pipeline, and the widget will be embedded in our gui.
// Gstreamer then displays frames in the gtk widget.
// First, we try to use the OpenGL version - and if that fails, we fall back to non-OpenGL.
let (sink, widget) = if let Ok(gtkglsink) = gst::ElementFactory::make("gtkglsink", None) {
// Using the OpenGL widget succeeded, so we are in for a nice playback experience with
// low cpu usage. :)
// The gtkglsink essentially allocates an OpenGL texture on the GPU, that it will display.
// Now we create the glsinkbin element, which is responsible for conversions and for uploading
// video frames to our texture (if they are not already in the GPU). Now we tell the OpenGL-sink
// about our gtkglsink element, form where it will retrieve the OpenGL texture to fill.
let glsinkbin = gst::ElementFactory::make("glsinkbin", None).unwrap();
.set_property("sink", &gtkglsink.to_value())
// The gtkglsink creates the gtk widget for us. This is accessible through a property.
// So we get it and use it later to add it to our gui.
let widget = gtkglsink.get_property("widget").unwrap();
(glsinkbin, widget.get::<gtk::Widget>().unwrap().unwrap())
} else {
// Unfortunately, using the OpenGL widget didn't work out, so we will have to render
// our frames manually, using the CPU. An example why this may fail is, when
// the PC doesn't have proper graphics drivers installed.
let sink = gst::ElementFactory::make("gtksink", None).unwrap();
// The gtksink creates the gtk widget for us. This is accessible through a property.
// So we get it and use it later to add it to our gui.
let widget = sink.get_property("widget").unwrap();
(sink, widget.get::<gtk::Widget>().unwrap().unwrap())
pipeline.add_many(&[&src, &sink]).unwrap();;
// Create a simple gtk gui window to place our widget into.
let window = gtk::Window::new(gtk::WindowType::Toplevel);
window.set_default_size(320, 240);
let vbox = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Vertical, 0);
// Add our widget to the gui
vbox.pack_start(&widget, true, true, 0);
let label = gtk::Label::new(Some("Position: 00:00:00"));
vbox.pack_start(&label, true, true, 5);
// Need to move a new reference into the closure.
// It might seem appealing to use pipeline.clone() here, because that greatly
// simplifies the code within the callback. What this actually does, however, is creating
// a memory leak. The clone of a pipeline is a new strong reference on the pipeline.
// Storing this strong reference of the pipeline within the callback (we are moving it in!),
// which is in turn stored in another strong reference on the pipeline is creating a
// reference cycle.
let pipeline_weak = pipeline.downgrade();
// Add a timeout to the main loop that will periodically (every 500ms) be
// executed. This will query the current position within the stream from
// the underlying pipeline, and display it in our gui.
// Since this closure is called by the mainloop thread, we are allowed
// to modify the gui widgets here.
let timeout_id = gtk::timeout_add(500, move || {
// Here we temporarily retrieve a strong reference on the pipeline from the weak one
// we moved into this callback.
let pipeline = match pipeline_weak.upgrade() {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline,
None => return glib::Continue(true),
// Query the current playing position from the underlying pipeline.
let position = pipeline
.unwrap_or_else(|| 0.into());
// Display the playing position in the gui.
label.set_text(&format!("Position: {:.0}", position));
// Tell the callback to continue calling this closure.
let bus = pipeline.get_bus().unwrap();
.expect("Unable to set the pipeline to the `Playing` state");
let app_weak = app.downgrade();
bus.add_watch_local(move |_, msg| {
use gst::MessageView;
let app = match app_weak.upgrade() {
Some(app) => app,
None => return glib::Continue(false),
match msg.view() {
MessageView::Eos(..) => gtk::main_quit(),
MessageView::Error(err) => {
"Error from {:?}: {} ({:?})",
err.get_src().map(|s| s.get_path_string()),
_ => (),
.expect("Failed to add bus watch");
// Pipeline reference is owned by the closure below, so will be
// destroyed once the app is destroyed
let timeout_id = RefCell::new(Some(timeout_id));
app.connect_shutdown(move |_| {
.expect("Unable to set the pipeline to the `Null` state");
if let Some(timeout_id) = timeout_id.borrow_mut().take() {
fn main() {
// Initialize gstreamer and the gtk widget toolkit libraries.
let app = gtk::Application::new(None, gio::ApplicationFlags::FLAGS_NONE).unwrap();
let args = env::args().collect::<Vec<_>>();;