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2020-12-15 10:53:31 +00:00
// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
use glib::translate::*;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::{cmp, convert, fmt};
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy, Debug, Default)]
pub struct ClockTime(pub Option<u64>);
impl ClockTime {
pub fn hours(&self) -> Option<u64> {
(*self / crate::SECOND / 60 / 60).0
pub fn minutes(&self) -> Option<u64> {
(*self / crate::SECOND / 60).0
pub fn seconds(&self) -> Option<u64> {
(*self / crate::SECOND).0
pub fn mseconds(&self) -> Option<u64> {
(*self / crate::MSECOND).0
pub fn useconds(&self) -> Option<u64> {
(*self / crate::USECOND).0
pub fn nseconds(&self) -> Option<u64> {
(*self / crate::NSECOND).0
pub fn nanoseconds(&self) -> Option<u64> {
pub fn from_seconds(seconds: u64) -> ClockTime {
2020-03-22 14:18:47 +00:00
seconds * crate::SECOND
pub fn from_mseconds(mseconds: u64) -> ClockTime {
2020-03-22 14:18:47 +00:00
mseconds * crate::MSECOND
pub fn from_useconds(useconds: u64) -> ClockTime {
2020-03-22 14:18:47 +00:00
useconds * crate::USECOND
pub fn from_nseconds(nseconds: u64) -> ClockTime {
2020-03-22 14:18:47 +00:00
nseconds * crate::NSECOND
// This macro is also used by formats with an inner Option.
// It is defined here because the format module depends on ClockTime.
macro_rules! impl_common_ops_for_opt_int(
($name:ident) => {
impl $name {
#[must_use = "this returns the result of the operation, without modifying the original"]
pub fn saturating_add(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<Self> {
match (self.0, rhs.0) {
(Some(this), Some(rhs)) => Some(Self(Some(this.saturating_add(rhs)))),
_ => None,
#[must_use = "this returns the result of the operation, without modifying the original"]
pub fn saturating_sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<Self> {
match (self.0, rhs.0) {
(Some(this), Some(rhs)) => Some(Self(Some(this.saturating_sub(rhs)))),
_ => None,
#[must_use = "this returns the result of the operation, without modifying the original"]
pub fn min(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<Self> {
match (self.0, rhs.0) {
(Some(this), Some(rhs)) => Some(Self(Some(this.min(rhs)))),
_ => None,
#[must_use = "this returns the result of the operation, without modifying the original"]
pub fn max(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<Self> {
match (self.0, rhs.0) {
(Some(this), Some(rhs)) => Some(Self(Some(this.max(rhs)))),
_ => None,
pub fn zero() -> Self {
// FIXME `matches!` was introduced in rustc 1.42.0, current MSRV is 1.41.0
// FIXME uncomment when CI can upgrade to 1.47.1
pub fn is_zero(&self) -> bool {
match self.0 {
Some(0) => true,
_ => false,
pub fn none() -> Self {
impl cmp::PartialOrd for $name {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
match (self.0, other.0) {
(Some(this), Some(other)) => this.partial_cmp(&other),
(None, None) => Some(cmp::Ordering::Equal),
_ => None,
impl fmt::Display for ClockTime {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let precision = f.precision().unwrap_or(9);
// TODO: Could also check width and pad the hours as needed
let (h, m, s, ns) = match self.0 {
Some(v) => {
let mut s = v / 1_000_000_000;
let mut m = s / 60;
let h = m / 60;
s %= 60;
m %= 60;
let ns = v % 1_000_000_000;
(h, m, s, ns)
None => (99, 99, 99, 999_999_999),
if precision == 0 {
f.write_fmt(format_args!("{:02}:{:02}:{:02}", h, m, s))
} else {
let mut divisor = 1;
let precision = cmp::min(precision, 9);
for _ in 0..(9 - precision) {
divisor *= 10;
ns / divisor,
width = precision
impl ToGlib for ClockTime {
type GlibType = ffi::GstClockTime;
fn to_glib(&self) -> ffi::GstClockTime {
match self.0 {
Some(v) => v,
impl FromGlib<ffi::GstClockTime> for ClockTime {
unsafe fn from_glib(value: ffi::GstClockTime) -> Self {
match value {
ffi::GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE => ClockTime(None),
value => ClockTime(Some(value)),
impl<'a> glib::value::FromValueOptional<'a> for ClockTime {
unsafe fn from_value_optional(value: &'a glib::Value) -> Option<Self> {
<u64 as glib::value::FromValueOptional>::from_value_optional(value)
.map(|x| ClockTime::from_glib(x))
impl<'a> glib::value::FromValue<'a> for ClockTime {
