The original awstranscribe element has grown too complex when
integrating translations for reasons that in retrospect were wrong:
As awstranscribe outputs words one by one, I decided we wanted to
perform translations there with larger sentences if available, but an
alternative design where a separate translation element is composed
downstream is also possible, as long as that element accumulates words
and enough latency is set on the transcriber.
An important difference is that the new elements do not expose unsynced
pads, this use case is instead now served by simple messages on the bus.
The elements should otherwise be at feature parity with the original
A higher-level bin is also provided for convenience (and usage within
transcriberbin): translationbin.
A transcriber element can be provided to this bin, which exposes an
always audio sink pad, and an always text sink pad (for the
Additional source pads can be requested for translations, for now the
bin always uses `awstranslate` as the translator, but this can be made
This element is usable as a transcriber in `transcriberbin`.
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