2021-03-09 16:04:32 +02:00

91 lines
2.9 KiB

// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
use glib::prelude::*;
use glib::translate::*;
use glib::subclass::prelude::*;
use crate::URIHandler;
use crate::URIType;
pub trait URIHandlerImpl: super::element::ElementImpl {
const URI_TYPE: URIType;
fn get_protocols() -> &'static [&'static str];
fn get_uri(&self, element: &Self::Type) -> Option<String>;
fn set_uri(&self, element: &Self::Type, uri: &str) -> Result<(), glib::Error>;
// Send+Sync wrapper around a NULL-terminated C string array
struct CStrV(*const *const libc::c_char);
unsafe impl Send for CStrV {}
unsafe impl Sync for CStrV {}
unsafe impl<T: URIHandlerImpl> IsImplementable<T> for URIHandler {
fn interface_init(iface: &mut glib::Class<Self>) {
let iface = iface.as_mut();
// Store the protocols in the interface data for later use
unsafe {
let mut data = T::type_data();
let protocols = T::get_protocols();
let protocols = protocols.to_glib_full();
let data = data.as_mut();
data.set_class_data(URIHandler::static_type(), CStrV(protocols));
iface.get_type = Some(uri_handler_get_type::<T>);
iface.get_protocols = Some(uri_handler_get_protocols::<T>);
iface.get_uri = Some(uri_handler_get_uri::<T>);
iface.set_uri = Some(uri_handler_set_uri::<T>);
fn instance_init(_instance: &mut glib::subclass::InitializingObject<T>) {}
unsafe extern "C" fn uri_handler_get_type<T: URIHandlerImpl>(
_type_: glib::ffi::GType,
) -> ffi::GstURIType {
<T as URIHandlerImpl>::URI_TYPE.to_glib()
unsafe extern "C" fn uri_handler_get_protocols<T: URIHandlerImpl>(
_type_: glib::ffi::GType,
) -> *const *const libc::c_char {
let data = <T as ObjectSubclassType>::type_data();
unsafe extern "C" fn uri_handler_get_uri<T: URIHandlerImpl>(
uri_handler: *mut ffi::GstURIHandler,
) -> *mut libc::c_char {
let instance = &*(uri_handler as *mut T::Instance);
let imp = instance.get_impl();
imp.get_uri(&from_glib_borrow::<_, URIHandler>(uri_handler).unsafe_cast_ref())
unsafe extern "C" fn uri_handler_set_uri<T: URIHandlerImpl>(
uri_handler: *mut ffi::GstURIHandler,
uri: *const libc::c_char,
err: *mut *mut glib::ffi::GError,
) -> glib::ffi::gboolean {
let instance = &*(uri_handler as *mut T::Instance);
let imp = instance.get_impl();
match imp.set_uri(
&from_glib_borrow::<_, URIHandler>(uri_handler).unsafe_cast_ref(),
) {
Ok(()) => true.to_glib(),
Err(error) => {
*err = error.to_glib_full() as *mut _;