François Laignel 57d8d46ab6 gst/format: fix some ops and add others
Some operations were implemented on types that wouldn't result in
the expected physical unit. E.g.:

- `ClockTime / ClockTime` results in a unit-less factor.
- `u64 / ClockTime` would result in a `1 / ClockTime`. Since we don't
  use any `Frequency` type, this operation is removed. Users should
  use the `ClockTime` accessors to compute the expected value.

This commit also adds:

- multiplications with integers as the left hand side operands.
- `Partial{Eq,Ord} for `Signed<T>` with `T` as left hand side operand.
- `opt_add` / `opt_sub` for `Signed<T>` with `T` as left or right hand
   side operands.
- missing tests for `Partial{Eq,Ord}` and `OptionOrd`.

This implementation can interfere with unrelated code and was removed:

- `Signed<usize>.` `PartialOrd` makes existing code computing the len
  of slices needing type annotation because the len is later used in
  a comparison for which the compiler is unable to determine if
  the len is `Signed<usize>` or `usize`.
2022-10-01 13:15:11 +02:00

192 lines
6.3 KiB

use gst::prelude::*;
use glib::FlagsClass;
use anyhow::Error;
use std::io::Write;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
#[path = "../"]
mod tutorials_common;
const GRAPH_LENGTH: usize = 78;
fn tutorial_main() -> Result<(), Error> {
// Initialize GStreamer
// Build the pipeline
let uri =
let pipeline = gst::ElementFactory::make("playbin", None)?;
pipeline.set_property("uri", uri);
// Set the download flag
let flags = pipeline.property_value("flags");
let flags_class = FlagsClass::new(flags.type_()).unwrap();
let flags = flags_class
pipeline.set_property_from_value("flags", &flags);
// Uncomment this line to limit the amount of downloaded data.
// pipeline.set_property("ring-buffer-max-size", 4_000_000u64);
// Start playing
let mut is_live = false;
let ret = pipeline.set_state(gst::State::Playing)?;
if ret == gst::StateChangeSuccess::NoPreroll {
is_live = true;
let buffering_level = Arc::new(Mutex::new(100));
let buffering_level_clone = buffering_level.clone();
let main_loop = glib::MainLoop::new(None, false);
let main_loop_clone = main_loop.clone();
let pipeline_weak = pipeline.downgrade();
let bus = pipeline.bus().unwrap();
bus.add_watch(move |_, msg| {
use gst::MessageView;
let buffering_level = &buffering_level_clone;
let pipeline = match pipeline_weak.upgrade() {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline,
None => return glib::Continue(false),
let main_loop = &main_loop_clone;
match msg.view() {
MessageView::Error(err) => {
"Error from {:?}: {} ({:?})",
err.src().map(|s| s.path_string()),
MessageView::Eos(..) => {
MessageView::Buffering(buffering) => {
// If the stream is live, we do not care about buffering.
if is_live {
return glib::Continue(true);
// Wait until buffering is complete before start/resume playing.
let percent = buffering.percent();
if percent < 100 {
let _ = pipeline.set_state(gst::State::Paused);
} else {
let _ = pipeline.set_state(gst::State::Playing);
*buffering_level.lock().unwrap() = percent;
MessageView::ClockLost(_) => {
// Get a new clock.
let _ = pipeline.set_state(gst::State::Paused);
let _ = pipeline.set_state(gst::State::Playing);
_ => (),
.expect("Failed to add bus watch");
pipeline.connect("deep-notify::temp-location", false, |args| {
let download_buffer = args[1].get::<gst::Object>().unwrap();
"Temporary file: {:?}",<Option<String>>("temp-location")
// Uncomment this line to keep the temporary file after the program exists.
// download_buffer.set_property("temp-remove", false).ok();
let pipeline_weak_ = pipeline.downgrade();
let timeout_id = glib::timeout_add_seconds(1, move || {
use gst::{format::Percent, GenericFormattedValue as GFV};
let pipeline = match pipeline_weak_.upgrade() {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline,
None => return glib::Continue(false),
let mut graph = vec![b' '; GRAPH_LENGTH];
let mut buffering = gst::query::Buffering::new(gst::Format::Percent);
if pipeline.query(&mut buffering) {
let ranges = buffering.ranges();
for range in &ranges {
let start = range.0;
let stop = range.1;
let start = if let GFV::Percent(start) = start {
} else {
} / Percent::MAX;
let stop = if let GFV::Percent(stop) = stop {
} else {
} / Percent::MAX;
if start == 0 && stop == 0 {
let start_ = (start * GRAPH_LENGTH as u32) / (stop - start);
let stop_ = (stop * GRAPH_LENGTH as u32) / (stop - start);
for j in start_..stop_ {
graph[j as usize] = b'-';
if let Some(position) = pipeline.query_position::<gst::ClockTime>() {
if let Some(duration) = pipeline.query_duration::<gst::ClockTime>() {
let current_progress =
GRAPH_LENGTH as u64 * position.seconds() / duration.seconds();
let buffering_level = buffering_level.lock().unwrap();
graph[current_progress as usize] = if *buffering_level < 100 { b'X' } else { b'>' };
print!("[{}]", std::str::from_utf8(&graph).unwrap());
let buffering_level = buffering_level.lock().unwrap();
if *buffering_level < 100 {
print!("Buffering: {}%", *buffering_level);
} else {
print!(" ");
// Shutdown pipeline
fn main() {
// tutorials_common::run is only required to set up the application environment on macOS
// (but not necessary in normal Cocoa applications where this is set up automatically)
match tutorials_common::run(tutorial_main) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(err) => eprintln!("Failed: {}", err),