examples: Add example that creates a thumbnail of a given position in a stream using the image crate

This commit is contained in:
Sebastian Dröge 2020-08-03 00:21:21 +03:00
parent 4648cf1b34
commit 9ffe2238a7
2 changed files with 256 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ pangocairo = { git = "https://github.com/gtk-rs/pangocairo", optional = true }
glutin = { version = "0.21", optional = true }
winit = { version = "0.19", optional = true }
once_cell = "1.0"
image = { version="0.23", optional = true }
gl_generator = { version = "0.14", optional = true }
@ -166,3 +167,7 @@ name = "subclass"
name = "video_converter"
name = "thumbnail"
required-features = ["image"]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
// This example demonstrates how to get a raw video frame at a given position
// and then rescale and store it with the image crate:
// {uridecodebin} - {videoconvert} - {appsink}
// The appsink enforces RGBA so that the image crate can use it. The image crate also requires
// tightly packed pixels, which is the case for RGBA by default in GStreamer.
extern crate gstreamer as gst;
use gst::gst_element_error;
use gst::prelude::*;
extern crate gstreamer_app as gst_app;
extern crate gstreamer_video as gst_video;
extern crate image;
use anyhow::Error;
use derive_more::{Display, Error};
#[path = "../examples-common.rs"]
mod examples_common;
#[derive(Debug, Display, Error)]
#[display(fmt = "Missing element {}", _0)]
struct MissingElement(#[error(not(source))] &'static str);
#[derive(Debug, Display, Error)]
#[display(fmt = "Received error from {}: {} (debug: {:?})", src, error, debug)]
struct ErrorMessage {
src: String,
error: String,
debug: Option<String>,
source: glib::Error,
fn create_pipeline(uri: String, out_path: std::path::PathBuf) -> Result<gst::Pipeline, Error> {
// Create our pipeline from a pipeline description string.
let pipeline = gst::parse_launch(&format!(
"uridecodebin uri={} ! videoconvert ! appsink name=sink",
.expect("Expected a gst::Pipeline");
// Get access to the appsink element.
let appsink = pipeline
.expect("Sink element not found")
.expect("Sink element is expected to be an appsink!");
// Don't synchronize on the clock, we only want a snapshot asap.
appsink.set_property("sync", &false).unwrap();
// Tell the appsink what format we want.
// This can be set after linking the two objects, because format negotiation between
// both elements will happen during pre-rolling of the pipeline.
.field("format", &gst_video::VideoFormat::Rgba.to_str())
let mut got_snapshot = false;
// Getting data out of the appsink is done by setting callbacks on it.
// The appsink will then call those handlers, as soon as data is available.
// Add a handler to the "new-sample" signal.
.new_sample(move |appsink| {
// Pull the sample in question out of the appsink's buffer.
let sample = appsink.pull_sample().map_err(|_| gst::FlowError::Eos)?;
let buffer = sample.get_buffer().ok_or_else(|| {
("Failed to get buffer from appsink")
let caps = sample.get_caps().expect("Sample without caps");
let info = gst_video::VideoInfo::from_caps(&caps).expect("Failed to parse caps");
// Make sure that we only get a single buffer
if got_snapshot {
return Err(gst::FlowError::Eos);
got_snapshot = true;
// At this point, buffer is only a reference to an existing memory region somewhere.
// When we want to access its content, we have to map it while requesting the required
// mode of access (read, read/write).
// This type of abstraction is necessary, because the buffer in question might not be
// on the machine's main memory itself, but rather in the GPU's memory.
// So mapping the buffer makes the underlying memory region accessible to us.
// See: https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/plugin-development/advanced/allocation.html
let map = buffer.map_readable().map_err(|_| {
("Failed to map buffer readable")
// We only want to have a single buffer and then have the pipeline terminate
println!("Have video frame");
// Calculate a target width/height that keeps the display aspect ratio while having
// a height of 240 pixels
let display_aspect_ratio = (info.width() as f64 * *info.par().numer() as f64)
/ (info.height() as f64 * *info.par().denom() as f64);
let target_height = 240;
let target_width = target_height as f64 * display_aspect_ratio;
// Create an ImageBuffer around the borrowed video frame data from GStreamer.
let img = image::ImageBuffer::<image::Rgba<u8>, _>::from_raw(
.expect("Failed to create ImageBuffer, probably a stride mismatch");
// Scale image to our target dimensions
let scaled_img =
image::imageops::thumbnail(&img, target_width as u32, target_height as u32);
// Save it at the specific location. This automatically detects the file type
// based on the filename.
scaled_img.save(&out_path).map_err(|err| {
"Failed to write thumbnail file {}: {}",
println!("Wrote thumbnail to {}", out_path.display());
fn main_loop(pipeline: gst::Pipeline, position: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
let bus = pipeline
.expect("Pipeline without bus. Shouldn't happen!");
let mut seeked = false;
for msg in bus.iter_timed(gst::CLOCK_TIME_NONE) {
use gst::MessageView;
match msg.view() {
MessageView::AsyncDone(..) => {
if !seeked {
// AsyncDone means that the pipeline has started now and that we can seek
println!("Got AsyncDone message, seeking to {}s", position);
if pipeline
.seek_simple(gst::SeekFlags::FLUSH, position * gst::SECOND)
println!("Failed to seek, taking first frame");
seeked = true;
} else {
println!("Got second AsyncDone message, seek finished");
MessageView::Eos(..) => {
// The End-of-stream message is posted when the stream is done, which in our case
// happens immediately after creating the thumbnail because we return
// gst::FlowError::Eos then.
println!("Got Eos message, done");
MessageView::Error(err) => {
return Err(ErrorMessage {
src: msg
.map(|s| String::from(s.get_path_string()))
.unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("None")),
error: err.get_error().to_string(),
debug: err.get_debug(),
source: err.get_error(),
_ => (),
fn example_main() {
use std::env;
let mut args = env::args();
// Parse commandline arguments: input URI, position in seconds, output path
let _arg0 = args.next().unwrap();
let uri = args
.expect("No input URI provided on the commandline");
let position = args
.expect("No position in second on the commandline");
let position = position
.expect("Failed to parse position as integer");
let out_path = args
.expect("No output path provided on the commandline");
let out_path = std::path::PathBuf::from(out_path);
match create_pipeline(uri, out_path).and_then(|pipeline| main_loop(pipeline, position)) {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => eprintln!("Error! {}", e),
fn main() {
// tutorials_common::run is only required to set up the application environent on macOS
// (but not necessary in normal Cocoa applications where this is set up autmatically)