unsafe fn from_value(value: &'a glib::Value) -> Self {
ClockTime::from_glib(<u64 as glib::value::FromValue>::from_value(value))
impl glib::value::SetValue for ClockTime {
unsafe fn set_value(value: &mut glib::Value, this: &Self) {
<u64 as glib::value::SetValue>::set_value(value, &this.to_glib());
impl glib::StaticType for ClockTime {
fn static_type() -> glib::Type {
<u64 as glib::StaticType>::static_type()
impl From<Duration> for ClockTime {
fn from(d: Duration) -> Self {
let nanos = d.as_nanos();
if nanos > std::u64::MAX as u128 {
} else {
ClockTime::from_nseconds(nanos as u64)
impl convert::TryFrom<ClockTime> for Duration {
type Error = glib::BoolError;
fn try_from(t: ClockTime) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
.ok_or_else(|| glib::bool_error!("Can't convert ClockTime::NONE to Duration"))
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn ops() {
let ct_10 = ClockTime::from_mseconds(10);
let ct_20 = ClockTime::from_mseconds(20);
let ct_30 = ClockTime::from_mseconds(30);
let ct_none = ClockTime::none();
assert_eq!(ct_10 + ct_20, ct_30);
assert_eq!(ct_10 + ct_none, ct_none);
assert_eq!(ct_none + ct_10, ct_none);
assert_eq!(ct_none + ct_none, ct_none);
assert_eq!(ct_30 - ct_20, ct_10);
assert_eq!(ct_30 - ct_30, ClockTime::zero());
assert_eq!(ct_30 - ct_none, ct_none);
assert_eq!(ct_none - ct_30, ct_none);
assert_eq!(ct_none - ct_none, ct_none);
fn saturating_ops() {
let ct_1 = ClockTime::from_nseconds(1);
let ct_2 = ClockTime::from_nseconds(2);
let ct_max = ClockTime::from_nseconds(std::u64::MAX);
let ct_none = ClockTime::none();
assert_eq!(ct_max.saturating_add(ct_1), Some(ct_max));
fn eq() {
let ct_10 = ClockTime::from_mseconds(10);
let ct_10_2 = ClockTime::from_mseconds(10);
let ct_10_3 = ClockTime::from_mseconds(10);
let ct_20 = ClockTime::from_mseconds(20);
let ct_none = ClockTime::none();
let ct_none_2 = ClockTime::none();
let ct_none_3 = ClockTime::none();
// ## Eq
// ### (a == b) and (a != b) are strict inverses
assert!(ct_10 == ct_10_2);
assert_ne!(ct_10 == ct_10_2, ct_10 != ct_10_2);
assert!(ct_10 != ct_20);
assert_ne!(ct_10 == ct_20, ct_10 != ct_20);
assert!(ct_none == ct_none_2);
assert_ne!(ct_none == ct_none_2, ct_none != ct_none_2);
assert!(ct_10 != ct_none);
assert_ne!(ct_10 == ct_none, ct_10 != ct_none);
assert!(ct_none != ct_10);
assert_ne!(ct_none == ct_10, ct_none != ct_10);
// ### Reflexivity (a == a)
assert!(ct_10 == ct_10);
assert!(ct_none == ct_none);
// ## PartialEq
// ### Symmetric (a == b) => (b == a)
assert!((ct_10 == ct_10_2) && (ct_10_2 == ct_10));
assert!((ct_none == ct_none_2) && (ct_none_2 == ct_none));
// ### Transitive (a == b) and (b == c) => (a == c)
assert!((ct_10 == ct_10_2) && (ct_10_2 == ct_10_3) && (ct_10 == ct_10_3));
assert!((ct_none == ct_none_2) && (ct_none_2 == ct_none_3) && (ct_none == ct_none_3));
fn partial_ord() {
let ct_10 = ClockTime::from_mseconds(10);
let ct_20 = ClockTime::from_mseconds(20);
let ct_30 = ClockTime::from_mseconds(30);
let ct_none = ClockTime::none();
// Special cases
assert_eq!(ct_10 < ct_none, false);
assert_eq!(ct_10 > ct_none, false);
assert_eq!(ct_none < ct_10, false);
assert_eq!(ct_none > ct_10, false);
// Asymmetric a < b => !(a > b)
// a < b => !(a > b)
assert!((ct_10 < ct_20) && !(ct_10 > ct_20));
// a > b => !(a < b)
assert!((ct_20 > ct_10) && !(ct_20 < ct_10));
// Transitive
// a < b and b < c => a < c
assert!((ct_10 < ct_20) && (ct_20 < ct_30) && (ct_10 < ct_30));
// a > b and b > c => a > c
assert!((ct_30 > ct_20) && (ct_20 > ct_10) && (ct_30 > ct_10));
fn not_ord() {
let ct_10 = ClockTime::from_mseconds(10);
let ct_20 = ClockTime::from_mseconds(20);
let ct_none = ClockTime::none();
// Total & Antisymmetric exactly one of a < b, a == b or a > b is true
assert!((ct_10 < ct_20) ^ (ct_10 == ct_20) ^ (ct_10 > ct_20));
// Not Ord due to:
(ct_10 < ct_none) ^ (ct_10 == ct_none) ^ (ct_10 > ct_none),
(ct_none < ct_10) ^ (ct_none == ct_10) ^ (ct_none > ct_10),
fn min_max() {
let ct_10 = ClockTime::from_nseconds(10);
let ct_20 = ClockTime::from_nseconds(20);
let ct_none = ClockTime::none();
assert_eq!(ct_10.min(ct_20).unwrap(), ct_10);
assert_eq!(ct_20.min(ct_10).unwrap(), ct_10);
assert_eq!(ct_10.max(ct_20).unwrap(), ct_20);
assert_eq!(ct_20.max(ct_10).unwrap(), ct_20);