Nirbheek Chauhan 1d4d3e4cb0 build: Update versions to be 0.9.0-alpha.1
0.9.0 is the next release, so we can't name things that already.

Also the version in was 0.13.0, which is completely wrong.
2022-10-04 21:27:23 +05:30

68 lines
1.8 KiB

name = "gst-plugin-aws"
version = "0.9.0-alpha.1"
authors = ["Arun Raghavan <>",
"Jordan Petridis <>",
"Mathieu Duponchelle <>"]
repository = ""
license = "MPL-2.0"
description = "Amazon Web Services plugin"
edition = "2021"
rust-version = "1.63"
bytes = "1.0"
futures = "0.3"
gst = { package = "gstreamer", git = "" }
gst-base = { package = "gstreamer-base", git = "" }
aws-config = "0.49.0"
aws-sdk-s3 = "0.19.0"
aws-sdk-transcribe = "0.19.0"
aws-types = "0.49.0"
aws-sig-auth = "0.49.0"
aws-smithy-http = { version = "0.49.0", features = [ "rt-tokio" ] }
aws-smithy-types = "0.49.0"
http = "0.2.7"
chrono = "0.4"
url = "2"
percent-encoding = "2"
tokio = { version = "1.0", features = [ "full" ] }
async-tungstenite = { version = "0.17", features = ["tokio", "tokio-runtime", "tokio-native-tls"] }
nom = "7"
crc = "3"
byteorder = "1.3.4"
once_cell = "1.0"
serde = "1"
serde_derive = "1"
serde_json = "1"
atomic_refcell = "0.1"
base32 = "0.4"
backoff = { version = "0.4", features = [ "futures", "tokio" ] }
gio = { git = "", package = "gio" }
name = "gstaws"
crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]
path = "src/"
gst-plugin-version-helper = { path="../../version-helper" }
static = []
capi = []
doc = ["gst/v1_18"]
min_version = "0.8.0"
enabled = false
install_subdir = "gstreamer-1.0"
versioning = false
requires_private = "gstreamer-1.0, gstreamer-base-1.0, gobject-2.0, glib-2.0, gmodule-2.0, openssl"