Otavio Salvador 2022890766 examples: Move out from 'failure' crate as it is deprecated
The 'failure' crate has been stale for quite some time and better
alternatives has been developed since its introduction. We choose the
'anyhow' and 'derive_more' to replace it.
2020-05-04 11:16:50 -03:00

186 lines
6.6 KiB

// This example demonstrates the use of the appsink element.
// It operates the following pipeline:
// {audiotestsrc} - {appsink}
// The application specifies what format it wants to handle. This format
// is applied by calling set_caps on the appsink. Now it's the audiotestsrc's
// task to provide this data format. If the element connected to the appsink's
// sink-pad were not able to provide what we ask them to, this would fail.
// This is the format we request:
// Audio / Signed 16bit / 1 channel / arbitrary sample rate
extern crate gstreamer as gst;
use gst::gst_element_error;
use gst::prelude::*;
extern crate gstreamer_app as gst_app;
extern crate gstreamer_audio as gst_audio;
use byte_slice_cast::*;
use std::i16;
use std::i32;
use anyhow::Error;
use derive_more::{Display, Error};
#[path = "../"]
mod examples_common;
#[derive(Debug, Display, Error)]
#[display(fmt = "Missing element {}", _0)]
struct MissingElement(#[error(not(source))] &'static str);
#[derive(Debug, Display, Error)]
#[display(fmt = "Received error from {}: {} (debug: {:?})", src, error, debug)]
struct ErrorMessage {
src: String,
error: String,
debug: Option<String>,
source: glib::Error,
fn create_pipeline() -> Result<gst::Pipeline, Error> {
let pipeline = gst::Pipeline::new(None);
let src = gst::ElementFactory::make("audiotestsrc", None)
.map_err(|_| MissingElement("audiotestsrc"))?;
let sink = gst::ElementFactory::make("appsink", None).map_err(|_| MissingElement("appsink"))?;
pipeline.add_many(&[&src, &sink])?;;
let appsink = sink
.expect("Sink element is expected to be an appsink!");
// Tell the appsink what format we want. It will then be the audiotestsrc's job to
// provide the format we request.
// This can be set after linking the two objects, because format negotiation between
// both elements will happen during pre-rolling of the pipeline.
("format", &gst_audio::AUDIO_FORMAT_S16.to_str()),
("layout", &"interleaved"),
("channels", &(1i32)),
("rate", &gst::IntRange::<i32>::new(1, i32::MAX)),
// Getting data out of the appsink is done by setting callbacks on it.
// The appsink will then call those handlers, as soon as data is available.
// Add a handler to the "new-sample" signal.
.new_sample(|appsink| {
// Pull the sample in question out of the appsink's buffer.
let sample = appsink.pull_sample().map_err(|_| gst::FlowError::Eos)?;
let buffer = sample.get_buffer().ok_or_else(|| {
("Failed to get buffer from appsink")
// At this point, buffer is only a reference to an existing memory region somewhere.
// When we want to access its content, we have to map it while requesting the required
// mode of access (read, read/write).
// This type of abstraction is necessary, because the buffer in question might not be
// on the machine's main memory itself, but rather in the GPU's memory.
// So mapping the buffer makes the underlying memory region accessible to us.
// See:
let map = buffer.map_readable().map_err(|_| {
("Failed to map buffer readable")
// We know what format the data in the memory region has, since we requested
// it by setting the appsink's caps. So what we do here is interpret the
// memory region we mapped as an array of signed 16 bit integers.
let samples = map.as_slice_of::<i16>().map_err(|_| {
("Failed to interprete buffer as S16 PCM")
// For buffer (= chunk of samples), we calculate the root mean square:
// (
let sum: f64 = samples
.map(|sample| {
let f = f64::from(*sample) / f64::from(i16::MAX);
f * f
let rms = (sum / (samples.len() as f64)).sqrt();
println!("rms: {}", rms);
fn main_loop(pipeline: gst::Pipeline) -> Result<(), Error> {
let bus = pipeline
.expect("Pipeline without bus. Shouldn't happen!");
for msg in bus.iter_timed(gst::CLOCK_TIME_NONE) {
use gst::MessageView;
match msg.view() {
MessageView::Eos(..) => break,
MessageView::Error(err) => {
return Err(ErrorMessage {
src: msg
.map(|s| String::from(s.get_path_string()))
.unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("None")),
error: err.get_error().to_string(),
debug: err.get_debug(),
source: err.get_error(),
_ => (),
fn example_main() {
match create_pipeline().and_then(main_loop) {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => eprintln!("Error! {}", e),
fn main() {
// tutorials_common::run is only required to set up the application environent on macOS
// (but not necessary in normal Cocoa applications where this is set up autmatically)